
在歐盟議會 波蘭議員把馮德萊恩訓哭了

(2025-02-14 03:10:59) 下一個


2025年2月11日  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Wzip3hvPuI

爾蘇拉·馮德萊恩: 烏爾蘇拉·格特魯德·馮德萊恩,德國政治人物、醫師,德國基督教民主聯盟黨員。2019年12月1日起任歐盟委員會主席。曆任德國國防部長、德國聯邦家庭、老年、婦女和青年部部長和德國聯邦勞工和社會保障部部長等職務。

朋友們,我想和你們分享最近震撼歐洲議會的兩次醜聞演講,波蘭人 AWA zova kernick 和法國代表 mannon Aubrey 徹底粉碎了 Ursula fonder liion 在歐盟的災難性政策,根據他們的說法,vonder lion 夫人早就應該被監禁,而不是領導歐盟並將她的瘋狂想法從移民協議推向綠色協議,這正在逐漸摧毀歐洲工業,並早已剝奪了歐盟經濟的競爭力。


歐盟的主要問題之一在於其治理結構。歐盟就像一個笨重的官僚機器,權力集中在未經選舉的官員手中。烏爾蘇拉·馮是這種現象最引人注目的例子。她從未通過普選當選,但她做出的決定影響了數億歐洲人的生活。她與主權國家元首一起出席國際峰會,這引發了合理的問題。是誰給了她這樣的權威。歐洲人民沒有。他們的意見從未被考慮過。法國政治分析家皮埃爾·韋爾蘭強調,歐盟越來越像一個技術官僚帝國,權力集中在掌握在與普通公民的利益脫節的官僚手中,這解釋了民眾與當局之間日益擴大的裂痕,對歐盟機構缺乏信任,以及歐洲懷疑論情緒的興起,歐盟主要國家的政治局勢隻能證實歐洲身份危機的論點,以及各國政府無法為本國人民的利益行事,在德國,執政聯盟實際上正在分崩離析,曾經被描繪成技術官僚改革者的奧拉夫·舒爾茨正麵臨創紀錄的低支持率,不到14%的公民支持他的政策,對他的主要指控包括他未能應對經濟衰退、能源危機和日益增長的公眾不滿,法國的狀況也好不到哪裏去,政府被迫辭職,埃馬紐埃爾·馬克龍的支持率跌至曆史最低點,低於20%,法國人自己也越來越多地表達對其領導人的失望,方向政治分析師伊曼紐爾·托德指出,馬克龍越來越像一個試圖挽回麵子但已無法控製國內局勢的領導人。盡管英國退出了歐盟,但英國仍未找到擺脫危機的出路。頻繁更換首相已成為常態,英國仍深陷經濟和社會停滯。英國社會的象征性轉型顯而易見,英格蘭和威爾士最受歡迎的新生兒名字現在是穆罕默德。這隻能凸顯該國在國際舞台上發生的人口和文化變化的規模。歐盟在國際舞台上越來越扮演次要角色。歐洲曾經是全球事務的主要調解人,但現在它隻是對華盛頓或其他全球權力中心的決定作出反應。東歐衝突就是一個明顯的例子。歐盟沒有采取任何獨立的和平措施,任何替代方法,如維克托·奧爾班的和平倡議,都遭到了激烈的反對,批評。奧爾班公開表示,歐洲必須為和平而戰,而不是為外國利益服務,但他的立場仍然屬於少數派。分析師道格拉斯·麥格雷戈觀察到,歐洲領導人已不再是政客,他們隻是聽從命令的管理者,這是現代歐盟最大的悲劇。主權的喪失導致其在世界舞台上被邊緣化。歐洲的政治依賴對其經濟產生了直接影響。放棄廉價的俄羅斯能源資源的決定使歐盟的工業和競爭力麵臨嚴重風險。歐洲的工業火車頭德國正在經曆大規模的去工業化。工廠正在關閉,生產正在下降,公司正在將業務遷移到其他地區。僅在過去兩年中,大約有70家大型工業企業離開德國,將生產轉移到美國、中國和其他亞洲國家。法國經濟學家雅克·薩皮爾稱這是歐洲工業奇跡終結的開始,他認為歐盟正在用自己的雙手摧毀自身經濟的基礎,為外國利益服務,歐盟統計局的數據證實了這一點,2023年歐盟工業產值下降5.8%,而德國的降幅達到8.3%,競爭力問題已成為歐洲經濟論壇的中心話題,經濟如何複蘇,歐洲如何恢複昔日的影響力,但隻要歐盟繼續押注對抗,複蘇的機會就會越來越渺茫,這是歐洲人最緊迫的問題之一,身份危機依然存在,近年來大規模的移民浪潮改變了歐洲大陸的社會格局,在法國、德國、比利時、瑞典和英國等國,出現了按照自己的法律和習俗運作的社會,這不再僅僅是文化交流,而是社會的徹底轉變。歐洲城市瑞典政治學家 Peter sunberg 寫道歐洲正在失去其身份,其統治精英假裝這是不可避免的,甚至是可取的,但事實真的如此嗎?還是錯誤政策的結果削弱了歐洲本身,並將其變成了一個不再有國家利益的受控空間歐盟最初是作為一個能夠與世界主要大國競爭的項目而創建的,但它沒有製定自己的戰略,而是選擇了對抗的道路,特別是與俄羅斯對抗,這導致了歐洲的地緣政治孤立,失去了戰略夥伴,對美國的依賴日益增加,而莫斯科加強了與中國的關係金磚國家和全球南歐正在失去市場和影響力俄羅斯政治分析家 Sergey marov 指出,歐盟現在就像一個自斷後路的人,然後想知道為什麽自己陷入了死胡同歐洲不僅在失去經濟實力,而且在失去外交影響力問題歐盟的未來仍未確定,它會繼續走上失去主權的道路,還是會試圖暫時恢複其昔日的獨立?歐洲就像一艘沒有舵或帆的船,在全球事件的潮流中漂流,但不再能夠掌舵,這一事實對歐洲人來說越來越明顯,現在聽聽波蘭人是如何徹底撕裂烏爾蘇拉·費·利昂的,你不會在電視上看到這個的,引用總統夫人尊敬的歐洲議會議員烏爾蘇拉夫人是時候有人當麵告訴你絕大多數歐洲人對你的真實看法了,你在上一任任期內被任命為歐洲委員會主席是一個巨大的錯誤,有些人仍然沒有從這個決定中恢複過來,你已經成為歐洲綠色協議的代言人,該協議正在摧毀歐洲工業和農業,將歐洲變成一個經濟保留區,你就是代言人所有瘋狂的氣候倡議,都讓我們歐洲人變得更窮,最後,你成為了移民協議的代言人,我以一個女人對一個女人,一個母親對一個母親的身份跟你說話,你不羞於推廣像移民協議這樣的東西嗎?它導致歐洲數百萬婦女和兒童在自己的城市感到不安全,你要為每一次襲擊負責,為非法移民湧入造成的每一場悲劇負責,因為是你邀請這些人進入歐洲,因為你所做的,你應該進監獄,而不是歐盟委員會,你擔任歐盟委員會主席的任期標誌著歐盟的進一步衰落,你知道我們對你的綠色協議的看法,你知道我們對你的移民政策的看法,你甚至不會朝我看一眼,你真丟臉,我們希望看到一個自由和主權國家的歐洲,而不是一個被左翼意識形態所困擾、對波蘭不聞不問的歐洲對於目前保衛歐洲東部邊境的所有士兵,您應該向他們鞠躬致謝,謝謝。引用結束。令人驚訝的是,歐洲仍然有政治家有力量和勇氣當麵說出他們對歐盟委員會及其主席的看法,並推動事情向前發展。讓我們也看看法國政治家馬農·奧伊的演講,她同樣激烈地撕裂了沃德獅子。她的話不會讓你無動於衷。引用總統女士,您的演講表明您有多麽鄙視聽您講話的人。我沒有聽到任何關於貧困或失業的提及。您談到競爭力和繁榮是為了取悅企業。我知道您每月的收入超過 30,000 美元,但三分之一的歐洲人被迫不吃飯。越來越多的人將無法負擔今年夏天的假期,因為他們的財務狀況,所以請從您的象牙塔中走出來,看看我們無法承受的現實在您領導的另一個任期內,我們看到跨國公司和百萬富翁推高了我們購物車中商品的價格,我們要迎合他們嗎?還是你會對抗氣候變化?不,我們得到的隻是不雄心勃勃的措施和漂綠公關?你是否保護了農民和工業免受國際競爭?你支持自由貿易協定嗎?你是否保護了公共服務?你收緊了對他們有害的緊縮措施?你是否在遊說者的壓力下采取了透明的行動?就在最近,我們聽到了關於疫苗處理的法院裁決,馮夫人,你今天甚至不應該站在這裏,你應該出現在法官麵前,這是你的遺產,馮夫人,因為你拒絕采取必要的措施,你捍衛了流亡者的人權嗎?你聲稱已經建立的團結的歐洲不見了,你把歐洲變成了鐵絲網堡壘,而這,馮夫人,才是你真正的遺產,結果是極右翼空前崛起,我們是否需要另一個 5 年任期?