

開心竅明白聖經 — 路加福音讀經隨筆 第24章

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路24:13 正當那日、門徒中有兩個人往一個村子去、這村子名叫以馬忤斯、離耶路撒冷約有二十五裏。
Behold, two of them were going that very day to a village named Emmaus, which was sixty stadia from Jerusalem.
路24:14 他們彼此談論所遇見的這一切事。
They talked with each other about all of these things which had happened.
路24:15 正談論相問的時候、耶穌親自就近他們、和他們同行。
It happened, while they talked and questioned together, that Jesus himself came near, and went with them.
路24:16 隻是他們的眼睛迷糊了、不認識他。
But their eyes were kept from recognizing him.
路24:17 耶穌對他們說、你們走路彼此談論的是甚麽事呢.他們就站住、臉上帶著愁容。
He said to them, "What are you talking about as you walk, and are sad?"
路24:18 二人中有一個名叫革流巴的、回答說、你在耶路撒冷作客、還不知道這幾天在那裏所出的事麽。
One of them, named Cleopas, answered him, "Are you the only stranger in Jerusalem who doesn't know the things which have happened there in these days?"
路24:19 耶穌說、甚麽事呢.他們說、就是拿撒勒人耶穌的事.他是個先知、在 神和眾百姓麵前、說話行事都有大能。
He said to them, "What things?" They said to him, "The things concerning Jesus, the Nazarene, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people;
路24:20 祭司長和我們的官府、竟把他解去定了死罪、釘在十字架上。
and how the chief priests and our rulers delivered him up to be condemned to death, and crucified him.
路24:21 但我們素來所盼望要贖以色列民的就是他。不但如此、而且這事成就、現在已經三天了。
But we were hoping that it was he who would redeem Israel. Yes, and besides all this, it is now the third day since these things happened.
路24:22 再者、我們中間有幾個婦女使我們驚奇、他們清早到了墳墓那裏.
Also, certain women of our company amazed us, having arrived early at the tomb;
路24:23 不見他的身體、就回來告訴我們說、看見了天使顯現、說他活了。
and when they didn't find his body, they came saying that they had also seen a vision of angels, who said that he was alive.
路24:24 又有我們的幾個人、往墳墓那裏去、所遇見的、正如婦女們所說的、隻是沒有看見他。
Some of us went to the tomb, and found it just like the women had said, but they didn't see him."
路24:25 耶穌對他們說、無知的人哪.先知所說的一切話、你們的心、信得太遲鈍了。
He said to them, "Foolish men, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken!
路24:26 基督這樣受害、又進入他的榮耀、豈不是應當的麽。
Didn't the Christ have to suffer these things and to enter into his glory?"
路24:27 於是從摩西和眾先知起、凡經上所指著自己的話、都給他們講解明白了。
Beginning from Moses and from all the prophets, he explained to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.
路24:44 耶穌對他們說、這就是我從前與你們同在之時、所告訴你們的話、說、摩西的律法、先知的書、和詩篇上所記的、凡指著我的話、都必須應驗。
He said to them, "This is what I told you, while I was still with you, that all things which are written in the law of Moses, the prophets, and the psalms, concerning me must be fulfilled."
路24:45 於是耶穌開他們的心竅、使他們能明白聖經.
Then he opened their minds, that they might understand the Scriptures.

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