
太糟糕了 加拿大太多印度人

(2024-04-25 00:28:16) 下一個


Absolutely. I try to be as open minded as possible but the canadian identity is being destroyed by indians. Now im not saying all indians are assholes, there are alot that try to endulge in our culture and thats great that what they should be doing. But im talking abojt the majority that come here and think its still india. Some of these people are the most rude, dirty, immature humans on this planet. One time when i worked at a marina a dude was trying to haggle with the owner for a lower rental price on the boat. Owner declined an told him to leave, bro tapped him on the shoulder like friend

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Not at all ,this must stop way to many . They are the dirtiest people on the earth . The other day I was driving home from work when I noticed there were 2 guys dumping there garbage out of the back of there truck ,I stopped and confronted them and told them to stop they told me that they were allowed to do it because the dump was closed . My wife and I were driving home from Kingston the other day when a diaper full of shit came flying out the window of the mini van in front of us ,I pulled up beside them sure or not a van full of East Indians.Then last week we took the grandkids to Mc Donald

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I can only speak for Ontario but no, you are not wrong. They seem to be taking over every city, except for Toronto. (For now) They seem to group together in one city, take it over and then move on to the next. They get jobs and then only hire eachother. There is no diversity here. It's only them!

There are a bunch (obviously) but this one is really costly, and you can fix it in maybe 30 seconds tops.
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I agree 100 percent. Way too many east indians taking jobs here only to be rude to anyone white. They all work at tim hortons, Wendy's etc and absolutely hate white customers. I'm sick of them coming here and treating us like we're bothering them. Go home.


Nope not at all. I live in Mississauga and the place is infested with them. Every night or even in the day I’ll hear loud cars or motorcycles driven by Indians disturbing the neighbor hood. Canada’s should limit its immigration from India since we have enough of them here (were talking about 1 million) and be harder on immigration. There is now more trash, smelly places, and horrible work ethic and it’s sad because this isn’t the canada I grew up in. Now when I get older I’ll be forced to move to another province and hope that doesn’t get ransacked with Indians too.

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Not at all. Even as someone that has parents that were immigrants I will say that there is just too much immigration from Asia into Canada, especially Vancouver and Toronto. There are many areas that once had a decent amount of different races now almost all Chinese or Indian. I have also noticed that many of the immigrants (not all) have an attitude where they belong in Canada more than anyone else and have such a rude, arrogant attitude while avoiding being with other races. I am perfect fine with immigration, in fact some immigration can actually be good. It just seems recently there are to

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No at all.you feel right.there are too many of them here and very soon they will conquer canada.they are intentionally getting HR jobs and only hire Indians.I think government of Canada must set a threshold of immigration for every country who come to Canada and should not get immigrant from India anymore .

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I agree that the Canadian immigration system is favoring Indian immigration in a disproportionate manner. If cultural diversity is important to Canada, people from different countries should be allowed in and not just Indians. The silent fraud in the system should be investigated.

The issue I have with most Indians is selfishness. They seem to like each other to the extent that they can literally take over an entire organization and never allow others to be hired except Indians. Check out G4S and many security positions ti confirm my claim. This excessive brute force selfish habit should be con

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Incompetent, corrupt and greedy of our government scares me a lot. How come more than 30% of emigrants are from India? Those people lower our life level year after year. We will lose our identity soon if someone doesn't these Indian floods.


Yes it is bad. Obviously. Too much dominance of 1 specific community will be bad in long term. In the near future you will see Canada favouring India in everything. Canada will become like an extension of India. Culture of Canada will lose its identity and become just second India.

Chances of corruption, crime and caste based discrimination because it is in Indian blood and their dominance is going to show.

Unfortunately most Indians who come to Canada are the ones who were unsuccessful in India hence came to Canada.

There is 1 advantage that I can see though. Vegetarian and delicious food will b

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I am in Canada. I deal with customers from all over the world. But the antenna perks up whenever I hear the clipped, rapid fire staccato of an East Indian.