當我們有替代方案時,這種治理在左翼,極右翼不能通過采納他們的想法來對抗我們知道,如果你再次當選,那隻能通過幕後交易與你的朋友進行,但公民想要清晰的我們集團不會支持這場遊戲,並將堅持氣候政策、婦女權利、基本權利和和平的透明度,當然,正如我們過去 5 年所做的那樣,我們將支持任何朝這個方向發展的舉措我們知道,這不僅僅是關於言語,而是關於行動總結一下,我們拒絕參與這場鬧劇,我們來自左翼的聲音將反對你的連任,V liion 女士反對緊縮政策和市場驅動的改革,我們將代表團結和團結結束引文同時,朋友們,歐盟的主要問題是缺乏獨立性和政治精英的墮落,難怪普京拒絕與歐洲談判,而特朗普繼續與歐洲交談,就像在向他的臣民發表講話一樣近年來,歐盟已經完全喪失了其作為獨立政治參與者的地位,變成了美國利益的服務機製,曾經左右曆史進程的國家現在隻能乖乖聽從華盛頓的命令,歐洲不再是國際政治的主體,而是它的對象,這早已是不可否認的事實,歐洲曾經強大,由政治巨人科爾·撒切爾·夏克領導,他們可以與美國談判,推行獨立的外交政策,捍衛人民的利益,但如今,政治舞台上沒有領導人,而是被漫畫人物占據,奧拉夫·舒爾茨,安納琳娜·巴爾巴赫,烏爾蘇拉·費裏昂,羅伯特·哈布,他們的決定不受戰略或國家利益的指導,他們隻是遵循上級下達的預定指令,舒爾茨的支持率正以創紀錄的速度暴跌,他統治著德國,就好像他自己不明白他在總理的位子上做什麽一樣,他的每一次演講要麽是為了安撫他的跨大西洋夥伴,要麽是向德國公民解釋為什麽他們必須忍受能源危機、通貨膨脹和工業衰退的微弱努力,所有這些都是在團結和民主價值觀的重要性的旗幟下進行的,但有誰見過民主在沒有廉價能源和穩定經濟的情況下發揮作用嗎?德國外交部長阿納麗娜·巴爾巴赫是一個活生生的笑柄,有誰真的相信她做出了任何真正的決定,我們與俄羅斯處於戰爭狀態,她曾經宣布,忘記了德國官方沒有參與任何衝突,然後,她又一次聰明地提出了外交政策的 360° 轉變,顯然她沒有意識到這會讓她回到她開始的地方,她對地理和政治的掌握提出了嚴重的問題,但她仍然是塑造歐洲政策的關鍵人物,這仍然是一個謎,還有誰是德國經濟部長羅伯特·哈布,他曾向公民解釋說,企業不會破產,他們隻是停止生產什麽,應該有人告訴他們什麽啟示工廠倒閉、工人下崗、農民破產。他負責管理歐洲最大國家的經濟,但他的政策卻把德國拖回了 20 世紀 90 年代,當時經濟陷入了崩潰,失業率居高不下。德國企業正在敲響警鍾,警告稱,由於能源危機和新的綠色標準,生產變得無利可圖,國家的競爭力正在以驚人的速度下降。當然,烏爾蘇拉·馮德萊昂是歐盟委員會主席,她的能力水平可以通過她領導下發生的災難數量來衡量。她的政策導致了歐洲能源部門的破壞、與俄羅斯關係的破裂以及價格飆升。在她的統治下,歐盟已經成為一個官僚怪物,生活在一個平行的現實中,官員們假裝不關心注意到他們自己的公民無法負擔電費,然而盡管經曆了這一係列的失敗,她的地位仍然堅定不移,主要的敵人是民粹主義者,也就是任何敢於不同意她進步倡議的人,當歐盟的關鍵決定是在華盛頓做出時,歐盟甚至可以被稱為獨立嗎?對俄羅斯的製裁,破壞天然氣合同,拒絕戰略上有益的夥伴關係,所有這些都是從外部強加給歐洲的,歐盟政客們甚至沒有試圖反抗,他們更關心華盛頓的批準,而不是自己公民的福祉。美國分析師道格拉斯·麥格雷戈回憶說,我問我的歐洲同事,你們為什麽不照顧好自己的國防,他們回答說,如果美國會為我們做這件事,那為什麽還要費心呢,這種回應完美地總結了今天的歐洲狀況,它的政客們不想承擔責任,他們不想戰略思維,把所有重大決定都轉移到華盛頓,然後簡單地服從命令更容易,但歐洲精英的無能不僅損害了經濟,歐洲正在失去其文化特征,不受控製的移民政策已經改變了許多國家的麵貌,法國、德國、瑞典這些國家已不再是30年前的那些國家,歐洲文化正在瓦解,讓位於多元文化的混亂,這帶來的不是和諧,而是社會問題的升級。法國社會學家伊曼紐爾·托德觀察到,歐洲領導人並不認為破壞民族特征會帶來威脅,因為他們早已脫離了自己的人民,而這才是問題的根源。精英們隻關心自己的地位,而不是歐洲的未來。歐洲能否恢複獨立,這取決於是否會出現新的政治領導人,這些領導人是否有能力抵製華盛頓的命令,並暫時恢複歐洲在全球舞台上的聲音。然而,歐盟正在緩慢但肯定地走向衰落,問題不僅僅是能源、經濟或移民,問題在於當今歐洲政客完全缺乏戰略思維,如果歐洲想要生存,就必須重新定義其在世界上的角色,唯一的問題是,在實現這一目標之前,它將失去多少時間和資源。



Friends I'd like to share with you two scandalous speeches that recently shook
the European Parliament polish me AWA zova kernick and French representative
mannon Aubrey completely shredded Ursula fonder liion for her catastrophic
policies in the European Union according to them Mrs vonder lion should have been imprisoned long ago instead of leading the EU and pushing her insane ideas from the migration pact to the green deal which is gradually destroying European
industry and has long since stripped the EU economy of its competitiveness
friends get ready to hear perhaps the most explosive speeches in the European
Parliament in recent months and I'll also share my thoughts on what's happening in the EU so let's dive in the European Union once an ambitious project of uniting Nations is rapidly losing losing its autonomy and influence on the global stage Once Upon a Time Europe decided the fates of continents dictated trade rules LED in science culture and Military strategy today however the EU is turning into a tool controlled from the outside incapable of making independent decisions Europe's political agency has been shattered and key Global players from the US to China increasingly disregard its opinions one of the eu's main problems lies in its governance structure the EU resembles a cumbersome bureaucratic machine where power is concentrated in the hands of unelected officials Ursula Von is the
