目錄 Catalog:7.0 前言 Preface;7.1 調查核實Investigation and Verification;7.2 劉健君 Eve Liu;7.3 相親 Blind Date;7.4 她的印象Eve’s Impression to Me
7.5 超渡 Transcendently Ferry;7.5.1 治療恩怨情仇病 Treatment of Illness of Gratitude Resentment Love and Hatred;7.5.2 無所得 No Objective Gain;7.5.3 慧傷癡 Gnosis Harms Ignorance;7.5.4 覺悟的特質 Trait of Conscientiousness;7.5.5 給舅舅送終 Sending My Uncle Away;7.5.6 圓滿 Perfect Fulfillment;7.5.7 想去哪兒去哪兒To Think Where to Go is Arriving There; 7.5.8 神通正等明 Connection with Correct Equality Light
7.6 她的影響力大 Her Influencing Power is Strong;7.7 無事生非 Making a Fuss out of Nothing;7.8 你是誰?Who Are You? 7.9 第三次核實 The Third Verification;7.10 父母和她吵 Parents Quarrel with Eve;7.11性格互補 Personality Complementation;7.12 百變神通 Hundred Godly Transformations
7.0 前言 Preface
In July 1995, Wang Gang cousin borrowed a bed in the doctoral student dormitory for me. At first, I lived in a north-facing room on the first floor, and my roommate was a police officer from the State Council. Annotation, he is a staff member of the State Council, a police officer in a broad sense. I don’t remember his name, so I call him a State Council Police Officer. This dormitory building has two people per room. Not long after, Cousin Wang Gang told me that the person who occupied my bed was coming back and asked me to live in a south-facing room near the east end of the sixth floor.
Around September, a dormitory neighbor, Teacher Zhu’s roommate, kicked in the door of the water room in the middle of the night, causing a partial comminuted fracture of my eyebrow bone. In this way, I met Teacher Zhu. He was in his forties and was the vice president of the Shenyang Artillery Academy at the time. He was studying for a doctorate at Northeastern University.
一九九六年一月,王剛表姐對我說:“我聽說你和你室友的關係不融洽,他還老是喝點兒小酒。你考研究生他也不幫助幫助你。他讀博士改成讀碩士了。我把他趕走了。” 我對表姐的作法,感覺奇怪(注解,她是從哪兒聽來的?現在看起來,有人在背後蠱動她,操弄),但沒說什麽。隨後,我在一樓時的室友,那個國務院的警察搬進了我的房間。他是材料係納米材料研究方向的,和祝英台老師是博士班同學。我知道已經考上研究生了,就開始上課,做實驗了。
In January 1996, Wang Gang cousin said to me: "I heard that the relationship between you and your roommate is not harmonious. He always drinks a little. He doesn't help you when you take the postgraduate entrance examination. He was studying for a Ph.D., then changed to study for a master's degree. I drove him away." I felt strange about my cousin's behavior (note, where did she hear this? Now it seems that someone was teasing and manipulating her behind her back), but I didn't say anything. Then my roommate on the first floor, the State Department Police Officer, moved into my room. He is in the field of nanomaterials research in the Department of Materials, and he is a doctoral classmate with Teacher Zhu. I knew I had been admitted to graduate school, so I started taking classes and doing experiments.
One day, my roommate (i.e., State Council Police Officer) told me that Teacher Zhu liked me and wanted to introduce me a girlfriend. Teacher Zhu is a military general; his social status is relatively high. Of course, the class he introduced will also be higher, and he has a scholarly family background; I was very happy to hear that. But it took many days for Teacher Zhu to tell me that she was the daughter of the old principal (Annotation, Troupe leader Liu) when their school was founded. At this time, she was a graduate student at China Medical University. He said that if I wanted to look, he would investigate my situation first. I agreed and gave him my personal information.
兩周後,在食堂裏,祝老師的同學們喊我過去,說:“你是因為打架,才跑到東北大學避難來了!” 我聽不懂,感覺氣憤,回答:“那也和你們沒關係!” 祝老師等人解釋。我不記得(前段)他要給我介紹對象,已經同意他調查我的事了。
幾天後,祝老師來到我的房間,向我道歉,說介紹對象這事在那種場合說,不合適。他要再次和我核實他調查的情況。他說他委托他的市政府裏的朋友打電話到和平房產局。人事股的XXX股長說: “盧岩,我知道,前年他來的時候,是我麵試的他。基層對他的表現評價都很好,除了愛打架。有一次,那架打得,都鬧到和平區政府裏麵去了。”
Two weeks later, in the cafeteria, Teacher Zhu's classmates called me over and said, "You came to Northeastern University to seek refuge because of a fight!" I didn't understand and felt angry, so I replied, "That's none of your business!” Teacher Zhu and others explained. I didn’t remember (in the previous paragraph) that he wanted to introduce a girlfriend, and I had already agreed to his investigation into my matter.
A few days later, Teacher Zhu came to my room and apologized to me, saying that it was inappropriate to introduce someone to me in that situation. He wanted to check with me again about the status of his investigation. He said he asked his friend in the mayor’s office to call the Heping Housekeeping Bureau. Personnel Section Chief XXX said: “Luyan, I know! The year before last year, I interviewed him. The grassroots evaluation of his performance is very good, except for his love for fighting. Once, the fight was so intense that it went to the Heping District Government. "
I replied: "I don't know that I like to fight. Maybe because of my loud voice and intense emotions, people thought I was fighting. But I don't remember when I had a fight, let alone the district government."
Teacher Zhu said: "It's possible that the Personnel Section Chief XXX of your bureau mistook someone else for you. I want to investigate again."
I agreed.
7.1 調查核實 Verification
A few days later, Teacher Zhu came to me again to verify his investigation. He first verified the situation of my parents, siblings, and then said that he went to the Liaoning Branch of Northeastern University and talked with several teachers and found nothing special.
Teacher Zhu said: "The next question is, how did you find the job at the Heping Housekeeping Bureau?"
I answered as described in the previous section 5.6, Special New Policies. He said that a friend of his who worked in city called the Heping District Government, and the person who answered the phone was the Personnel Section Chief Bai, a woman. Chief Bai said: "Luyan, I remember, the summer before last, a kid came here looking for a job with a smile on his face. I saw that the kid was quite nice, so I received him. Eh! He opened his mouth to fool me! I'm the head of the personnel section, what new policies of the municipal government, that I do not know!"
Teacher Zhu asked me: "At that time, how did you fool her?"
I was surprised that Section Chief Bai still remembered me and replied: "I didn't lie to her! I mentioned what happened in Section 5.6 above."
Teacher Zhu said: "The section chief Bai said that I thought this kid was very good, so I introduced him to our Heping Housekeeping Bureau."
Teacher Zhu's friend asked: "Luyan fooled her, but she thought he was good; what's going on?"
Teacher Zhu replied: "That's how people are nowadays! You have an opinion? When you go out to do errands and find a topic to talk about, Section Chief Bai will appreciate Luyan's lies! She thinks he has a strategy in doing things."
I muttered: "I don't have that kind of mind! I'm not as smart as you think."
7.1-2 工作表現 Work Performance
Teacher Zhu added: "This item talks about your work performance in Heping Housekeeping Bureau. This time, my friend from the city government carefully verified the person to be asked, so as not to get the wrong person. Your HR chief XXX said: Yes, this is Luyan. He said: Our Heping Housekeeping Bureau used to be a quiet place, but since he came, our place has become lively. People are talking about him everywhere, and there are always new things happening. He said: Everywhere People in the Bureau say Luyan is good, and if we hear it that way, it means he is good. XXX also gave examples, (as mentioned in Section 6.2 Good Work Performance)."
Teacher Zhu asked me: "How do you feel about your work performance?"
I replied: "Just so! Average!"
Teacher Zhu and his helper friends both objected, identifying each case as being too good, and asked again: How do you do so well?
I replied: "I haven't done anything serious; let alone done it well!"
Teacher Zhu's helper said in surprise: "This is strange! Everything shows that he has done a good job, but he doesn't feel it himself! Are these things true or false?"
I replied, "It's true, but I'm not happy with how I feel!"
Teacher Zhu's friend said: "Another path! Fool or concealment!"
Teacher Zhu said: "Don't say it's useless. Others say it's good. How could you come to a stupid conclusion? It should be said that the orientation of ideals or interests is different, and personal appreciation and pursuit are different."
7.1-3 打架的事 The Fight
Teacher Zhu said: "The next question is about your fight. This time, I gave special instructions not to make a mistake! They double-checked you and said, There's no mistaking it, it's this Luyan. Since he came, we always hear about his fights. The women in our bureau have been talking about it, trying to find ways to trap him, and the Bureau Chiefs have been helping with ideas, but that Luyan just won't take the bait. The more these women worked, the more they got excited. I don't know what happened, once, it hit the big score, the Heping District government to mediate their dispute. Luyan! Do you know the affair?"
I replied: "I only knew about it when you told me. I know there were many times when many people discussed ways to tease me. I don't remember ever getting into a fight. I never fought with anyone at the Heping Housekeeping Bureau, and I don't remember the Heping District Government interfering with me."
Teacher Zhu's friend asked, "How did they set you up?"
I replied: "They were like teasers, teasing me, making fun for the crowd. I'm not always interested in that kind of affairs, that kind of topic."
Teacher Zhu stared at me with wide eyes: "Wasn’t there such a affair as the Heping District government mediating your fight?"
I replied: "I don't think I love to fight, and I've never fought with anyone in the Heping Housekeeping Bureau; I don't remember when the Heping District Government mediated a fight for me."
7.1-4 假檔案 Fake Files
Teacher Zhu said: "The next item is the Graduate School of Northeastern University. I went to the archives of Northeastern University and looked at your file, and it was a fake one. How did you put there a fake file? Of course, I'm making an introduction, a private matter, not a public matter."
I replied: " Heping Housekeeping Bureau does not agree to my graduate studies and does not give me my file. Wang Gang my cousin asked them for it, and they wouldn't give it; so, she got a fake file and put it there. She said, 'No one else went to see the file except for the people in their graduate management office'."
Teacher Zhu asked: "Where did she get that fake file?"
I replied: "I don't know, I didn't ask her."
Teacher Zhu was surprised and said: "How can you not know this!"
I replied: "I do not think right now what I need to know about that."
His friend asked: "What will happen if this fake file thing is exposed?"
Teacher Zhu said: "People don't pay much attention to personal files nowadays, but the file mechanism is still an effective part of the state organization. If this fake file thing is exposed, it's still a public matter, Luyan must go back to the Heping Housekeeping Bureau, and his postgraduate work will all be for nothing. Luyan! Your secret is safe with us; we will never do that kind of unethical thing."
Teacher Zhu said, "I went to the office of your Resource Civil Engineering Department (or Institute); they have a bit of a problem with you, don’t you know?"
I replied, "I don't know, no one would notice me, right!?"
Teacher Zhu said, "Everyone of them knows you (Note 4); we know the reason for your problem."
I was dumbfounded and at a loss for words.
Note 7.1-4. At that time, I was discussed in the Resource Civil Engineering Department (or Institute) of Northeastern University because of many investigations by Teacher Zhu and Troupe Leader Liu.
7.1-5 我對此調查耿耿於懷 I Worried the Investigation
Puzzled by such a detailed investigation, I asked my brother. At that time, he was a pilot of the East Tower Transportation Group of the Shenyang Military Region.
He replied that the subordinates would introduce someone to the old leader's child; of course, the old leader must ask, which university did he graduate from? How is his job performance? This is not only true in the army, but also in society! The depth of this investigation varies from person to person. Maybe the Teacher Zhu you mentioned is serious about his work, so the investigation was more in-depth.
I think what my brother said makes sense.
7.2 劉健君 Eve Liu
One day, I met Teacher Zhu on the road. He told me that he had handed in the report on my investigation and started talking to me about Eve Liu. He said: "This time I came to Northeastern University to study for my Ph.D., and I have another task, which is to find a boyfriend for Eve Liu, the daughter of our old principal. Since she went to university, we have entrusted relatives and friends to find her a boyfriend in prestigious universities across the country. We have introduced more than 100 boyfriends so far, but it just doesn't work. We are getting more and more anxious about this matter, and now it is urgent. It is not surprising that the relationship with her boyfriend has collapsed. How can we immediately introduce her a new boyfriend? Where can I find them! Now, we have experience and are preparing for her in advance. Her dad said that now she has a boyfriend, but in his opinion, this will not last long. "
After hearing this, I was very angry: If I want to see her, I must queue up first! Who is she!
注7.2-1,本《真人醫學實驗》(參見4.5節)是根據本書第2章的《桃花劫 》故事改編的。和那個古代故事裏的桃花女一樣,劉健君也相親無數次,就是不成婚姻。插圖7.2是玉女(即夏娃)的特質畫,圖1和2是少女夏娃,圖3至6是21至38.7歲年齡段的夏娃,又名千手千眼觀音,圖7和8是眾生之母夏娃。
Note 7.2-1, This Real-Life Medical Experiment (see Section 4.5) is based on the Peach Flower Catastrophe in Chapter 2 of this book. Like the Peach Flower Girl in that ancient tale, Eve Liu has been on countless blind dates but just can't get married. Illustration 7.2 is a characteristic painting of the Jade Girl (i.e. Eve). Figures 1 and 2 are of the young girl Eve, Figures 3 to 6 are of Eve aged between 21 and 38.7 years old, also known as the “Thousand-hand and Thousand-eye View-sound”, and Figures 7 and 8 are of Eve, the mother of all livings.
7.2-2 特殊的高中 Special High School
One day, in the corridor of the dormitory, Teacher Zhu saw me and said he wanted to tell me about Eve Liu. She was the eldest daughter of the old principal of the Shenyang Artillery Academy when it was founded and had been smart since childhood. When wearing crotch pants, she turned her face to come up with a new idea, a turn to play a new trick.
I asked, "What new idea?"
Teacher Zhu said: "She wanted me to play with her, let me hug her ah! Once I left her up, couldn’t put her down, it's an idea for a while. At that time, his father was a division officer. I was a conscript from Sichuan. Her father was about forty years old before having her, that really like it, on top of the head for fear of falling, look in the eyes for fear of scalding, in the mouth for fear of melting. Eve Liu was lovable indeed, lively, and active, learning is also good, from kindergarten to elementary school, secondary school, university, graduate school, has been excellent grades, all are in the gifted class. She just kept on going to school until now when she is almost graduated from graduate school. Her appearance is average, not good-looking, not ugly; neither tall or short nor fat or thin. The matter of looks, personal preference is different, you have to see for yourself."
祝老師又說:“噢!對了,她的高中不是一般的高中;怎麽說呢?” 祝老師說著,停下了,轉身看著我。
Teacher Zhu added: "Oh! Her high school isn't just any high school; how so?" Mr. Huang said, stopped, and turned to look at me.
I said: "Gifted class!"
Teacher Zhu turned back around and started thinking again and said: "It's not a gifted class; it seems to be some kind of training."
I asked: "Then it's not high school she's attending?"
Teacher Zhu thought for a moment and replied: "It's a high school!"
I said: "Is it a special class, some kind of directed training?"
He said: "You can say special training class too. The name of that class was special too; why can't I remember!"
I said: "It doesn't matter; now that she's almost out of graduate school, what's the point of pursuing the name of that high school training class!"
Teacher Zhu insisted on thinking about it, and I said impatiently: "Don't think about it; high school doesn't matter to her anymore."
Instead, he said: "I promise you, the next time I see her parents, I'll ask about the name of that class."
A few days later, I met Teacher Zhu again and he said he wanted to apologize. I listened attentively. He said that he met Eve Liu's mother yesterday and forgot to ask the name of the training class Eve Liu attended in high school.
I replied angrily: "Didn't we say last time that there was no need to ask!"
He said: "I must do what I promised."
I met him again a few days later and he again said he wanted to apologize. I listened attentively. He said that he met Eve Liu's father the day before yesterday and forgot to ask her the name of the training class she attended in high school.
I replied angrily: "Aren't you annoying! When did I ask you to ask!"
He immediately turned away and bent over. I realized I was rude and rushed over to apologize. He noticed it, turned around again, bent at 90 degrees, and ignored me.
I waited blankly for a while and then said: "Aren’t you still finished? Didn't I apologize!?"
He didn't respond. Things went on like this for a long time. He turned back me and said: “It wasn't because of you; it was because I thought of other things and couldn't hold myself back any longer.”
注7.2-2,為什麽祝英台老師要讓我知道她上了個特別的高中,卻又不告訴我那個培訓班的名字?答:後文劉健君也對我說起了她的高中:在中國醫科大學的巴甫洛夫樓裏。2014年,寫回憶錄時,我才注意到此事。本書4.5 節《真人醫學實驗的報紙新聞》中說了,這醫學實驗的女子組是 “集中培訓” (即女神集中訓練營,亞馬遜) 。此事,劉團長要讓我知道,卻又不能讓我在那時就明白;他要讓我寫回憶錄時才能注意到,聯係起來,猜到她就是那個為科學研究自願獻身的女孩兒。
Note 7.2-2, why did Teacher Zhu want me to know that she went to a special high school, but didn’t tell me the name of the training class? Answer: Later in the article, Eve Liu also told me about her high school: in the Pavlov Building of Chinese Medical University. I only noticed this in 2014 when I was writing my memoirs. Section 4.5 of this book, "Newspaper News of Real-life Medical Experiments," mentioned that the female group of this medical experiment was "concentrated training", (that is, the goddess concentration training camp, Amazon). Troupe Leader Liu wanted me to know about this, but he couldn't let me understand it at that time; he wanted me to notice it when I wrote my memoirs, connect it, and guess that she was the girl who voluntarily sacrificed her life for scientific research.
