I am thinking the reason I felt confused is that I got mixed signals from your writing in the original post.I guess it is more about the logic of this passage:
(1)As you guys have already found that it requires a lot of energy to make corrections. (2)Without corrections, one may feel lacking guide to the right direction. (3)Here I propose to put a paragraph of well translated Chinese text on Monday on the website for us to do the translation, the original English will be added on Friday to compare.
From (1), I got the message that you think it is taking a lot of time and energy for me and other classmates to give constructive suggestions.
From (2), I feel that you really like the corrections and would like to continue to receive them. I apologize that I did not get the time to make corrections on yours this time. But I do see that cutestream put comments on your translation of living history, some of them are good, some are not. :). You did not reply to her to show whether you agree or disagree with her. The signal I got from there is that you didn't like to be commented.
So from (1) and (2), I couldn't see where you are going. The solution you gave in (3) wouldn't really solve the problem, would it? :) That's why I proposed to use your writing as "磚模" for us to practice and learn.
Your reply above again confuses me a little bit. The first sentence makes me think you like my proposal, i.e. to use your writing as "磚模”。 But the second paragraph you put there sounds very cold to me. "The author" means you, right?when I saw: "it is completely the author's responsibility to make it clear", it tells me this, might be misunderstanding on my part: "it is my responsibility to make it clear, it wouldn't be anyone else' business."