特朗普驚慌失措,因為中國 3800 億美元的舉動拯救了加拿大並削弱了美國經濟
Trump in Panic as China's $380 Billion Move Saves Canada and Cripple US Economy
Economic Shift 2025年3月15日
中國新的 3800 億美元大膽舉措削弱了美國經濟!——甚至加拿大都沒有預見到!
中國 3800 億美元的貿易轉移正在重塑全球市場,加強與加拿大的聯係,同時削弱美國的經濟主導地位。為了回應特朗普對中國商品征收 20% 的關稅,中國通過減少對美國進口的依賴、與加拿大和歐洲建立新的貿易關係以及削弱美國企業進行了反擊。
貿易戰損害了美國的主要行業,包括技術、汽車和零售業。蘋果、高通和通用汽車等公司嚴重依賴中國消費者,蘋果 16% 的收入來自中國,高通近一半的收入來自中國。汽車行業也受到了影響,因為通用汽車在中國的銷量超過了美國。關稅上調推高了成本,減少了需求,擾亂了供應鏈,迫使企業要麽承擔損失,要麽提高消費者的價格。
中國正利用美國貿易戰的機會,深化與加拿大的夥伴關係。跨山輸油管道的擴建使加拿大能夠直接向中國出口更多石油,從而減少對美國煉油廠的依賴。此外,中國正在與加拿大的基蒂馬特液化天然氣項目達成長期液化天然氣交易,該項目將於 2025 年開始運營,年產能為 1400 萬噸。
隨著中國將進口轉移到其他國家,美國農業正麵臨嚴重損失。 2016 年,美國供應了中國 40% 的大豆進口,但到 2024 年,這一數字下降到 18%,巴西和阿根廷將提供 74%。這導致供應過剩、價格下跌和農民破產。美國政府已經發放了 120 億美元的援助,大豆農民獲得了 77 億美元,但這隻是暫時的解決方案。
加拿大可能剛剛找到了一種出人意料地擺脫美國關稅經濟擠壓的方法。中國正作為一個關鍵的貿易夥伴介入,為加拿大提供另一個市場。此時,美國正與其最親密的盟友陷入貿易戰,包括歐洲,加拿大、墨西哥和歐洲正在將貿易關係轉向中國。我們是否正在見證一個新的全球經濟超級大國的崛起?這對美國的影響力和金融穩定意味著什麽?其後果可能是改變遊戲規則的,我們將在本視頻中對其進行分解,但在深入研究之前,請務必訂閱,這是您獲得有關全球經濟趨勢的最敏銳見解的地方。特朗普政府對中國商品征收了 20% 的關稅,使本已緊張的貿易戰進一步升級,其目標是向北京施壓,迫使其做出經濟讓步,但中國迅速進行報複,減少了美國多個行業的進口,並加強了與加拿大和歐盟主席等替代夥伴的貿易關係特朗普肯定沒有預見到這種情況,中國不但沒有退縮,反而帶頭對抗美國企業的關稅,這標誌著美國農民、製造商和能源供應商立即受到影響,因為中國市場是主要的需求來源,價格下跌,不確定性上升,外國競爭對手迅速填補了美國留下的空白,華盛頓的戰略似乎適得其反,美國企業和中國以大多數人沒有意識到的方式聯係在一起,企業不僅依賴中國進行廉價製造,而且依賴龐大的消費者市場,如果關稅上調,事情會變得更加昂貴,工作崗位可能會流失,一些企業可能會難以生存,想想科技行業,蘋果、英特爾和高通都依賴中國獲得很大一部分收入,例如,蘋果在中國生產大量 iPhone,並在那裏銷售近 16% 的產品,蘋果已經失去了這個市場,生產智能手機芯片的高通近一半的收入來自中國,這些公司不僅在中國製造以省錢,他們還將產品賣給一個巨大的增長市場,失去了進入中國市場的渠道,那將是一個重大打擊,而且不僅僅是科技,汽車行業也深陷其中。通用汽車在中國的汽車銷量超過美國,一年內售出 380 萬輛。現在,該公司麵臨虧損。福特也處於類似的境地。如果關稅擾亂了這些業務,這不僅僅是要為進口支付更多費用,還會失去客戶和銷售。甚至像耐克和星巴克這樣的家喻戶曉的品牌都圍繞中國市場建立了自己的商業模式。