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回答JKC10 Comments on 蘇軾《江城子·密州出獵》讀議

(2021-03-14 04:25:05) 下一個


回答JKC10 Comments on 蘇軾《江城子·密州出獵》讀議











另,這種文學,幾乎與活人的靈魂無關。魯迅有言:“【 我】看中國書時,總覺得就沉靜下去,與實人生離開;讀外國書——但除了印度——時,往往就與人生接觸,想做點事。

















     You did make some interesting, insightful comments on poems, which I appreciated, but there is something I feel like you went too far to emphasize just one form art and could not appreciate other forms. You mentioned the word 文學so many times. From your writing, I guess you actually mean the art form of 文學,because文學is such a broad collection of so many different types of writing, from memoir to poetry.

Art is intended to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power (From Wiki). It does not mean there is only one way of art expression in poetry. Actually, ANY form of writing in poetry is a true art expression, as long as it produces such a beauty or emotional power in readers. 李清照 is an outstanding poet and a leading figure of婉約派. But蘇軾 has another way of art expression or representation, and many of his poems have been producing such a long lasting emotional power in readers of so many generations which might be different from that of李清照. Maybe his core readers are quite a bit different from those of李清照, but how can you decide that the power of his art form is less than that of 李清照? For instance, Von Gosh’s style is so different from印象派, and so many of his contemporaries simply did not think highly of and appreciate his style. But the emotional power from his painting proves much powerful in some way. You are entitled to have your preference and opinion, but Art representations are very diverse, and we should not drive ourselves into a trap where we can only have a tunnel view.  

In terms of蘇軾《江城子·密州出獵》, what do you expect how he wrote this poem? Use the style of李清照? Or did not write it at all? You have to take what the situation gives you and do your best if you have to do it. He did it his way, and so many readers appreciate it, which proves its extraordinary emotional power, and so he made HIS contribution to literature.


























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