
道格拉斯·麥格雷戈上校 以色列與伊朗戰爭的真相

(2024-08-22 07:06:14) 下一個

Colonel Douglas Macgregor Reveals Truth on Israel War with Iran

Cyrus Janssen

Israel and Iran are going to war and it has the potential to involve multiple Middle East countries, other countries like Russia and China and most definitely the United States. We ask Colonel Douglas Macgregor to share his thoughts on this conflict and what it means for the future of our world.



2024 年 8 月 22 日





我是道格拉斯·麥格雷戈上校,美國國防部長前高級顧問。上校一直是烏克蘭戰爭和以色列加沙戰爭中最受歡迎的發言人之一。這是我對上校的采訪的第二部分,我們特別關注以色列和伊朗之間爆發更大規模區域戰爭的可能性。本周早些時候,以色列擊斃真主黨最高指揮官。真主黨指揮官在黎巴嫩被以色列國防軍無人機襲擊後被擊斃,隨後以色列國防軍發布了空中鏡頭,顯示了針對侯賽因·伊布拉伊姆·卡薩布的無人機襲擊。正如您將在今天的采訪中聽到的那樣,以色列的鄰國對以色列給該地區帶來的不穩定越來越不耐煩。伊朗目前正在為其提供主要軍事支持,包括俄羅斯、中國和土耳其。我們將向上校詢問更多有關這些細節的信息在今天的采訪中,但最終,中東的這場衝突給美國帶來了巨大的壓力,正如我們在過去 10 個月中看到的那樣,為什麽美國感受到壓力,內塔尼亞胡向世界證明了他控製著美國國會內部令人難以置信的影響力,以色列繼續戰爭並在未來生存的唯一途徑就是得到美國政府的支持,但代價是什麽,聽聽約翰·米默教授的解釋吧,約翰,事實是,這些天展示的是,以色列嚴重依賴美國的明顯證據,他們無法打這些戰爭,如果沒有美國的支持,他們就無法繼續這樣下去,我們在 2024 年給了他們 180 億美元,想想那 180 億美元,賽勒斯·詹森,在今天的節目中,你將了解以色列的行為如何給中東帶來了巨大的不穩定,了解伊朗正在做什麽來為它的報複,也討論了內塔尼亞胡的未來,以及他對以色列和美國政府的極端控製對我們世界的未來意味著什麽,現在讓我們加入演播室的上校,開始吧,現在最大的威脅是內塔尼亞胡如何為與伊朗的戰爭做準備,當然是中東的戰爭,我們正在關注以色列,我們正在關注與伊朗的潛在升級,我想聽聽你今天的想法,因為我們正在關注一場潛在的核戰爭,我們正在關注美國肯定會深度參與,因為我們知道美國總是會支持以色列,正如你之前提到的,內塔尼亞胡控製著你知道的美國政府,我的意思是他在我們的政府和我們的政治中有著令人難以置信的影響力,無論是共和黨還是民主黨,但你對最近伊朗和以色列之間升級的局勢有什麽看法,你如何看待你會看到這種情況在未來幾周和幾個月內發生



Intro to Colonel Douglas Macgregor

Douglas McGregor

the biggest mistake the Israelis could
make would be to use a nuclear weapon of
any kind and I've always feared that if
they go into Southern Lebanon given the
losses that they've sustained against
tamas and the condition of the current
Israeli ground force that they would be
inclined to use a tactical nuclear
weapon if they do that then all bets are
off they they well could be subject to
nuclear attack in fact people are saying
quite openly and I'm talking about
people in the foreign offices at at the
level just below foreign minister this
this is the end of the Bal for
declaration in other words Israel as far
as we're concerned is off the table now.

Cyrus Janssen

this is Colonel Douglas McGregor the
former senior adviser to the US
Secretary of Defense the colonel has
been one of the most sought-after voices
on both the war in Ukraine and Israel's
war in Gaza this is part two of my
interview with the colonel where we
specifically focus on the potential of a
larger Regional War breaking out between
Israel and Iran earlier this week a top
Israel Kills Top Hezbollah Commander
Hezbollah Commander was killed in
Lebanon after an IDF drone strike which
was immediately followed by the Israeli
Defense Forces releasing aerial footage
showing the Drone strike that targeted
Hussein ibraim kassab as you'll hear in
today's interview Israel's neighbors are
growing impatient with the instability
that Israel is bringing to the region
Iran is currently bringing in major
military support behind them including
Russia China and turkey we'll ask the
colonel more about these details in
today's interview but ultimately this
conflict in the Middle East puts
enormous pressure on the United States
as we've seen over the past 10 months
Why the US is Feeling Pressure
Netanyahu has proven to the world that
he controls an incredible amount of
Leverage inside the US Congress the only
way that Israel can continue its war and
in reality survive in the future is with
the support of the US government but at
what cost just listen to professor John
mimer explain 