耐克一年在中國賺了 70 億美元。這不是一家公司可以承受的錢。關稅聽起來像是懲罰中國的一種方式,但實際上,當美國對中國商品征收關稅時,它們對美國企業和消費者的打擊同樣嚴重。公司麵臨兩種選擇:吸收成本,這會削減他們的利潤;或者將成本轉嫁給消費者,從而全麵推高價格。無論哪種方式,這都是壞消息,鋼鐵和鋁的價格飆升,增加了建築和汽車製造商日常用品的成本咖啡機、垃圾桶,甚至鋁罐包裝的汽水和啤酒等都變得更加昂貴,一些人認為關稅將迫使企業將製造業帶回美國,但事情並非那麽簡單,美國的勞動力成本遠高於中國,製造國產商品的成本要高得多,即使一些美國玩具工廠因關稅而看到訂單增加,更高的生產成本也會立即轉嫁給消費者,除了成本之外,美國缺乏大規模製造的基礎設施,許多行業幾十年前就轉移到海外,重建供應鏈需要數年時間和大量投資,服裝行業就是一個完美的例子,即使有關稅,在中國生產仍然比在美國重啟運營便宜得多,航空航天業也麵臨著類似的挑戰,依賴主要來自國外的專業零部件,現實情況是,企業花了數年時間在中國建立供應鏈和客戶群,迫使他們搬遷會很慢,成本高昂,而且在某些方麵在某些情況下,這會導致企業成本增加,消費者價格上漲,如果企業跟不上,可能會失去工作,如果目標是加強美國製造業,那麽需要采取更明智的政策,而不僅僅是最終損害經濟的關稅。特朗普的激進策略旨在迫使北京做出經濟讓步,然而直接的後果表明,情況正在變得更加複雜,中國不會屈服於壓力,它迅速采取報複措施,大幅削減各個領域的美國產品進口,此外,北京正在積極加強與其他全球參與者的貿易關係,尤其是加拿大和歐盟,這一戰略支點正在重塑國際貿易聯盟,使美國陷入困境憤怒的立場對美國工業的影響是直接和嚴重的,以農業部門為例,曾經嚴重依賴中國市場的美國農民現在正努力應對需求下降,這種突然的下降導致農產品過剩,壓低價格並擠壓利潤率,同樣,隨著中國減少對美國製造的機械和技術的進口,美國製造商也感受到了壓力,能源供應商也陷入了交火之中,因為中國削減了對美國石油和天然氣的進口,這種需求的萎縮正在引起連鎖反應,導致這些行業的不確定性和波動性增加,因為美國退出中國市場,其他國家很快就看到了機會,外國競爭對手正在介入填補空白,與中國建立更牢固的貿易關係,這種轉變不僅破壞了美國企業,而且削弱了美國在全球貿易中的影響力,這種旨在確立主導地位的戰略本身就為美國在全球貿易中被邊緣化鋪平了道路主要國際市場國內市場前景並不樂觀沃爾瑪等零售巨頭陷入困境,努力平衡關稅成本的增加,同時又不疏遠價格敏感的消費者報告顯示,沃爾瑪一直在向中國供應商施壓,要求他們降低價格以抵消關稅這一策略並沒有被忽視,促使北京召集沃爾瑪代表進行討論,突顯了企業與國際政府在外交方麵日益加劇的緊張關係中國正不失時機地利用美國與其傳統盟友之間的裂痕中國特使正著手贏得歐洲各地的新夥伴,試圖通過將自己定位為穩定和合作夥伴來吸引厭倦了特朗普咄咄逼人的政策的歐盟領導人中國中國旨在加強與歐洲的經濟聯係,可能以犧牲美國利益為代價這對美國和特朗普來說是個壞消息他們孤立中國的企圖適得其反反而加強了北京的聯盟警告信號正在閃爍目前通脹仍處於溫和水平,而新的關稅可能會在未來幾個月推高價格,美聯儲現在麵臨艱難的選擇,是控製通脹,還是防止貿易緊張局勢升級引發的經濟放緩,但也許最大的新聞是這場貿易戰如何將加拿大和中國拉到一起,以達成新的能源交易。不斷升級的貿易戰給全球能源行業帶來了衝擊波,從根本上改變了聯盟和貿易路線。曆史上,美國是中國原油和液化天然氣的主要供應國。然而,最近的緊張局勢破壞了這種關係,促使兩國尋求替代合作夥伴,使問題進一步複雜化。華盛頓決定對加拿大石油進口征收 10% 的關稅,旨在迫使加拿大重新談判貿易協定,但加拿大並沒有屈服,而是戰略性地轉向中國,重塑全球能源格局。