
Ray Dalio 我為你準備了什麽

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Ray Dalio 創始人、CIO 導師、橋水董事會成員

212 篇文章 2019 年 6 月 17 日

大約 30 年前,我養成了寫下我所追求的東西以及我如何追求它的習慣(即我的原則),所以從那時起我就一直這樣做。 我一路走來積累的原則使我和我的公司 Bridgewater 取得了超出我們最瘋狂夢想的成功。這些年來,我還開發了工具,主要是應用程序,幫助我們按照這些原則進行操作。 在我人生的這個過渡階段,我的主要目標是通過傳遞這些原則和工具來幫助他人取得成功。

我最重要的原則是有原則並以有原則的方式思考。 雖然對我來說行之有效的原則非常寶貴,我會將它們傳遞給您考慮,但我相信最重要的是您以原則性的方式獨立思考,以便您擁有自己的清晰表達和內化的原則 這對你來說很有效。 當我提到“你們”時,我指的是你們個人以及你們所有集體中的集體(即你們的家庭、你們的組織、你們的社區、你們的國家等)。 出於這些原因,我希望 1)清楚地傳達我所說的原則性思維的含義,以便您可以考慮它的優點;2)幫助您獲得您想要的對您有利的任何原則。


我所說的原則性思維是指擁抱現實,了解現實是如何運作的,並擁有處理現實的有效方法(即原則)。 現實就像一台具有因果關係的機器,因此通過理解這些關係並知道如何與現實良好互動,您可以做出更好的決策,從而給您帶來更好的結果和更好的生活。

當一個人通過這個原則性的視角來看待事物時,就會發現大多數事情都會因為基本相同的原因而一遍又一遍地發生。 換句話說,大多數事情都隻是“其中的另一個”,已經發生過很多次,並且有明確的處理方法。 因此,在從常規思維轉變為原則性思維的過程中,1)一個人從置身於一堆不相關的事物中,到遇到數量少得多的熟悉事物;2)一個人形成了經過考驗的正確原則,可以很好地處理自己的現實。 。 通過以這種原則性的方式思考,生活會變得更容易,因為事物的類型比事物的數量少得多,而且人們處理它們的方式也更加直接和有效。 例如,想一下如何應對向您扔來的不同類型的投球。 當你練習擊球弧線球、快球和滑球時,你自然會學會區分它們,並本能地運用處理每種球的原則,這樣你就能成為更好的擊球手。

有一些更高層次的原則本質上是關於如何對待生活(如宗教)的哲學,並且有不同程度的較低層次原則用於做出更多的戰術決策。 當一個人選擇自己的原則組合時,本質上就是選擇自己的人生哲學或自己的宗教,從哲學到戰術。


我所傳遞的原則和工具涉及生活、工作、經濟和投資,因為這四個領域是我努力工作、製定原則並擁有成熟的跟蹤記錄的領域,您可以查看這些領域 評估這些原則的效果如何。 我希望通過短視頻和書籍兩種形式來呈現這四個領域的原理。 到目前為止,我已經為這四個領域中的三個創作了視頻和書籍。 其他的正在製作中。


1) 四個短視頻:其中包括三個動畫視頻,提供以下內容的精煉版本:1) “成功原則”中的生活原則(此處)、2) “經濟機器如何運作”中的經濟原則(此處)和 3) 我的書《應對不斷變化的世界秩序的原則》(此處)的主要思想。 還有一個 16 分鍾的 TED 演講,簡要傳達了我的工作原則(此處)。 它們是免費的,並且被評估為非常有用。 它們的總觀看次數超過 5000 萬次,喜歡與不喜歡的比例高達 98%。

2)四本書:到目前為止,我的書已經售出超過500萬冊,並且受到了極大的好評。 原則:《生活與工作》可以通過所有常見的書籍形式以書籍的形式提供——紙質、數字和音頻形式,價格為此類書籍的通常價格。 您可以在principles.com 上看到一些對其的認可。 這本書還可以在“行動中的原則”中以應用程序形式免費提供。 《行動中的原則》適合那些想要最深入地探究生活和工作原則的人。 它包括實踐中原理的現實生活視頻案例

在我的公司 Bridgewater Associates,有一個“教練”工具,可以幫助人們找到適合其特定情況的最佳原則,掌握自己的原則並輕鬆獲取它們。 它以最容易理解的形式包含所有內容,並且是免費的。 到目前為止,《行動中的原則》已被下載超過 420,000 次,平均評價為 4.9 分(滿分 5 分)。

我寫了《應對重大債務危機的原則》,這是為那些對債務周期如何運作以及如何應對債務周期感興趣的人寫的。 它可以在亞馬遜上以印刷版形式獲取(此處),也可以免費獲取 pdf 版本(此處)。 迄今為止,該書已售出或下載超過 100 萬份,並受到了領先經濟學家和政策製定者的好評。