the truth what's on display these days is 
Manifest evidence that Israel is heavily dependent on the
United States they cannot fight these
wars they cannot continue like this
without American Support we have given
them $18 billion in 2024 just think
about that $18 billion dollar 

Cyrus Janssen

in today's episode you're going to learn how
Israel's actions has created tremendous
instability in the Middle East learn
what Iran is doing to prepare for its
revenge and also discuss the future of
Netanyahu and what his extreme control
over both the Israeli and US governments
means for the future of our world now
let's join the colonel in the studio and
get started the big threat right now is
How Netanyahu is Preparing for War with Iran
certainly a war in the Middle East we're
looking at Israel we're looking at the
potential escalation with Iran I want to
get your thoughts as of today because
we're looking at a potential you know
nuclear war here we're looking at the
United States certainly getting heavily
involved as we know United States is
always going to support Israel and as
you had mentioned earlier that Netanyahu
controls you know the United States
government I mean he is has an
unbelievable amount of reach inside our
government and our uh politics whether
that's Republican or Democrat but what
are your thoughts moving forward with
the recent escalations between Iran and
Israel and how do you see this going in
the next few weeks and months 

Douglas McGregor

well just as Mr sininsky is desperate to involve
us and nato in his War he really wants
to bring in the United States armed
forces in some fashion along with NATO
because it's the only way he knows that
he can survive you have a similar
Phenomenon with Mr Netanyahu Mr
Netanyahu has known from the very
beginning of this crusade to rid Israel
of its Arabs through Mass expulsion and
murder that the only way to do that is
with American help and and assistance he
needs American military power to augment
his Zone and protect him thus far he's
gotten most of what he wants but now
he's made it very clear he wants to
widen the war and he has provoked the
Iranians repeatedly with a goal a
precipitating an Iranian attack that he
could then point to and say see they are
the aggressive dangerous party here now
we must all work to destroy Iran and you
know I think that's what he would like
to see happen right there are some
How Russia and China Are Reacting 