7.2-3 女神的現象Phenomena of Goddess
One day, the introducer, Teacher Zhu, told me that Eve Liu’s parents agreed, and she was willing to meet and talk with me. Teacher Zhu introduced her situation to me again, and when it came to her appearance, he said: “Hey! You’ve seen her!”
I had no memory and asked: "When did I see her?"
Teacher Zhu couldn't help laughing and said: "That day she came to my place to do errands and chatted with me. You passed by the door and saw her. When she went out, you met her; it seemed that you looked back. At that time, I I'm at the door, you're not looking at me."
I remembered that it happened, but I couldn't recall her appearance, so I said, "I don't remember." He said: "It doesn't matter! Maybe you didn't pay attention."
Later, I recalled that when I went back to the dormitory to get my lunch box and passed by the door of his room, I saw a woman in his room casually facing the door, leaning back on the bed, and listening. The posture of her lower body was that of a woman in her thirties; but the top half of her, she listened sideways, she looked at the posture of a girl who must have been sixteen or seventeen years old. When she came out, we walked across from each other. I saw her, like a new and unfamiliar student, but I didn't see her clearly, as if I couldn't see her (see fig. 7.2-3). At that time, I felt strange: Why did my eyesight become so bad! Start testing my own vision. She walked with a clicking sound. When I looked back, I saw that she was a well-trained female military officer, about 25 or 26 years old. But in my memory, there was no face, only neat outlines.
注7.2-3,回憶中,她的各個姿態動作不相配,畫麵破碎,合不到一起(如圖7.2-4);我還以為是幾個女人呢!和她交往那段時間,我發現自己回憶不出她的長相,仔細辨認,所辨認的圖像總是變成沒有生命的枯木、石頭、腐朽的垃圾(如圖7.2-4中的大腿)等,總覺得自己的眼睛出了毛病。在2021年,我看到了墨西哥沙門教中對皮主(Xipe Totec)與眼疾有關的描述,才明白了那是劉健君的女人皮,即五百威儀十萬八千魅力(參見16.2節的離垢地),產生的現象。
Note 7.2-3, in my memory, her various postures and movements did not match together (see fig. 7.2-4), the picture was broken and could not be put together; I thought it was several women! During the time I was dating her, I found that I couldn't recall her appearance. When I looked at her carefully in my mind, the images I recognized always turned into lifeless dead wood, stones, rotten garbage (see the thighs as shown in Figure 7.2-4), etc. I always felt that there was something wrong with my eyes. In 2021, I saw the description of the Xipe Totec related to eye diseases in Mexican Shamanism, and then I realized that it was Eve Liu’s “woman skins”, which is “500 Majesties and 108,000 Charms” (cf. section 16.2), caused phenomena (see fig. 17.2).
7.3 相親 Blind Date
On the day we met, Teacher Zhu told me that she pays great attention to the way she talks and behaves when dealing with people and asked me to pay more attention to it. I followed him to China Medical University. The sun had just set at that time, and the sky and the earth were gray (Note 1). I'm still asking Teacher Zhu: "Are we there yet?"
He replied: "Right in front, here, she is waiting there!"
I realized that we had arrived at the main entrance of China Medical University. I was still looking at the name of the medical university when I noticed that Eve Liu walked into us from the other side. She probably came quickly from the road opposite the school gate.
Teacher Zhu introduced us both. I haven't regained my attention yet! Didn't see her clearly. She extended her hand to shake my hand. I reached out quickly, but it was too far away from her. I bent down and stretched out my hand like a bow but still couldn't reach her. I was so embarrassed (Note 2) that my blood surged upwards. She stepped forward and shook my hand. I haven't recovered from the embarrassing fog yet! I looked up and found that Eve Liu and Teacher Zhu were both standing upright in front of me, looking at me. I realized that my posture was not good, so I quickly straightened my chest and stood up straight.
Note 1, the gray after the sun sets is the unconscious default empty color; in this sky color, the unconscious does not collect the characteristics of the observed object. In other words, if Eve Liu’s performance as Eve was flawed, it would be covered up by this pervasively gray color. This is also one of the reasons why I can't recall her appearance later.
Note 2, Shy can slow down people's thinking and actions, and can cause people to lose social functions.
7.3-2 出乎意料 Unexpected
還沒說什麽呢,我看見劉健君氣憤地朝著祝老師一擺頭,意思是:你還站這兒幹嘛!快離開!那氣勢比舊社會地主惡霸對待傭人還差。祝老師也是滿臉的憤怒。我不知發生了什麽事,他倆怎麽打起來啦!祝老師向我勉強地做了個輕鬆的表情,說:“沒事,你們倆自己聊吧,我先走了。” 我支支吾吾地想緩和氣氛。祝老師走了。我眼看著劉健君的臉色變了,對我笑了,像似沒事發生一樣。我立刻問:“怎麽了?祝老師好像生氣了?”
Before I could say anything, I saw Eve Liu angrily waving her head towards Teacher Zhu, meaning what are you still standing here for! Get out of here! That aura was worse than that of a landlord's bully treating his servants in the old society. Teacher Zhu was also full of anger. I didn't know what was going on, why they were fighting! Mr. Huang gave me a reluctant look of relief and said, "It's okay, you two talks among yourselves, I'll leave first." I stammered, trying to lighten the mood. Teacher Zhu left. I watched as Eve Liu's face changed and smiled at me like nothing happened. I immediately asked: "What's wrong? Teacher Zhu seems angry?"
她想了想,認真地說:“好像是從我上高中的時候開始的。他一見我,就和我生氣。沒事兒,一會兒就好。” 說著,她指著祝老師去的方向說:“你看!”
She walked in on me and put her ear to my mouth, her hair brushing my face. After hearing this, she took two or three steps back, stood at attention, said to me with a smile, and shook her head: "Ah! It's okay, that's all for the two of us!"
I was confused: "Why are you two like this?"
She thought for a while and said seriously: "It seems to have started when I was in high school. As soon as he saw me, he got angry with me. It's okay, it will be fine in a while." As she said that, she pointed in the direction of Teacher Zhu and said: "Look!"
劉健君說:“你看,我說沒事吧!這兒人多,走,咱們去那邊走走。” 說著,她就快速地向我們來時的方向走去。
I turned to look, and Teacher Zhu didn't go back the way we came, he kicked his military goose-steps and walked in the opposite direction; after walking thirty or so meters away, he relaxed into a relieved teenage demeanor, shaking, whistling, and being cool.
Eve Liu said: "Look, I said it's okay! It's crowded here, come on, let's walk over there." With that, she quickly walks in the direction we came from.
I looked around: there were only two of us here, so I chattered: "Where's someone, why don't I see (Note 3)!"
Note 3, I lose my mind, just like in a cartoon. This is when I become a child, simple-minded and naïve, that is, my sphere of thought shrinks to a very small size. This is caused by my pre-consciousness, the conscious working platform, being constantly and heavily updated; the content of my pre-consciousness becomes less, my world becomes smaller, and my thinking is simple and innocent.
7.3-3 慚愧 Shame
她走了幾步,回頭看見我還站在那兒,喊道:“你怎麽不走啊!?” 她向祝老師消失的方向看了看,說: “你看,我們科長來了,快走!” 說著她已經回到了我的旁邊,然後,又迅速地離去了。
我回頭看,沒看見人(注,我沒看40、50米的遠處)。她走幾步,又回來了,說:“別看呐!哎呀!走!我介紹你和他認識!” 她就向那人走去!我慢慢地跟著她,走一段路後,想:這麽遠,還過去打招呼!走到距離那人十五六米遠處,我站住了。她們那位科長看我站住了,他也站住了。他是個身高1.85米,罕見的帥小夥兒,舉止大方得體,和我年紀相仿。劉健君發現不對勁,回頭看我。但是已經晚了,尷尬的局麵是說話的距離太遠。
She walked a few steps, turned around and saw me still standing there, and shouted, "Why don't you leave!?" She looked in the direction where Teacher Zhu disappeared and said, "Look, our section chief is coming, let's go quickly!” As she said this, she came back to my side and then left quickly.
I looked back and saw no one (note, I didn’t look 40 or 50 meters away). She came back and said: "Don't look at it! Oops! Walk! Let me introduce you to him!" She walked towards that person! I followed her slowly. After walking for a while, I thought, “It's so far away, why should we go over and say hello!” When I walked around fifteen meters away from the person, I stopped. The section chief saw me stopped, and so did he. He was a rare handsome guy with a height of 1.85 meters, and he was about the same age as me. Eve Liu noticed something was wrong and looked back at me, but it was too late, and she was embarrassed. The situation is that the speaking distance is too far.
劉健君也覺得難為情了,說:“你怎麽不過來!” 那位科長笑著說:“這樣說說話挺好!” 她介紹完後,和他說話。這時,我感覺自己是在軍營裏,真的是沒人樣兒了。幾句之後,那科長走了,劉健君笑著目送著,轉身,立正,臉色驟然變得憤怒。我趕忙支支吾吾地道歉。她的臉色變得異常迅速,笑了,快步走到我麵前,側耳傾聽。她的頭發又觸及我的臉了,對我像似老熟人一樣。聽完後,她後退,立正,笑著說:“啊!沒關係,我跟他很熟。這裏是校門口,總是人來人往的;走!咱們到那邊走走!” 說著,她先走了。
Eve Liu also felt embarrassed and said: "Why don't you come over here!" The section chief smiled and said: "It's good to talk like this!" After her introduction, she spoke to him. At this point, I felt like I was in a military barracks, and was out of shape. After a few sentences, that section chief left, Eve Liu smiled and eyed him, turned around, stood at attention, and her face suddenly became angry. I hurriedly stammered an apology. Her face became unusually swift, smiled, and walked quickly to me, listening with her sideways ear. Her hair was touching my face again, treating me like an old acquaintance. When she had finished listening, she stepped back, stood at attention, and said with a smile: "Ah! It's okay, I know him well. This is the entrance to the school, and there are always people coming and going; come on! Let's walk over there!" Saying that, she went first.
我羞愧得身體輕飄飄的;思想意識內斂來保持身體的平衡,不要摔倒。雖然地球的引力消失了,我感覺不會摔倒,才左右看,找她,她不見了。她在遠處的馬路中央喊我:“你怎麽啦!我在這兒呢!” 她回來了,問:“怎麽啦?你怎麽不走!走啊!” 說著,她轉身又向馬路中央走去了。
I was so ashamed that my body was fluttering lightly; my mind and consciousness introspected to keep my body balanced and not to fall. Though the earth's gravity disappeared, I felt like I wouldn't fall before I looked around, looking for her; she was gone. She called out to me from the center of the road in the distance: "What's wrong with you! I'm here!" She came back and asked: "What's wrong? Why don't you go! Go!" With that, she turned and walked back toward the center of the road.
7.3-4 還是慚愧 Still Ashamed
我慢慢地向她走去;她回來和我說話:“我聽祝老師說,你在東北大學讀在職的研究生?” 這種天色,在馬路的中央,我感到焦慮,努力地集中精力,想‘他說我讀在職的研究生,他們也分不清在職的和統考全職的,’ 自我介紹說:“是,我在東北大學學土建。” 她說:“你的情況,祝老師都跟我說了;他說你愛打架,有一次你打架,和平區政府出麵調解,那是怎麽回事?”這時,我思想得很慢。我想(我自己在心裏念),‘我的情況,祝老師都跟你說了,那我沒什麽說的了;他說我愛打架’,我回答:“我不認為自己愛打架,不記得什麽時候打架和平區政府為我調解。” 她聽後站住了,轉過身去,不出聲了。
I walked towards her slowly. She came back and talked to me: "I heard from Teacher Zhu that you are a part-time graduate student at Northeastern University?" In this kind of dusk, in the middle of the highway, I felt anxious and tried hard to concentrate, and thought, 'She said that I am a part-time graduate student, and they can't tell the difference between part-time and full-time students,' so introduced myself: "Yes, I am studying civil engineering at Northeastern University." She said, "In your case, Teacher Zhu has told me; he said you love to fight. One time you had a fight and the Heping District Government intervened. What happened?” At this time, I thought very slowly. I thought (I said to myself), 'Teacher Zhu has told you about my situation, so I have nothing to say; he said I love fighting', I replied: 'I don't think I love fighting, I don't remember when there is such a fight that the district government mediated for me." After hearing this, she stopped, turned away, and became silent.
過了一會兒,她轉回身說:“我是學臨床的。” 我表示不懂,她說:“說說你們土建吧,你們都幹些什麽?”
I asked her: "What major do you major in?"
After a while, she turned back and said, "I'm a clinical major." I said I didn't understand, so she said: "Tell me about your civil engineering. What do you do?"
I have never thought about this question, answered: "Our civil engineering project looks very big. After breaking it down according to the procedures, the specific work done by people in each department is as simple as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division without parentheses. In terms of design, the first the teacher in class told us: thick beams, fat columns, and deep foundations. That are the thicker columns and beams are better, stronger; deeper foundation is good, stable. The most important thing to consider is whether it will tilt or collapse. In terms of construction, first dig the foundation and then measure the bearing capacity, then pour the concrete foundation step by step. Normally we don’t encounter a single technical problem in a month, so at the construction site, no one talks about technology, but only useless things that are short-lived.”
Eve Liu asked: "Then your construction industry is not complicated?"
I thought to myself, “of course there is, but I haven’t learned that yet”, said: "Construction is a traditional industry, and it is normal to do things according to rules and past experiences; there are many complicated things that people like me may not encounter in a lifetime. For those, we are just like other people, watching the excitement."
She turned away and said nothing again.
I didn't know what to do and was sluggish.
She turned back and said, "That's right! You and I can't talk about architecture. This is the road, let's go for a walk over there. Hey! I see you don't look good. Are you sick?" she asked again and again, wanted to send me to the hospital.
I replied that I was not sick. She changed direction again and we came to the sidewalk at the side of the road. She didn't speak and walked very quickly.
7.3-5 玉女騎虎 Jade Girl Riding Tiger
我患了什麽病?被女神創傷了。劉健君具有女神的外貌(參見10.8 《神的外貌》)和行為舉止(即五百威儀十萬八千魅力,參見16.2節《離垢地》)。她感召力強大,情緒、麵目表情一直在迅速改變著,改主意像似出撲克牌似的。我的情感隨著她在迅速變化著,從一見麵就一次次地超越著極限。就這樣,我被她刺激傷了,或說我被她房(剋)傷了。這是神病。現代醫學中沒有關於這種病的說法,他們也知道,但沒人研究,因為原因太複雜,實驗期最短五年,不出成果。
What is the disease I suffer from? Traumatized by the Goddess Eve Liu. She has the goddess appearance (see 10.8 Appearance of God) and demeanor (i.e., 500 Majesties 108,000 Charms, cf. 16.2 Leaving Filth Heartland). Her influencing power was so powerful, and her moods and facial expressions changed rapidly all the time, as if she were playing poker. My emotions were changing rapidly along with hers from the moment we met and went beyond the limits again and again. In this way, I was injured by her stimulation, or rather I was hurt by her aura (being besieged, being bottled, being pinched). This is a god disease (cf. 10.8 Appearance of God). There is nothing about this disease in modern medicine, and they know about it, but no one studies it, because the causes are too complex, the experimental period is five years at the shortest, and which is not fruitful often.
插圖7.3-5-2是古墨西哥文化中與本文類似的案例。下麵的D和C是墨西哥(又名特拉洛克Tlaloc)和翠玉女(Chalchiuhtlicue)年青時相親的畫麵。圖C顯示翠玉女毫不留情地刺傷了墨西哥的心,正一口一口地蠶食著墨西哥的心。這圖是墨西哥被翠玉女刺激傷後,墮入了地獄(即患了精神病),在地獄裏畫的。他就想啊,那時翠玉女年紀青青,沒有這壞心眼兒,肯定是她爸舍利王,那個老魔鬼(如圖B),和她媽媽,那個黑巫婆(如圖A,蔻特鶹鵂 Coatlicue)唆使她這麽幹的。圖D顯示,墨西哥想出了舍利王(B)陷害自己的經過後,對舍利王的敬畏之心油然而生。
Illustration 7.3-5-2 is a case like this article in ancient Mexican culture. D and C below are scene of a blind date between Mexico (also known as Tlaloc) and Chalchiuhtlicue when they were young. Picture C shows that the Jade Girl stabbed Mexico's heart mercilessly and is eating away at Mexico's heart bit by bit. This picture was painted in hell after Mexico was stimulated and injured by Jade Girl and fell into hell (i.e., suffered from mental illness). He just thought that at that time, the jade girl was young and not so evil-minded. She must be her father, Huitzilopochtli, the old devil (picture B), and her mother, the black witch (picture A) Coatlicue instigated her to do this. Picture D shows that after Mexico figured out how the Huitzilopochtli (B) framed him, he was in awe of Huitzilopochtli.
