
Joseph Stiglitz 美國大選取決於2024年的經濟前景 取決於中東戰火

(2024-04-06 12:02:05) 下一個


https://www.lemonde.fr/en/opinion/article/2023/12/29/joseph-stiglitz-the-us-presidential-election-may-hinge-on-the-2024-economic-outlook-which- 部分取決於中東大火如何演變_6386180_23.html


2001 年諾貝爾經濟學獎獲得者表示,以色列和哈馬斯之間的戰爭之後,特朗普獲勝和新的石油危機的可能性會給全球經濟帶來更大的風險。

2023 年 12 月 29 日下午 5:01

如果有一件事件主宰 2024 年,那幾乎肯定是美國總統大選。 除非出現意外,我們很可能會看到喬·拜登與唐納德·特朗普的重賽,而結果卻充滿不確定性。 一年後,關鍵搖擺州的民意調查顯示特朗普處於優勢。

這次選舉不僅對美國很重要,而且對世界也很重要。 結果可能取決於 2024 年的經濟前景,而經濟前景又部分取決於中東最新的大火如何演變。 我最好的猜測(也是最糟糕的噩夢)是,以色列將繼續無視國際社會對加沙停火的請求,數十年來,那裏有 230 萬巴勒斯坦人陷入貧困。 我在 20 世紀 90 年代末作為世界銀行首席經濟學家訪問期間所看到的情況足以令人心碎,自從 16 年前以色列和埃及針對哈馬斯接管該飛地實施全麵封鎖以來,情況變得更糟。

無論哈馬斯在 10 月 7 日犯下何種暴行,阿拉伯街頭都不會容忍加沙的暴行。 鑒於此,我們很難避免1973年的重演,當時歐佩克的阿拉伯成員國對在贖罪日戰爭中支持以色列的國家實施了石油禁運。 這一報複措施不會真正讓中東石油生產商付出代價,因為價格上漲將彌補供應的減少。 難怪世界銀行和其他機構已經警告油價可能上漲至每桶 150 美元或更高。 這將引發另一輪供應驅動型通脹,就像大流行後通脹得到控製一樣。


在這種情況下,拜登將不可避免地被指責為物價上漲的罪魁禍首,並被指責對中東管理不善。 特朗普政府的《亞伯拉罕協議》和以色列對事實上的一國解決方案的傾斜重新點燃了衝突,這並不重要。 無論公平與否,地區動蕩可能會讓局勢向對特朗普有利的方向傾斜。 高度兩極分化的選民和大量虛假信息可能會再次讓世界背上一個無能的騙子,他一心要消除美國的民主製度,並討好俄羅斯總統弗拉基米爾·普京和匈牙利總理維克托·歐爾班等獨裁領導人。

如果特朗普回歸,人們所能期待的最好結果可能是政治僵局,但前提是國會至少部分仍處於民主黨控製之下。 然而,在全球範圍內,隨著特朗普衝動地讓美國退出他不喜歡的協議和機構,國際協議和國際法治理念將很快成為強弩之末。








Joseph Stiglitz: 'The US presidential election may hinge on the 2024 economic outlook, which partly depends on how the conflagration in the Middle East evolves'


Joseph Stiglitz

The likelihood of a Trump victory and a new oil shock, following the war between Israel and Hamas, creates greater risks for the global economy, according to the winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in Economics.

Published on December 29, 2023, at 5:01 pm (Paris), updated on December 29, 2023, at 8:36 pm Time to 3 min. Lire en français

If one event dominates 2024, it will almost certainly be the US presidential election. Barring something unexpected, we are likely to see a rematch of Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump, with the outcome being perilously uncertain. One year out, polls in key swing states give Trump the advantage.

The election will matter not just for the United States but for the world. The outcome may hinge on the 2024 economic outlook, which in turn will partly depend on how the latest conflagration in the Middle East evolves. My best guess (and worst nightmare) is that Israel will continue to ignore international pleas for a ceasefire in Gaza, where 2.3 million Palestinians have been destitute for decades. What I saw during a visit in the late 1990s as the World Bank’s chief economist was heart-wrenching enough, and the situation has only gotten worse since Israel and Egypt imposed a full blockade 16 years ago in response to Hamas’s takeover of the enclave.

Regardless of the atrocities carried out by Hamas on October 7, the Arab street will not tolerate the brutality being visited on Gaza. Given this, it is hard to see how we can avoid a repeat of 1973, when OPEC’s Arab members organized an oil embargo against countries that had stood by Israel in the Yom Kippur War. This retaliatory measure would not really cost Middle Eastern oil producers, because the increase in prices would make up for the reduction in supplies. No wonder the World Bank and others have already been warning that oil prices could rise to $150 per barrel or higher. That would trigger another bout of supply-driven inflation, just as the post-pandemic inflation is being brought under control.


In this scenario, Biden will inevitably be blamed for the higher prices and accused of mismanaging the Middle East. It will hardly matter that the conflict was reignited by the Trump administration’s Abraham Accords and Israel’s lurch toward a de facto one-state solution. Justly or not, regional turmoil could tip the scale in Trump’s favor. A highly polarized electorate and mountains of disinformation could once again saddle the world with an incompetent liar who is bent on eliminating US democratic institutions and cozying up to authoritarian leaders like Russian President Vladimir Putin and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

The best that one can hope for if Trump returns may be political gridlock, but only if Congress remains at least partly under Democratic control. Globally, however, international agreements and the very idea of international rule of law will quickly become spent forces, as Trump impulsively withdraws the US from accords and institutions not to his liking.

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