這項民調由《美聯社》與全國民意公共事務研究中心(NORC Center for Public Affairs Research)共同進行,顯示美國成年民眾隻有39%滿意拜登(Joe Biden)的施政表現。認為國家走在正確的方向上、經濟狀況良好的民眾各隻有2成,較上個月的調查跌掉1成。民主黨支持者變化最大,認為國家方向正確者的比例從49%重挫至33%。
*Just follow Obama,afraid to fire incompetent cabinet members and military generals for their wrong doing and irresponsibility ,thus nothing done to correct the mistake on their handling but to continue, thus make the situation worse -allied lost confidence in USA, abandon the workfare to encourage the people not to work yet to stay home to enjoy the taxpayer money (receiving more money than wages) to make economy not moving especially in truck goods transportation , ----such policy made whole country more spending more debt ,unless some stimulation measures done ,otherwise not enough labor force to come out to repair bridges /highway etc without foreigners coming to help, [to stop the butt here ] is not the good way to lead the country?