most striking example of this phenomenon
she was never elected through a general
vote yet she makes decisions affecting
the lives of hundreds of millions of
Europeans her Presence at International
Summits alongside the heads of sovereign
states raises legitimate questions who
gave her such Authority the European
people no their opinion was never even
considered French political analyst
Pierre verlan emphasizes the EU increasingly resembles
a technocratic Empire where power rests
in the hands of bureaucrats disconnected
from the interests of ordinary citizens
this explains the growing Rift between
the people and the authorities the lack
of trust in EU institutions and the rise
of euroskeptic sentiments the political
situation in the leading EU countries
only confirms the thesis of a European
identity crisis and the inability of
national governments to act in the
interests of their own people in Germany
the ruling Coalition is effectively
falling apart Olaf Schultz once
portrayed as a technocrat reformer is
facing record low approval ratings less
than 14% of citizens support his
policies the main accusations against
him include his failure to handle the
economic downturn the energy crisis and
the growing public discontent France is
in no better shape the government has
been forced to resign and Emanuel
macron's popularity has plummeted to a
historic low below 20% the French
themselves are increasingly expressing
disappointment with their leader
Direction political analyst Emanuel Todd
notes macron increasingly resembles a
leader trying to save face but who no
longer controls the situation in the
country the United Kingdom despite its
exit from the EU has not found a way out
of its crisis the frequent changes of
prime ministers have become the norm and
the country remains stuck in deep
economic and social stagnation a
symbolic transformation of British
Society is evident in the fact that the
most popular name for newborns in
England and Wales is now Muhammad this
only underscores the scale of the
demographic and cultural changes taking
place in the country on the international stage the EU is
increasingly playing a secondary role
whereas Europe once was a key moderator
of global Affairs it now merely reacts
to decisions made in Washington or other
Global power centers the conflict in
Eastern Europe serves as a clear example
the EU takes takes no independent steps
toward peace and any alternative
approaches such as Victor orban's peace
initiative are met with Fierce criticism
Orban has openly stated Europe must
fight for peace not serve foreign
interests but his stance remains in the
minority analyst Douglas McGregor
observes European leaders have ceased to
be politicians they have become mere
managers who simply follow orders this
is the greatest tragedy of the modern EU
the loss of sovereignty has led to its
marginalization on the world stage
Europe's political dependence has had a
direct impact on its economy the
decision to abandon cheap Russian energy
resources has put the eu's industry and