這場戰爭的問題在於,第一個問題是,過去幾周,俄羅斯外交部長、國防部長、安理會等連續訪問伊朗,與伊朗建立了關係,導致大量俄羅斯導彈、俄羅斯電子戰裝備、俄羅斯雷達(包括 S400 甚至 S500 防空反導係統)抵達伊朗,很明顯,俄羅斯目前在伊朗有數千人,他們承諾幫助伊朗保衛自己,這是第一,第二,就在今天早上,當然也可能是昨晚,這取決於你的時區,中國外交部長打電話與伊朗外交部長和最高領導人通話,向他們保證,中國與他們站在一起,如果伊朗主權受到威脅,他們將進行幹預,現在他沒有說幹預,但我的意思是,言外之意是我們不會讓你去吧,當然中國對荷魯斯海峽有著巨大的興趣,你知道如果他們無法獲得天然氣和石油,他們的生產引擎就會停止運轉,所以我認為,這兩個發展是我們應該密切關注的事情,現在看看沙特,他們的上司有埃及和約旦將在這場戰爭中做什麽,現在說不,如果伊朗人要攻擊以色列,我們不會去,我們不會幫助以色列,埃及人也說過同樣的話,所以現在在埃及和約旦的約旦人,那些政府命懸一線,埃及的 CCE 將軍約旦的阿卜杜拉國王處境非常非常脆弱,他們的人民無論對錯都認為他們是以色列和美國的傀儡,不,他們必須仔細考慮他們的下一步行動,否則他們可能會消失,如果他們迅速消失,那麽你將擁有絕對普遍敵視以色列,不僅會與伊朗合作,還會與土耳其合作,以對抗並摧毀以色列,人們說,哦,那永遠不會發生,很多事情已經發生,每個人都說現在永遠不會發生,我們沙特阿拉伯和伊朗之間的關係,人們認為這是不可能的,什葉派和遜尼派現在正在合作,對吧,這有點像奧爾斯特新教徒和愛爾蘭天主教徒手挽手走在街上的那張照片,因為他們發現,真正的敵人不是彼此,而是這個外國外星人的存在和愛爾蘭境內的全球主義政府,我們現在在中東也有一個類似的現實特征,人們說,無論我們的分歧是什麽,我們都有一個更大的問題,因為記住以色列也是為什麽每個人都害怕以色列使用核武器,每個人都知道以色列擁有核武器,每個人都害怕它會使用它們,這就是問題所在,我們和俄羅斯都不會故意使用核武器我們不會使用核武器來對抗對方,好嗎?所以我們雙方都有效地表示了這一點,好嗎?當你去伊朗時,伊朗沒有核武器,但它可以很快獲得核武器。M 基本上說了同樣的話,土耳其人總是能夠獲得核武器,因為他們與遜尼派巴基斯坦關係密切,所以現在整個地區都在慢慢沸騰,如果你願意的話,以色列人可能犯的最大錯誤就是使用任何種類的核武器,我一直擔心,如果他們進入黎巴嫩南部,考慮到他們在塔馬斯遭受的損失和目前以色列地麵部隊的狀況,他們會傾向於使用戰術核武器,如果他們這樣做,所有賭注都失敗了,他們很可能受到核攻擊,現在我不認為事情必須這樣發展,你肯定可以用常規武器對彼此造成足夠的傷害你不需要核武器,但我們知道以色列人擁有核武器,他們毫不猶豫地威脅使用核武器,在閉門會議和秘密渠道中使用核武器,這似乎沒有產生曾經產生過的效果,效果已經發生了變化,過去,各個穆斯林國家會立即退縮,說你知道這不是我們想要的,但這不是現在中東閉門會議發生的事情,每個人都決定他們已經受夠了以色列,事實上,人們公開表示,我說的是外交部長以下級別的人,他們說,這是宣言的結束,所有曾經做出的安排,換句話說,就我們而言,以色列現在不在討論範圍內,我們不會容忍它,所以我們會看到它,但這不是好事,問題是我們繼續為什麽美國會支持烏克蘭和以色列來助長這種局勢
Zhè chǎng zhànzhēng de wèntí zàiyú, dì yīgè w

ing to this War problems with it the first problem is
that the Russians you over the last several weeks through a successive visits of the foreign minister the defense minister the security Council and so forth have fashioned and a relationship with Iran that is resulted in the arrival in Iran of large numbers of Russian missiles Russian electronic warfare gear Russian Radars including S400 and even elements of the S500 air and missile defense systems it's very clear that the Russians have
thousands of people on the ground now in
Iran they have committed themselves to
help Iran defend itself so that's number
one number two just this morning of
course it may have been last night uh
depending upon your time zone the
Chinese foreign minister called to speak
specifically with the Iran foreign
minister and supreme leader and reassure
them that China stands with them that if
Iranian sovereignty is uh at risk that
they will intervene to help now he
didn't say intervene but I mean the
implication is we're not going to let
you go under right and of course China
has enormous interest in The Straits of
Horus correct you know if they can't get
access to the Natural Gas and the oil
their their production engine
effectively seizes up right so I think
that's th those two developments are
things that we should watch carefully
now look at the the Saudis the sais have
What Egypt and Jordan Will Do in This War
now said no if the Iranians are going to
attack Israel we're not going to we're
not going to assist Israel the Egyptians
have said the same thing so of the
jordanians right now in Egypt and Jordan
those those governments hang by a thread
General CCE in Egypt King Abdullah in
Jordan are on very very fragile ground
they are seen rightly or wrongly by