圖7.3-5-1是中華文化中與本文類似的案例,玉女騎虎,是說當金童被玉女刺激傷了,墮入地獄後,領悟了自己墮入地獄的原因是被玉女女神刺激傷了。據說當人恨仇人到了極點就想吃仇人的肉,所以古人說金童墮入地獄後變成了老虎。可是,玉女是女神,出神身血即墮地獄(參見13.1.1《地獄趣》),所以金童吃不到玉女的肉,所以古人把金童與玉女的關係比喻成了 “玉女騎虎”。
Figure 7.3-5-1 is a case like this article in Chinese culture. The Jade Girl Riding a Tiger means that when the golden boy was stimulated and injured by the Jade Girl and fell into hell, he realized that the reason why he fell into hell was because he was stimulated and injured by the Jade-Girl Goddess. It is said that when a person hates his enemy to the extreme, he wants to eat his enemy's flesh, so the ancients said that the golden boy turned into a tiger after falling into hell. However, the Jade Girl is a goddess, and bleeding god is a crime of Anti (see 13.1.1 "Hell Interest "), so the Golden Boy cannot eat the Jade Girl's flesh, so the ancients likened the relationship between the Golden Boy and the Jade Girl to "the Jade Girl riding a tiger".
7.3-6 慚愧 Ashamed
I hurriedly ran after her and asked: "Where are you taking me?"
Eve Liu replied: "We're not going anywhere. We're just walking around. Why do you think so?"
I said: "Look at you, you are walking so fast, as if you are rushing to go on a date."
She seemed to have forgotten the unpleasantness: "Ah! Let's walk slower then. How is your English?"
I thought for a while and answered: "When I went to college, I was in CET-2. Now I'm better than then, and I'm preparing to take the CET-6 exam."
After hearing this, she began to think deeply and said: "What is the second level! You are talking nonsense, where can there be a second level!"
I answered: "I used to graduate from a college. Our English requirement is CET-2."
She thought about it for a long time and said: "Oh! I remembered it. When I was in high school, I passed CET-1."
I asked: "What level is your English now?"
She replied: "How can anyone speak English levels nowadays? However, I passed CET-6 in the first semester of my freshman year."
I couldn’t understand: “First semester of freshman year! You’ve only been in university for half a year and passed CET-6. How is that possible!?”
She answered seriously: "Yes! I remember correctly, I must have passed it in the first semester of my freshman year!"
I couldn't imagine that I was worried about not being able to pass CET-6, and I had nothing to say.
She was speechless and said: "Oh! Listening to what you said, I remembered everything about my childhood, and I feel much younger!"
In subsequent conversations, I repeatedly looked for topics that I was familiar with and good at, but they all ended up useless after a few sentences. Throughout our first meeting, I felt like a primary school student and she was the teacher.
She asked me: "Can you find the way back?" I realized that she had taken me back to the gate of the China Medical University. The streetlights were bright. I realized that I had lost my direction and time, so I replied: "Yes! Our Heping Housekeeping Bureau is not far from here, and I am familiar with that area.”
When I left, I still didn't have much physical feeling, and I felt light and airy. Seeing her smiling and waving goodbye to me, I was quite happy. I thought it was honorable to have such a girlfriend.
7.3-7 慚愧 Ashamed
再後來,遇到後文8.7節的那個醫大的女朋友,我們也說到了此事。她說:“那是她們那個班要求的。那個班總考試,不合格就淘汰;淘汰率達到了30: “後來,有的學生受刺激了,家長們把醫大告上了法庭。這個實驗班的教學方法就被終止了,但這個班被保留下來了。這種教學方法就培養出來這麽一個班,各個是真才實學。”
Then I asked several classmates: Is it strange that a person passed the CET-6 exam in her first semester of freshman year? Han Huawei, who was the organization director of the student union at the time, told me: “I passed CET-6 in the second semester of my sophomore year; most of the people in our class (the top class) passed it in the second semester of sophomore year. I can also do it as a freshman, but my score would be low. At that time, I wanted to apply for a scholarship. Although CET-6 was not an assessment subject, if I passed CET-6, my score would be included in the scholarship evaluation. I was afraid that my score would be low, it doesn’t look. I think it’s good for medical students to pass CET-6 in the first semester of their freshman year, but it’s not special.”
Later, when I met another girlfriend from China Medical University mentioned in Section 8.7 below, we also talked about this matter. She said: "That is what their class requires. If they fail those examinations of that class, they will be eliminated; the elimination rate reached 30%." Later, some students were irritated, and their parents took China Medical University to court. The teaching methods of this experimental class were discontinued, but the class was retained. This teaching method has produced a class where everyone is truly talented and practical."
7.4 她的印象 My Impression of Eve Liu
At noon the next day after our first meeting, Teacher Zhu came to my room and asked me: "What did you think of Eve Liu that night? What did it feel like?"
I thought she must look down on me, so I replied: "It doesn't feel like anything, it's just a date. What did she say?"
Teacher Zhu continued to ask: "I mean, how do you feel about her appearance? You only met once, and you still have strong feelings!"
I thought for a while and replied: "I can't remember, I didn't see it (Note 1)."
Teacher Zhu was angry: "You are such an old man going on a blind date. It's your first time to meet, isn't it just to see how she looks! Why don't you look at her!"
I think what he said makes sense, and I am very angry with myself, why I didn’t see anything! Ask him: "How does Eve Liu feel about me?"
Teacher Zhu said disappointedly: "She is about the same as you, she doesn't feel anything. You tell me! Her parents asked me, how does Luyan feel about our daughter? How do I answer! Next time you meet, take a closer look at her.”
I heard that there will be a next time, which makes me very happy.
Note 7.4-1, I saw Eve Liu when I met her, but I forgot about her afterwards and had no memory of her appearance or physical signs. In the days that followed, I tried to recall it many times, but the images I recalled were fragmented. If I look carefully, I will see that those are statues made of wood or stone, and they are not her. If I look more carefully, I will see that there are all kinds of inanimate garbage inside. This phenomenon is shown in the picture 7.4-1 of the Mexican surface goddess Tlalcihuatl (a jade girl aged about 20 to 38.7 years old; Europeans also call it Venus) whose thighs are composed of dry bones.
7.4-2 巴甫洛夫樓 Pavlov Building
The second meeting was an afternoon, sunny, at the main entrance of Medical University again. When I got there, she was the only one standing there straight, like a stone statue, motionless. I walked over to her and asked: "You're Eve Liu, right?"
The stone woman came to life and replied with a smile, "It's me"; but she immediately became expressionless and thoughtful again. When she turned to lead me towards the inside of the Medical University, I could see the right side of her back and felt that she was a wholesale market seller of clothing: medium-sized, wearing a piece of tight jeans, with a BP machine hanging from her waist, and her pants pulled up by the legs. Her ass is big and plump, judging from this, she is physically fit.
She seemed angry with me and didn't say anything as I followed her for a long distance. Suddenly, she pointed to a building and asked me: "This building is called the Pavlov Building. What is this place?"
I replied: "I didn't know when you didn't say, now I do. The sign says: International Medical Exchange Center (Note 2)."
She asked again: "Do you know Pavlov?"
I froze for a moment and answered in a stuttering voice: "From my junior high physiology and hygiene book, the Russian biologist who discovered conditioned reflexes."
我被氣得幾乎蹦了起來,回答,“啊!” 我站著不動,不跟她走了。
She walked in on me and said: "That's right! That's right! That's what I meant. I'm trying to tell you that there are a lot of organizations or companies in this building that aren't part of the CMU."
I was so exasperated that I almost jumped up and replied, "Ah!" I stood still, not following her.
She walked away for some distance and came back and said to me: "I also realized that I was special today."
I replied: "There are buildings all over the medical school; it's not surprising that your medical school has a building named after Pavlov!"
She said: "Not surprising! Why did I remember to say that? Wait for me to think about it!"
I said: "Forget it, let's not talk about it," but she insisted on discovering why. After a while, she said, "Here's the thing, when I was in high school, I took a study class in this building. I have a good feeling about that class. I've been coming to the medical university for about ten years now, and this building is the only one I have feelings for, so when I walked here, I just casually asked you."
I asked: "Did you take classes in this building when you were in college?"
She replied: "No, I only took classes in it in high school and maybe attended conferences in it when I was in college and graduate school."
I followed her to the entrance of the school, where she said she had to go feed the mice for her thesis experiment and walked away. I felt exasperated: I'd come all this way, and she'd just lead me on a walk around campus, probably less than 45 minutes.
Note 7.4.2, which gradually dawned on me after I wrote my memoirs in 2014. This is what Troupe Leader Liu told her to tell me. The Pavlov Building was the location of her high school, the place where the girl's group was intensively trained as described in the newspaper news in Section 4.5, the command center of this real-life medical experiment, and my second birthplace. The discovery of the Pavlov Building while I was writing my memoirs was extremely important to my being able to connect the dots of the isolated events that preceded it. The antecedents in The Luyan’s Memoirs are like the conditioning of Pavlov's dogs, except that things are a little more complicated and span a little more time.
7.4-3 福 Fortune
她忽然跑回來喊我回去,靦腆地笑著說:“我忘跟你說了,你得學英語,學英語得多聽錄音。以後,我把我學托福、GRE時候的英語磁帶給你找出來(注3)。” 說完,她回去了。
She suddenly ran back and called me back. She smiled shyly and said, "I forgot to tell you. You must learn English. To learn English, you must listen to the recordings. Later, I will find it out and give you the English tapes from when I was learning TOEFL and GRE (note 3).” After that, she went back.
I was happy to hear that, but then I felt something was wrong. I didn't know she passed the GRE. She asked me to learn English and go to the United States with her, but we had just met. She thinks of me as another boyfriend. How many boyfriends does she have to have before she gets the wrong guy? Got to be at least five. I can't waste any more time with her.
注解7.4.3,這她是怎麽回事?後來有一次,祝老師一再追問我和她之間的事,我提到了這件怪事。祝老師聽了,反應強烈:“這是她說的!“ 他站起來就跑了。這是怎麽回事?我寫完回憶錄後,逐漸地分析出了劉團長的用意。祝老師的反應告訴我,劉健君的那個行為是劉團長設計並讓她做給我的,“賜福給我”。
Note 7.4.3, what’s going on with her? Later, Teacher Zhu repeatedly asked me about what happened between her and me, and I mentioned this strange incident. Teacher Zhu listened and reacted strongly: "That's what she said!" He stood up and ran away. How is this going? After I finished writing my memoirs in 2014, I gradually analyzed Troupe Leader Liu’s intentions. Teacher Zhu's reaction told me that Eve Liu's behavior was designed by Troupe Leader Liu and asked her to do it for me, "bless me."
幸福快樂的劉健君是女神,是福;悲傷哭泣的她是殃。我盧岩遇見她就是遇見殃了,因為她瞧不起我,認為有我這樣的男朋友是她的恥辱。我和她生氣吵架就是“冒犯女神” ,是在違反自然法,所以我病了。從那時起,我的生活中少有快樂,見到她,想起她就是在遭殃。我寫回憶錄時也是這樣。劉健君給我的印象當中,就這個場麵讓我感到些欣慰。她跑回來的姿態是個不常運動的女孩子形象,有骨頭有肉的;說話時的形象是個戀愛懷春的姑娘。
The happy Eve Liu is a Goddess and a Fortune; she who is sad and crying is a Misfortune. It was a Misfortune for me, Luyan, when I met her, because she looked down on me and thought it was a shame for her to have a boyfriend like me. When I got angry and argued with her, I was "offending the goddess" and violating natural law, so I became sick. From then on, there was little happiness in my life. Seeing her and thinking about her were disasters. The same thing happened when I wrote my memoirs. Among the impressions Eve Liu left on me, this scene made me feel a little relieved. The way she ran back was that of a girl who doesn't exercise often, with bones and flesh; when she spoke, she looked like a girl in love and pregnant with youth.
Illustration 7.4-3-1 is a symbol of Fortune in Chinese culture. It means that the memory of a person before the age of three is a powerful Fortune. Figure 7.4-3-2 is the symbol of Fortune in Mexican culture. The woman is Chalchiuhtlicue, the mother of Mexico. In real life, the boy was her and Mexico's son. In the legend, the child is Quetzalcoatl, which is used to indicate that she is the mother of all living beings. The eagle on the Mexican flag represents Tlaltecuhtli, Chalchiuhtlicue before enlightenment.
7.5 超渡 Transcendent Ferry
目錄 Catalog:7.5.1 治療恩怨情仇病 Treatment of Illness of Gratitude Resentment Love and Hatred;7.5.2 無所得 No Objective Gain;7.5.3 慧傷癡 Gnosis Harms Ignorance;7.5.4 覺悟的特質 Trait of Conscientiousness;7.5.5 給舅舅送終 Sending My Uncle Away;7.5.6 圓滿 Perfect Fulfillment;7.5.7 想去哪兒去哪兒To Think Where to Go is Arriving There; 7.5.8 神通正等明 Connection with Correct Equality Light
7.5.0 序言 Preface
At this time, my uncle had terminal lung cancer and was fighting with his family. I wanted to go and say goodbye to my uncle, but I didn't know what to say. Eve Liu’s master's thesis is on lung cancer, so I went to ask her for advice. She said that maybe in the past, he had accumulated some favor grudge love revenge or some unfinished business, and was dying, had no time, so he was annoyed to fight with his family.
I asked: "I want to go and say goodbye to him, what should I say? I'm having a hard time! What to say?"
She replied: "Those few sentences of the Transcendently Ferry (see figure 7.5) work best."
I have also heard that there are those few sentences that dying people love to hear and they laugh when hear them. Very few people know those sentences, and those who know them don't tell others easily. I asked her what those sentences are. When Eve Liu heard me, she ran away and laughed, saying: "I can't do it! I don't know (Note 1)!"
I shouted angrily: "Why are you running away! If you think those few words are effective, you know something about it?"
She said it was okay to tell me, but should not break the traditional rules, I must kneel and kowtow to her first and call her master.
I almost fainted from my anger, and my blood pressure hit my skull again and again: I'm not going to get down on my knees and kowtow to you!
After a while, she said: "My dad often tells this to his friends. I have loved listening to it since I was a child, and I feel like I understand it every time. But my dad says I don't understand and doesn't allow me to tell others."
I asked curiously: "You have been hearing this since you were a child. Now you are 26 years old and are about to graduate from graduate school. Why don't you understand and can't speak!? Your father has a high standard and a different definition for understanding. So, what does your father mean by understanding?”
She said: "My father said that if you understand it in your own words, it doesn't count. If you understand it in the words of books, it doesn't count. You must use your component’s words and explain it to he or her so that he or she understands it as if he is completely transparent. Then, I count you as understanding."
Surprised and perplexed, I asked: "Can psychological mechanics be as precise as math or mechanics, up to 100 percent!"
She replied: "I think like you; but my dad says he can!"
Note 7.5-1, it is said in Buddhist law that Bodhisattvas in the fifth land (see Chapter 16) can teach people the laws that they have proven; only great Bodhisattvas in the eighth land and above are qualified to preach Buddhism. The author read in a Buddhist magazine when I was a child. The monk said: "This saying has been around since ancient times, and we agree with it. But there are too few great Bodhisattvas above the eighth land. As a result, it is difficult for us to hold Buddhist ceremonies because Buddhist scriptures say that if a Mahasattva (Buddha, commonly known as a great Bodhisattva, a great monk, a great nun, or a great real human) is not present, then the ceremony is not a Buddhist ceremony. But if we don’t talk about it, the law will become less and less for us. After studying and deciding: 'Let's put it this way, we are all disciples of the Buddha, we are senior brothers and sisters, and those who come after are junior brothers and sisters. Let's study and learn together.'"
7.5.1 治療恩怨情仇病 Treatment of Illness of Gratitude Resentment Love and Hatred
Eve Liu began to give me the words Transcendent Ferry by asking questions about my uncle's personal experiences from childhood to old age, like those of a witch doctor and a fortune teller. As she asked, she pointed out where the knotty problems lay. For example, he had killed a few weasels (note, some mental illnesses are regionally cultural), and he had destroyed many of his uncle's Taoist instruments and scriptures during the Cultural Revolution. She says these issues need to be addressed.
Eve Liu said: "First, you should settle the family's property disputes and arrange for the ownership of his property after his death. The children should all show obedience to his last wishes so that he can go in peace."
I said: "This is obvious, say the next clause!"
She said: "The second clause is the treatment of the Illness of Favor Grudge Love and Revenge (note, i.e., mental illness). You can't go to a hospital and see a doctor when you have this disease. Whether or not the psychiatrists in hospitals understand mental illness is another question; they are really busy, too busy earning money to see patients."
I was amused: "What then? Who to go to?"
She said: "If you have this kind of disease, you have to find someone who understands it; or you can read books yourself and find solutions from books (note, modern psychology books are also reliable, not psychiatry books)."
I asked: "How can I find out who he has a grudge against and why he is so upset?"
