

Tony Parsons大師文章《看等於不看》英文翻譯成中文加注釋

(2019-04-26 10:53:06) 下一個



Seeing and Not Seeing 看等於不看

A simple, direct, but fundamental shift in perception reveals that all there  is ­ is liberation. But oneness does not become apparent through  something gained, rather through something lost. Many will come across this rare and radical message and quickly shuffle back to that which they think they can know and do. But there are those with whom this communication will resonate . . . and there will be a sudden seeing and falling away of all seeking, even for that which they have called enlightenment. 

一種簡單,直接但根本的看法轉變表明,所有存在都是解放本身 (注釋,所有存在的現象等同於解放,不是‘存在’是一種情況,‘解放’是另一種情況,沒有兩種不同的情況,也就是說一切存在的表象不管是‘人’還是‘動物’就是解放本身。TONY的意思就是你已經解放了,不需要追求解放了)。但是,這個認知不是通過獲得任何東西,而是通過丟失某樣東西而得到的。當許多人聽到我現在述說的罕見和顛覆性的信息後,他們會不自覺地回到他們原有的認知:錯認為他們可以知道某些東西和可以做到某些事情。但是很少數人會對我說的道理會產生共鳴,他們會突然領悟過來,停止所有的追求。

No effort is needed for that aliveness to be. Nobody is doing aliveness. Is anybody doing sitting on a chair? Thinking is oneness thinking "I don't get  where this is going", or "this is too simple". All is simply aliveness, oneness, being. It cannot be taught or achieved. Who is apart from being to achieve being? Who can lose or gain this when this is all there is?  Resisting oneness is oneness resisting. Seeking oneness is oneness seeking itself。

‘活著’是不需要努力而自發呈現的。沒人在驅動‘活著’(也就是說,你活著不是因為你主觀需要活著。‘活著’是自發即時即刻呈現出來的,沒有‘你’的意誌驅動任何‘活著’的呈現)。看上去好像有人坐在椅子上,真有人坐在椅子上嗎?(也就是說,坐在椅上這件事沒有發生,但看上去像有一個人坐在椅子上)。思考不是一個人在思考,而是合一整體在思考,比如:“我搞不清這是怎麽回事”,或者“這道理太簡單了”。所有這些都是整體‘活力’本身的呈現,而不是某個個體的‘我’驅使的。(注釋,思想不是‘我’思想的,坐在椅子上不是‘我’坐在椅子上,‘活著’不是‘我’活著,‘活著’的就是活力本身或SELF本身)。整個一切都是統一的無可分割的存在。整體存在的現實是無法被教授或被實現的。 誰會離開存在而去實現存在?有這個‘誰’嗎?當你知道一切都是不可分離的存在本身後,還有誰會失去或獲得任何東西?(注釋,如果有一個‘誰’和存在是分開的,那麽這個‘誰’就是幻覺,幻想出來的‘誰’是不存在的)為什麽‘我’不願接受這個道理?沒有這個‘我’不願接受!“不願接受”本身就是這個現實存在本身。 抵抗合一就是是合一抵抗自己。尋求合一就是合一尋求自己本身。

Aliveness is oneness apparently happening. Aliveness is being alive. There  is only being and the nature of that being is emptiness and fullness, nothing and everything, movement and repose.


In that wholeness arises the idea "I am a separate individual". This seems to be the beginning of a dream called "me being someone in a world with  which I have to negotiate".


Here in this separation is the root of all fear and feeling of disquiet coming out of a sense of loss. Again it is the appearance of oneness, and in that appearance we embark on a journey in which we meet parents, teachers, maybe priests, bosses and lovers, and learn how to get what we think we  want seemingly through personal choice and effort. The pursuit of  pleasure and the avoidance of pain generate transient experiences of  gratification and disappointment. The whole manifestation that we call life is simply the drama of oneness looking for itself, for all desire is the  longing for oneness. 


For some the idea of enlightenment seems to offer the promise of  fulfilment. However, the separate individual can only dream individuality. That is its function. 


Inevitably in the search for enlightenment, the dream seeker is attracted to a dream teaching that promotes and reinforces the idea of individual choice and effort, which, through discipline and sacrifice, can lead to the  promised ultimate experience of enlightenment. But this teaching reinforces the illusion that there is such a thing as an individual who has free will and the choice to become.


What is inseparable from the dream of individuality is the idea of  ownership. "What is happening is happening to me. I have a life called me  and I can, or even should, do something with my life in the time allotted? I have to succeed? I am an individual and personal endeavour can bring me  what I need." This misconception promotes the continuation of the dream  of personal enlightenment


The idea that presumes the possibility that dualistic practices can lead the  apparent seeker to the non­dualistic perception is similar to the idea that  with sufficient effort and determination you can teach a blind man to see. To quote "Doctrines, processes and progressive paths which seek  enlightenment only exacerbate the problem they address by reinforcing the idea that the apparent self can find something it presumes it has lost. It is that very effort, that investment in self­identity that continuously recreates the illusion of separation from oneness. This is the veil which we  believe exists. It is the dream of individuality." (The Open Secret) 


Out of all the many awakenings that have been described to me, it is continuously confirmed that one of the first realisations that arises is the  seeing that no­one awakens. And yet we see that the majority of teachings, both traditional and contemporary, are constantly speaking to an apparent  separate seeker (subject) and recommending that in order to attain enlightenment (object) they should choose to meditate, self­enquire, purify, cultivate understanding, still the mind and the ego, surrender, be  honest, seek earnestly, give up seeking, do therapy, do nothing, be here  now, and so on . . . the ideas are as endless and as complicated as the mind from where they are generated.


These recommendations arise from the belief that the "enlightenment" of  the "teacher" has been attained or earned through the application of  choice, effort, acceptance or surrender, and that other seekers can be  taught to do the same  


Of course there can be nothing right or wrong with earnest seeking, meditation, self­enquiry, understanding and so on. They are simply what  they appear to be. But who is it that is going to choose to make the effort?  Where is the effort going to take the apparent chooser to? ­ where is there  to go if there is only oneness?  If there is no separate individual there is no volition, and so how can an illusion dispel itself? 


There is no person that becomes enlightened. No­one awakens. Awakening is the absence of the illusion of individuality. Already there is only awakeness, oneness, timeless being, radical aliveness. When the dream  seeker is no more it is seen (by no­one) that there is nothing to seek and  no­one to become liberated.


Here is oneness, the realisation of wholeness that cannot be attained or owned. This is the awakening in which the awareness of what is arises together with the dreaming of that which cannot be known. There can be a  dance between dreaming and being, and in that dance there can be a  return to the fascination of personal ownership. 


However, the realisation that the dream seeker is also oneness is liberation, the uncaused, impersonal, silent stillness which is the  celebration of unconditional love. This is all there is. 


There is no me or you, no seeker, no enlightenment, no disciple and no  guru. There is no better or worse, no path or purpose, and nothing that  has to be achieved


All appearance is source. All that apparently manifests in the hypnotic dream of separation ­ the world, the life story, the search for home, is one  appearing as two the nothing appearing as everything, the absolute  appearing as the particular


There is no separate intelligence weaving a destiny and no choice  functioning at any level. Nothing is happening but this, as it is, invites the  apparent seeker to rediscover that which is . . . the abiding, uncaused, unchanging, impersonal silence from which unconditional love overflows and celebrates. It is the wonderful mystery. 


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