我的最新著作《應對不斷變化的世界秩序的原則》是對過去主要帝國的興衰的研究,將當今的經濟、政治和政策形勢置於大局之中。 亨利·基辛格、比爾·蓋茨、拉裏·薩默斯和許多其他人都對本書給予了積極評價,他們認為這本書是了解當今世界正在發生變化的方式的必讀之作。

3)為了回應許多要求為所有年齡段的讀者提供更簡單版本的原則的要求,我寫了“成功的原則”,可以在亞馬遜上或通過當地的書商購買。 這是一本快速、有趣、圖文並茂且有價值的讀物,總結了我的大書《原則:生活與工作》中最重要的生活原則。 我希望你,或者你送給它的任何人,都會喜歡它。

4)自從我出版《原則:生活與工作》以來,很多人要求我傳遞我在其中描述的工具。 由於這些要求,我對一些工具進行了重新設計和改進,以便橋水基金以外的許多人可以安全地使用它們,甚至比我寫這本書時更好。 我將介紹的前兩個工具是PrinciplesYou(免費)和Principles Dot Collector。

PrinciplesYou 是一項性格概況測試,可幫助人們了解自己並了解與之互動的其他人。 我發現心理測試對於理解不同人的不同思維方式非常有價值,並且實現這種理解對於人們的個人發展、找到合適的工作和建立團隊來說是非常寶貴的。

過去,我使用過許多性格特征測試,因為我從未找到一種能夠滿足我所尋找的一切的測試。 出於這個原因,在過去的幾年裏,我聘請了三位偉大的心理測量學家——亞當·格蘭特、布萊恩·利特爾和約翰·戈爾登——與我一起構建了一個測試,該測試需要大約 40 分鍾,並且比任何測試都更全麵地描述人們的思維偏好。 其他類似長度的測試。 它還為接受它的成對和/或團體提供更好的人際指導。

該評估現已免費提供給這裏的每個人,並作為這裏的組織的工具。 原則點收集器可提供持續的實時反饋和有關人們想法的見解,可作為 Zoom 應用程序平台中的應用程序使用。

除了提供這些原則和工具之外,我還通過 LinkedIn、Facebook、Twitter、Instagram、YouTube 和 TikTok 上的原則與人們互動,了解這些原則以及世界上正在發生的事情。



如果您還沒有看過這些內容,我建議您選擇有關您感興趣的原理類型(生活、工作或經濟學)的短視頻,如果您想要更多,請深入研究最有名的書。 適合你。 如果您想要一件包羅萬象的東西,“行動原則”應用程序是您的最佳選擇。


What I Have For You


Ray Dalio  Founder, CIO Mentor, and Member of the Bridgewater Board

212 articles  

About 30 years ago I got in the habit of writing down what I was going after and how I went after it (i.e. my principles) so I’ve done that ever since. The principles I accumulated along the way made me and my company Bridgewater successful beyond our wildest dreams. Over these years I also developed “tools,” mostly apps, that helped us to operate by these principles. At this transition stage in my life, my main goal is to help others be successful by passing along these principles and tools.

My most important principles are about having principles and thinking in a principled way. While the principles that have worked well for me have been invaluable and I will pass them along for your consideration, I believe that what is most important is that you think for yourself in a principled way so that you have your own clearly articulated and internalized principles that work well for you. When I refer to “you,” I am referring to you individually and you collectively in all of your collectives (i.e., your families, your organizations, your communities, your countries, etc.). For these reasons I hope to 1) clearly convey what I mean by principled thinking so that you can consider the merits of it and 2) help you get whatever principles you want that are good for you.

What I Mean by Principled Thinking

By principled thinking I mean embracing reality, seeing how reality works and having effective ways for dealing with reality (i.e., principles). Reality works like a machine that has cause:effect relationships so by understanding these relationships and knowing how to interact with reality well, you can make better decisions which will give you better outcomes and a better life.

When one sees things through this principled lens, one sees that most things happen over and over again for basically the same reasons. In other words, most everything is just “another one of those” that has happened many times before and has clear ways of being dealt with well. So, in going from regular thinking to principled thinking 1) one goes from being in a blizzard of unrelated things to encountering a far fewer number of types of things that are familiar and 2) one develops tried and true principles for dealing with one’s realities well. By thinking in this principled way, life becomes easier because there are many fewer types of things than there are things and one’s dealing with them is more straightforward and effective. For example, think about how batting against different types of pitches being thrown at you works. As you practice batting against curveballs, fast balls, and sliders you naturally learn to distinguish between them and to instinctively use principles for dealing with each well so you become a much better batter.