She replied: "Didn't I just ask about his personal history? After you arrive at his home, you should pay attention to the decoration of his home, such as the paintings on the wall, the shrine in the backyard, etc.; when chatting with relatives and friends, you should pay attention to find problems, and your uncle will tell you himself because he is worried about it. "
She continued: "The pathology of ‘favor grudge love and revenge’ disease is that one has previously had a quarrel obsession with a benefactor, a wrongdoer, a lover, or an enemy, etc., and there is generally still some misunderstanding. This person then holds an obsession; as time passes, the obsession enters the unconscious, and it becomes a mental illness. The way to cure it is to bring the benefactor, the wrongdoer, the lover, or the enemy, and resolve the conflict face to face. If people don't meet, the disease cannot be cured (note 1). Meeting has 30% humanity, there are very few conflicts that cannot be talked out. When the patient's knot is untied, the disease is cured."
注7.5-1,此中治療心理疾病的原理是佛的六種主要覺悟(即等、正、生、老、病、死, 參見15.1節)中的對病的覺悟(參見10.6 治療心理疾病的原則)。
I felt difficult and said: "This is not a matter of a few words. It requires eloquent people to make peace and mediate. It seems that I can't learn this. I have no knowledge and experience, and I am not good at talking."
Note 7.5-1, the principle of treating mental illness (see 10.6 Principles of Curing Mental Illness) is an enlightenment to illness among the six main enlightenments of Buddha. The six enlightenments are equality, correct, birth, aging, illness, and death (see section 15.1).
7.5.1-2 法眼 Juristic Eye
She retorted: "You're wrong! You can really do this. If you couldn't, I wouldn't have told you about it from the beginning. I saw that you could, so I said it."
I was confused: "When did you see that I could do it?"
She said: "You should look at it this way. Learning how to do affairs is related to personality. As for this matter, if learners don't have the right personality, some people won't be able to learn it for two or three years. You have this personality, now I explain the principles and procedures clearly to you. If you encounter this matter at your uncle's house, you'll be able to handle it easily. If you can't, I wouldn’t explain it to you at the beginning. People are dying there, and I'm encouraging you to go over there to fight and get angry, which has no positive effect. Then what kind of work am I doing! Am I that unethical!"
I asked: "What is my personality? How do you know that?"
She said: "The last time we met, you and now are different. At that time, you were smiling, like that, I didn't even recognize you! Until you asked me, 'Are you Eve Liu?' I froze, thinking how come the person is changed! How come the person replaced in the affair of falling in love! I thought about it for a long time before I realized: you are a person with multiple personalities. Just now, you changed again! Fortunately, I knew, otherwise, can be scared by you! As of now, I see that you have three personalities, and one of them can do this."
She explained a lot to me and gave me examples. I couldn't understand it at all, was confused, so I asked: "How can you be sure that when I was at my uncle's house, I happened to have the kind of personality that can transcendently ferry people?"
She said: "Your personality changes with your environment. Right now, this personality of yours is to slip around the edges and hide. When you go to your uncle's house, if you come across such a situation, you change naturally; you get brave and stand up for yourself. Believe me, I am 100% not wrong about this. This is something that can be done if someone takes the lead. Anyone who has a grudge against anyone can't forgive someone who's going to die."
7.5.2 無所得 No Objective Gain
Eve Liu asked me: "What do you think about what people can get in life?"
I replied: "People die like lights out, and there is no subject that is capable to gain! But people leave their names behind, and geese leave their sounds!"
Eve Liu replied: "I also think so. Things are impermanent and people die like a lamp going out, this clause talks about life without gain, all laws are empty, and there is no sin or fortune (Note 1). My dad said that the liberating power of gainless is very great, and it is wisdom of transcending mundaneness. People who are dying love to hear this and are happy to hear it. If you're saying goodbye to someone who's dying and only have a chance to say one sentence, say this. This clause revolves around no gain."
注7.5.2-1,日常人的每一個行為都會產生業習氣,因此有罪和福的業報(即報應)。讀者當知,本文的談話對象是個將死之人。死人無受,故 “無罪無福”。但,人的生命分為智慧生命和身命(即形體壽命)兩部分。智慧生命如發明創造,所撰寫的書籍,名聲等;形體命終後,智慧生命還會生存多年,甚至千年。形體會腐朽,化成泥土和青煙,不會變得什麽都沒有。
Note 7.5.2-1, every behavior of ordinary people will produce habitual karma, so there will be sinful and fortunate karmic recompenses (i.e. retribution). The reader should be aware that the person in this article is talking to a dying person. The dead have no acceptance, so "no sin, no fortune”. However, human life can be divided into two parts: intellectual life and physical life. Intelligent life such as inventions, books written, reputation, etc.; after the death of the physical body, intelligent life will survive for many years, even thousands of years. The flesh body will decay and turn into soil and smoke, but it will not become nothing.
There is this saying in the Buddhist scriptures. 1. Prajna (i.e. gnosis) has nothing to gain, 2. Paramita (i.e. arriving at another shore, Arrival Ark, Noah’s Ark) has nothing to gain, 3. Bodhisattva (i.e. real human) gain nothing, and 4. Mahasattva (i.e. Buddha, God, and Goddess) has gained nothing. Gainless because there is no factual nature.
7.5.2-2 慧眼 Gnostic Eye
Eve Liu asked me: "They say that when people die, they can go wherever they want. What do you think?"
I replied: "That is because the person has no breathing, still has thought activities, and has entered a state of hallucination. The image in his imagination is the hallucinational environment. When he wants to go somewhere, his Think immediately fetches the image of the destination; the hallucinational state immediately changes into the destinate environment becomes the destination, therefore he has been instantly translocated to where he wants to go.”
Eve Liu thought for a while and said: "I have listened to my dad since I was a child, but I never thought like you said before. I think you are right; I thought wrong before."
她說:“我爸說,不能用書上的話,不能用你自己的話,你要用對方的話給對方講明白。但是,我懂你的意思,我想想我爸是怎麽說的,給你找幾個話題。” 她走到了一邊去想,不說話了。
I said: "I heard that these few sentences of Transcendently Ferry are very special. Some people cannot open their mouth to say them. People must say them according to what is written in the book, without mistaking a single word. What did your father say?"
She said: "My dad said, you can't use the words in the book, you can't use your own words. You must use the opponent’s words to explain it clearly to he or her. But I understand what you mean. I want to think about what my dad said and find several topics for you." She walked aside to think about it and stopped talking.
我等得著急,就幾次過去提醒她,換了幾種說法:“這事要從外界都是內心的投影考慮。比如在這裏,就在這兒,依心,即這棵樹,為中心,來投射外界(環境1)。” 我一邊說,一邊對她做著肢體的表示。“你向外看。忽然,你看見了那座雕像,心想:那是什麽?”我拉她來到了雕像旁,說:“就與此同時,大腦把那座雕像放大了,新的世界相應地生成了(環境2)。你忽略我們來到這裏的過程,幻覺世界裏,這過程是一刹那就完成的。我們從以那棵樹為中心的世界(環境1)來到了以這個雕像為中心的世界(環境2);這就是幻覺世界裏的瞬間變化:想去哪兒去哪兒(即瞬間轉移,亦作天腿通,如圖15.2.2-38)。”
I was waiting impatiently, so I went over to remind her several times and changed my words: "This matter must be considered from the outside world as a projection of the heart. For example, right here, with the heart, that is, this tree, as the center, to project the outside world (Environment 1)." I said while making physical gestures to her. "You looked outside. Suddenly, you saw the statue and thought: What is that?" I pulled her to the statue and said: "At the same time, the brain magnified the statue, and the new world (Environment 2) is generated accordingly. You ignore the process of us getting here. In the world of hallucination, this process is completed in an instant, from the world centered on the tree (Environment 1) to the world centered on this statue (Environment 2). It is an instantaneous change in the world of hallucination: you can go wherever you want (i.e. instant transfer, teleportation, see fig."
She suddenly said: "I remembered! Didn't I think of my dad when I saw you? It has been two or three times. I finally found out how similar you two are. When talking about this, my dad is just like you, always speaking from different angles, giving different examples, and showing pictures at the same time. In this regard, you two are the same."
Note, Celestial Eye is the experience shown in Figures to 8. The author, I practiced meditation (see Chapter 12 "Meditation") and experienced it when I was a child, so I can think about phenomena in the hallucinational world, such as Celestial Leg (Figure 38), Reading Other Heart (Picture 37), Celestial Ear, etc. This kind of knowledge is called Gnosis in Buddhism, also known as the Gnostic Eye. Gnostic Eye is a “heart eye”, gets its name from the metaphor. Eve Liu did not have enough hallucinational experience so her gnostic root (Celestial Eye) was deficient, so she could not think about affairs in the hallucination world. In addition, there must be a complete inner mental environment before the formation of human language. Eve Liu's mind cannot obtain hallucinational phenomena, so the hallucination environment cannot be formed in her mind, so she cannot speak (see below) to talk about phenomena of hallucinations.
7.5.2-3 劉健君不能說Eve Liu can’t Say.
劉健君說:“我知道你們倆沒見過,我就說你們倆的動作、表情和說話的方式相像。好了,現在我來想他說過什麽!” 忽然,她轉身跑了。
I replied: "What are you thinking! I've never met your father; how could I behave like him!"
Eve Liu said: "I know you two have never met, so I just said that your movements, expressions and ways of speaking are similar. Okay, now let me think about what he said!" Suddenly, she turned and ran away.
I chased after her, found that she was afraid of me, was about to cry. I stood far away and asked: "What's wrong? What are you afraid of?"
She said: "When I heard my dad tell it before, I thought it was strange, and it sounded like it is true. Then I realized that you both have been there!"
I came to my senses and said: "Aren't we talking about hallucinations? Even if I have been the world of death and came back, I am not dead!"
When she came back, she said: "Just now, I thought wrong again! Now I will tell you what my father said."
I listened carefully, but I couldn't hear her. I got close to her and watched her mouth move, but I couldn't hear it. I leaned forward and put my ear to her mouth but still couldn't hear. I said anxiously: "You will tell me later, something suddenly happened to my ears, and I couldn't hear the sound.” I started to test my own hearing on the side.
She said: "I didn't make a sound; how could you hear me!"
I realized that I heard it, and when I reacted, I jumped up in anger and shouted: "If you don't speak, why are you moving your lips? Ah! You are teasing me; this is not funny at all!"
She said: "I know it's not funny, and I'm not kidding you. I want to say it, but I can't remember how to say it."
I said: "You have listened to your father telling others since you were a child. You have listened to it at least hundreds of times now. How is it possible that you haven't remembered even a single sentence?"
She replied: "Yes! I feel strange too! What's going on? Why can't I speak! Hey! You are trying to pinch me!"
I did not understand.
Eve Liu added: "Then why can't I say it (see previous note)!?"
7.5.3 慧傷癡 Gnosis Harms Ignorance
I replied: "I just met you, why am I trying to pinch you! Besides, I don't have the ability to make you speechless!"
Eve Liu muttered: "I feel strange too. We just met, why do you keep pinching me! Indeed! You don't have the ability to make me speechless. I think you are right about this clause. You understand this when you talk to your uncle you explain it in systematically sequence. He will understand what he has experienced, to those he has not experienced, he will not be afraid when he encounters it in the future. "
But I stared, not knowing what to say or how to tell my uncle.
She said: "Now I'm going to help you organize these items we've discussed." After speaking, she asked me to lecture her.
When Eve Liu heard me speak these clauses of the Transcendental Ferry, she was very angry and said: "You're pinching me! How is it that you speak better than I do? It's also many sets of words, why do you ask me if you know!"
I replied: "I don't know it before! I read the preface of the Maha Paramita Sutra (i.e. Greater Ark Sutra) in a magazine. I didn't understand it and thought that if I memorized it and could understand it in the future, I would have some merit. Even if I can't figure it out, these lines are so literate that I can use them manifest strange, to clamor for attention, to say something that no one can understand to make a new point."
When she heard this, she praised me: "That's a great idea!" But when she turned around, she was so exasperated that she cried. I asked her what was wrong again. She said: "I grew up thinking I understood this, that it was one of my strengths, but my dad always said I didn't understand. Now, even you understand it, and I still don't! What's wrong with me!?"
When I heard this, I was furious: how is it that I insulted you to tears by understanding this little affair! You despise me from your bones! Why do you still want to fall in love with me! I don't want to talk about it! I turned around and walked away. After walking out for some distance, I thought it's too rude to leave like this! So, I walked back.
她叨咕:“這事和結沒結婚有什麽關係!我也沒結婚呢!” 她一轉身,笑了,問:“為什麽沒結婚就不能知道這幾句話?”
Eve Liu asked me: "You really didn't understand these words before?"
I replied: "Where would I know, I'm not married!"
She muttered: "What does this have to do with being married or not! I'm not married either!" She turned around, laughed, and asked: "Why can't you know these words if you're not married?"
I said coyly, "It's a rural saying."
我說:“小時候,我們村子裏有人作法事。那個被作法的人死前想見見我父母。法師就派助理來找我父母,對我媽說:我先給你講講給人送終要說的幾句話;這幾句話不讓小孩兒聽,因為慧能害癡。我媽說:不癡,還不好?! 那個法師助理說:老輩子們說,太癡了不好,但沒癡也不好。不癡情對談戀愛和婚後生活都有不好的影響。”
She immediately said: "When I was in high school, I heard that there are reasons behind many of the old folk sayings that we don't know. When I was in college, there was this internship program to investigate folk sayings, and I took it. We believe in this, so think about it, why did you just say that? I want to hear it."
I said: "When I was a kid, someone in our village performed a ‘Juristic Affair’. The man who had been amended wanted to meet my parents before he died. The Juristic Teacher then sent his assistant to my parents and said to my mom: ‘I'll first tell you the few sentences of Transcendental Ferry. These words are not to be listened to by children because gnosis harms ignorance. My mom said, ‘isn’t that good to not be ignorant?’ That juristic assistant said, ‘The old lifers say that it's neither good to be too non-ignorant nor good to be very ignorant. Non-ignorant has a bad effect on falling in love and on married life."
Eve Liu stopped laughing after hearing this and said after thinking for a while: "There is this saying. When I first went to the hospital for my internship, I heard that they also told this to the patients, I was curious to know if what they told was the same as what my father told, so I asked. The old doctor said, ‘You young people, should not learn this! Think again, what else did you hear?’"
I said: "They went, and I followed. When I got not far from that house, there were ‘Juristic Defenders’ (i.e. guardians) outside watching and not letting in. A few people were chattering with the young Juristic Defender (i.e. Juristic Teacher’s assistants or disciples). The young man said, ‘The masters don't teach us, and they don't show us the book. The masters said, ‘What is the Sky Book, the Book of Death and Life? It is just a set of books, and no one cares who reveals the secrets; when you are forty years old, we will surely give each of you a set of the books. It is for your own good that we do not teach you now. If you don't know anything now, then you succeed in finding a spouse, it would be like a blind cat bumping into a dead rat. In fact, this is the best way to find a spouse. When you blind cats go out, you're bound to run into a dead rat.”
"If we teach you and let you read the books, your Gnostic Eye (see section 7.5.2) and Juristic Eye (see section 7.5.1) will open. When you have “Reading Others Mind Through” (an ancient method of psychoanalysis; the Gnostic Eye includes “Reading Others Mind Through”), and you specialize in looking at people's dark sides. People who have dark experiences are not necessarily bad people, but you think that they are strange. You see this as evil, that as crooked, and over time, you yourselves grow crooked and become weird. Gnosis hurts ignorance. No ignorance, you are not focused on love, today with this talk, tomorrow with that talk, recruiting three, four, in the end, which will not be able to, to delay your own.”
I continued: "When your juristic eye open, you would analyze the match between your personality and the spouse and use the bars to set and the boxes to choose. Then looking for a spouse, three or two years to meet a qualified. Then with your juristic eyes, this has a demonic hindrance, that has karmic hindrance, are all demons and monsters, want to find a human is difficult, that your spouse how to find!"
Eve Liu said: "I hear this argument is quite reasonable!"
7.5.4 覺悟的特質 Trait of Conscientiousness
I had heard long ago that the Sky Book could save as well as harm people, so those who had that book hid it from others, so I asked: "When your father told this to others, he didn't carry it behind your back?"
She said: "I was little then, I listened next to them as they talked, no one cared too much about me, then I got used to it."
I asked: "I've heard that people who have that set of books will wrap the book in three layers and lock it in a box, so that no one else can look at it. Didn't your dad hide that book?"
She thought for a while and said: "And I can't tell if he hid it or not. I was only thirteen or fourteen at the time. One day, when the two of them were not at home, I somehow caught sight of the book that my father always read and took it out to read it. When they both came back and saw me reading it, they were angry, but I thought they were afraid I would break the book."
I asked: "Your dad didn't hide that book?"
She thought for a moment and said: "I can't tell if my dad hid it or not. My dad is different from ordinary people."
I asked: "Different? What's different?"