their populations as Israeli and
American puppets
no they've got to think carefully about
what their next moves are or they may
vanish and if they vanish quickly then
you will have governments that are
absolutely universally hostile 100% to
uh Israel and will cooperate not only
with Iran but also with the Turks right
to take on and Destroy Israel people say
oh well that'll never happen well an
awful lot has happened that everyone
said would never happen right now we
have a relationship between Saudi Arabia
and Iran that people thought was impossible the Shia and the Sunni are now cooperating right it's sort of like that
picture of the olster Protestants with
the Irish Catholics walking arm in-arm
down the street because they figured out
that the real enemy is not each other
but the this foreign alien presence and
this globalist government inside Ireland
we have a similar feature of reality striking now in the Middle East people are saying whatever our differences are we have a much bigger problem because remember Israel is also Why Everyone Fears Israel Using Nuclear Weapons the one state that everybody knows has
nuclear weapons and everybody fears will
use them that's the problem neither we
nor the Russians will deliberately employ the use of a nuclear weapon against each other we're not going to do
it okay so both of us have effectively
said that okay when you go to Iran which
does not have nuclear weapons but it can
get access to them very quickly has M
basically said the same thing the Turks
have always had access to a nuclear
weapon when they wanted it because of
their close relationship with Sunni
Pakistan so the whole area right now is
at a slow boil if you will okay the
biggest mistake the Israelis could make
would be to use a nuclear weapon of any
kind right and I've always feared that
if they go into Southern Lebanon given
the losses that they've sustained
against tamas and the condition of the
current Israeli ground force that they
would be inclined to use a tactical
nuclear weapon if they do that and all
bets are off they they well could be
subject to nuclear attack now I don't
think it has to go that way and you can
certainly do enough damage to each other
with conventional armaments that you
don't need nuclear weapons but we know
the Israelis have them and they they
don't hesitate to threaten that use
behind closed doors and in back channels
and that doesn't seem to have the effect
that it once did the effect has changed
in the past the various Muslim states
would back down immediately saying you
know that's not what we want but that's
not what's happening now behind closed
doors in the Middle East everyone has decided that they've had enough of Israel right in fact people are saying
quite openly and I'm talking about people in the foreign offices at at the level just below foreign minister they're saying uh this this is the end of the Bal for declaration and all the arrangements that were have ever been made in other words Israel as far as we're concerned is off the table now we're we're not going to tolerate it right so we'll see it's but it's not good and the problem is  that we continue Why the United States Will Support Ukraine and Israel to fuel this 

