
強大、不同、平等 克服中美之間的誤解和差異

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作者:Peter B. Walker (作者) 2019 年 10 月 29 日

從美國對華的咄咄逼人言辭,到不斷升級的針鋒相對的貿易戰,再到中國提出的威脅美國先進技術全球領導地位的2025倡議,中美兩國(當今世界兩大主導力量)之間的緊張關係從未如此緊張。 更高。 本書對中美關係進行了及時的分析。


它探討了對治理、經濟、社會和軍事問題的核心誤解,以及這些誤解的根源。 作者認為,如果中美兩國能夠通過了解這些差異及其影響來縮小差距,那麽它們就可以共同努力克服全球問題,造福所有人。

Powerful, Different, Equal: Overcoming the Misconceptions and Differences Between China and the US 

by Peter B. Walker (Author)  Oct. 29 2019

From the aggressive US rhetoric against China, to the escalating trade war with tit for tat responses, and China's 2025 initiative that threatens the US global leadership in advanced technologies, tensions between the US and China (the two dominant forces of today’s world) have never been higher. This book provides a timely analysis of the US-China relationship. 

Each model is deeply rooted in their respective histories and cultures, with both models highly successful in achieving their main goals and highly resilient over time. 

It explores the core misconceptions on governance, economic, social and military issues, and the root causes of these misconceptions. If China and US could close the gap by each understanding those differences and their implications, the author argues, they could work together to overcome global issues to the benefit of all.

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