
華裔夫婦唐人街被襲擊 凶手前科累累獲釋

(2023-09-13 13:02:24) 下一個

華裔夫婦親述唐人街被襲擊經曆 凶手的前科及獲釋令省長震怒

2023年09月13日  加國無憂 作者:S君


據globalnews報道,這對夫婦在上周日早上和往常一樣吃完早餐,然後決定今天要去幹什麽。“我們想,這種節日活動應該很多人參加,我們會是安全的,” 老人說道。

當天他們去了唐人街的Light Up Chinatown festival節日慶祝活動後,原本打算早點離開,但是在聽說有一位歌手要上台演唱後,他們決定看完這場從下午5點鍾開始的演出後再離開。

“很不幸的是,我們留下了,” 他說道。這起隨機捅人案就發生在下午6點左右。



“然後我轉過身,我想著,那時候這個人可能也在試圖襲擊我,於是我轉過身,他沒刺中我的背,把我的手臂劃傷了,” 他說道。“我不確定,他是否還想著試圖刺向我的胸口。”


周一時,溫哥華警方表示,64歲的嫌疑人Blair Evan Donnelly已經被逮捕,並被控3項嚴重傷人罪。現在仍被拘留中。



“我很害怕,” 老人的妻子說道。“我一直盯著這個穿紅色T恤的男子,因為我擔心他也會對其他人做同樣的事。”


BC省省長David Eby表示,他對唐人街發生的案件非常憤怒。








‘Worried he’ll do this to someone else’: Chinatown stabbing victims describe attack

 Amy Judd & Christa Dao  Sept 12, 2023 


A married couple in their 60s began their Sunday morning just like any other — breakfast and deciding on their plans.

By the end of the day, they had become victims of a random stabbing attack at the Light Up Chinatown festival.

Global News is not revealing their names or identities to protect their safety.

“We think, OK, because it’s a festival (with) lots of people and it’s crowded, so we will be safe,” the husband told Global News.

They were actually going to leave earlier but heard that there was going to be a singer they wanted to see perform at 5 p.m.

“Unfortunately, we stayed,” he said.

The stabbing took place around 6 p.m.

Click to play video: 'Man charged in Chinatown festival attack has long history of violence'
Man charged in Chinatown festival attack has long history of violence

His wife told Global News that just at the end of the program, that’s when the attack took place with a young woman in her 20s, who was nearby, getting attacked first.

Her husband said the young woman yelled out something in Chinese.

Then before he knew what was happening, his wife said “what happened?” as she had just been stabbed in the back.

“And then I turn around. I think that at that time, the guy was trying to attack me on the back too, that’s why, when I turned around he missed my back and got me on my arm,” he said.

“Also, I think, I’m not sure, he tried to stab me in my chest too.”

He said when he tried to stand back up, he said the suspect tried to stab him again. He tried to kick him but he fell and hurt his knee and that was when the suspect ran away.

On Monday, Vancouver police Chief Const. Adam Palmer said Blair Evan Donnelly was out on a day pass when he stabbed three people in an unprovoked attack at the Chinatown festival.

Donnelly, 64, was on a pass from the psychiatric hospital, Colony Farm, where he has been since he was found not criminally responsible for the second-degree murder of his daughter in Kitimat in 2006.

The wife of the couple attacked said she didn’t know anything had happened until she felt something painful in her back.

“At that time, I touch my back, I feel wet,” she said, “so I thought maybe I got injured.”

Her husband said he was going to try and chase the suspect but he saw his wife was bleeding so he stopped to put pressure on her back wound to stop the bleeding.

“At the beginning, I just feel that someone hit behind me and I feel something, but I don’t know what hit me,” his wife said.

“You feel that something is hitting you. But when I stand up and (the suspect is) not just in front of me, I don’t know.”

Vancouver police officers were quick to come to the trio’s aid, administering first aid until an ambulance arrived.

It is unclear what they were stabbed with but the wife thinks it was a metal file. That has not been confirmed by police.

The couple were not even sure a young woman had also been struck until the police grouped the three of them together.

“I’m feeling scared and (in shock),” the wife said. “I just keep looking (for the) man wearing the red shirt as I’m worried he might do (something) to somebody else.”

She said the man never said anything to them before or during the attack.

She also questioned as to why Donnelly was out on a day pass unescorted.

Click to play video: 'Furor over Chinatown stabbing suspect’s day pass from Coquitlam facility'
Furor over Chinatown stabbing suspect’s day pass from Coquitlam facility

British Columbia Premier David Eby said Tuesday he is “white-hot” angry over what happened in Chinatown.

Eby said the decision to release the man boggles the mind and he wants to get to the bottom of how it occurred.

He said the government “will ensure an independent person looks into the specifics of this case. The decision-making process. How we arrived at this awful place.”

That work on that was “already underway,” he added.

However, the husband involved in this case said he thinks the justice system is totally broken.

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