我們繼續升級,我們可以阻止它,你知道你想停止烏克蘭的戰爭,這很容易,你暫停對這個流氓政權的所有軍事援助,我的意思是有多少億美元被盜,放在塞浦路斯,塞浦路斯銀行,阿爾巴尼亞銀行,瑞士銀行,不管是誰的猜測,這都是荒謬的胡說,我們應該向那個地方投入一分錢的想法是荒謬的,它一直都是如此,更糟糕的是,西方已經沒有人性了,你必須看看烏克蘭人民的困境,我懷疑塞寧斯基根本不在乎,我的意思是我們不知道有多少成千上萬的兒童和婦女被販賣,我們甚至無法從戰爭中推斷出有多少人實際上被殺或離開這個國家,你知道現在他們談論的是60萬名烏克蘭士兵的死亡,我記得當我說50萬的時候,人們說哦,你瘋了,不可能,不可能,現在的數字是 600,000,對吧,情況不會好轉,隻會讓那裏的人民變得更糟,我們能做的最好的事情就是暫停對那裏的軍事援助,提供人道主義援助,然後要求與俄羅斯進行某種麵對麵的討論,烏克蘭人是否在那裏已經不重要了,這現在是一個超越烏克蘭的問題,它涉及到歐洲和美國,我們應該這樣看待它,我們應該達成某種對每個人都有意義的戰略安排,對吧,但是這個政府不會這樣做,他們會讓盡可能多的人死去,以保持這種情況持續到選舉,我擔心的是,考慮到特朗普總統身邊的人選,這在他的政府領導下也絕對可能發生,所以這不是好消息,所以什麽時候會結束,它不會立即結束,但我認為在烏克蘭結束它的可能性,在中東談判結束它的可能性是非常困難,我認為兩國解決方案的可能性已經消失,兩國解決方案似乎沒有任何通過的機會,我認為我認為那不是,我的意思是我們知道以色列對此沒有興趣,我認為這顯然是內塔尼亞胡正在采取極端措施,我的意思是在他的完美世界中,我認為他會消滅每一個巴勒斯坦人,我的意思是他沒有興趣保護他們或任何事情,我的意思是這正是我們所看到的,我想特別談談內塔尼亞胡,因為我們看到以色列有反對內塔尼亞胡的抗議,我認為有很大的壓力,我的意思是他顯然來到美國進行這次大型巡回演出,試圖爭取國會的支持,把美國國旗放在他的肩上,試圖真正遊說人民,但我認為在美國這裏顯然有一場大運動,尤其是年輕人非常關心巴勒斯坦人的困境,我的意思是,這甚至在奧運會上也得到了體現,你知道,當巴勒斯坦人在開幕式上乘船出場時,你知道,旗手穿著襯衫,炸彈被扔在踢足球的孩子們身上,我的意思是,全世界都在關注巴勒斯坦人的困境,毫無疑問,內塔尼亞胡正在走上種族滅絕的道路,試圖擺脫這些長期的內塔尼亞胡的未來是什麽?任期內,您認為他的未來會怎樣?我的意思是,從以色列的角度來看,他們實際上並沒有做任何事情來讓這些人質回來。我認為,作為以色列的領導人,他麵臨著極大的壓力。許多以色列人希望他辭職並被替換。他的未來會怎樣?他會受到“千刀萬剮”的懲罰嗎?他是否即將下台?或者他是否會穩固下來,隻要他願意,他就會一直在那裏。當內塔尼亞胡總理當選時,我問過許多以色列人,他們投票給他的主要原因之一是,他們相信他是迄今為止最聰明的人,他有頭腦,有政治技巧,而且人們普遍認同他的觀點。我不認為他們認同他的觀點,我認為現在的“世界末日”是更新版的,但很難說,以色列內部存在著非常嚴重的分歧。以色列選民內部存在分歧,但總體上,他們普遍同意他的更大主張,即阿拉伯人需要離開,以色列現在需要成為一個猶太國家。我當然可以理解他們的感受,以及他們為什麽會有這種感覺,這種方法的問題在於殺戮和驅逐,難道沒有其他辦法了嗎?
we continue to escalate it and we could stop it you know you want to stop the war in Ukraine it's very easy you suspend all military aid to this Rogue regime I mean how many billions of dollars have been stolen and are sitting around in Cyprus cypriot Banks Albanian Banks Swiss banks whatever is anybody's guess it it's just ludicrous nonsense the notion that we should pour a single solitary dime into that place is absurd it always was and worse than that there's no sense of humanity anymore in the west you have to look at the plight of the Ukrainian
population about which I my suspicion is seninsky could care less I mean we have no idea how many hundreds of thousands of children and women have been trafficked right we we can't even begin to extrapolate from the war how many people have actually been killed or left the country you know now they're talking about 600,000 dead Ukrainian soldiers and I can remember when I said 500,000 and people said oh you're crazy can't be can't be the case now the word the number is 600,000 right this is not going to get any better it can only get worse for the people there the best thing we can do is suspend Aid to the place military aid and offer humanitarian assistance correct and then ask for some sort of uh face-to-face
discussion with the Russians whether or not the ukrainians are there doesn't matter anymore this is now an issue that goes beyond Ukraine it involves Europe and the United States we should see it that way and we should come to some sort of strategic Arrangement that makes sense for everyone right but this government's not going to do it they're going to let as many people die as is
necessary to keep this going through the election and my concern is given the choice of personnel that surround
president Trump that could absolutely happen under his administration as well so not good news so so when will this end it's not going to end immediately but I think the potential to end it in Ukraine is there the potential to negotiate an end for it in the Middle East is very hard right I think the the potential for a two State solution is dead it it doesn't seem a two-state Why Two State Solution is Dead
solution is has any chance of ever passing I I think I don't think that's um I mean we know Israel has no interest
in that I think this is obviously Netanyahu is taking his Extreme Measures I mean in his perfect world I mean he I
think he would annihilate you know every Palestinian I mean he doesn't have any interest in in preserving them or or anything I mean that's exactly what we're seeing and I I want to talk more about Netanyahu specifically because I I
mean we see protest you know in Israel against Netanyahu um you know I think there's a lot of pressure I mean he obviously came to the United States on this big tour um you know trying to drum up supporting Congress you know putting an American flag on his shoulders you know trying to really you know Lobby to
the people but I think there is a there's obviously a big movement here here in the United States especially
with the youth you know being very concerned with the plight of the Palestinians I mean even that was even
um shown in the Olympics you know when the Palestinians were coming out on their boat on the opening ceremony you know the the flag bearer had the shirt
on with the bombs being dropped on kids playing soccer I mean the world is watching you know the plight of the
Palestinians and you know there's no doubt about it that Netanyahu is youknow going down the roads of genocide
you know trying to get rid of these long
What is the Future of Netanyahu?
term what do you think with his you know
potential future I mean you know again
from Israel's perspective they have you
know they've not really done anything to
get these hostages back I think he has a
extreme amount of pressure on him as as
the leader of Israel many Israelis wanting him to to resign and get replaced what is the future for him is
he going to receive uh Death By A Thousand Cuts you know is he is he you know on the way out or is he pretty much solidified and going to be there for for
as long as he wants when prime minister
Netanyahu was voted into power and I I asked many Israelis about him one of the principal reasons they voted for him was they were convinced that he was by far the most intelligent man for the job he had the brains uh the political skills and uh people generally shared his vision I don't think they share his vision of what I would call an updated version of Armageddon right now right but it's hard to tell and inside Israel there are there are very serious divisions and splits inside the Israeli electorate but on the whole they can generally agree with his larger proposition that the Arabs need to get out and that Israel needs to be a Jewish State now I I certainly can understand how they feel and why they feel that way the problem with that approach is killing and expulsion is there nothing else that could be done and of

