1. 一定要適當熱身和適當冷靜下來。
Always warm up and cool down properly.
2. 使用恰當的方式以避免受傷並獲得最大收益。你可以通過一個課程或與一個認證的專業人員一對一學習正確的方式。
Use proper form to avoid injuries and maximize gains. You can learn good form through a class or one-on-one sessions with a certified exercise professional.
3. 舉重或推重時呼氣;在你緩慢釋重時吸氣。千萬不要在緊張用力時屏住呼吸。這種行為叫做Valsalva招式,可以讓你的血壓暫時大大提升,對患有心血管疾病的人來說極具風險。
Breathe out when you are lifting or pushing; breathe in as you slowly release the load or weight. Never hold your breath while straining. This action, called the Valsalva maneuver, can temporarily raise your blood pressure considerably and can be risky for people with cardiovascular disease.
4. 當你伸直雙腿和雙臂時,不要緊鎖關節,一定要讓膝蓋和肘部稍微彎曲。
Don't lock your joints; always leave a slight bend in your knees and elbows when straightening out your legs and arms.
5. 不要太急於求成,這樣會因運動時間過長或選擇太多的重量而傷害到自己。記住,在力量訓練之間至少讓肌肉休息48小時,這一點很重要的。
Don't be so eager to see results that you risk hurting yourself by exercising too long or choosing too much weight. And remember that it's important to rest muscles for at least 48 hours between strength training sessions.
6. 如果你病了,康複後給自己放一兩天假。如果你病了一段時間,當你第一次恢複鍛煉時,可能需要使用較輕的重量或較少的阻力。
If you've been sick, give yourself one or two days off after recovering. If you were ill for a while, you may need to use lighter weights or less resistance when you first resume exercising.
7. 做力量訓練時不應該引起疼痛。如果一次運動或動作引起明顯的疼痛,要停下來!在進行一項運動時,堅持一種感覺舒服的動作範圍。隨著時間的推移,試著逐漸擴大這個範圍。
Strength training exercises should not cause pain while you are doing them. If an exercise or movement causes significant pain, stop doing it! When performing an exercise, stick with
a range of motion that feels comfortable. Over time, try to gradually extend that range.
8. 要傾聽你的身體。如果你不能完成一係列的運動或運動環節,鍛煉時無法說話,一次運動後感到暈眩,白天感到疲憊,或一次鍛煉後感到關節疼痛,你應該減少運動量。
Listen to your body and cut back if you aren't able to finish a series of exercises or an exercise session, can't talk while exercising, feel faint after a session, feel tired during the day, or suffer joint aches and pains after a session.