加拿大戰略的核心是擴大貿易山輸油管道項目大大增強了加拿大的石油出口能力,此次擴建使加拿大能夠將大量石油直接運往北京,從而有效地繞過了傳統的美國市場。管道容量的增加不僅為加拿大提供了更多進入亞洲市場的機會,而且還減少了對美國煉油廠的依賴,這標誌著北美能源動態發生了關鍵性轉變。中國日益增長的液化天然氣需求正將其引向加拿大的液化天然氣項目。這個位於不列顛哥倫比亞省基馬特的大型天然氣出口終端將於 2025 年開始運營,初始產能為 1400 萬噸。該項目象征著加拿大成為主要液化天然氣出口國的重要一步。中國對從加拿大獲得液化天然氣的興趣凸顯了其實現能源來源多元化和減少對美國供應依賴的戰略,進一步鞏固了這一轉變。加拿大能源公司正在建立重要的合作夥伴關係,以滿足亞洲市場的需求,例如 Arc Resources 已簽署長期協議每年向 Exon Mobile 的亞太部門供應 150 萬噸 LG 液化天然氣這筆交易不僅擴大了加拿大液化天然氣出口的雄心,也符合中國確保穩定和多樣化能源來源的目標,以報複美國的關稅加拿大正在考慮可能進一步加劇其與美國能源關係緊張的措施討論包括限製對美國的石油出口或征收出口關稅的可能性可能會對美國煉油商的加拿大原油產生重大影響這些措施凸顯了不斷升級的緊張局勢以及能源夥伴關係更明顯調整的可能性這些發展凸顯了更廣泛的中國積極主動地在地緣政治不確定的情況下確保其能源未來的趨勢,通過多元化其能源進口並加強與加拿大等國的聯係中國不僅確保其能源安全,而且正在削弱美國在全球能源市場的影響力這一戰略調整提出了關於全球能源聯盟的未來以及對處於這一不斷變化的格局中的國家的潛在經濟影響的緊迫問題由於中國重新調整與美國的貿易夥伴關係,美國農業部門陷入困境,搖搖欲墜,瀕臨崩潰與中國的持續貿易戰給我們造成了嚴重損害,特別是那些種植大豆、小麥、玉米和養豬的農民曆史上,中國一直是這些美國商品的重要購買者,2016 年,美國供應了中國 40% 的大豆進口,然而到 2024 年,這一數字已暴跌至僅 18%,巴西和阿根廷介入,為中國提供 74% 的大豆需求這一戲劇性的轉變使美國農民陷入供應過剩和價格暴跌的困境,許多人現在麵臨破產的嚴酷現實連鎖反應超出了田地加工廠運輸公司和設備製造商也遭受了重大損失情況如此嚴峻,以至於美國農業部不得不介入向受影響的農業生產者提供高達 1220 億美元的財政援助大豆農民首當其衝收到了美國農業部 77 億美元的付款但災難並沒有結束歐洲對華豬肉出口激增 35% 進一步侵蝕了美國的市場份額中國針對幾乎所有美國農產品出口征收報複性關稅,使美國商品在全球舞台上的競爭力下降這種升級不僅給農業部門帶來了壓力,而且引發了擔憂關於更廣泛的經濟影響 中國積極地實現供應鏈多元化,通過從其他合作夥伴處采購基本商品和技術,減少對美國進口的依賴 中國增強了應對美國貿易政策的經濟韌性 這一戰略支點不僅保護了其產業,而且增強了其在全球舞台上的談判籌碼,以保持競爭力 華盛頓必須在為時已晚之前重新考慮其貿易戰略 如果美國繼續沿著這條道路前進,它就有可能被排除在全球主要供應鏈之外,削弱其在世界舞台上的經濟影響力 如果不采取果斷行動,風險就再高不過了 美國在全球貿易中的主導地位可能成為過去 這個故事遠未結束,我們將跟蹤每一個發展 請務必立即訂閱,以免錯過有關這場不斷變化的經濟權力鬥爭的最新更新 權力鬥爭。
Trump in Panic as China's $380 Billion Move Saves Canada and Cripple US Economy
Economic Shift 2025年3月15日
China's New $380 Billion Bold Move Cripples US Economy!– Even the Canada Didn’t See It Coming!