當然,在遊戲的這個階段,這無關緊要,無論我們建議做什麽,都不再可能,已經流了太多的血,所以我認為以色列和內塔尼亞胡的命運是密不可分的,交織在一起,我不認為以色列人可以完全脫離內塔尼亞胡,即使他們罷免了他,好吧,我認為舞台上的任何繼任者,無論是將軍還是其他任何人,都無法介入並必然製定出一條根本不同的路線,如果他們促成了什麽,你知道一係列聯盟,這些聯盟必須被描述為戰略層麵的反擊,這是該地區以前從未見過的,所以我不,你知道我從一開始就很擔心,當事情變得清晰時,你知道我們必須回到10月7日,每個人都很震驚,10月7日到底發生了什麽?對此感到震驚,但當你看著它時,它沒有任何意義,因為我在 2020 年 2 月在那裏,我看到了已經采取的安全措施,並看到了指揮的軍官,他們是極其能幹的聰明人,他們在幾秒鍾內就認識了,他們開槍射擊某人或在加沙四處開火或做任何事情,所以他們可能感到驚訝的想法總是讓我難以接受,現在我們有越來越多的信息表明,他們並不一定會感到驚訝,因為即使是負責每周 7 天、每天 24 小時監視加沙的以色列情報部門也警告過類似的事情即將發生,同時,以色列情報部門的副局長直接打電話給以色列情報領導層,警告他們即將發生的襲擊,沒有努力將攻擊直升機、坦克、裝備等物品運送到該地區以應對有了它,有了音樂節,所有這些年輕人都離我們很近,每個人都知道這是危險和不穩定的,這一切都是為了加速我們現在看到的衝突,我認為你必須開始問這個問題,因為在回應方麵,你能做的事情肯定是有限的,換句話說,什麽是成比例的,這始終是一個問題,這些可怕的事情發生了,我們要對加沙人民做些什麽,我們要在多大程度上懲罰他們,我們如何對付哈馬斯等等,但我們遠遠超出了這一點,在幾周內,我們就在處理一場規模更大的運動,每個人都非常清楚,現在這被吹捧為一場地區運動,本質上是為了在該地區建立猶太人至上,我認為這沒什麽問題,這是一個非常危險的提議,在一個擁有數億穆斯林的地區,假設這是可以實現的,這是危險的,你不能把每個人都稱為動物,然後期望他們與你合作,這是荒謬的,我不知道,看起來不像是我們美國人關心以色列希望以色列生存,認為以色列應該生存,可以解決的問題,是的,我認為這隻是呃不幸的是,這個地區自以色列建國以來一直有著動蕩的曆史,我的意思是它一直存在爭議,但我認為中東戰爭史人們必須明白,它並不像我們想象的那麽暴力,從地區意義上講,如果你回顧過去 300 年,事實上有地圖可以說明這一點,它著眼於世界各地衝突、暴力和戰爭的頻率,那裏的衝突和暴力以及戰爭非常少,歐洲的衝突非常多,北美的衝突非常多,因為我們征??服了這片大陸,呃,其他地方也有一些衝突,但即使在亞洲,衝突也非常少,所以我們必須對自己誠實,以色列最終變成了成為衝突的真正催化劑,每當人們站起來說我們必須找到一條不同的前進道路時,我們都知道以色列必須生活在該地區的框架內,它必須容忍並與被拒絕的鄰國和睦相處,對吧,我們本可以幫助,我認為我們不時嚐試過,當然尼克鬆、卡特甚至克林頓都是這種情況,但從那以後它就分崩離析了,我不知道你能不能把那個東西重新拚湊起來,對吧,我也不認為會有任何實質性的變化,你知道,即使考慮到美國今年 11 月選舉的結果,我認為這場戰爭如果兩個主要候選人之一獲勝,我想你是對的,我不認為會發生很大變化,如果你得到了第三個選擇,我認為有一些變化的潛力,對吧,我不知道有多少,因為正如你所指出的,這對我們來說是一個難題我一直非常支持以色列,我認為它有巨大的潛力成為一個非常
 course at this
stage of the game it's irrelevant
whatever we suggest could have been done
is no longer possible too much blood has
been spilled okay so I think Israel and
netanyahu's fate are inextricably
intertwined I don't think the Israelis
can divorce themselves completely from
Netanyahu even if they removed him okay
I don't think any successor that's out
there on the stage whether it's General
gun or any of the others can step in and
necessarily chart a fundamentally
different course if anything they have
precipitated you know a a a series of
alliances that have to be described as
blowback on a strategic level that no
one has ever seen before in the region
so I don't I you know I worried from the
very outset when it became clear that
and you know we got to go back to 7
October and everyone was horrified and
What Really Happened on Oct 7th?
shocked by that correct but then as you
looked at it it didn't make any sense
because I was there in in 2020 in
February I saw the uh security measures
that had been taken and and saw the
officers that were in command they were
extraordinarily competent intelligent
people they knew within seconds who shot
someone or fired around or did anything
in Gaza so the notion that they could
have been surprised was always something
that I found hard to accept correct now
we have more and more information
suggesting that they weren't surprised
necessarily that what happened was that
the even the Israeli intelligence cell
that was tasked with watching Gaza 24
hours a day seven days a week had warned
of of something like this coming and at
the same time you have the Deputy Chief
of uh intelligence in Israel who called directly to isra to Israel's intelligence leadership and warned them of this imminent attack there was no effort to move Attack Helicopters tanks equipment other things into the region
to deal with it and you have this music festival with all these young people in very close proximity to something that everybody knew was was dangerous and