Some situations are so cheap that I literally burst out laughing! Wanting a refund on 20 cm of ribbon. Or a half eaten banana split. And I heard of a car salesman who engaged a full day without a sale. I interviewed for a job once that required working with an East Indian woman. I was very qualified and well vetted. But she wanted to talk about my GPA. From 20 years earlier. Where I lived. Sizing me up (there's a LOT of that). Fortunately, I

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I used not to have prejudice against any race, believing we should not apply any form of racial lens. However, I realised a significant portion of Indians (not all, but enough to be an issue many times) from India bring their caste values and other bad culture values. I have seen cases where Indians form cliques and bully other castes and other races at work. They play unfairly as they are used to a survivor mentality in their home country, and while enjoying the benefits of an open and liberal society, use it against other groups of people.


Both China and India have over a billion people each. When you say Chinese, it it can also be someone from Hong Kong, Singapore, or other parts of Asia. Same thing for India. An indian looking person can be from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka….either way they are large populations so they have to go somewhere. Canada brings the Chinese for their business and money. Indians for the work force. Living in Toronto since the 70’s, the change is unreal. What was once a caucasian majority town now has become an asian haven for people of Chinese, Indian, and even other ethnic backgrounds. Back

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I think we are getting too many immigrants from both India and China. Canada has a very small population of close to 40 million. The population of India and China combined is about 3 billion. Canada does have its own culture and identity that is a mixture of its old French and English roots , with native Indian culture too. This is how I will always see Canada . If immigration is to continue at the rate that it is, I'm afraid our country would soon be swamped with hordes of Asians and our country would be unrecognisable. Our children could see in their life time an ocean of turbans in our parl

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Let's help the people born here in Canada first. We have have had such an explosion of homelessness.

in 2019, I moved out of a woman's shelter. I rented a room in a basement suite suite from a family from Pakistan, who knowingly rented me a room in the basement of their own house that was infested with cockroaches. When I complained about this and other legitimate issues, he blamed me for causing "further problems", he gave me and the other two tenants N12s.

i was on OW at the time and this was the only place I could find $350/month.

later that year, just after the N12, I was approved for ODSP an

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You need to “hear” both sides.

Yes Canada accepts too many immigrants.

  • Canada has a high unemployment rate.
  • Canada already has high taxes, and the government spends money on programs for immigrants.
  • Many new immigrants don’t integrate into Canadian society.
  • Immigrants tend to cluster around big cities, driving up rents making things more crowded.

No Canada doesn’t accept too many immigrants

  • Canada’s population is aging, and we need new workers to pay taxes to support our social programs.
  • Most immigrants find work within a few years and fewer of them are on unemployment than “native” Canadians
  • Canada th
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It is not bad at all . Only don't show your name . For these kind of opinions , you could be labelled a racist in Canada .

You wouldn't be persecuted because someone would have to prove that. But you could lose your job in an instant .

No card in Canada is as powerful as the race card.


Ah, the brown people. I work with a lot of them. They, you know, do their jobs. Then they go home.

Some live down the road from me. They’ve been fixing the place up. Looks good. Big garden too.

There’s some black people down the road the other way. From Africa if I got the accent right, maybe the Carribean. I suck at guess accents. They wave back when I wave at them. They have a nice dog…some sort of shepherd cross. I helped them round him up when he escaped one day. Nice people.

Funny thing about these people with darker skin than mine. Turns out they are just like the rest of us. Not really a s

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I do not have an issue with immigration, in fact in some ways it can be good. However, Toronto in recent years has just too much immigration in such a short amount of time. What not long ago was decently diverse in some areas is now majority of one race. I understand a lot of people from other countries like Canadians and want to move here, but at the same time, when it is to the point where people are just not assimilating as well as they used to, it gets a bit overwhelming to be very honest.


Not at all. The only bad would be if you lack the courage to do anything about it.

(Expect plenty of answers that follow the couer morte of totalitarian post-modernism, but feel free to dismiss them. They are not based on knowledge or experience, but fashion. E.g. anything stinking of “multiculturalism”, racial-such-and-such, psycho-babble etc. All of it is hackneyed garbage absorbed via the asiatic herseies, into Protestantism, and regurgitated up through the present.)

There is nothing wrong with wanting your home to remain your home and your culture to remain your culture. All the ideological 

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Indians are inherently smart people and put in a lot of effort in whatever they do. They have a large population pool and strive for a better quality of life for themselves and family. They work hard and do whatever it takes for self development. They are very competitive.

And boy, do they network. They form these co...