China’s $380 billion trade shift is reshaping global markets, strengthening ties with Canada while undermining U.S. economic dominance. In response to Trump’s 20% tariffs on Chinese goods, China has retaliated by reducing reliance on U.S. imports, forging new trade relationships with Canada and Europe, and weakening American businesses.
The trade war has hurt major U.S. industries, including technology, automotive, and retail. Companies like Apple, Qualcomm, and General Motors depend heavily on Chinese consumers, with Apple generating 16% of its revenue from China and Qualcomm nearly half. The auto industry is also suffering, as GM sells more cars in China than in the U.S. Higher tariffs are driving up costs, reducing demand, and disrupting supply chains, forcing businesses to either absorb losses or raise prices for consumers.
Tariffs have also impacted everyday goods, raising prices on steel, aluminum, and basic consumer products. While some argue tariffs will bring manufacturing back to the U.S., higher labor costs and the lack of infrastructure make this unlikely. Many industries have outsourced production for decades, and rebuilding supply chains would require massive investment and time.
China is capitalizing on the U.S. trade war by deepening its partnership with Canada. The expansion of the Trans Mountain Pipeline allows Canada to export more oil directly to China, reducing its reliance on American refineries. Additionally, China is securing long-term LNG deals with Canada’s Kitimat LNG project, set to begin operations in 2025 with a 14 million-tonne annual capacity.
U.S. agriculture is facing severe losses as China shifts imports to other countries. In 2016, the U.S. supplied 40% of China’s soybean imports, but by 2024, that number had dropped to 18%, with Brazil and Argentina stepping in to provide 74%. This has led to oversupply, falling prices, and farmer bankruptcies. The U.S. government has distributed $12 billion in aid, with soybean farmers receiving $7.7 billion, but this is only a temporary solution.
China is also strengthening ties with Europe, offering itself as a stable trade partner amid rising tensions with the U.S. Meanwhile, inflation in America remains a growing concern, with tariffs driving up costs and the Federal Reserve struggling to balance economic stability.
If Washington does not rethink its trade strategy, it risks losing influence in global supply chains and weakening its position in the world economy. China’s calculated moves are shifting the balance of power, leaving the U.S. in an increasingly vulnerable position.
Canada may have just found a way to
escape the economic squeeze of us
tariffs in a surprising twist China is
stepping in as a crucial trade partner
offering Canada an alternative Market at
a time when the United States is locked
in a trade war with its closest allies
including Europe with Canada Mexico and
Europe shifting their trade ties toward
China are we witnessing the rise of a
new global economic superpower and what
does this mean for America's influence
and financial stability the consequence
could be gamechanging and we're breaking
it all down in this video but before we
dive in make sure to subscribe this is
where you get the sharpest insights on
global economic Trends the Trump
Administration has imposed a 20% tariff
on Chinese Goods escalating an already
tense trade War the goal is to pressure
Beijing into economic concessions but
China retaliates swiftly reducing us
Imports across multiple Industries and
strengthening trade relations with
alternative Partners like Canada and the
European Union president Trump
definitely did not see this coming
instead of backing down China is taking
the lead in countering US tariffs for us
businesses this marks a dramatic shift
American farmers manufacturers and
energy suppliers are immediately
affected as the Chinese market a major
source of demand shrinks prices fall uncertainty Rises
and foreign competitors quickly fill the
void left by the US Washington's
strategy appears to be backfiring American businesses and China
are tied together in ways most people
don't realize companies rely on China
not just for cheap manufacturing but
also for a massive Market of consumers
if tariffs go up things will get more
expensive jobs could be lost and some
businesses might struggle to survive
think about the tech industry Apple
Intel and Qualcomm all depend on China
for a big chunk of their revenue Apple
for example makes a lot of its iPhones
in China and sells nearly 16% of its
products there apple is losing this
Market already Qualcomm which makes the
chips that power smartphones gets nearly
half its revenue from China these
companies aren't just Manufacturing in
China to save money they're selling to a
huge growing Market losing access to
that would be a major hit and it's not
just Tech the Auto industry is in deep
too General Motors sells more cars in
China than in the US us 3.8 million in a
single year now the company is facing
loses Ford is in a similar position if
tariffs disrupt these businesses it's
not just about paying more for imports
it's about losing customers and sales