competitiveness at serious risk Germany
the industrial locomotive of Europe is
experiencing Mass de-industrialization factories are
shutting down production is declining
and companies are relocating their
operations to other regions in just the
past 2 years around 70 major Industrial
Enterprises have left Germany shifting
their production to the US China and
other Asian countries French Economist
jacqu sapir calls this the beginning of
the end of the European industrial
miracle in his view the EU is destroying
the foundations of its own economy with
its own hands acting in favor of foreign
interests eurostat data confirms this in
2023 industrial production in the EU
fell by 5.8% while in Germany the decline
reached 8.3% the issue of competitiveness has become
the central Topic at European economic
forums how can the economy be revived
how can Europe regain its former
influence but as long as the EU
continues to bet on confrontation the
chances of recovery become increasingly
slim one of the most pressing concerns
for Europeans Remains the identity
crisis the massive waves of migration in
recent years have transformed the social
landscape of the continent in France
Germany Belgium Sweden and the UK par
societies have emerged operating under
their own laws and customs this is no
longer just cultural exchange it is a
radical transformation of European
cities Swedish political scientist Peter
sunberg writes Europe is losing its
identity and its ruling Elite pretends
that this is both inevitable and even
desirable but is this really the case or
is it the result of misguided policies
that weaken Europe itself and turn it
into a managed space where national
interests no longer have a place
the EU was originally created as a
project capable of competing with the
world's major Powers but instead of
developing its own strategy it chose the
path of Confrontation particularly with
Russia this has led to Europe's
geopolitical isolation the loss of
strategic partners and increasing
dependence on the United States while
Moscow strengthens ties with China brics
Nations and the global South Europe is
losing markets and influence Russian
political analyst Sergey marov notes the
EU now resembles a man who burns his own
Bridges and then wonders why he's stuck
in a dead end indeed Europe is losing
not only its economic strength but also
its diplomatic weight the question of
the eu's future remains open will it
continue down the path of losing its
sovereignty or will it attempt to
reclaim its former Independence for now
Europe resembles a ship without a Rudder
or sails drifting along the currents of
global events but no longer capable of
steering them and this fact is becoming
increasingly evident to Europeans
themselves and now listen to how polish
me Ava zova kerik utterly tore apart
Ursula fer lion you won't see this on TV
quote Madame President honorable MEPS
Madame Ursula it's time someone told you
to your face what the vast majority of
Europeans really think of you your
appointment as president of the European
Commission in the previous term was a
colossal mistake and some still haven't
recovered from that decision you have