I’m a Canadian. I grew up in India. Chose Canada (out of several Western countries). Best Decision of My Life

I’ll start by saying that the Absolute Best thing you can do to have a great life in Canada is

  1. Start thinking of yourself as a CANADIAN in Canada

do not try to create a little mini india. do not think you are an outsider. you are a Canadian now. You get to keep all your ethnic identity and your religion and your values, while also being asked to embrace being Canadian

the people are very friendly and there are lots of immigrants and lots of ethnicities and no one will treat you badly or ma

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Yes you would be correct. I work at a rental store and my co-worker told me a story that there used to be a mix of different races working at the store, but once an indian manager took over he started to see less and less of mixed races. Couple months later that same indian manager hired ONLY indians. Majority of them only care about they're own race. I feel very frustrated that the government has betrayed Canada. This country was once peaceful and happy, people used to smile at eachother when walking down the street, now indians have completely ruined Canada.I have no issues with immigration 

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I totally agree with you. I feel like a foreigner in the country that I have lived in for 35 years. What’s going on here??? They are everywhere all of a sudden. It takes one Indian manager in a store and they start to spread like locusts. What will Canada become? Eventually it will be totally brown and it will turn the same colour. I can’t stand them. Everywhere you go. You feel bombarded by them. Why were so many let in?? They are lazy, unprofessional, imprecise, corrupt, dishonest and annoying. It must have taken one Indian in immigration to get the ball rolling. You’ll see. They’ll take ove

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Yesterday I went out for a walk in the evening.

Two houses next to us have an open backyard where I saw a little girl, aged 7–8 years playing with water.

Few steps ahead, I saw a group of women wearing shorts and tank tops.

And then I looked at myself. Wrapped in a sweater.

I tried to fold my hands so that it appears as if I am wearing a t-shirt. When it failed, I tried to hide behind my husband. But it didn’t work either.

That’s the problem with Canada. That’s MY problem in Canada.

It’s chilly for me. Always.

Except for few months of July, August, I never go outside without a hoodie or a jacket. And

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It is totally wrong. Canada has a point based immigration system that is blind to country of origin. We do not discriminate because we have too many people from one country and not enough from another. Our immigration system favours young, heathy candidates with an advanced education or certified skilled trade, work experience and language proficiency.

We want immigrants who have skills and education to replace our aging workforce, pay taxes for decades before they retire and have little Canadians who become life long taxpayers. These are the qualities we need to improve our economy.

In 1967 we 

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It’s not bad so much as nearsighted. There AREN’T too many in Canada, there’s just too many in certain places. Go a 50km in any direction away from the GTA and they disappear. As much as they like to decry anyone criticising them as racist, their avoidance of anyone that isn’t also Indian is conspicuous.


I read 100 s of articles/answers on this question, and I am very sorry, I could not find one answer which hits the nail on the head as they say.

I also wrote a fair bit on this lingering question. Now due to new age restrictions, being extraordinarily polite and no one tells the truth, and most of the people dance around the issues. Unfortunately whatever you say: It ought to hurt someone, and being a writer is not easy these days.

Let me try one more time to cut the chase.

  • Nothing is free in Canada, YOU and ONLY YOU(either you or your next generation will pay for all the things, either now or la
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Canadian,Australians and British Univerieties provides cheap and quality education, whereas in US education is hella expensive and they also don't like the idea of students getting work visa and becoming citizens. Wheareas in Canada, UK , Australia you can work there and if you like you can also choose to stay there and get citizenship.


After living and working in Canada for 35 years I can say it all depends where you stand in terms of education . skills ,and experience. A friend of mine from rural India arrived in Canada,slogged hard at odd jobs for several years and finally bought himself a mushroom farm and setlled his family including all his siblings. He said to me if he had to slog all his life he is better off to do it in Canada because he could never have this quality of life in India considering his lack of education and background. I think it made sense. On the other hand I have a friend from India who is a nuclear 

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"Bad effect" will mean different things to different Canadians. There will not be a national agreement on what bad effect means. There will not be a national consensus on what too many is.

There is a lot of focus, not just in Canada, on the cultural impact of immigration. But, for Canada, immigration has a very strong demographic impact. That is, disregarding the culture of the immigrants, immigration is having a large effect on the size and placement of Canada's population.