even household Brands like Nike and
Starbucks have built their business
models around the Chinese market Nike
made $7 billion in China in one year
that's not the kind of money a company
can afford to walk away from tariffs may
sound like a way to punish China but in
reality they hit American businesses and
consumers just as hard when the US
imposes tariffs on Chinese Goods
companies face two choices absorb the
costs which cuts into their profits or
pass them on to Consumers driving up
prices across the board either way it's
bad news prices for steel and aluminum
surge raising costs for construction and
car manufacturers everyday items like coffee
makers trash cans and even soda and beer
packaged in aluminum cans become more
expensive some argue that tariffs will
force companies to bring manufacturing
back to the US but it's not that simple
American labor costs are much higher
than China's making domestically
produced Goods significantly more
expensive even when some Us toy
factories saw increased orders due to
tariffs the higher production costs were
immediately passed down to consumers Beyond cost the US lacks the
infrastructure for large-scale manufacturing many Industries moved over
seas decades ago and rebuilding Supply
Chains would take years and massive
investment the clothing industry is a
perfect example even with tariffs it's
still far cheaper to produce in China
than to restart operations in the US the
Aerospace sector faces a similar
challenge relying on Specialized parts
that mostly come from abroad the reality
is that businesses have spent years
Building Supply chains and customer
bases in China forcing them to relocate
would be slow costly and in some cases
impossible the result higher costs for
companies Rising prices for consumers
and potential job losses if businesses
can't keep up if the goal is to
strengthen American manufacturing it
will take smarter policies not just
tariffs that end up hurting the economy
Trump's aggressive tactic aims to force
Beijing into making economic
concessions however the immediate
Fallout suggests a more complicated
scenario unfolding China not one to Bow under
pressure has swiftly retaliated by
slashing Imports of us products across
various sectors moreover Beijing is
actively bolstering trade ties with
other Global players notably Canada and
the European Union this strategic pivot
is reshaping International Trade
alliances leaving the US in a dangerous
position the repercussions for American
Industries are both immediate and severe
take for instance the agricultural
sector American farmers who once relied
heavily on the Chinese market are now
struggling with dropping demand this
sudden drop has led to a surplus of
produce driving prices down and
squeezing profit margins similarly us
manufacturers are feeling the pinch as
China reduces its intake of
American-made machinery and
Technology Energy suppliers too are
caught in the crossfire with China
cutting back on Imports of us oil and
gas this contraction in demand is
causing a ripple effect leading to
increased uncertainty and volatility in
these sectors as the US Retreats from
the Chinese market other nations are
quick to sees the opportunity foreign
competitors are stepping in to fill the
void establishing stronger trade
relationships with China this shift not
only undermines us businesses but also
diminishes America's influence in global
trade the very strategy intended to assert
dominance is interestingly Paving the
way for the us to be sidelined in key
International markets the domestic
landscape isn't fairing much better
retail giants like Walmart are caught in
a bind struggling to balance the increased costs of tariffs without
alienating price sensitive Consumers
Reports indicate that Walmart has been
pressuring Chinese suppliers to lower
their prices to offset the tariffs this tactic has not gone
unnoticed prompting Beijing to summon
Walmart representatives for discussions
highlighting the mounting tensions
between corporations and international
governments on the Diplomatic front
China is wasting no time in capitalizing
on the rift between the US and its
traditional allies Chinese envoys are
embarking on winning over new partners
across Europe seeking to woo EU leaders
who have grown tired of Trump's
aggressive policies by positioning
itself as a stable and Cooperative
partner China China aims to strengthen
economic ties with Europe potentially at
the expense of us interests this is bad news for the US
and Trump their attempt to isolate China
has backfired instead strengthening
beijing's alliances warning signs are
flashing across the US economy while
inflation remains moderate for now new
tariffs could drive prices higher in the
coming months the Federal Reserve now
faces a tough choice contain inflation
or prevent a Slowdown triggered by
escalating trade tensions but perhaps
the biggest story is how this trade war
is drawing Canada and China together as
they target new energy deals the
escalating trade War has sent shock
waves through the global energy sector
fundamentally altering alliances and
trade routes historically the United
States stood as China's primary supplier