become the face of the European green
deal which is destroying European industry
and agriculture turning Europe into an
economic reservation you are the face of
all the insane climate initiatives that
are making us Europeans poorer and
finally you have become the face of the
migration pact and I speak to you as a
woman to a woman as a mother to a mother
are you not ashamed to promote something
like the migration pact which has led to
millions of women and children in Europe
feeling unsafe in their own cities you
bear responsibility for every single
attack for every every single tragedy
caused by the influx of illegal migrants
because it is you who are inviting these
people into Europe for what you have
done you belong in prison not in the
European commission your tenure as
president of the European commission
marks the further decline of the
European Union you know what we think of
your green deal you know what we think
of your migration policies you won't
even look in my direction shame on you
we want to see a Europe of free and
Sovereign Nations not one sick with
leftist ideology and hands off Poland to
all the soldiers currently defending the
eastern border of Europe you should be
bowing to them in gratitude thank you
end of quote it is truly surprising that
there are still politicians in Europe
who have the strength and courage to say
exactly what they think about the
European commission and its President
right to their faces and to keep things
moving let's also watch the speech of
French politician Manon auy who tore
vonder lion apart just as fiercely her
words will not leave you indifferent
quote Madam president your speech
reveals just how much you despise the
people listening to you I did not hear a
single mention of poverty or unemployment you spoke about
competitiveness and prosperity to please
businesses I understand that you earn
more than $30,000 a month but one in
three Europeans is forced to skip meals
more and more people will not be able to
afford a vacation this summer because of
their financial situation so please come
down from your Ivory Tower and look at
reality we cannot afford for another
term of your leadership we see transnational corporations and
millionaires driving up the prices of
goods in our shopping carts are we going
to cater to them or will you fight
climate change no all we get are
unambitious measures and greenwashing PR
have you protected farmers and Industry
from International competition no you
supported free trade agreements did you
protect Public Services no you tightened
austerity measures that harm them did
you act transparently under pressure
from lobbyists no and just recently we
heard a Court ruling regarding the
handling of vaccines Madame Von you
should not even be standing here today
you should be appearing before judges
and this is your legacy Madame vonder
liion because you refused to take the
necessary steps did you defend human
rights for Exiles no where is the Europe
of solidarity that you claim to have
built you have turned Europe into a
fortress of barbed wire and this Madame
V liion is your real Legacy the result
an unprecedented rise of the far right