Eve Liu said: "Let me give you an example. He lies in bed at night reading a book. When it's time to go to sleep, he doesn't throw the book away or put it under the mattress. He first sits up and puts on his shoes. When he stands up, he kicks his shoes and makes them comfortable, then he buttons his shirt, stands up, picks up the book, puts it in the bookshelf, and arranges it correctly. Adjusting the line from the left, then from the right, to make sure the book is in the right place, he turns around, sits on the bed, undresses, takes off his shoes, and gets into bed."
I heard her say: "Is that how everything works?"
She said: "My father does everything like this. He always plans first and then acts according to it. Let me give you another example, even if he goes out for a walk at evening, he has to plan first, he just stands there and thinks can it rain, with or without an umbrella; bring water, how much water to bring; where to rest; drink water, how much to drink. He looks at the bottle and brings too much water, that's absolutely not allowed, and goes to pour out the excess water."
劉健君驕傲地說:“我小時候很利索,什麽都有個樣兒!” 她又變得羞愧地說:“上大學住宿舍,我看別人躺在床上看書,看完了,把書一扔就睡覺;我就變得邋遢了。”
When I heard this, I felt new: "There are such people! Then you have been inculcated since childhood, you must be very disciplined and neat!"
Eve Liu proudly said: "I was very neat as a child; everything has a style!" She then became ashamed and said, "When I went to college and lived in the dormitory, I watched other people lying on the bed reading books, and when they were finished, they threw the books away and went to sleep; I became sloppy."
She then walked back and forth, saying, "You pinched me out! I saw you laughing at me!"
I replied: "I wasn't laughing at you. I don't see what you have to laugh about."
She said angrily: "I don't see what you're laughing at either, but I've seen you laughing at me a couple times and it's getting on my nerves! It's the first time in my life I've ever been so embarrassed!"
I replied angrily: "I'm the one who lost all the face today, how come you lost face too!"
7.5.5 給舅舅送終 Farewell to Uncle
I sat on the stool opposite my uncle and chatted. After a few words, I felt very sleepy. I tried to open my eyes, supported the stool with both hands, and sat upright exhausted. After a while, I broke out in a sweat and became energetic again. When I came out of my uncle's house, my aunt asked me: "What did you and your uncle talk about? You were joking and laughing, but I didn't pay attention at the time." At this time, I knew that I was there to transcendently ferry my uncle, but I forgot what those sentences are, and I have completely forgotten the content of our conversation (Note 1).
Note 7.5.5-1, now that I think about it, as Eve Liu Jianjun said earlier (see 7.5.1-2 "Juristic Eye"), I am a person with multiple personalities, and my personality changes with different environments. I was very tired when my personality was changing, and the memories between personalities were not connected or connected in one direction. Modern psychology believes that people with multiple personalities have different IQ levels, different behavioral habits, facial expressions, and different oral capability when they have different personalities. This reminds me of the God Dance in shamanism, where the shaman seems to be possessed by a god. Author me believes that the essence of the weird manifestations of Sharman possession by spirits is the change of personality. So, if the Sharman's personality doesn't change, can't he (or she) cast spells? It is common for Shamans to dance and sing for a few days without the spirit coming to possess them. As a result, rituals cannot be carried out as scheduled.
Two years later, once my mom came back from my aunt's house, she asked me, "People say that you talked to your uncle a month or so before he died. After you talked to him, he changed. He's changed for the better, too good to be true! Your second sister-in-law didn't dare to stay at home by herself, telling people, 'Since that nephew of his from Shenyang came and talked to him for a while, the old man has changed, and he talks and laughs and discusses everything; and when no one is around, he is always talking to himself, comparing drawings and painting, and stealing smiles.' Is he crazy?"
Mom said, "A lot of people from North and South Tuner went to see your uncle! They were all surprised and confused! How could he have become like that! Your uncle said to everyone he met, 'I didn't think I'd get my second nephew's (i.e., author mine) Gain Remembrance (Note 2).' People said, 'I don't understand! But even if he is crazy, it's a fortune to be crazy like that! If he is happy.'"
“是什麽?我也想學學。” 那時,我回憶不出來;直到2014年,我寫回憶錄時,才想起來我給舅舅送終時的談話內容。
Then Mom said, "They say you know the words sending dying people away. When we mentioned this, your aunt cried and said, 'Little Luyan knows, but when I asked him, he wouldn't tell me.' I thought to myself, ‘people say that only those who know how to say those words are capable talkers! If I've learned it, and it would be one my advantages! ' Let's see if your aunt will still take care of you in the future!"
I replied: "That's what happened. I really forgot those few words!"
"What is it? I want to learn too." At that time, I couldn't recall it; it wasn't until 2014, when I was writing my memoirs, that I remembered the content of the conversation I gave my uncle when he died.
注7.5.5-2,什麽是授記?什麽是得記?超渡的過程中,有對被超度人的人生評價。我評價他為 “入流果聖人” (參見7.5.8-3)。這個評價要客觀、真實,如果被超渡的人自己都對這個評價不信服,那這超渡就廢了。我是按照當時中國流行的 “入流果 (15.2.4《四沙門果》)” 的標準逐條跟他解釋的。那時,盧岩在他的眼中,還是個孩子,他怎麽就信了呢?
Note 7.5.5-2, What is Bestowing Remembrance? What is the Gain Remembrance? In the process of transcendent ferry, there is an evaluation of the life of the person being transcended. I evaluate him as a "stream-entering sage" (see 7.5.8-3). This evaluation must be objective and true. If the person being transcended is not convinced by the evaluation, then the transition will be useless. I explained it to him one by one according to the standard of "stream-entering fruit (15.2.4 "Four Shamanic Fruit") which was popular in China at that time. At that time, Luyan was still a child in his eyes, so how did he come to believe in it?
Eve Liu took this issue into consideration when he told me about transcendent ferry and said: "You and your uncle haven't seen each other for seven or eight years. You are still a child in his heart. This is not okay! You should say which authority did you hear from." I told my uncle the truth: "I went to ask a graduate student at the China Medical University for advice. I just learned it." My uncle believed it as soon as he heard it and said: "It's not surprising that there are a few living Buddhas in the old city of Shenyang! Only your classmate, the kind of person is amazing. But also, on your classmate kind of people powerful, since childhood, the family adults talk to people about this, she went in and out to listen to a sentence and a half, smoked out. Other, school out, master with apprentice out, and self-taught, are not as good as this smoked out."
7.5.6 圓滿 Perfect Fulfillment
Here are three topics based on conversations I had when I was transcendently ferrying my uncle.
My uncle said: "This one, I understand now! No gain, looks insignificant, but the truth is deep and useful. You say the next clause!"
I said to uncle: "This clause speaks of Fulfillment, I'll use the words from the book, you hear and understand the meaning. What is the fulfillment? There is no unmatched law, and you must not amend to send it away. Laws have no nature and cannot be amended or repatriated with; thus, no amendment no disharmony. The heart is immaculate and unattached; thus, it does not arouse. Cause and effect are like hallucination, thus, no fetch and no obsession. This is way one achieves perfect fulfillment quickly. The Veda said, 'There is no lesser law that match with the lesser law, but the natural law is bound to be united with itself.' Without understanding this, he will not attain perfect fulfillment and will not arrive at the perfect world; understanding this, with a little practice he will have perfected his merit and virtue."
Uncle said: "I understand; go on, how do you see and practice?"
I said: "It is said in the Buddhist scriptures that all things have their own merits, what we should say that using their extreme place; that thing exists shows box and cover fit, reasonable and fair you have climbed up a pillar covered by blades. This is to say that everything in the world has existed for thousands of years, each with its own reasoning and virtues. When you extend this reasoning to the limit, one thing, one reason, things exist is the reasoning and effects match. When you think things make sense, you should know that you are climbing up a pillar covered with sword blades and are bound to get hurt."
Uncle said: "I hear you, but I don't get the gist of it, so give me an example of how to do it."
I said: "For example, you go to the backyard, see a barnyard grass, just look at the grass alone, do not look at the seedlings. You just think, a few days did not pay attention, you grow so big, and strong, and watery. You don't need to yell at my second brother: the grass has grown taller than the seedlings. They are just three people, not mind of these three melons and two dates. You just think, I shoveled you have shoveled 50 years, you still grow so vigorous, today I spare your life, do not pull you. You look at the beauty of this barnyard grass alone; this is one thing and one reason. When you view everything in this way, you are far from hell, advance toward heaven, and into the realm of the Buddha."
我說:“當你單單欣賞水稗草的美的時候,美的等流果(參見11.6.2節《等流果》)就會隨意而聚;這就是如意(參見13.1.6-4 知足天)。如果不聯想別的,世界就是美好的。一想到苗和收成,這不合理呀!美好的世界就被破壞了。”
Uncle asked: "Look at the grass but not the seedlings and look at the seedlings but not the grass. What happens then?"
I said: "When you appreciate the beauty of the barnyard grass alone, the Equal Stream Fruits of beauty (cf. 11.6.2 Equal Stream Fruit) will be gathered at will; this is “As Wish” (cf. 13.1.6-4 Contentment Sky). If one does not associate it with anything else, the world is beautiful. When one thinks of seedlings and harvests, this is unreasonable! The beautiful world is destroyed."
Uncle thought for a moment, said: "Indeed, the barnyard grass is prosperously strong and watery! I can feel it. This example is quite good! You give another example."
I said: "Look at your family's wall grass, east wind east, west wind west follows, a period of time does not rain, you think they are dead, but they grow well year after year but also live forever."
Uncle said in amazement: "That grass lives forever?"
I said: "That grass doesn't have the annoyances of birth, getting old, illness, or dying.
They don't know about life and death, and there is no difference between life and death for themselves, so people who can talk say they live forever. You must put yourself in their shoes and take their point of view!"
Uncle said: "What's the point of that! I don't get it."
I said: "Buddhas have no birth and death, why? Because before becoming a Buddha, one is required to throw away birth and death, that is, forget about birth and death. This is all written in the sutras!"
Uncle asked: "Is this true?"
I replied: "It is true! There is this step in the cultivation process in the Buddhist scriptures: to give up the conceptual ideas and memories of birth and death; that is, to get rid of the inferior seeds of birth and death. When you see and do this, you gradually step into the realm of earthly immortality."
Uncle chattered: "That's how it is!?"
I replied: "That's how it is! People say that Buddha's Mount Sumeru (Monk's Mountain) doesn't even have hair on the heads of birds. When I looked at the sutra, that was true; the birds were vultures. The sutra says that clothes grow on trees, and that's also true! They weave robes out of cottonwood. Buddha was then good at finding beauty in real life. Why is the Buddha's land always so good? He finds beauty in things by themselves alone, without comparing them to each other. They just put themselves in the shoes of what they are looking at and think about it. This is extreme pluralism, the Buddha's worldview. Nowadays the western world is popular for diversification; it is this kind of pluralism."
Uncle asked: "Have you practiced this?"
I replied: "I have pondered and understood this, but I still have to earn money to eat and buy clothes; I can't keep letting my parents feed me; it's not yet time to enter the Wonderful Intelligence World. You are different from me, when you eat, your sons and daughters put it here for you and make offerings. You should then be free from the bitter sea, disembark, and enter the Wonderful Intelligence World."
Uncle said: "This clause is called Perfect Fulfillment. To see like this and to do like this is Perfect Fulfillment. To idealize and act according to the daily path, that is trouble without end. You speak about the next clause! Wait until later to talk about this one, isn't that what you came to tell me!"
I replied: "Yes! I'll keep talking if you want to hear it."
7.5.7 想去哪兒去哪兒 To Think Where to Go is Arriving There
舅舅瞪大了眼睛,反問:“有怎麽的?沒有怎麽的?” (注1,他在防衛自己,保護自己的隱私。)
I steered the conversation by asking: "Uncle, have you ever experienced seeing ghosts, such as seeing someone who has passed away; or feeling something on your body, such as bugs or mice crawling or something?"
Uncle's eyes widened and he asked rhetorically: "Any how? No how?" (Note 1, he's on the defensive, protecting his privacy.)
I replied: "Nothing! You've been sick for more than six months, and when your body becomes weak, or when you stay in a certain position for a long time, you may hallucinate. Hallucinations used to be called ghosts."
Uncle asked: "Then why? How is it caused?"
I answered: "Hallucinations, like dreams, are normal physiological phenomena; people just sometimes dream and sometimes have hallucinations."
Uncle asked: "Do hallucinations have anything to do with past experiences?"
I answered: "Hallucinations are similar to dreams, of course they don't come from nothing, so we should say that they are related to past experiences. Some people interpret dreams in a haphazard manner, while others interpret the phenomenon of hallucinations in a haphazardly connected manner, at their own peril. Hallucinations are what people used to call ghosts, what tickling ghosts, naughty ghosts, life-suppressing ghosts, whatever."
7.5.7-2 鬼神境界 Realm of Ghosts and Gods
From this, I systematically describe the tactile hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, Visual Hallucinations, and how to deal with them (see Chapter 12 Meditation).
Uncle said: "I understand, when there is a hallucination, no matter what kind of feeling, no matter what kind of sound, no matter what kind of thing, it's all a hallucination, and it's all of the same nature; if you like it, you can tease it; if you don't like it, you can just drive it away like a child, and say out with sound, 'Go away!' "
我回答:“對!幻境中的影像是思想的‘想’;彼是內慮所托。剛才說的都是局部幻覺,整體呢?陰間的整個世界,即幻境,也是隨著你的思想意誌改變的。比如說,你忽然有個想法, ‘天堂’。在幻境中,就在你想‘天堂’二字的同時,你的‘想’取來了天堂的形象,接著無意識就按匹配,生成了天堂的幻境。你就到了天堂了。”
I replied: "Right! The images in the hallucinations are the 'thoughts' of the mind; they are held by internal considerations. What I have just said is a localized hallucination; what about the whole? The whole world of the netherworld, i.e., the realm of hallucination, also changes with the will of your thoughts. For example, you suddenly have a thought, 'Heaven'. In the hallucination just as you think the word 'heaven', your 'Think' takes the image of heaven, and then the unconscious, by matching, generates the realm of heaven. So, you arrive in heaven."
Uncle asked: "Wherever you want to go, whatever, in any situation?"
I replied: "Exactly! The example of 'stomping on the wall and entering the painting' that I just mentioned is entering the realm of netherworld (including heaven), that is, entering that world of equality in the netherworld. When you go in, at first, it is very small there, and soon a world is generated."
Uncle asked: "And then what?"
I replied: "When you went to the other world, it was still small at first and soon a large world was generated. A world from its formation to its collapse is a great catastrophe. A great catastrophe is an eternity. There are many great catastrophes, or eternities, in the after life (including netherworld and heaven)."
Uncle said: "I see, the strange phenomenon I am experiencing is that this world and that world are gradually connecting; I am going to die!"
Feeling surprised at my uncle's statement, I replied: "It can be said that there is a connection between this world and the world of hallucination, but it does not mean that you are going to die. I practiced meditation when I was a child and used to go there, but I am still alive and not dead. Having hallucinatory experiences has nothing to do with death, except that the hallucinatory world is the source of people's descriptions of the world of death."
7.5.7-3 痛苦嗎?Is It Painful?
Uncle asked: "It's scary and painful there, right?"
I replied: "It's very novel, not scary. When the physical sensation is gone, you can say that it is the underworld, heaven, or hell. It is not painful and very comfortable. As I said, I practiced Meditation when I was a child. I’ve been there many times, and I love going there and exploring the world.”
Uncle asked: "Why are heaven and hell the same place?"
I answered: "That is the world where the karmic habits accumulated daily are spontaneous. Evil people live in riots and terror every day here. Once there, the world where their karmic habits are spontaneous is hell. Good people live peaceful and happy lives here. The world where his or her karmic habits are spontaneous is also peaceful and joyful, so people say that he or she has entered heaven.”
Uncle muttered: "That's what it is! How terrible and painful is it there?"
I answered: "It's like arriving in a new place. When I first entered, there was still the memory of the body. The body was like a shadow. Then, the body was gone. Without the body, there is no physical pain. Like you, lung cancer is very painful here. There is no physical pain, so it can be ignored."
Uncle asked: "Then why didn't you go there anymore? Didn't you practice meditation?"
我回答:“後來,我發現去那兒會產生陽壽中(即日常生活中)記憶的丟失。例如,一次,我聽見我爸問我媽,‘盧岩怎麽不生氣了,我還以為他得生氣幾天呢!’我媽回答,‘可能是他又練氣功了。有時候他練完氣功就高興,前後院兒跑,看哪兒哪兒新鮮,像似多天沒回家了似的。’再比如,有同學對我說,‘哎,咱倆前天不是打架了嗎,你怎麽跟沒事似的?’ 我想,‘呀,我怎麽不記得了呢!’ 我就發現了,入定(幻覺狀態)會造成短期記憶的遺失(幻境刷新了臨時或短期記憶)。這要是我忘了兩年的事,那我不得回去讀小學了麽!我就不練氣功了。”
我回答:“到了那裏,就感覺像似幾歲的孩子。 我不是就在給你送終,送你回老家嗎! 那裏是神的世界,我在送你歸位。”
I answered: "Later, I discovered that going there would cause memory loss in the solar light world (that is daily life, or vessel world). For example, once, I heard my dad ask my mom, 'Why is Luyan not angry anymore? I thought he must be angry for several days.’ My mother replied, ‘Maybe he practiced meditation again. Sometimes he is happy after practicing meditation and runs around looking at everything, as if he hasn't been home for many days." For another example, a classmate said to me, ‘Hey, we had a fight the day before yesterday. Why did you act like nothing happened?’ I thought, ‘Oh, why don't I remember it?’ I discovered that the state of trance (hallucination) causes the loss of short-term memory (the hallucination refreshes the preconscious and short-term memory). If I forget this for two years, then I must go back to primary school! Then I stopped practicing meditation."
