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9月29日,圖爾西·加巴德(Tulsi Gabbard)在華盛頓DC做MAHA(讓美國再次健康)巡迴演講,向全體美國人發出緊急呼籲,保衛共和國。捍衛憲法、邊境和自由,擱置分歧,團結美國人。這是加巴德和肯尼迪(Robert F. Kennedy Jr.)配合川普MAGA運動的一部分。

我們的建國先賢曾設想,我們必須建立一個由人民組成、為人民服務的政府;但不幸的是,我們當今的領導人並沒有對我們的生命、我們的安全或我們的自由作出承諾。現在是時候不要因現實而灰心喪氣,而是充滿希望,當你環顧四周時,正如你所知,在美國和世界各地,有數十萬或數百萬人正在家中觀看,我們在團結中找到了希望,作為美國人,我們來自各行各業,來自不同的政治派別,但帶著樂觀和我們的聲音的力量聚集在一起,在 38 天後的這次選舉中,這是我們的機會,因為我們的機會植根於我們作為美國公民的責任,要記住我們的創始人告訴我們,我們的政府隻有在政府的同意下才存在,那就是我們,我們現在看到的一切,政府實體的武器化,言論自由的審查,對那些膽敢批評當權者的人的政治報複,他們用盡一切辦法破壞我們的民主,因為他們害怕自由社會中的自由人民會做什麽把他們從權力中連根拔起,把我們的利益再次放在自由、和平與繁榮的最前線,所以我希望你們感到充滿希望,當我這樣做的時候,當我們被仇恨包圍時,我們用愛來對抗仇恨,當我們被黑暗包圍時,我們用真理和常識的光明來對抗黑暗,當我們被戰爭販子包圍時,他們迅速敲響戰鼓,我們堅強地站著,用清晰和勇氣為和平說話,正如你們所知,我在軍隊服役已經超過 21 年了,所以對我個人以及今天在座的所有退伍軍人和軍人而言,我們明白責任有多麽重要,每位總統都必須擔任總司令,這一核心責任是保護美國人民的安全,不僅要保障我們的生命,還要保障我們的自由,維護法治,保衛我們的邊境,所以我將從發生在我們邊境的不幸的失敗和剝削開始,今天我們有一些來自加利福尼亞的人,我去拜訪了他們不久前,我去了聖地亞哥的邊境,親眼看看那裏發生了什麽,我看到的是一台運轉良好的機器,由卡特爾和所謂的移民工業綜合體直接與他們合作,並從這台運轉良好的機器中獲利,開放邊境,這些邊境是由卡姆拉·哈裏斯和喬·拜登啟用的,他們不是在表達他們的同情,而是在剝削那些跨越我們邊境並被這個價值數十億美元的卡特爾產業販賣的人,我看到來自世界各地的人越過邊境,確切地知道要去哪裏,不是為了逃避邊境巡邏,而是為了被邊境巡邏隊接走,耐心地等待著被裝上貨車,而邊境巡邏隊對他們來說隻不過是優步司機,他們通過一個係統快速處理,通常在 24 小時內就能得到一張免費機票,飛往全國任何地方,往往再也沒有消息,我站在火車站附近的停車場看到許多人發生這些下車事件的人聽說是人販子在等待被不知情地注射毒品的婦女,在他們迷迷糊糊的狀態下被領進車裏,從此再也沒有他們的消息,我看到的是這些所謂的非營利組織的首席執行官直接與卡特爾合作,首席執行官的薪水超過一百萬美元,所有這些都是以同情的名義進行的,但同情到底是為了誰,真正受益的是卡特爾,非營利組織從這些被販賣的人身上賺錢,卻不關心超過325,000名失蹤的兒童,其中許多人可能正在我們國家受到虐待,不關心超過400名在我國非法移民的25,000名被定罪的罪犯,不關心那些非法移民,56,000人因毒品被定罪,14,000人因入室盜竊被定罪13,000 人被判犯有殺人罪
超過 16,000 人被判犯有襲擊罪

what a beautiful day for us to gather
here in our nation's capital with this
important Mission before us to rescue
our Republic to me this is exactly what our
Founders had in mind and what they
envisioned for us as a country when they
said we must have a government of by and
for the people when they made that promise to us of our
right to life liberty and the pursuit of
happiness these are things as We Gather
here we have the state capital in the
background the White House just down the
street and many monuments paying homage to those who
have sacrificed before us only to be
struck in the face with the reality that
unfortunately our leaders in office
today are not committ to our lives our safety or our
Liberty now is the time though to not be
disheartened by that reality but rather
to be hopeful as You Look Around You In
This Crowd as you know there are many
hundreds of thousands or millions of
people who are watching at home here in
America and around the world we find
Hope in our solidarity Together As
Americans Gathering from all walks of
life different political affiliations but gathering together with
optimism and the power of our voices in
this election that happens in 38
days this is our opportunity because our opportunity is rooted in our
responsibility as American citizens to
remember that our Founders told us that
our government exists only with the
consent of the Govern that's us everything that we are seeing
happening now the weaponization of
government entities the censorship of
free speech the political retaliation
against those who have the audacity to
criticize those in power they are throwing everything that
they can at us to undermine our
democracy because they are terrified of
what a free people in a free Society
will do to uproot them from their
power and bring our interest to the
Forefront once again of Freedom peace
and prosperity so I hope you feel hopeful
and as I do that as we are surrounded by
hate we confront hate with
love that as we are surrounded by
Darkness we confront that Darkness with
the light of the truth and Common Sense and that
literally as we are surrounded by War
mongers rapidly beating their War drums
we stand strong and speak with Clarity
and courage for peace now as you know I've I've served
in the Army now for over 21 years and so
for me personally and for all of our
veterans and servicemen and women who
are here today we understand how
important the responsibility is that
every president has to serve as
commander-in-chief this Central
responsibility to keep the American
people safe to secure not only our lives
but our Liberty to uphold the rule of
law to secure our borders and so I'll start here with the
unfortunate failures and exploitations
that are occurring at our borders we
have some people people from California
here today I went and visited your Border in
San Diego not that long ago to go and
see for myself what was happening there
and what I saw was a well-oiled
machine driven by the cartels and the so-called immigration
industrial complex working directly with
them and profiting off of this
well-oiled machine open borders that have been
enabled by kamla Harris and Joe Biden
not to express their compassion as they
say but to exploit those who are coming
across our border and being trafficked
by this multi-billion dollar cartel
industry what I saw there were people
coming from all over the world across
the border knowing exactly where to
go not to evade border patrol but to be
picked up by border patrol waiting
patiently to be loaded in the Vans where
border patrol have become nothing but
Uber drivers for them where they are
quickly processed through a system that
often within 24 hours gets them with a
free plane ticket to anywhere in the
country often never to be heard from
again what I saw as I stood in a parking
lot near a train station where many of
these drop offs occurred
heard were human traffickers who were