In Terms of Population, Where is Canada Going?

Just in general:

Canada's population is growing. Recently Canada passed the 3

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Indians are very diverse and different , eventually they can't able to raise voice their against own people , Doctors and Engineers with 40% marks are designing the future of our legendry country India aka bharat federation…

What will be future..?? When you're giving privilege to special people..

Those who are becoming second class citizen are not raising any voice because they believe In little bribe…

One day this Indian origin people from other country will invade back thier country.. and the privilege people will fail… at that time they can't figure out what happened..

Although india have 135 c

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Funny I have been in the IT field in Canada for over thirty five years and, gasp, I'm white.

I work for a company that hires lots of new to Canada immigrants. Because we struggle to find skilled coders. The color if your skin does not matter, as long as you have the skills.

We have plenty of people from India, but also from Pakistan, Sri Lanka, China, South East Asia, the Middle East and Eastern Europe. And we have people born and educated in Canada.

At my previous employer we were predominantly Canadian born.

If you have skills and not getting jobs, you are not looking in the right places. Toront

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There is no formal reason for the number of Indian versus other International students. Study visas are not granted on the basis of where the come from.

Indian students have some advantages as English is a common second language in India, and students must have a high level of English to get a student visa.


Yes we are. I'm not against immigrants but we are letting in too many, way too fast. We dont have the housing, we don't have the jobs and it is making two and three generation Canadians LESS tolerant of everyone. We are feeling suffocated by them,.. especially when so many are fron a certain geographical area.

Canadians are losing benefits that we have had for decades. Too many are coming to Canada and abusing our government's generosity. They come here and have six, eight, ten kids that the rest of us have to support and then they go on national t.v. to say they need more from the government b

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I'm 27, Single, Software Developer. I recently recieved my PR and was able to get 5 offers in a span of 3 weeks.

This means multiple things:

  1. There are plenty of tech jobs. really good jobs. why? because silicon valley and seattle is taking away more than 70% of Canadian youth from top universities. (For those who don't know, Canadians can work in US very easily because of TN1 visa which is part of NAFTA)
  2. This also means I pay more than 35000$ in taxes
  3. I buy a car and other things in Canada and help the local businesses.
  4. After all this, I max out my RRSP and contribute to CPP and basically putting m
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The reason the people who responded to this question sound offended is that Canada, and the subcultures, and the legislative bodies, and immigration programming and the ‘study in Canada for international students’ application process has taken long-term particular care to treat all applicants equally no matter where you come from.

When immigrating to Canada, a white person from the US does not rank higher than someone from Dhaka or Colombia or Romania or Benin City. Nobody cares about your skin colour. That is what all these people are saying.

We welcome and take care of refugees for the first y

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Yes, there are. New Jersey is almost a colony of India now. UT Dallas became known as University of Telugu Desam, among the desis, and there is a good reason for that. And about the bay area, the less said the better.

Not just the US, of course, every country in the Anglosphere, and to a lesser extent other developed nations as well. India is the most emigration hungry nation on the planet, and they usually want to escape to, precisely the (developed) nations their (Indian) government tells them to hate, not to Russia, Brazil etc.


“Every IT job in Canada is filled by Indian immigrants due to their strong network in this field and the extremely easy immigration system. How can I, a non-Indian, born and bred Canadian get a job in this field?”

IT demands precision and accuracy — you clearly have neither, because every IT job in Canada is clearly not filled by an Indian.


I read Deepak’s answer before replying and feel obliged to correct a number of errors immediately.

1. Our public transportation system is world class and very affordable. You do not need a car to get around most urban centers as you might in the U.S., especially California.
2. Electricity and utilities are cheap. Our homes are warm, maybe too warm, in the winter and cool in the summer. All public s

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I have successfully completed 4 years of my student life being an Indian in Canada. I guess, I am qualified to answer this question.
I definitely doesn't regret my decision of choosing Canada for further studies. A lot of people scared me by telling stupid stories that Canadians doesn't treat Indians student well and doesn't like them to be around. 
It's a big lie.
Canada is the most diverse country. People love to know about other culture and beliefs. I never faced any racism or hate from any Canadians. They are very polite and always there to help others.
Only 1 thing they don't like about u

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In Vancouver, Surrey and Brampton there are lots. Calgary too. There are about 550,000 Punjabi speakers in Canada now.

