落花飄零 (熱門博主)
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We have had a great life. (圖)

(2006-12-07 17:54:42) 下一個

今天看的一個病人,86歲的老太太,保養得非常好,思路敏捷,風趣幽默,穿著傳統的紅色聖誕假日毛衣,還別了一個特別的聖誕鈴鐺的胸針,為她做體檢的時候,鈴鐺丁丁地響,很有意思。她19歲結婚,他們的結婚紀念日就在最近。老太太說起當年的求婚故事,還是細節栩栩如生。 她的先生,那時候的男朋友,帶她去挑聖誕樹,說是放在他的房間裏,她挑了以後,發現那棵樹上有一枚戒指,她先生說,marry me, I don't want to go home and spend this Christmas without you. 我聽得出了神,手裏的聽診器也忘記了。老太太笑眯眯地說,we have had a great life.

有多少人可以在86歲的時候,這樣甜蜜地說,We have had a great life.

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閱讀 ()評論 (9)
落花飄零 回複 悄悄話 zzhhjj,很抱歉一燦的故事,不知道一燦在什麽城市接受治療,現在國內比如上海和北京大醫院對於血液病的治療標準和美國是相似的,骨髓移植是唯一的辦法,化療的藥物都是具有毒副作用的,而不管是化療還是骨髓移植,因為都要壓製本身骨髓的生長,所以感染是常見的治療副反應,一般都要應用抗生素,或者在層流室。不知道一燦是否在近期可以獲得配型的骨髓,這是唯一有希望的途徑。

good luck and best wishes.



gooutforfreshair 回複 悄悄話 I made a excel file called " our days" to remember each important days in our life since we have been together.We are going through the hardest part these days and we both are very tired. Days ago, it was my husband's birthday. I bought two small pieces of square cakes (to spend less money) and forgot we didn't have match to light up the candle after his late back from work. And I forgot to take pictures for him and the cake as usual.It was a worst "improtant day" we had so far. I decided to buy another big cake and make things beautiful to re-spend this birthday. But it was aborted due to reasons. Yesterday, I decribed that day in detail in that file. At the end, I wrote that I believe it would be the worst DAY in our future. Our DAYS will not be worse than that. Then I sent this document to my husband--I never showed him this file before. His eyes was red and he asked me, do you really think that day was that bad? I said, yes. But that would be the worst we have. Our days only could be better. We should be happy for that. When we are as old as your grandma, we could read this file together again and smile at each other. (ps, his grandma is over 90 now).
黃大皇 回複 悄悄話 Why I always forgot the "u"? 鬱悶
黃大皇 回複 悄悄話 There is always something beatiful in life. Music, movie, people, relationship... But for this 86 year old lady, the lift itself is beatiful!
Dalaoshu 回複 悄悄話 I don't know what to say about YiCan.
There is always some hard time for everyone. Wish everyone happy and healthy , especially in this holiday season.
Hope he can get the help and get well.
Please refer to the following story:
author: [相關鏈接]

1. 張仁傑的網站:感恩中國
Dalaoshu 回複 悄悄話 At last your new post is here! I've been waiting for a week :)

I am so jealous of you and your parents.
My parents are like those of Rachel's in "Friends". They have been fighting since I was young. I expected them to get on better when they grew old. But, to my disappointment, the older they are, the worse.
Now I guess they speak to each other no more than 3 times a week, anyone can imagine that?

I feel more despair when I had some problem in my marriage. I would think, have I inherited those personality disorder from them?

Life is never easy. I am so happy that you can share your stories here. I hope I can also bring smile and happiness to others.
zzhhjj 回複 悄悄話 "一燦是一名六歲的男孩,兩年前,一燦被診斷得了急性淋巴細胞白血病,從此,伴隨小一燦的是無休無止的化療.就在前幾天,一燦在接受骨髓穿刺的時候,髓象顯示一燦病情複發,這意味著以前的治療前功盡棄,更為可怕的是,孩子有了抗藥性,化療比以前更有難度,需要打一種5000多元一針的進口藥,才能保住孩子的生命。而且由於毒副作用很大,孩子會遭遇感染,最好的根治的辦法,就是骨髓移植."
I know america has more mature technology to treat lukemia(?), and you are a doctor, if you can help from your medical point of view, it would be greaat.

This site has all the information, and yican's mom also shows there. Thanss a lot.

落花飄零 回複 悄悄話 on move 好,



onMove 回複 悄悄話 不多但也不會太少, 我自己的父母就有權利這樣說. 不過咱中國人多不用這麽"扇情"的句子.

We have had a great life不意味他們沒打過甚至有更困難的階段, 但他們過來了. 要能到這個年紀,每對夫婦都有權利說這句話.