waiting women who were being drugged
unknowingly and in their foggy state of
mind being ushered into cars never to be
heard from again what I saw was CEOs of these
so-called nonprofits who are working directly with
the cartels with CEOs being paid over a
million dollar salaries all of this being done in the
name of compassion but who is the compassion for
really who really is
benefiting it is the
cartels it is the nonprofits that are
making money off of these people being
trafficked without a care for the over
children who are
missing many of whom are likely being
abused in our country
today without a care for the over 400
25,000 convicted criminals who are in
our country illegal immigrants not a
care for those who are illegal
immigrants 56,000 who have drug
convictions 14,000 who've been convicted
of burglary 13,000 convicted of homicide
over 16,000 who've been convicted
assault this is who they have compassion
for what about having compassion for the
American people
for the communities not only in our
border states but in every town and
every city across the country that is
confronted with challenges with
increased crime with less security with
social s safety nets being stressed
beyond their capacity
when I saw that vice president Harris
went to go visit the border on
Friday we all saw it for what it was 38
days from election
day it's not okay to say better late
than never she doesn't get a pass on
this one but when I saw
her when I saw her give her press
conference and Her speech that was
clearly read off of a teleprompter word
word it made me sick because it once
again was a demonstration of her
arrogance in lying directly to our faces
that after three and a half years of
telling us that the borders are secure
she stands there and tells us that we
have to have rules in place that must be
enforced to secure our border and that
she as president will do
that she hasn't done it for the last
four years we shouldn't believe her lies
that she will do anything
differently she's prosecuted and sued
and gone after the governors of these
border states who've taken action in the
absence of federal leadership to do
their part for their citizens to secure
their borders and they're still fighting
to do that
today whether it's the Border or just
about every other Challenge and issue
that's facing not Republicans Or
democrats but all of us as Americans
it's clear that comma Harris and Joe
Biden are not interested in solving
problems they're not interested in
securing our border they're not
interested in truly reforming our broken
legal immigration
system they are more interested in
allowing people to illegally cross our
borders but will turn their backs on
people like a close friend of mine who
has served as a special forces Soldier
for over 30 years who simply wanted to
invite some of his family members who
live in Italy to come to his retirement
who applied for a two week tourist visa
and were
denied more of their policies of America
last we need to send a strong message to
them that we will not come last anymore
the American people and our country and
our free Freedom must come
first who we choose to be our president
commander and chief is a critical
decision it always is but it is
especially critical
now we sit closer to the brink of World
War II than ever before we sit closer to
the brink of nuclear war according to
the bulletin of atomic scientists their
Doomsday Clock is set to 90 seconds
midnight We Are One spark away from our
demise directly because of the policies
coming from the Harris Biden
Administration so it matters very much
who we choose as our commanderin-chief
now President Eisenhower warned us in
his farewell address about the military
industrial complex and their cozy
relationship with members of Congress
and how they are are ruining our country
and our future unfortunately and I can
speak from firsthand experience that
relationship is more cozy now than ever
before the brazenness of members of
Congress conducting insider trading
investing in these very big defense
contracts s just before they send out
another eight or 10 billion dollar to
Ukraine just the other day we had the
Pennsylvania Governor Shapiro who flew
in president zalinski on a military US
plane not so that they could stand
together and call for an end to the war
no they instead went to a factory that
makes bombs where Governor Shapiro with
a grin on his face signed one of those
bombs how sick of a state are we as a
country when our elected leaders
celebrate death and
destruction and sell it to us the
American people as an American jobs and
economic plan this is kamla Harris's
opportunity economy more war more money
for the military industrial
complex my first deployment to Iraq was
in 2005 I was serving in the state
legislature at the time I stepped down
from that seat and volunteered to deploy
in a medical unit where I was confronted
with the High human cost of
War it was the first time in my life
that I had experienced and seen
firsthand the war profiteering that goes
on for those of you who served in Iraq
at that time and I hear it still going
on in Europe today KBR halberton remains
one of the biggest defense contractors
profiting off of
War we had KBR Halbert and logos on our
Port of potties on our tents and on our
trash cans a friend of mine who was
deployed to Poland recently said nothing
changed now who was one of the people
that profited off of this