In Surrey specifically, with a total population of 500,000 there are 100,000 Punjabi speakers. [1]

In the 2011 Census, Punjabi was the most-spoken language after English and French. But in the 2016 Census, Punjabi slipped to 3rd place, slightly behind Mandarin and Cantonese.

[1] Stats Can: http://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2016/dp-pd/prof/details/page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=5915004&Geo2=PR&Code2=59&Data=Count&SearchText=Vancouver&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=Al

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As someone currently living in Toronto, I would agree with Enza as well. Ultimately “worth” of any decision depends on what you value most. Since the top 3 cities where people immigrate to in Canada are Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal, my answer would focus on those 3 cities mostly.

  1. Weather:

Let me get this right out the bat. Canada gets a bad rap for being inhumanely cold. As I write this answer it is -16 deg with a wind chill factor of -27 deg. However life goes on. People are at work and talk about the “coldness” all the time while also mentioning that it will be 2 deg on Monday. Yes Canada h

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No, of course not. Like all immigrants, these new Canadians work hard, earn, spend, and pay taxes. Many start small businesses and some of those become larger businesses that provide jobs for other Canadians. Their children study hard, attend university, and swell the ranks of the professions, without which we could not count on our future at the forefront of developed countries. They are and always will be most welcome, as far as I’m concerned.


Issue is with Panjabi Indians!

the canada plane would crash if IT WOULD NOT STOP THIS MESSY PUNJABI HOAD!

not all Indians, these corrupted uneducated ones. Remember Indians will cause the end of canada.

please filter out the good ones, and remove all these bad mess. ?



Nothing to worry about.

It all depend of the human perspective.

If you can think positively then you can have a thought as Canada is having a great environment for all the immigrants to see the variant of culture and beauty of life.

In negative it’s beyond your thoughts.

Indians would make no harm to others as they may have come so far after struggling and they know the value of each and everything.

They respect others as thy follow lines Give respect and take respect.


We could work hard and do our best so that we could have our hand in development of the society and world.

We make sure our gratitu

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Thanks for the A2A. Yes there are many Indians in Canada. But there is nothing you or me or anyone can do about it. This is due to globalization i guess. Skilled and talented people immigrate to countries where they can find a job. Canada needs lots of talented people, even people to do agriculture, blue collar jobs etc and Canadian Immigration welcomes them.. There is nothing wrong with that as long as every one contributes to the society. There are lot of hispanic population too in Canada especially from Colombia, Venezuala, Mexico etc. Are you worried in few years Canada is going to be like India. What is your concern here?



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Indians are educated skilled and hard working people. There is no wonder why employers prefer them for employment in Canada’s.

Indian immigrants are successful in businesses too, if you can look in British Columbia, they are owning large timber businesses and some are billionaires.

In 2015 Indian topped in numbers who migrated to USA. That shows Indians are accepted everywhere due to their education, skills, and hardworking nature.


No. You are entitled to your opinion. If you think that it might be a little rude, then just keep it to yourself.

I think my neighbor’s grass is too nice, and his wife is way to good looking for him. I don’t say that to him, nor do I post it online because doing so wold be ignorant. See what I mean?

***Information in this answer may be exaggerated to emphasize point.***


Racism in the answers are commendable. Hope someday we will be strong enough to look beyond our insecurities and prejudice.


Let me answer your question with a question: Is it bad that I think there are too many white people in Toronto? If you think we cause problems, look at white people and… they are constantly bringing illegal drugs and they mostly just sit around criticizing everyone and doing nothing important, all while getting a free ride whereas Indians improve the society by going into software, and medical careers. Also, we are always scapegoated for all the bad things that happen when it’s the WHITE PEOPLE CAUSING THE PROBLEMS. Just something to think of…


Lol you guys think that you are so smart and you don't need immigration, you have good enough nunbers to manage your economy and daily jobs.

Get a reality check. You need manpower and thats why your government is opening up border like begging for human resources.

Your relationships are so fragile, so many divorces, reducing birth rates and being too extreme obidient about following rules making strain on most of the people in Canada, we are humans, humans need to relax to have kids. Indians might be slightly dirty, but we have maintained balanced population and a high source of talent.

We are ru

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