Uncle said: "Ah! The longer you live there, the younger you become."
I replied: "When I get there, I feel like a child of several years old. Aren't I just seeing you off and sending you back to your old home? That is the world of God, and I am sending you back to your own position."
7.5.7-4 如果我走錯路了怎麽辦?What if I go the wrong way?
Uncle exclaimed: "It's really back home! What if I go the wrong way?"
I replied: "No matter where you are, the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss, the Dragon's Palace, Hell, or with the Jade Emperor, you are 'going wherever you think of simultaneously. ' Right! Eve Liu told me at the time, be careful: you don't send your uncle to the wrong place!"
The uncle asked: "How could it be sent to the wrong place?"
I answered: "Eve Liu said yes. In their hospital, there was an old lady with very special ideals. She wanted to be a maid in some nunnery in her next life. After the juristic teacher finished speaking and left, she got confused. Later, the old lady's family asked the juristic teacher if he had sent her the wrong place. The teacher said, ‘The place is not wrong. All 64 religions (including Christian and Islam) in China go to that same place, but the words or expressions are different." Christians and Muslims also are transcendently ferried in this way, just by changing their names and sending them to see God or Allah.”
Uncle asked: "Why are all religions the same?"
I answered: "Eve Liu has heard her father tell this to others since she was a child. When she was doing her postgraduate internship, she found that juristic teachers went to the hospital to transcendently ferry dying patients. She became familiar with those masters, so she asked them. She found that all the masters use these words and principles to transcend. Different religions have different expressions and terms. For example, theistic religions call the unconscious God, Buddhism calls it Buddha, and modern psychology calls it the unconscious. All are people so-called conscience.”
7.5.8 神通正等明 Heart Connects with Correct Equality Light
Uncle asked: "What if I fall in hell?"
I replied, "In any case, to think where to go is arriving there."
My uncle said, "Or this! Even if I fall in hell, when I say heaven, I’m arriving at heaven."
I replied: "Exactly! This is the same reason that people who believe in Ometeotl Buddha think, 'When they die, say Ometeotl, and Ometeotl Buddha will come to take them to the Western World of Ultimate Bliss.' Think what you want when you want it, you will get that, and if you have a wish, it will come true immediately."
我回答:“道理是這樣的。 這是心理機製原理,機器一樣的前後序列事件。”
Uncle chimed in: "Are these claims all true?"
I replied: "The causes and effects are like this. It's the principle of psychological mechanisms, machine-like sequences of events before and after."
Uncle said: "I really understand this time. You say the next clause!"
7.5.8-2 平等 Equality
I said: "The clause is Connection with Correct Equality Light. Equality means the afterlife, or heaven, or the state of pure hallucination, is a world of equality. All those with two legs are equal, equal to those with four legs, equal to those with six legs, equal to those with many legs, equal to those with no legs, equal to the gods and buddhas of the world, equal to the birds, animals, fish, and insects; equal to the flowers, plants, and trees, and equal to the mountains, rivers, and oceans, and so on. The reason of equality is nature of unconsciousness (aka. God-sense), is “Empty After All” (see fig. 7.5-2)."
Uncle said: "I know, it's just all the same."
I asked: "They other juristic teachers also said this?"
Uncle replied: "They all said it; but you say yours."
I thought about "all the same" and replied: "For example, you go to the backyard, there is everything there, all equal. You can't look down on trees. In the afterlife, if you hit a rock, the rock will jump up and hit you back! All beings must be treated equally."
Surprised, uncle replied: "Ah! So, what happens when I get hit by a rock?"
I replied: "Hit badly, that world collapses down. You then go to another place, generate another world, and go from one catastrophe to another."
7.5.8-3 授戒 Bestowing Precept
我回答:“我小時候練氣功,琢磨過這個問題,就守戒有用。在陽間(即器世間)生活中心平氣和了,在那個世界(即陰間,佛教作五蘊世間,參見11.4 五蘊)裏就是平和快樂的。”
Uncle asked: "Hmmm! Fighting is not good! How can I stop fighting?"
I replied: "I practiced meditation when I was a child and pondered over this question, and it is useful to keep the precepts. When you have peace of mind in this Solar Light World (daily life world, Vessel World), you are peaceful and happy in that world (i.e., God’s World, Five Nodes World; cf. 11.4 Five Nodes)."
Uncle asked: "That's what they all say, but they say it using the words of a book; you summarized it yourself. What precepts do you keep when you say yours?"
I replied: "I read a lot of Buddhist magazines when I was a kid. I agree with them about keeping the Ten Precepts. The first three, 1) do not kill, 2) do not steal, and 3) do not commit heretical sex, are constraints on physical behavior. 4) not to speak delusionally, 5) not to use flowery speech, 6) not to speak of coarse ferocious language, 7) not to two-tongue (not to sow discord among people), the four are oral precepts. 8) not being greedy, 9) not being irritated, and 10) believing in causes and fruits, the last three are to constrain the intent behaviors."
I continued: "There are many precepts, and the ‘3,000 Majesties 108,000 Enchantments (see Section 16.2)’ are calculated out from those precepts. The monks in the magazines I read say that these ten are perfectly adequate."
Uncle replied: "I see, that's fine!"
I said: "The precepts are Buddha’s (God’s) laws, commonly known as the Heavenly Clauses. The word 'correctness' of the “Correct Equality Light” is saying that the precepts are correct. The word Equality is the equality mentioned earlier. The word Light means that that world will become brighter and brighter until the Constant Silent Light Sky (i.e., Illustration 17.5-2, also known as Nirvana)." The ‘Correct Equality Light’ is Buddha’s (or God’s) enlightenment, is short for Non-Upper Correct-Equality Correct-Perception, Sanskrit as Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi.”
Uncle asked: "What will it look like in the end?"
我說:“佛說,‘全世界所有人的工作,我的工作最好,佛座人人都應該坐。這正等明座位解脫力極強,你不坐不得解脫,你一坐很快就解脫了’。 這條也需要練習。”
I replied: "Buddhist sutras say that the Constant Silent Light Sky of turquoise, or yellow, or red, or white is pervasive, where subjectivity and objectivity are merged as oneness. The environment does not change, so one has no memory of it. This is the case of someone who has experienced it, comes back, and speaks from memory."
Uncle said: "I figured it was something like that, all the experiences of dead people coming back to life. Then there are those like you, who have practiced meditation, who have experienced it, and look, ah, it's so true!"
I said: "Buddha said that I have the best job of all the people in the world, and that everyone should sit on the Buddha's seat. This seat of Correct Equality Light is extremely liberating; you can't be liberated if you don't sit on, and you're quickly liberated once you sit on. This clause also needs to be practiced."
Uncle asked: "How do I practice?"
I replied: "Just as God or Buddha, you use these clauses to transcendently ferry (to save) that table, this house, flowers, plants, trees, mountains, rivers, or gods and goddesses of mountains and lands, dragon-kings of the four seas, and so on; not transcending people, ‘should transcend those not real'."
Uncle asked: "Why should we transcend those fake and not the real ones?"
I replied: "That's what the sutras say, it's not that you necessarily can't transcend people, but that transcending those that are fake works the best."
7.5.8-4 授記 Bestowing Remembrance
I started to re-tell it from the beginning again. Uncle also tried to transcendently ferry me, and said, "This time I really understand, I feel as if my whole body is transparent, and all those previous discomforts all over my body are gone; of course, the lung cancer still hurts so much."
I feel surprised, so soon! Said: "I learn this from my classmate Eve Liu, she said her father said himself, 'he can make people understand like as if the whole body is transparent'."
Uncle said: "What I said is true; her father, like you said, is a living Buddha. I really believe! Shenyang is an old city; it is not strange to have a few living Buddhas."
我說:“我從佛學書上看過,等明天早上,你再回憶一遍咱倆的談話,就算覺悟了。我認為你已經得到了入流果(參見15.2.4 四離係果)。入流是進入了聖道流,就是入門了,是小乘佛教中的第一個果位,一果聖人。我可不是瞎說。我以前在雜誌上看過,他們評估證得入流果有六項條件。我跟你說的這些和那些條件是對應的,內容隻多不少。這個成就可不低呀!許多和尚、尼姑忙了大半輩子,也不敢說自己證得了入流果。 這是因為,我說了,你就信了!”
I said: "I've read about it in a Buddhist book, and tomorrow morning, when you recall our conversation, you'll be enlightened. I think you have attained the Entering Stream Fruit (see 15.2.4 Four Off-is Fruits). To enter the stream is to enter the stream of the holy path, that is the first fruit sage in Hinayana Buddhism. I'm not making this up. I've read in magazines before that they assess that there are six conditions for attaining the first fruit sage. What I'm telling you corresponds to those conditions. This is not a low achievement! Many monks and nuns have been busy for most of their lives, but they don't dare to say that they have attained the Entering Stream Fruit. This is because, when I say it, you believe it!"
舅舅說:“我知道!我自己也認為明白了!咱爺倆有緣! 你不知道,這幾句話我學了八年多了。你二哥給我請了六七個法師了。另外,前街的XXX,是我從小的朋友,是法師,他一個人就給我講了十來遍了。”
Uncle said: "I know! I think I understand it myself! We are destined to be together as masters! You don't know that I've been learning these words for more than six months. Your second brother has hired six or seven juristic teachers for me. In addition, XXX on Front Street, a friend of mine since I was a child, is a juristic teacher, and he alone has taught me dozen times."
I asked: "How does my preaching compare to those juristic teachers?"
Uncle replied: "The preaching is quite good! It's better than most of those juristic teachers!"
I said excitedly: "I feel like I'm pretty smart today! I don't know what happened, but what Eve Liu told me, no more, no less, I remembered it all and used it all!"
Uncle laughed and said: "I realized that, after all, it's the first time you've given a sermon, so you're a bit nervous. I realized you didn't know what to say next, so I reminded you. You have such good qualities, when I ask, you don't even think about it, you open your mouth and answer!"
I realized and said: "I just realized how I remembered everything Eve Liu said! So, it was you who guided our conversation."
7.6 她的影響力大 She Has Great Influence
After returning from my uncle's house, I contacted Eve Liu for a date, but she said she was busy and had no time. I went to ask my roommates in Zhang Limin's dormitory for advice on the matter. Before I could finish talking about Eve Liu and I, Zhang Limin couldn't shut his mouth from laughing and said to me: "Don't get me wrong! As soon as you came into the room and said girlfriend, Classmate A told me that you came here today to ask us for advice on how to solve that girlfriend problem of yours." He added to A: "Holy! I didn't really see it until you said Luyan was sick! How come he's so upset after just a few dates!"
同學甲說: “就有這樣的人,那個女的就是個讓人鬧心的人!我給你舉個例子說,咱這些人正在這討論得熱鬧呢,她來了,說幾句,就掩(殺)倒咱這一群人。她的知識麵比咱們寬,看得就是比咱們深。那咱們還能說啥!”
Classmate A said: "There are such people, that girl is a disturbing person! Let me give you an example. We are having a lively discussion here, she comes and says a few words, houses up (pinches, kills) our group of people. Her knowledge is wider than ours, and she sees deeper than we do. What else can we say?"
Zhang Limin asked, "How do you know that woman is that kind of person?"
Classmate B said, "Look at those crazy people in the genius class at our Northeastern University, who can handle them! The students in the genius class at China Medical University are much crazier than our Northeastern!"
同學甲說: “受氣!又說不過人家,整的連話都不敢說了,人家看不起你!那個女的優點明顯,盧岩否定不了;缺點突出,盧岩忍受不了。處與不處,盧岩決定不了,所以問咱們來了。” 甲對我說:“這個不行!長痛不如短痛,當即立斷!”
Zhang Limin said: "I quite like them! What's wrong with finding an educated girlfriend who earns more money! Why is Luyan so upset?"
Classmate A said: "Being squeezed (pinched, housed)! Speeches are inferior to her, even dare not to speak! She despises you! The girl's advantages are obvious, Luyan can not deny; shortcomings are prominent, Luyan can not countenance. Luyan can't decide whether to get along or not, so he came to ask us. This won't work! Long pain is worse than short pain, break up immediately!"
Zhang Limin said to him: "Hey! Ai! Luyan didn't let you make the decision! They've only just met. After a long time, how do you know that the girl will not like Luyan, give way to him!"
我打電話給劉健君,說話支支吾吾的,她說:“我也覺得咱倆不合適。” 就這樣,我和她分手了。
They think, "Expostulation (1)" is Eve Liu's personal strong trait, lifelong, can not learn the word "Concession". The people in the genius class of the China Medical University are the first-class geniuses in whole China, and I, Luyan, have mediocre qualifications. If I marry her, I can only live in fear for the rest of my life. This marriage is not a good match, suggest that I find a like me.
I called Eve Liu, stammered, she said: "I also think we are not suitable." Thus, she broke up with me.
A week later, I gradually recovered from the uncomfortable physical and mental state of health, and I had already forgotten about her.
注7.6-1,諍是好心勸諫義,但佛認為諍是一切暴亂的起因,故戒諍是佛教社區的第一戒。這個年齡階段的玉女(夏娃,觀音菩薩),諍心特別重。如圖7.6-1是古墨西哥的,約20-39歲的翠玉女(夏娃)的特質畫。眼睛長在頭頂,身體很寬,表示她傲慢,看不起別人。這是釋迦摩尼(即亞當,金童,世界末日判官)在給觀音菩薩(夏娃,眾生之母)加冕時誇她, “無諍住最為第一” (參見《金剛經》的17.2.9 節《禁果》)的原因,旨在提醒她戒諍。
Note 7.6-1, Expostulation is the act of earnestly protesting or remonstrating, but Buddha believes that Expostulation is the cause of all riots, so abstaining from Expostulation is the first precept of the Buddhist community. The Jade Girl (Eve, Guanyin Bodhisattva), at this age, is especially heavy in Expostulation. Figure 7.6-1 is a drawing of the traits of the Jade Girl (Eve) from ancient Mexico, about 20-39 years old. Her eyes are on top of her head and her body is very wide, indicating that she is arrogant and looks down on others. This is the reason why Shakyamuni (i.e., Adam, the Golden Boy, the Judge of the Doomsday) complimented Guanyin Bodhisattva (i.e., Eve, the mother of all living beings) when he coronated her as "The Upmost Number 1 of No Expostulation Dwell” (cf. Section 17.2.9, Forbidden Fruit, of the Diamond Sutra), which was meant to remind her to abstain from expostulation.
我立刻生氣地大叫:“她早就告訴我了!” 轉身離開了。
祝老師對他室友叨咕:“怎麽搞的?這事不用告訴兩遍。走,咱倆過去看看!” 他們倆跟到了我的房間。
One day at noon, passing by the door of Teacher Zhu's dormitory, he called me over. I smiled and entered their room. Teacher Zhu asked me to come closer; I listened solemnly. He said: "Eve Liu's mom told me to tell you that she says you shrink back when you see people, blush when you talk, and don't know anything! She doesn't want to get along with you anymore. Didn't I tell you to pay attention to your demeanor in dealing with her!"
I immediately yelled in anger: "She told me that already!" Turning away.
Teacher Zhu chattered to his roommate: "What the hell? You don't have to tell this twice. Come on, let's both go over and look!" The two of them followed me to my room.
祝老師說:“盧岩傷自尊了!” 他室友叨咕:“他還能傷自尊!”
祝老師對他的室友嚷嚷:“你閉嘴!你看誰都和你自己一樣!” 對我說:“這事不怪你,你很好,很正常,是劉健君那丫頭太厲害了!”
Teacher Zhu said, "Luyan hurt his pride!" His roommate muttered, "He can still hurt his self-esteem!"
Teacher Zhu yelled at his roommate: "Shut up! You look at everyone like yourself!" To me, he said: "You're not to blame for this, you're fine and normal, it's that girl Eve Liu who's too powerful!"
I said with tears in my eyes: "She's awesome! Then it's still me who's not good!"
His roommate said: "Oops! Luyan really cried and got emotional! Why did you react so strongly?"
祝老師對他說:“這不明擺著的事麽!” 對我說:“不是你不行!劉健君是真的與眾不同。這丫頭擠懟人,那才讓人難受呢!你別看我都四十來歲了,在沒人的時候,就因為她,我都哭過五、六次了。你看,我就這麽幫她介紹男朋友,她怎麽對我?你和她見麵那天,你都看見了(參見7.3節《相親》)。有一次,在沒別人的時候,她就這樣(側著臉)就咬牙切齒地叨咕,還讓我聽著,‘沒用的東西,這點事兒都辦不好,你還能幹啥!’誒!我給她介紹男朋友,是給她辦事呢;我是看在她爸爸的麵子。”
Teacher Zhu said to him: "It's not obvious!" To me, he said: "It's not that you are inferior! Eve Liu is different. This girl squeezes dislike, that's what makes it hard! Look at me, I'm in my forties, but when no one's around, I've cried five or six times because of her. Look, I just introduced her to boyfriends, how did she treat me? You saw it the day you met her (cf. section 7.3 Blind Date). Once, when no one else was around, she just gritted her teeth like this (with his face turned sideways) and made me listen, 'Worthless thing, if you can't do this, what else can you do!' Eh! I introduced her to a boyfriend as a favor to her; I did it for her father's sake."
