
德國極右翼 呼籲退出歐盟 歐元和巴黎協議

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德國極右翼 AfD 將發起運動,呼籲退出歐盟、歐元和巴黎協議


DPA 2024 年 11 月 29 日,美國東部時間下午 1:42

極右翼德國選擇黨 (AfD) 計劃在 2 月份的提前選舉之前,呼籲該國退出歐盟、巴黎氣候協議和歐元。

這些政策在 AfD 的黨綱草案中進行了詳細說明,AfD 成員將於 1 月 11 日至 12 日在全國黨代會上討論並投票。

這份 85 頁的文件還呼籲收緊墮胎法,結束對俄羅斯的經濟製裁,並修複和重新啟用北溪管道,該管道將俄羅斯的天然氣輸送到德國。




德國選擇黨在 6 月歐洲議會選舉前的宣言中也包含類似語言,但並未明確要求德國退出歐盟。






根據德國刑法第 218 條,墮胎目前是非法的,但在實踐中,如果婦女事先接受谘詢,則可以在前 12 周內墮胎,並且不會受到懲罰。



Germany's far-right AfD to campaign to leave EU, euro and Paris deal



The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) plans to campaign on calls for the country to quit the European Union, the Paris climate agreement and the euro currency ahead of the early election expected in February.

The policies are spelled out in the AfD's draft party platform, which will be discussed and voted on by AfD members at a national party conference on January 11 to 12.

The 85-page paper also calls for a tightening of abortion laws, an end to economic sanctions against Russia and the repair and re-commissioning of the Nord Stream pipelines, which brought natural gas to Germany from Russia.

With regard to the euro, the draft program states that Germany must "end the misguided path of permanent bailouts by reintroducing a national currency."

The paper also states: "We consider it necessary for Germany to leave the European Union and establish a new European community."

The AfD draft platform accused the European Union of having vehemently pushed ahead with its transformation into a "planned economy super-state" in recent years.

The AfD's manifesto ahead of European Parliament elections in June contained similiar language, but did not explicitly call for Germany to quit the EU.

The draft also calls for an exit from the Paris Climate Agreement to reduce greenhouse gases. The "alleged scientific consensus" of man-made climate change is politically constructed, the draft claims.

There is no reason to restrict the use of coal, natural gas and oil, humans cannot protect the climate and carbon dioxide - the gas scientists say is most responsible for warming the climate - is ascribed a positive role in the draft program, which states that it is "a driver of increased global plant growth and thus promotes world nutrition."

Under the heading "welcoming culture for children," the AfD advocates legal restrictions on abortions in the draft.

"When carefully weighing up the interests, abortion must remain the absolute exception, e.g. in the case of criminological or medical indication," it says.

It is also proposed that pregnant women should be required to view ultrasound images of the child during counselling sessions when considering an abortion "so that they are aware of the child's stage of development."

Abortions are currently illegal under Section 218 of the German Criminal Code, but in practice are available and not subject to punishment in the first 12 weeks if the woman receives counselling beforehand.

An abortion also remains unpunished if there are medical reasons or if it is performed due to rape.

The possible legalization of abortion under German law has been the subject of political debate for years.

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