There are higher level principles that are essentially philosophies about how to approach life (like religions) and there are varying degrees of lower level principles for making more tactical decisions. When one chooses one’s own mix of principles, one essentially chooses one’s philosophy of life or one’s own religion that goes from the philosophical to the tactical.

The Principles I’m Passing Along

The principles and tools that I’m passing along are about life, work, economics, and investments because those four areas are the ones I’ve worked hard on, developed principles for, and have a built track records that you can look at to assess how well these principles worked. I hope to present the principles for each of these four areas in two forms: short videos and books. Thus far I have created videos and books for three of the four areas. The others are in the works.

Currently available are:

1) Four Short Videos: These include three animated videos that provide distilled versions of 1) the life principles in “Principles for Success” (here), 2) the economic principles in “How the Economic Machine Works” (here) and 3) the key ideas from my book Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order (here). There is also a 16 minute TED Talk that briefly conveys my work principles (here). They are free and have been assessed to be very useful. Together they have been watched a total of over 50 million times and have a 98% ratio of likes to dislikes.

2) Four Books: So far over 5 million copies of my books have been sold and have been extremely well received. Principles: Life & Work is available as a book in all the usual ways books are now available—in paper, digital, and audio here at the usual costs for such things. You can see some of the endorsements of it on principles.com. The book is also available in app form for free in “Principles in Action” here. "Principles in Action" is for people who want to delve most deeply into the life and work principles. It includes real life video cases of the principles in action at my company, Bridgewater Associates, and a “Coach” tool that helps people find the best principles for their particular situations, capture their own principles and have easy access to them. It contains everything in the most digestible form and is free. So far “Principles in Action” has been downloaded over 420,000 times and has received an average review of 4.9 (out of 5).

I wrote “Principles for Navigating Big Debt Crises,” which is for people who are interested in how debt cycles work and how to navigate them. It’s available in print form on Amazon (here) or for free as a pdf (here). Thus far over 1 million copies have been sold or downloaded and it has been favorably reviewed by leading economists and policy makers.

My newest book, "Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order," is a study on the rises and declines of past leading empires that puts today’s economic, political, and policy situation into perspective of the big picture. It was positively reviewed by Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, Larry Summers, and many others who have found it essential reading to understand the ways in which the world is now changing.

3) In response to lots of requests for a simpler version of Principles for readers of all ages, I wrote "Principles for Success", which is available on Amazon or through your local bookseller. It’s a quick, entertaining, illustrated and valuable read that summarizes the most important life principles in my big book, "Principles: Life & Work". I hope you, or whoever you gift it to, love it.

4) Since I published “Principles: Life & Work,” many people have asked me to pass along the tools that I described in it. Because of these requests, I had some of the tools reengineered and improved so they could be used by lots of people outside Bridgewater in a secure way and be even better than they were when I wrote the book. The first two of these tools that I will be passing along are PrinciplesYou, which is free, and Principles Dot Collector.

PrinciplesYou is a personality profile test that helps people understand themselves and understand others they are interacting with. I’ve found psychometric tests to be invaluable in understanding different people’s different approaches to thinking and that achieving that understanding is invaluable for people’s personal development, finding their right job fit, and building teams.

In the past, I used a number of personality profile tests because I never found one that gave me everything I was looking for. For that reason over the last couple of years, I engaged three great psychometricians - Adam Grant, Brian Little and John Golden - to work with me to build a test that takes about 40 minutes and provides far more comprehensive descriptions of people's thinking preferences than any other tests of comparable length. It also provides better interpersonal guidance to pairs and/or groups of people who take it.

The assessment is now available for free to everyone here and as a tool for organizations here. The Principles Dot Collector, which provides continuous real-time feedback and insights about what people are thinking, is available as an app within the Zoom apps platform.

In addition to providing these principles and tools, I’m interacting with people about these principles and about what’s happening in the world through the lens of principles on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok.

In the coming months and years I plan to share a few more books and animations, and then I will be done and go quiet as I will have completed this transition phase in my life.

How You Might Approach What’s Now Available

If you haven’t seen any of this, I suggest that you pick the short videos about the type of principles that you’re interested in (life, work, or economics) and, if you want more, delve into the book that most suits you. If you want one thing that has everything in it, the “Principles in Action” app is your best option.

I welcome you to stay in touch with me on social media and provide me with your thoughts and suggestions as I enjoy interacting with others and hearing their thoughts on what I'm sharing.


Published by

Ray Dalio
Founder, CIO Mentor, and Member of the Bridgewater BoardFounder, CIO Mentor, and Member of the Bridgewater Board
Published • 4y


408 CommentsComments on Ray Dalio’s article

Hongde Li


It is the the good habit of writing down timely in helping you as a productive thinker and writer to be outstanding today. Thanks for smart habit of writing down
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