Cheney where is Dick Cheney
today Dick Cheney is standing proudly
with kamla
Harris who has said that she is proud
and honored to have his endorsement and
support now for the the young ones who
may not
remember Dick Cheney was the architect
of the entire disaster that has been
created with all of the problems that
we're seeing play out in the Middle East
today in other parts of the world he was
the architect of the lie about the
weapons of mass destruction in Iraq he
was the architect behind the regime
change War and the destabilization in
Iraq that caused such chaos and loss of
life and destruction that created the
fertile ground for the rise of Isis that
is the Dick Cheney who kamla Harris is
honored to have his
support So for those of you who may be
at home watching or for those of you who
have friends who are still not quite
sure who to vote for in this election
I'll make it very simple a vote for
kamla Harris is a vote for Dick
Cheney a vote for kamla
Harris is a vote for the neocon war
mongers a vote for kamla Harris is a
vote for the military industrial complex
a vote for kamla Harris is a vote for
War I endorse president Trump in this
because to me as an American as a
soldier as a veteran there is any there
is only one choice that is our best hope
to walk us back from the brink of World
War III and nuclear war to get us back
on that path where we can stand with
hope As Americans for a future of peace
prosperity and freedom and that choice
is Donald J Trump
you won't hear anyone in the mainstream
propaganda media talking about the
reality of the threat of war that we
Face a war that threatens not only our
physical safety but our Liberty and our
freedom just as we have seen through
every major war and conflict
before those in power those who gain
from us being in a constant state of War
exploit that opportunity to take away
more of our
freedom and as you know once it's gone
we never get it
back the Patriot Act was shoved through
and rushed through Congress in the days
after the terrorist attack on 911
passing all of these egregious
overreaches into our privacy and our
civil liberties violating the Fourth
Amendment not because they were truly
needed because of 911 but the national
Security State saw an opportunity and
they took it and they said to anyone who
opposed the Patriot Act you are a
traitor to America if you vote
no taking advantage of the fear and
concern that the American people had
during that time of tragedy and
grief here we are over 20 years later
the Patriot Act was just reauthorized
once again this year and rather than the
usual rubber stamp that people like Tom
Massie and Justin Amash and Rand Paul
and I fought against every single
time they took what was an already
egregious abuse of our constitutional
rights and freedoms and fomented fear
yet again of foreign threats to our
democracy and our freedom to take
already bad Patriot Act even worse to
take away even more of our rights and
freedoms and both Democrats and
Republicans voted for
this we will not see change unless we
hold our leaders
accountable to uphold and defend our
Constitution that we've all who served
sworn and oath to support and defend
the fearmongering will
continue the lies will continue their
propaganda will continue because they
don't care about the American people
they care about power and
greed our opportunity is to recognize
and acknowledge and speak proudly and
truthfully that it does not have to be
this way this is is not a foregone
conclusion the purpose for our gathering
here today and across the country is to
recognize that we have a no fail Mission
before us and it is an urgent
Mission peace prosperity and freedom in
this country are what is on the line and
now is the time that we must be willing
to set aside our differences perhaps
disagreements on other issues and come
to together today in the same way that
our Founders did in the beginning of our
country to stand together on those
fundamental principles that are
enshrined in our Constitution and our
ability to truly live in a peaceful free
and prosperous
Society we must send a powerful and
message loud and clear to the war
mongers in Washington that we will not
allow you to destroy our families we
will not allow you to destroy our loved
ones our communities we will not allow
you to destroy our
planet because we love this country and
we love each
other and we want to make sure that
we've got a future that we can live in
and leave
behind if we stand together on no other
issue but
this then we can wrestle power away from
the military industrial complex break
through the gridlock that they have
created close the revolving doors that
allow them to exploit their power and
put We the People Back In

Charge I leave you with this A wise man
once shared that we are the spark that
will light the fire of change that can
restore the vision of our founders of
Reverend Martin Luther King and
President John F Kennedy where we can
stand free and true and proud as
Americans the source of that light the
source of that courage that we will need
in this fight comes from love God's
unconditional love our love for each
other and our love for this country and
our future thank you for standing with
us today we have 38 days to make change
happen thank you so much Aloha thank
you thank
you thank you very much
thank you very
much to to to to
to toy gabard everybody

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