祝老師對他嚷嚷:“說錯了怎麽能傷自尊呢!” 又對我說:“那丫頭看人的短處,那看得才準呢!”
I think this is strange, how to react so strongly, said: "I'm fine, what she said is the truth, just feel aggrieved."
His roommate said: "It didn't hurt his pride; Eve Liu is right!"
Teacher Wong yelled at him: "How can saying the wrong thing hurt self-esteem!" He also said to me: "That girl looks at people's shortcomings, that's only accurate!"
7.7 無事生非 Much Ado About Nothing
祝老師說:“我是介紹人! 還一手托兩家,你們之間發生了什麽事兒,我有權問問!”
A week later, Teacher Zhu came to me with a sad face and asked: "What happened to you and Eve Liu? Were you fighting?"
I became impatient and said: "She has nothing to do with me. I met her on the road, and we didn't know each other! Why did you tell me what she was doing!"
Teacher Zhu said: "I am the matchmaker! I am also responsible for two sides. I have the right to ask what happened between you!"
I thought what he said made sense, replied: "That's true, you can ask! I've only met her a few times, nothing happened!"
Teacher Zhu said: "The day before yesterday, Eve Liu's father listened to the mother and daughter two of them chattering. Eve Liu was furious and said to her mom, ‘Whenever Luyan talks, her face turns red! He's in his thirties; how can he still be like that? He's still not good enough to see people, shrinks back when he does! The other day we met the head of our hospital's department, and I wanted to introduce him to him, but he lagged and couldn't get through! Teacher Zhu told me that he loves to fight. That fight was so big! Even the Heping District Government stepped in to mediate. I asked him, and he said he didn't remember! He didn't know anything!"
“她媽一聽就來氣了, ‘還啥也不知道’,那不是傻子嗎!這可不行!我得找小黃子問問,某家閨女啥時候得罪他啦!他找個傻子來埋汰某家閨女!’ 她媽說著,就找我的電話號碼。她爸覺著這事兒不對,就說,‘還是我給他打個電話吧’。劉健君她爸就跟我說,讓我想想,問問,‘過幾天你阿姨問你,怎麽回答;你得先了解了解情況。’”
"Her mom got angry when she heard, 'and knows nothing', that's not stupid! This isn’t right! I'll have to ask little Huang when our daughter offended him! He's found a fool to make dirty our daughter! As her mom said, looking for my phone number. Her father thought that was not right, so he said, 'Let me call him’. Eve Liu's father then told me to think about it and investigate, 'How will you answer when your aunt asks you in a few days; you have to understand the situation first.'"
Teacher Zhu said to me: "Think about what they said, and you still say it's all true! It's hard to find a fool from the four thousand graduate students at Northeastern University! Besides, I'm a big guy like this, so what's the point of insulting her! Did you fight with her?"
I answered: "What Eve Liu said is true (cf. 7.3 Blind Date), but she didn't care about me at all and had no feelings for me. How could she be angry with me and cry?"
Teacher Zhu said: "Are you saying that I lied?"
I answered: "I didn't say you lied."
Teacher Zhu said: "Her father told me this, so her father lied?"
I answered: "It is unlikely that her father made up this."
Teacher Zhu said: "Then this is the fact. She is not angry with you, so she is angry with me?"
We talked for a long time. I think Eve Liu and I are just ordinary lovers. We met a few times, didn't get along, and broke up. There is no dispute about this.
Teacher Zhu thought that Eve Liu was dissatisfied with him and was bullying him. I was very surprised: "She was bullying you?"
Teacher Zhu looked at me and said seriously: "Eve Liu is different! You can't look at her with the common understanding of people!"
祝老師說:“老校長相信我不會做這事,可老頭子的身體不好,有病,不一定哪天就咽氣了。如果我現在不把這事查清楚,她爸爸死後,我們兩家就沒法相處了。” 他要再次調查我;區政府出麵為我調解打架的事,我怎麽會不記得呢!
A week later, Teacher Zhu came to me again to talk about this. He said he was sick because of this. He said he was originally a conscripted soldier from a rural area in Sichuan. The old principal (Troupe Leader Liu) trained him and promoted him to a general but never asked him to do anything else. For more than 20 years, the old principal only asked him to introduce Eve Liu to a boyfriend. As a result, the matter got worse and worse, and now they have become enemies.
Teacher Zhu said: "The old principal believes that I will not do this, but the old man is in poor health and is sick. He may die one day. If I don't investigate this matter now, our two families will not be able to get along after her father dies." He wants to investigate me again; how could I not remember that the district government intervened to mediate the fight for me!
I agreed.
注解7.7,這事對我的人生有什麽影響?前文6.9《活見鬼》中描述了:因為那次關於黑社會的調查,至少兩年房產局的人不會給我介紹女朋友;在社會上,至少影響十年。就因為這調查,後文,我的導師告訴我: “你在東北大學是不行了!別著急,你的條件不錯,等以後到了工作單位,沒人知道這事了,介紹女朋友的人多的是!”
Note 7.7, How did this affect my life? Described in 6.9, "Seeing Ghost Alive”, because of that investigation about the black society, people in the Heping Housekeeping Bureau would not introduce me to girlfriends for at least two years; socially, it had an impact for at least ten years. Because of this investigation, later in the text, my mentor told me: "You won't make it at Northeastern University! Don't worry, you're in good condition, when you get to your workplace later, no one will know about this, and there will be plenty of people to introduce you to girlfriends!"
A year later, I was so angry about it. So how did it get so big? For example, Troupe Leader Liu got several people to investigate this at the same time, he asked the head of the Shenyang City Public Security Bureau to come to Northeastern University in person to ask our president about it, and then he asked the director of the Liaoning Provincial Science Committee to call our department head to ask him about it. Then, of course, our president and our department chairman had to investigate, and so the story of my contacts with the triads at the Shenyang Heping Housekeeping Bureau reached Northeastern University. The bigger problem was that Eve Liu was much higher up than the triads. So, this, Troupe Leader Liu is provoking me to fight with him? Yes. Chapters 7 and 8 of this book are about the fight between Troupe Leader Liu and me, the reason for my descent into hell (i.e., mental illness) and Troupe Leader Liu's death with eyes open.
7.8 你是誰?Who Are You?
一周後的一天,我的室友,那個來自國務院的警察(不記得他的名字了),問我:“你是誰?” 他問了又問。
One week later, my roommate, the policeman from State Council (I don’t remember his name anymore), asked me, “Who are you?” He asked again and again.
I was confused and answered, “I really don’t know who I am now!”
He said with great emotion, “I always thought I was a qualified policeman and knew the people around me very well. Today I read their investigation report on you in Teacher Zhu’s room. They are compiling their investigation reports about you. I realized that I knew nothing about the people who lived with me in the dormitory for half a year.”
注7.8-0,這位來自國務院的警察室友就是前文4.5節《真人醫學實驗的報紙新聞》中所說的維護這項醫學實驗的特殊警察,就是美國電影中直接執行總統命令的那種X-File警察。本書所研究的領域位於心理學和哲學之間,對應的警察部門就是國家安全局。這是個靈魂轉世實驗。劉團長讓他多次問我 “我是誰” 這個問題,就是讓我在寫回憶錄時意識到我要回答上帝的無字墓碑的問題,即回答上帝的 “我是誰” 的問題。本回憶錄的全書就是在係統地回答這個問題。
Note 7.8-0, this police roommate from the State Council is the special policeman who protects this medical experiment mentioned in Section 4.5 "News of Real-Life Medical Experiments", the X-File policeman who directly executes the president's orders in American movies. The field studied in this book is between psychology and philosophy, and the corresponding police department is the National Security Agency. This is a soul reincarnation experiment. By having him ask me the question, “Who am I?” so many times, Troupe Leader Liu was making me realize as I wrote my memoir that I had to answer the question of God's Wordless Tombstone, the question of God's “WHO AM I?” The whole of this memoir is a systematic effort to answer that question.
7.8-1 局長的臉 the face of bureau chief
I said, “Our family has been farming in the countryside for three generations, so where are the secrets to be found!”
He asked, “What did you say about your Heping Housekeeping Bureau?”
I replied, “I've heard that our Bureau is very famous and is ranked one hundred and something in the whole China.”
He said, “OK! You still know that your bureau is very famous. I don't want to mislead you, the name you mentioned is from the accident statistics of the Ministry of Public Security. The Ministry of Public Security makes annual statistics on accidents by region, industry, and other categories. When you look at several years' statistics together, you'll see that certain regions or industries have that group of people around what interests them. That group of people may or may not be organized, or they may be loosely connected in some way. What interests would you say your Heping Housekeeping Bureau has?”
I replied: "Our bureau is the largest landlord in Shenyang, with 4,000 real estate properties."
He said: "That's right! Real estate has huge economic benefits. So, what is your relationship with them?"
I replied: "I have nothing to do with them!"
He said: "Even an outsider like me can see it clearly! Look at your positions, what do your bureau chief do all day? Aren't you the face of bureau chief?"
I thought, really! I asked, "What's going on? I just graduated from college, why are they training me to be the bureau chief?"
He said, "How should I know! I'm asking you! You scared me!"
7.8-2 炮校的女婿 Son-in-law of the Artillery School
My roommate, the policeman from the State Council, asked me again, “Who do you think Teacher Zhu’s group is?”
I answered, "My uncle told me that this artillery school was originally the Yanan Artillery School in the 1930s. After liberation, the GDP of Northeast China accounted for about one-third of the country's total; Liaoning accounted for three-quarters of it. At that time, artillery, radar, and missile were all high-tech. Chairman Mao arranged this artillery school (i.e., Shenyang Artillery Academy) in Shenyang, which meant he had his butt in Shenyang. My uncle also said that old Shenyang people all knew that no one dared to mess with them. When they went out, they always came in groups, with hundreds of people at a time. Hey! Look at them, they really go out in groups; when they come to study for graduate degrees, there are thirty or fifty of them at a time."
My roommate said, "Ah! I just knew that this group of people is called the Artillery School. Based on what your uncle said and the way I saw them investigating you, I judged that this group of people is more famous than your Heping Housekeeping Bureau, should be ranked in the top 30."
I was surprised: "My uncle said there are two groups of people in Shenyang, and the other group is our Heping Housekeeping Bureau. How did I do it!"
My roommate asked, "What is your relationship with Teacher Zhu? Why does he like you so much?"
I answered, "Nothing. Before you came, his roommate kicked the door of the bathroom and injured my eyebrow bone, which caused me pain for several months. He felt a little sorry for me."
My roommate thought for a moment and said, "That's one aspect. I realized here that he looks at you differently."
I replied, "He wants to find a boyfriend for Eve Liu. He likes to observe and likes the simplicity of rural people."
My roommate thought about it and said, "There are other things."
I said, "It's just to introduce someone to someone. We don't know each other, what else can it be!"
My roommate said, "He has investigated you three times. I have seen their materials. His workload is not small! And you still say you has nothing to do with him!"
I felt strange: "You have confused me! What did I do! How did I get involved with them!"
My roommate smiled and said, "You can't imagine how I feel today. I used to work at the State Council, reading reports from the Ministry of Public Security every day, and I thought my job was quite interesting. I never thought that when I arrived in Shenyang, one of them would live next to me, and the other would live in the same room with me. There are these two groups of people in your Liaoning Province. Hey! What do you think we will talk about when we meet again in ten years?"
I replied: "I have nothing to do with them. What are we talking about? Drinking wine and talking about mulberry and green apricot! It's sour, just like what we talked about today."
My roommate said: "It's different! By then, I know who you are and what you do; you know who I am and what I do, and you are beating a drum in your heart!"
I said, “And you're going to interview me! I don't have that honor.”
My roommate chimed in, “Nine times out of ten, you'll find out then!”
I asked in surprise, “How can it be nine out of ten?”
My roommate said unhappily, “I'm not that bad! I'm also a correct stalk with red root, graduated with a doctorate degree! In the future, can't I become a small official or something! Be able to move around too!”
I said, “Ah! You can! But I can't be any old helmsman!”
My roommate laughed and said, “In the end, everything comes down to talent! I really don't see where you're special, but I can see that they've all got their eyes on you! You can’t get away with them!”
Subsequently, I have thought about this matter many times, can not think of a reason.
7.9 第三次調查核實 Third Survey Verification
In the afternoon of the second day, Teacher Zhu approached me to verify his third investigation. Based on the records of the first two investigations, he divided the investigation into three parts, with all three groups working at the same time. The matter about the Heping District government sending someone to mediate the fight between Sister Bi and me was one of the focuses of their investigation. At that time, said Bi sister went to find four beautiful young women to strip my clothes, and then escorted me naked parade. Colleagues are afraid, let me go back to Northeastern University to avoid.
我回答:“我聽說,畢姐坐在大街上哭;很長時間,誰也勸不好。人們對局長說,你得想想辦法,公安局很快就該來找我們了,咱們阻礙交通了。局長到畢姐的旁邊小聲叨咕,‘小畢你知道不?就在剛才,你差點兒壞了我的大事!’ 說完,他就回局裏去了。過了一會兒,畢姐忽然不哭了,問,局長說什麽了?人們告訴了她,她聽後就不哭了,站起來就回家了。”
Teacher Zhu asked, "But you still heard about it afterwards. Your sister Bi sat on the street crying, with thousands of people watching. How did it end?"
I answered, "I heard that Sister Bi sat on the street crying for a long time, and no one could persuade her. People said bureau chief that he had to think of a way, because the Police Bureau would come to find us soon, and we were blocking traffic. The bureau chief came to Sister Bi and whispered, 'Little Bi, do you know? Just now, you almost ruined my plan!' Then he went back to the bureau. After a while, Sister Bi suddenly stopped crying and asked, ‘what did the bureau chief say?’ People told her, and she stopped crying after hearing it, stood up and went home."
Teacher Zhu asked, “How come your bureau chief's big plan still has something to do with you?”
I replied, “People have wondered how our bureau chief's big affair has something to do with me Adam Luyan. No one understands; I don't know.”
Teacher Zhu smiled, turned around, and bent over to do something. I didn't notice his strange behavior.
注7.9-1,他轉身去幹什麽了?後麵的談話中,他的室友哭著和他爭吵,他認為是他們的調查報告毀壞了劉健君六年的戀愛生活。他的室友哭著告訴我:“他趁你沒注意,轉過身去樂!他為什麽樂成那樣兒了?他認為這次劉建君要倒黴了!” 作者盧岩現在認為祝老師高興的原因是這樣的。劉團長在對盧岩下死不瞑目的詛咒,就是他後半生三十幾年一直在背後幫助盧岩,隻求盧岩回報一件事,娶他女兒劉建君為妻。在和平房產局期間,劉團長做了很多工作,幫助盧岩,盧岩得要知道,記著那些恩惠,那他的死不瞑目詛咒才有效。通過本文的問答,祝老師發現盧岩知道和平房產局發生的事,而且不知道背後的主使者是劉團長。也就是劉團長在和平房產局對盧岩的做法取得了完全的成功,所以他高興,禁不住地笑。
Note 7.9-1, what did he do when he turned around? In the following conversation, his roommate cried and argued with him. He believed that their investigation reports had ruined Eve Liu's six-year love life. His roommate cried and told me: "He turned around and laughed while you were not paying attention! Why was he so happy? He thought Eve Liu was going to be in trouble this time!" The reason author Luyan now thinks Teacher Zhu is happy is this. Troupe leader was using “Die with Eyes Open” to curse on Luyan, that is, the second half of his life for more than thirty years has been behind the scenes to help Luyan, only asking Luyan in return for one thing, to marry his daughter Eve Liu as wife. During the period of the Heping Housekeeping Bureau, Troupe Leader Liu did a lot of work to help Luyan, Luyan must know and remember those favors, then his curse of “Die with Eyes Open” will be effective. Through the questions and answers in this article, Teacher Zhu found out that Luyan knew what happened at the Heping Housekeeping Bureau and doesn't know that the mastermind behind it is Troupe Leader Liu. That is, Troupe Leader Liu's approach to Luyan at the Heping Housekeeping Bureau was a complete success, so he was happy and couldn't help but laugh.
Teacher Zhu's roommate asked him, “So what did the people you sent to investigate their company say?”
Teacher Zhu said to me, “I got a few professional investigators from the military district. There were many of them, more than a dozen, and when they arrived at your firm they went to each section. The people in your company said that all other people district governments have investigated, but not Luyan. Luyan! Why did the district government intervene in this case? Why didn't anyone ask you? Have you heard?”