volatile was all of this designed to precipitate the the conflict that we see now I think you have to begin to ask
that question because certainly right there's a limit to what you can do in terms of responding other words what what is proportional is the always the issue these were terrible things that happened what do we do to the people in Gaza how to what extent do we punish them to how
do we get to Hamas and so forth but we went well beyond that within weeks we were dealing with a campaign on a much larger scale it was very obvious to everybody now this is blow blown up into a regional campaign to essentially establish Jewish Supremacy in the region
I don't think there's much question about that and that's that's a very dangerous proposition in an area where
you have hundreds of millions of Muslims
the assumption that that is even attainable is dangerous and you cannot call everyone an animal right and then
expect them to cooperate with you it it it it's absurd I don't know it doesn't it doesn't look like something that we
in the United States we Americans who
care about Israel want Israel to survive
think that Israel should survive can fix
yeah I think it's just uh unfortunately
this this region of the world has had a
troubled history for really since the
founding of Israel I mean it's been
controversial and but I think I think
The History of War in Middle East
people have to understand that it's not
as violent as we think in in the
regional sense if you go back and look
over the last 300 years in fact there's
Maps there that illustrate this and it
looks at the frequency of conflict and
violence and War around the world
there's remarkably little there right
huge concentrations in Europe right huge
concentrations in North America because
we conquered the continent right uh some
some conflicts elsewhere but even in
Asia remarkably few so we got to got to
be honest with ourselves that Israel has
turned out ultimately to be a true
Catalyst for conflict and whenever
people people stood up and said we've
got to find a different way forward we
you know Israel has to live within the
framework of the region it has to
tolerate and get along with its
neighbors that was rejected right we
could have helped that I think we tried
from time to time certainly was the case
with Nixon subsequently Carter and even
Clinton but since then it's Fallen apart
and I don't know that you could put that
thing together again right right and I
and I don't think uh there will be any
substantive change you know even given
the result of this election in the
United States you know come November I I
think this war if one of the two main
candidates win I think you're right I
don't think much will change if if you
got the third choice I think there's
some potential for change right I don't
know how much because it's a difficult
question for us as you point out I've
always been very supportive of Israel
right I think it's a has an immense
potential to be a very p
無論是在該地區還是在全球範圍內,這都是積極的力量,但現在看起來不太好,我同意你的觀點,上校,我想嗯,關於 2024 年大選的想法,非常感謝你抽出時間和你的見解,嗯,你知道我們總是很感激的,你知道我們會繼續關注這一點,所以非常感謝你今天花了一些時間和我們在一起,我最後再說一句話,呃,告訴我們一些關於我們國家我們的選擇,你知道,在接下來的 90 天裏,你知道,即將舉行的美國總統大選,我們的會員人數繼續增長,我們接近 50 萬會員,顯然我們希望能走得更遠,我認為選舉實際上分散了人們的注意力,我認為有些人感到沮喪,因為我們沒有公開支持任何候選人,是的,呃,我們沒有告訴人們如何投票,那是這不是我們的事,我們以問題為導向,我們試圖團結不同黨派的人,所以如果你同意,邊境應該是安全的,如果你同意我們需要恢複美國的法治,並大力打擊破壞我們社會的犯罪行為,如果你認為,跨境販毒、人口販賣和兒童販賣應該停止,那麽加入我們吧,如果你認為,自 2001 年以來,我們一直處於這種不斷衝突和戰爭的世界,應該結束,加入我們吧,所以我們不會說投票給某某,或者投票不投票給某某,但我認為我們試圖讓人們客觀地看待各種候選人,並試圖理解他們的想法,現在我認為,正如你所指出的,兩人在許多對美國人民來說很重要的核心領域的差異並不大,兩人分別屬於統一黨的右翼是的,我絕對同意這一點,我認為,無論選舉結果如何,2024 年都不會是我們需要在美國看到的改變,但你知道,如果更多的人能夠接受教育,並開始關注你正在談論的那些重大問題,你知道,希望你展望 2028 年,你知道我們可以在那裏找到一些更好的候選人,你知道,希望美國會發生一些變化,上校,我要感謝你所做的一切,再次感謝你的見解和你對國家的服務,我們將再次把所有這些信息放在下麵的鏈接中,我希望你們喜歡我與道格拉斯·麥格雷戈上校對話的後半部分,如果你還沒有看過第一部分,上校和我討論了烏克蘭戰爭的未來,並特別關注了烏克蘭為什麽入侵俄羅斯這個被詛咒的地區,相信我,這一集值得你花時間觀看點擊