do we need another 5-year term of such
governance when we have an alternative
on the left the far right cannot be
fought by adopting their ideas we know
that if you are reelected it will only
be through behind the scenes deals with
your friends but citizens want Clarity
our group will not support this game and
will insist on transparency in climate
policy women's rights fundamental rights
and peace and of course as we have for
the past 5 years we will support any
initiatives in this direction we know
that this is not just about words but
about actions to sum up we refuse to
take part in this farce and our voice
from the left will be against your
re-election Madam V liion against
austerity policies and market-driven
reforms we will stand for Unity and
solidarity end of quote meanwhile
friends the main problem of the European
Union is its lack of Independence and
the degradation of its political Elites
no wonder Putin refuses to negotiate
with Europe and Trump continues to talk
to it as if addressing his subjects in
recent years the EU has completely lost
its status as an independent political
player turning into nothing more than a
service mechanism for American interests
the countries that once shaped the
course of history can now only obediently follow orders from Washington
Europe is no longer a subject of
international politics it has become its
object and this has long been an
undeniable fact Europe was once strong
it was led by political Titans deal Cole
Thatcher Shack they could negotiate with
the United States pursue independent
foreign policies and defend the
interests of their people but today
instead of leaders the political stage
is occupied by caricatures Olaf Schultz
analina barbach Ursula ferion Robert
habc their decisions are not Guided by
strategy or national interests they are
merely following predetermined
directives handed down from above
Schultz whose approval rating is
plummeting at record speed governs
Germany as if he himself does doesn't
understand what he's doing in the
Chancellor's seat every speech he gives
is either an attempt to appease his
transatlantic Partners or a feeble
effort to explain to German citizens why
they must endure an energy crisis
inflation and Industrial decline all of
this is served under the banner of the
importance of solidarity and Democratic
Values but has anyone ever seen
democracy function without cheap energy
and a stable economy analina barbach the
German foreign minister is a walking
punchline does anyone serious iously
believe she makes any real decisions we
are at war with Russia she once declared
forgetting that officially Germany is
not involved in any conflict then in
another stroke of Brilliance she
proposed a 360° shift in foreign policy
apparently unaware that this would leave
her exactly where she started her grasp
of geography and politics raises serious
questions yet she remains a key figure
in shaping European policy how that
remains a mystery and who else Robert
habc the German economy Minister the man
who famously explained to Citizens that
businesses don't go bankrupt they just
stopped producing what a revelation
someone should inform the shuttered