I answered, "I heard about it. A year before my case, the person who held the same position as me was also a recent college graduate. He was stripped naked by the group of women in the bureau. I heard that the man was stimulated (mildly mentally ill), and the city labor union arranged for him to work somewhere else. That case had not been handled yet when my case happened. The Heping District Labor Union reported this to the Shenyang City Labor Union. The City Labor Union people were angry and reported it to a deputy mayor, saying, 'This violates the criminal law. You are pushing the responsibility onto us, and we cannot handle it. If Adam Luyan is frightened (Note 2). We'll take your Heping District Government to court.’ The Heping District government then immediately sent a district governor to mediate.”
I continued, “They found our section chief, Guoqing Fu. Fu said that the purpose of this mediation was not to let Luyan be scared. Luyan doesn't know and doesn’t understand, so he's not scared. If you mediate and make it clear to him, it will scare him instead. So, they just told everybody, nobody talks to me about this.”
Note 2: Being frightened is related to mental illness, which is known as an IRON LAW in psychiatry. After this investigation and verification, I did remember that incident and was scared! I clearly remember that after this conversation, I felt like a mental patient who had been traumatized by Eve Liu. I didn't understand it at the time, but I understood it in 2014 when I was writing my memoirs.
Teacher Zhu said: "But you knew everything, why didn't you take it seriously?"
I replied: "If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have thought much of it was true!"
At the end of the investigation, Teacher Zhu said that because of their investigation report, Eve Liu had misunderstood me from the beginning because of the fight. What should I do? I felt uncomfortable all over when I thought of her (note, I was traumatized by Eve Liu), answered: "Past! Let it go!"
Teacher Zhu quarreled with his roommate about what to say to the old couple (Eve Liu's parents)! Teacher Zhu's roommate cried and complained, “We've investigated Adam Luyan three times, and the three people in the three reports all don't look like Luyan now! What about our previous reports? Eve Liu, it's no big deal for young people to do more work on love affairs, we've ruined her youth!”
7.10 父母和她吵 Parents Quarrel with Eve
The following day at noon, I was eating and talking in Teacher Zhu’s room. He said, “These days, the fights in Eve Liu’s family are intense! She was scolded by her parents without saying a word.”
I said, “Just talk about it! How can they even fight these days?”
Teacher Zhu said, “How old is she, this isn’t right, nor that, how can she find a boyfriend! Must teach her a lesson.”
I asked, “How did they teach her a lesson?”
Teacher Zhu said, “Her mom said her, 'You are good at looking people; you identify people better than the chief of Heping Housekeeping Bureau. The bureau chief said, ‘Luyan unites people and establish affairs, what happened, have him in, I am at ease! Let you look, a Dumb! What kind of person is the Bureau Chief! He can still see people wrong! Besides, that is decision many people have met and studied? How can we find a boyfriend! Forget it, don't look for him anymore!”
I asked, "What did Eve Liu say?"
Teacher Zhu said, "Eve Liu kept silent, didn't say a word. I looked it funny and amusing!"
I pointed at Teacher Zhu, who ducked, like a child, and said, “Why are you gloating!”
Teacher Zhu said, “For six or seven years, she's bullied me hard. This is the first time I've ever, by your light, won.”
I didn’t understand what he said, so I asked, “What light are you borrowing from me? Why can’t I feel it?”
Teacher Zhu said, “Then tell me, what are you going to do about your relationship with Eve Liu?”
I said, “I broke up with her a long time ago! Let bygones be bygones!”
Teacher Zhu discussed it with his roommate and said, “Eve Liu said that about you, that you're stupid, like a child, and you're not angry?”
I said, “People say what they like in their own homes! I'm not related to her, we met on the street, we don't even know each other. If you guys hadn't said anything, I wouldn't have even known, and it's only right to be angry with you!”
Teacher Zhu muttered, “Her mom said, this is not even acceptable! It seems that Luyan has been hurt by her. Nobody like her, expostulating whenever meeting. People just met are saying some simple and light words to make each other feel comfortable. But she, left others no little face!”
After listening to it, I could feel the heaviness and pain all over my body caused by Eve Liu. I thought her mother was such a considerate woman, and I was so moved that I almost cried.
Teacher Zhu talked about this topic again and again. Once, when Teacher Zhu talked about it, I turned around and left.
My roommate, the State Council policeman came back and asked me: "We were talking peacefully! Why are you so unhappy and leaving?"
I replied: "What does the fight in their family have to do with me! They always say it's because of me, and I feel uncomfortable all over. Besides, it's all over. They keep saying this, and I'm afraid I'll fall into the illness of unilateral love.”
After a while, he said: "You are right. Considering your previous relationship with Eve Liu, her topic is not suitable for you. They are my classmates, and I will tell them not to talk about her family in front of you in the future."
During this period, (my latent psychosis developed rapidly). The people in Heping Housekeeping Bureau that I met were just some small figures in the Bureau, but they made me feel the "mafia". In the Artillery School, Eve Liu's father was much more powerful than the people in Heping Housekeeping Bureau, which made me feel terrified. The doctoral dormitory is different from other student dormitories, there are all kinds of people in it.
At that time, my brother was a pilot at Shenyang Dongta Airport. Their airport was not far from the Shenyang Artillery Academy (Artillery School). I talked to my brother about the artillery school.
He said, “What artillery school? How come I don't know! In the army, schools are all above division level. In Shenyang, and in our neighborhood, if there is one, there's no way I haven't heard of it.”
I said, “I heard from uncle Yushan Wang. Shenyang is there this artillery school; this can not be wrong!”
My brother thought for a while, replied, “It's possible that, in the early days of liberation, those old meritorious officials had no place to arrange for them, so they gave them a name and let them play on their own!”
過了一段時間,我和他在一起時,忽然想起了他和劉健君的事,就問:你和劉健君怎麽樣了?他轉身“蹭” 一下!跑啦!我不知道發生了什麽事,卻看到他到一邊閑逛去了。這我可生氣了。他回來後,我就刁難地說: “我也沒說什麽呀!我這當介紹人的就隨便問一下。” 他說:“老弟別介意,這是哥的錯!人家跟咱哥們可不是一個檔次的;哥哥這次可丟臉丟大了!以後千萬別再說她了!” 說完,他說有事,走了。
One day, Teacher Zhu came to my room, and I thought he was going to match me up with Eve Liu again. He said shyly that he thought Zunyi Gou, a classmate I often hang out with, was pretty good, and asked me if he had a girlfriend. I helped Teacher Zhu introduce Zunyi Gou to Eve Liu.
After a while, when I was with him, I suddenly remembered what happened between him and Eve Liu, so I asked him: “How are you and Eve Liu doing?” He turned around and ran away! I didn't know what happened, but I saw him wandering off to the side. This made me angry. After he came back, I said to him in a difficult way: "I didn't say anything! I was just asking casually as a matchmaker.” He said: "Don't mind it, brother, it's my fault! She is not on the same level as us brothers; I am so embarrassed this time! Don't talk about her again in the future!" After that, he said he had something to do and left.
I thought to myself, "This Eve Liu is really amazing. How could she stimulate Zunyi Gou to this extent? He is not as good as me! I was not so stimulated that I turned around and ran away." (At that time, I didn't know that I had been driven crazy by Eve Liu).
One day, I met Teacher Zhu in the corridor and asked him curiously about Zunyi Gou and Eve Liu. He was unhappy when he heard it, and his face was gloomy. He was very dissatisfied with me. I said, “that was your idea, why are you angry with me!” He said helplessly, “Don't say it, no, there is no point in talking about those two people! She was still mumbling: Northeastern University is also a famous university, why are the students’ quality so low!”
When I heard this, I felt embarrassed and ashamed.
Teacher Zhu looked at me, sighed, and said, "You are all normal. Eve Liu is too smart. No one can fool her. She has had more than a hundred boyfriends, and we can all see it clearly. She thinks she is nice to everyone, but those men can't stand her kindness and hide when they see her. Some men, when they meet her on the street, pretend not to see her and turn around, run away. Her parents and I saw this clearly. Just because of her marriage, the three of us have wanted to hang ourselves to commit suicide!"
Note 7.10-1, like the ancient story of "Peach Blossom Catastrophe" in Chapter 2, where Publican Liu always quarrels with Peach Flower Girl because of Constant Fair; in this article, parents always quarrel with Eve Liu because of me, Luyan, to make sure she remembers me, and at the same time cultivate my latent mental illness.
7.11 性格互補 Complementary Personalities
One day in the summer of 1996, in the cafeteria, I saw Teacher Zhu with a dull expression, so I went over to tease him: "You are looking for a partner for Eve Liu! Are you dazzled?"
Teacher Zhu glanced at me and said: "I lost my job; how can I be in a good mood!"
I was stunned and said: "Oh, too much corruption and bribery! Then you have hidden in the school, how come they still won't give up tracing you!"
Teacher Zhu said angrily: "A few days ago, Eve Liu told her mother: 'Don't let Teacher Zhu and Adam Luyan introduce me to boyfriend in the future, the ones they introduce are not good enough!'"
I was happy and curious: "Why is my name here?"
Teacher Zhu said: "That's what Eve Liu. She has a good memory."
Teacher Zhu and I chatted while eating. He said, "It's all in the past. There's no point talking about that. We are all hopeless!"
I said, "Why are you hopeless? She figured it out, found it, and corrected it herself. Don't people say woman transform 18 times when they are growing up?"
我說:“垢遵義可不傻,咋還出來 ‘不如一個愣仔’,這話了呢?”
Teacher Zhu said: “Their family fought again, her mother scolded her, 'that Luyan's classmate, Teacher Zhu asked more than thirty people in his working place, the Heping District Cultural Bureau, the subordinate schools, and the Graduate School of Northeastern University, all said he is a standard boy. Let you look, not as good as a dumb (i.e. Luyan)! How to find a boyfriend? Do not look for it!'”
I said, “Zunyi Gou is not dumb, how come out ‘not as good as a dumb’, this word?”
Teacher Zhu got interested and said, "No one said that Zunyi Gou is a Dumb. By your light, I got praised!"
I asked curiously, "Where did I have the light? How did they praise you?"
Teacher Zhu said, “Later, her mom analyzed: Zunyi Gou is a standard young man, this is not wrong. She said he is inferior to Luyan, isn't that a good impression of Luyan!”
I pondered for a while and said, “Are you praising me, or are you undermining me? Who can take that little bit of favorable impression in casual speech as favorable impression!”
Teacher Zhu said, "I am speaking seriously. Don't underestimate this half-sentence of compliments. Since we started introducing her to potential partners, we have introduced more than 100 people to her, and you are the only one who got her this half-sentence of compliments. We are happy about this."
I replied, "I don't think it is a compliment; it is just a little good impression."
Teacher Zhu said, “Right! It's just half a good impression! She doesn't need me to introduce her to anyone anymore! You don't know, for five or six years now, her parents and I, and a few other people, we've been studying her together, studying how to introduce her to someone. I've been buying books since the beginning, studying how to read people, how to make marriage matches. Let me put it to you this way! I haven't gotten my doctorate from Northeastern University yet, but if Northeastern University had a doctorate in marriage introduction, I would have gotten it a long time ago. I'd have gotten a doctorate in marriage introduction! I could have written a book about it!”
I said, “Give me an example.”
Teacher Zhu said: "Let's talk about you and Eve Liu. We found six aspects in which you complement each other."
I asked: "What complements?"
Teacher Zhu said: “To say that the couple is good for a hundred years, it must be that both husband and wife have the advantages that the other likes. You do not study well since childhood, like good students; Eve Liu is a good student. On this aspect, the two of you together, you always like her, she did what wrong, you can forgive her; this, the same for life.”
I asked: "What about other aspects?"
Teacher Zhu shook his head: "I won't tell you!"
After a moment of silence, Teacher Zhu said, "Finding a partner is a major event that affects your lifelong happiness. Knowledgeable people should analyze it comprehensively. You must consider it from a lifetime perspective. What do you say of young couples and old companions?’"
I replied, "I can't explain it, tell me!"
Teacher Zhu said: "When a couple grows old, they are companions for each other to talk to. If a couple has no common language, they are not companions. With Eve Liu's level of knowledge and temper, she ended up being a lonely woman without even someone to intimately talk to."
I said, "How can you be so sure? People are changing."
Teacher Zhu said, "Of course, I am sure. If I am not sure, I won't say it. Well, she won't change. Who can stand her? You can stand it."
I said, "No one can stand it; I can stand it. How can I be so tolerant?"
Teacher Zhu said, "You have that kind of personality."
I said, "What kind of personality do I have? Can I bear being bullied?"
Teacher Zhu said, "We can see this clearly. You two are a perfect match, neither of you will suffer a loss, and neither of you will take advantage. You are a little bit better looking than her, but she is smarter than you."
I said, "You deserve it! The introducer is like the Kitchen God, who says more good things than bad things. It spreads the good to both sides and conceal the bad from either end. How did you introduce her? I have never heard you say a good word about Eve Liu. Is there an introducer like you? If you told me that Eve Liu liked me, then in my case, the relationship would be cultivated quickly! I have a strong liking for her, so it naturally affects her. You said that she had the slightest good impression of me, so how could I accomplish such a low success rate? I have to find someone who likes me more to cultivate."
Teacher Zhu said seriously, "You said that, not me. I won't exaggerate or make up stories. I just tell the truth about what happened. In this way, if there is a dispute between you and Liu Jianjun one day, the consequences will be caused by your own decision and have nothing to do with me."
I said, “She and I don't meet even when we face each other, what dispute can there be (Note 5)!? You don't even want to take so little blame, so why do you still want to be the matchmaker?”
Teacher Zhu said, “I'm saying that if one day there is a dispute between you and Eve Liu. I'm not a grandma matchmaker, I'm the elder of the two of you. It's beneficial for you to grow up if I treat you this way.”
I seemed to be enlightened.
Note 7.11-5, What is the dispute between Eve Liu and me? In section 7.3 of this book, “Blind Date”, Eve Liu deliberately traumatized me and left me with psychotic latent disorder (also known as carrion beetle, Thor’s Devil). In this article, Teacher Zhu is repeatedly stimulating me and cultivating my psychotic latent disorder, i.e., he is feeding the carrion beetle (Thor’s Devil) in my body to send me to hell (i.e., suffering from psychosis).
7.12 百變神通 Hundred Godly Transformations
Uncle Liang once told me that Hundred Godly Transformations is an ancient storyteller's professional skill. When a performer makes a hundred movements on stage, the audience may see them as a few dozens of characters. What effect does this have in real life?
One evening, Huawei Han, who was across the corridor from the dormitory room, told me that Teacher Zhu was looking for me and asked me to wait for him at the dormitory entrance.
I stood on the curb opposite the dormitory entrance and waited for more than 20 minutes. When I suddenly saw him and a pair of men and women in their thirties (Character 1) coming out of the dormitory building. I ran after them. The three of them saw me running to them and stood still, facing me.
Teacher Zhu introduced me, "This is a teacher from our school, the child is in first grade at this institution, is busy with his studies and doesn't have time to go home. They came over to see the child."
I looked up awkwardly at XXX, in his forties (Character 2; i.e., Troupe Leader Liu, Eve Liu's father, who would have been about 66 years old at this point), tall with a pointed jaw, standing straight and looking at me. Her mom spoke to him. Her mom was wearing a floral dress and was in her thirties. Her dad walked around with a big smile, came up to me and fell forward style (nearly falling forward). I went over to help him, close enough to the side of his face that I saw he was a seventy-something year old man (character 3). He got up, in his fifties (character 4). We said a few words and her mom pulled her dad, to leave, both under forty (character 5). The two of them jostled as if they were lovers, and then both raised one hand each, interlocked their fingers (see fig. 7.12-1), and left as if they were passionate lovers.
Teacher Zhu said he didn't look for me. I was angry with Huawei Han, and walking in the corridor of the dormitory, I suddenly felt something was wrong. I felt that many people had just passed by me, and some of them had come out of the wall of the building and disappeared. I carefully felt my body, and there was nothing unusual; this meant that I didn't hallucinate just now. I returned to the place where we had just met and thought about what had happened just now: people couldn't come out of the wall, and there were not many people at that time.
Note 7.12, this case has puzzled me for more than 20 years. I only figured it out after I finished writing my memoirs in 2014. They are Eve Liu's parents, who have the appearance of God and Goddess (see the “Extremely Abstract Colors” in Section 11.4.1). Troupe Leader Liu was originally a storyteller. Because he has the appearance of a God, he has mastered the ability of “Hundred Godly Transformations”. It was evening and the sky was gray. In this gray sky, the unconscious does not grasp the characteristics of things. My unconscious did not grasp the characteristics of the two of them, but was misled by their characteristic behaviors, so as time went by, I thought they were a group of people.
At that time, I was a first-year graduate student. From the strange things that happened when I just entered middle school, high school, and college, they came to celebrate my admission to graduate school and performed “Hundred Godly Transformations” for me. In addition, Troupe Leader Liu also gave me a bless: the two of them holding hands with ten fingers Interlocked (as shown in Figure 7.12-1) is a symbol of the Consummation Buddha in Buddhism. Eve Liu’s parents are blessing me and Eve Liu “ten aspects perfection, 100 years good match”, that is, the Consummation Buddha (as shown in pictures 2 to 4).