在 YouTube 上花時間陪伴我,我們很快就會在
ositive force
both in the region and globally but
right now it doesn't look good right I
agree with you well Colonel I want to um
Thoughts on 2024 Elections
thank you so much for your time and your
insights um you know always appreciative
of that and you know we're going to
continue monitoring that so thank you so
much for um you know spending some time
with us today and I'll just leave you
with one last word uh tell us a little
bit about our country our choice and you
know certainly leading up as these next
90 days you know coming up to the US
presidential election well our our
membership continues to grow we're Clos
in on a half a million
members obviously we had hoped to be
further along I think the elections have
actually distracted people and I think
some people are frustrated because we do
not publicly endorse any candidate yeah
uh we're not telling people how to vote
that's not our Affair we're issue
oriented we're trying to unite people
across party lines so if you can agree
the Border should be secure if you you
can agree that we need to restore the
rule of law inside the United States and
dramatically attack the criminality that
is unhinging our society if you think
the drugs and human trafficking and
child trafficking that goes back and
forth across our borders should stop
then join us if you think this this sort
of world of Perpetual conflict and war
that we've been in since 2001 should end
join us so we don't say vote for so and
so or vote don't vote for so and so but
I think we try to get people to look at
them at the various candidates
objectively and try to understand what
they're about and right now I think as
you pointed out the the differences in
many core areas of importance to the
American people between the two are not
not very great the two that are on
either wing of the uni party right yeah
that's something that I definitely agree
with I think um 2024 is not going to be
the change that we need to see in
America regardless of the election
result but you know hopefully if more
people can get educated and start
looking at those big term issues you're
talking about and you know hopefully you
know looking forward 2028 you know we
can get some better candidates in there
and you know hopefully some change that
happens in the United States and Colonel
I want to thank you for everything that
you do thank you again for your insights
and your service to the country and once
again we're going to put all that
information down in the links below
everyone I hope you enjoyed the second
half of my conversation with Colonel
Douglas McGregor if you haven't seen the
first part the colonel and I discuss the
future of the Ukraine war and focus
specifically on why Ukraine invaded the
cursed region of Russia trust me this
episode is worth your time simply click
here to watch it and as always thank you
for spending time with me here on
YouTube and we'll see you all in our
next video soon

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