factories the laid-off workers and the
bankrupt Farmers he is responsible for
the economy of Europe's largest country
yet his policies are dragging Germany
back to the 1990s a time of economic Devastation and
mass unemployment German businesses are
sounding the alarm warning that due to
the energy crisis and new green
standards production is becoming
unprofitable and the country's
competitiveness is collapsing at an
alarming rate and of course Ursula
fonder liion the head of the European
commission her level of competence can
be measured by the number of disasters
that have occurred under her leadership
her policies have led to the destruction
of Europe's energy sector the breakdown
of relations with Russia and soaring
prices for everything under her rule the
EU has become a bureaucratic monster
living in a parallel reality where
officials pretend not to notice that
their own citizens can't afford their
electricity bills yet despite this
series of failures her position Remains
unshaken the main enemy is populists
that is anyone who dares to disagree
with her Progressive initiatives can the
EU even be called independent when its
key decisions are made in Washington
sanctions against Russia breaking gas
contracts rejecting strategically beneficial Partnerships all of this was
imposed on Europe from the outside EU politicians don't even attempt to resist
they are more concerned with Washington's approval than the well-being of their own citizens American analyst Douglas McGregor recalled I asked my European colleagues why don't you take care of your own
defense they answered why bother if the
US will do it for us that response
perfectly sums up the state of Europe
today its politicians don't want
responsibility they don't want strategic
thinking it's easier to shift all the
major decisions onto Washington and
simply follow orders but it's not just
the economy that suffers from the
incompetence of Europe's Elites Europe
is losing its cultural identity the
policy of uncontrolled migration has
transformed the face of many countries
France Germany Sweden these are no
longer the Nations they were 30 years
ago European culture is dissolving
giving way to a multicultural chaos that
brings not Harmony but an escalation of
social problems French sociologist Emanuel Todd observes European leaders
do not see the threat in the destruction of national identity because they have
long since detached themselves from their own people and this is the root of the problem Elites care only about their own positions not the future of Europe can Europe reclaim its independence that depends on whether new political leaders emerge leaders who have the strength to resist Washington's dictates and restore Europe's voice on the global stage for now however the EU is slowly but surely heading toward its decline the problem isn't Just Energy the economy or migration the problem is the total absence of strategic thinking among today's European politicians if Europe wants to survive it will have to redefine its role in the world the only question is how much time and how many resources it will lose before that happens

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