
匈牙利Orbán祝賀 西方霸權自盡,新世界秩序誕生

(2024-03-07 02:24:02) 下一個

No More Hegemony of the West, a New World Order is Emerging, Warns Viktor Orbán


MTI-Hungary Today 2024.03.06.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán spoke about the changes taking place in the world and the strategic directions of Hungarian foreign policy at the annual ambassadors’ meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade on Tuesday morning.

“The hegemony of the West has come to an end, no one doubts this today, as it is well supported by data,” Viktor Orbán said, adding that a new world order is emerging, and the situation must be constantly assessed and analyzed. The Prime Minister continued that it is clear that the world economy is being divided into geopolitical blocs, and that enormous pressure is being put on those states, including Hungary, which take a sovereigntist position.

There is very little room for maneuver in being part of a bloc, which is why it is in Hungary’s interest to be a member of the European Union and NATO, but not to be part of a bloc. For this reason we will strengthen our alliance with other sovereign countries,” 

he said.

The task of Hungarian ambassadors is to demonstrate to the world, with indisputable economic facts, what makes Hungary successful, not to explain our political differences, he underlined. Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó also addressed the meeting, about which he wrote a few words on his Facebook page as a summary.

In an era of threats, our ambassadors will have an even greater role and task, and they will need more courage than ever to represent the national interest effectively,”

the politician wrote.

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Via MTI, Featured image: MTI/Miniszterelnöki Sajtóiroda/Benko Vivien Cher

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