of crude oil and liquefied natural gas
LNG however recent tensions have
unraveled this relationship prompting
both Nations to seek alternative
Partners complicating matters further
Washington's decision to impose a 10%
tariff on Canadian oil imports aims to
pressure Canada into renegotiating trade
agreements yet instead of capitulating
Canada has strategically pivoted towards
China reshaping the global energy
landscape Central to Canada's strategy
is the expansion of the Trans Mountain
pipeline a project that has significantly bolstered its oil export
capacity this expansion enables Canada to ship
vast quantities of oil directly to Beijing effectively bypassing traditional us markets The pipeline's increased capacity not only provides
Canada with greater access to Asian
markets but also diminishes its Reliance
on us refineries marking a pivotal shift
in North American Energy Dynamics simultaneously China's growing
LNG demand is steering it towards
Canada's LNG project this massive
natural gas export terminal located in
kimat British Columbia is poised to
commence operations in 2025 with an initial capacity of 14
million tons perom the project symbolizes a Monumental step in Canada's
emergence as a key LNG exporter China's
interest in securing LNG from Canada
underscores its strategy to diversify
energy sources and reduce dependence on
us supplies further solidifying this
shift Canadian energy companies are
forging significant partnership ship to
cater to Asian markets for instance Arc resources has
signed a long-term agreement to supply
1.5 million tons of LG per year to Exon
Mobile's asia-pacific division this deal
not only amplifies Canada's LNG export
Ambitions but also aligns with China's
objective to secure stable and diversified energy sources in
retaliation to us tariffs Canada is contemplating measures that could
further strain its energy relationship
with the United States discussions include the
possibility of restricting oil exports
to the US or imposing export duties
actions that could significantly impact
American refiners ryant on Canadian
crude such measures highlight the
escalating tensions and the potential
for a more pronounced realignment of
energy Partnerships these developments
underscore a broader trend of China's
proactive approach to securing its
energy future amidst geopolitical
uncertainties by diversifying its energy
Imports and strengthening ties with
Nations like Canada China is not only
ensuring its energy security but also
diminishing American influence in global
energy markets this strategic realignment raises pressing questions
about the future of global energy alliances and the potential economic
ramifications for Nations entrenched in
this evolving landscape as a result of
China realigning its trade partnership
with the US the American Agricultural
sector is in trouble teetering on the
brink of col CSE the ongoing trade war with China has
inflicted severe damage on us Farmers
particularly those cultivating soybeans
wheat corn and raising pork historically
China has been a significant purchaser
of these American Commodities in
2016 the US supplied 40% of China's
soybean Imports however by 2024 this figure had plummeted to a mere
18% with Brazil and Argentina stepping
in to provide a staggering 74% of
China's soybean needs this dramatic
shift has left American farmers grappling with over Supply and
plummeting prices many are now facing
the harsh reality of bankruptcy the
Ripple effects extend beyond the fields
processing plants Transportation companies and Equipment manufacturers
are also suffering significant losses the situation is so dire that the US
Department of Agriculture has had to
step in Distributing up to 122 billion
in financial aid to affected agricultural producers soybean Farmers
bearing the brunt of the impact received
$7.7 billion in payments from the
USDA but the woses don't end there
European pork exports to China have
surged by 35% further eroding the US's market
share the imposition of retaliatory
tariffs by China targeting nearly all us
agricultural exports has made American
Goods less competitive on the global
stage this escalation has not only
strained the agricultural sector but has
also raised concerns about broader
economic repercussions China has proactively
Diversified its Supply chains reducing
its dependence on us Imports by sourcing
essential Commodities and Technologies
from alternative Partners China has
fortified its economic resilience
against us trade policies this strategic pivot not only
safeguards its Industries but also
enhances its negotiating leverage on the
global stage to stay competitive Washington must rethink its trade strategy before it's too late if the US continues down this path it risks being sidelined from Key Global Supply chains weakening its economic influence on the world stage the stakes couldn't be higher without decisive action America's dominance in global trade may become a thing of the past this story is far from over and will be tracking every development make sure to subscribe now so you don't miss the latest updates on this shifting economic power struggle power struggle