The translation homework has exicted so many English learners' nerve and energy as is reflected in hot comments one after another. This activity should be resumed as it stimulates the practice of English much more strongly than any other exercise.
As you guys have already found that it requires a lot of energy to make corrections. Without corrections, one may feel lacking guide to the right direction. Here I propose to put a paragraph of well translated Chinese text on Monday on the website for us to do the translation, the original English will be added on Friday to compare.
I notice an artical titled "paper tiger" by Wesley Yang, published on New York magzine, caused great hit among Asian-American community.
Sometimes I’ll glimpse my reflection in a window and feel astonished by what I see. Jet-black hair. Slanted eyes. A pancake-flat surface of yellow-and-green-toned skin. An expression that is nearly reptilian in its impassivity. I’ve contrived to think of this face as the equal in beauty to any other. But what I feel in these moments is its strangeness to me. It’s my face. I can’t disclaim it. But what does it have to do with me? 一定有無數的美國人也對他們的長相感到有一種疏離感,但每個人的原因卻又各不相同。舉個例子,我是韓國移民的後裔,但我卻不會說我父母的母語(即韓語)。我也從來沒有用諸如“大哥”和“大姐”等恰當的敬語來稱呼我的長輩們。我沒跟韓國女性約過會,甚至連個韓國朋友都沒有。雖然我的身份是移民,我卻從來沒有想過像一個移民那樣努力地奮鬥。
Do you guys have interst in translating the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs or something else?