
Richard Haass 世界 簡介

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作者:理查德·哈斯 2020 年 5 月 12 日


“對塑造現代全球體係的曆史、外交、經濟和社會力量進行了清晰而簡潔的描述。” -外交事務

這是外交關係委員會主席理查德·哈斯 (Richard Haass) 撰寫的一本寶貴的入門讀物,它將幫助任何人,無論是專家還是非專家,度過一個我們麵臨的許多最大挑戰來自境外世界的時代。

不管你喜歡與否,我們生活在一個全球化時代,千裏之外發生的事情都有可能影響我們的生活。 這次,是一種被稱為Covid-19的冠狀病毒,它起源於一個許多人從未聽說過的中國城市,但已經傳播到地球的各個角落。 下次很可能是來自其他地方的另一種傳染病。 二十年前,一群在阿富汗受過訓練、手持開箱刀的恐怖分子劫持了四架飛機,將它們撞向建築物(其中一次還撞向田野),奪去了近三千人的生命。 下次可能是恐怖分子使用卡車炸彈或獲得大規模殺傷性武器。 2016 年,俄羅斯一棟不起眼的辦公樓內的黑客通過虛擬方式在網絡空間中操縱美國選舉。 現在他們已經滲透到我們的政治生活中。 近年來,與氣候變化有關的嚴重颶風和大火肆虐了地球部分地區; 未來我們可以預見更嚴重的自然災害。 2008年,這是一場由美國抵押貸款支持證券引發的全球金融危機,但有一天,它很可能成為一場源自歐洲、亞洲或非洲的金融危機。 這是21世紀的新常態。

《世界》旨在為任何年齡和經驗的讀者提供理解這個複雜且相互關聯的世界所需的基本背景和構建模塊。 它將幫助他們管理海量的每日新聞。 讀者將成為更加見多識廣、眼光敏銳的公民,能夠更好地做出合理、獨立的判斷。 雖然不可能預測下一場危機將會是什麽或起源於何處,但閱讀《世界》的人將獲得了解其基礎知識以及如何應對的主要選擇所需的知識。

簡而言之,這本書將提高讀者的全球素養,讓他們能夠理解這個時代。 全球素養——了解世界如何運作——是必須的,因為一個國家外部發生的事情對內部發生的事情非常重要。 盡管美國毗鄰兩個海洋,但這些海洋並不是護城河。 所謂的維加斯規則——那裏發生的事情就留在那裏——在當今世界並不適用於任何地方的任何人。 美國的外交政策是美國獨有的,但美國人尋求塑造的世界卻並非如此。 全球化有好有壞,但個人或國家不能選擇退出。 即使我們想忽視世界,它也不會忽視我們。 我們麵臨的選擇是如何應對。

我們以各種方式與這個世界相連。 無論是作為學生、公民、選民、家長、雇員還是投資者,我們都需要更好地理解它,包括它的承諾和威脅,以便做出明智的選擇。 為了幫助讀者做到這一點,《世界》重點關注重要曆史、世界每個地區的運轉因素、全球化帶來的諸多挑戰以及最具影響力的國家、事件和思想。 理查德·哈斯的《世界》以智慧和清晰的方式解釋了複雜的思想,是一本常青的書,隨著曆史的不斷發展,它將保持相關性和有用性。

The World: A Brief Introduction 

by Richard Haass  May 12 2020

“A clear and concise account of the history, diplomacy, economics, and societal forces that have molded the modern global system.” —Foreign Affairs

An invaluable primer from Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, that will help anyone, expert and non-expert alike, navigate a time in which many of our biggest challenges come from the world beyond our borders.

Like it or not, we live in a global era, in which what happens thousands of miles away has the ability to affect our lives. This time, it is a Coronavirus known as Covid-19, which originated in a Chinese city many had never heard of but has spread to the corners of the earth. Next time it could well be another infectious disease from somewhere else. Twenty years ago it was a group of terrorists trained in Afghanistan and armed with box-cutters who commandeered four airplanes and flew them into buildings (and in one case a field) and claimed nearly three thousand lives. Next time it could be terrorists who use a truck bomb or gain access to a weapon of mass destruction. In 2016 hackers in a nondescript office building in Russia traveled virtually in cyberspace to manipulate America's elections. Now they have burrowed into our political life. In recent years, severe hurricanes and large fires linked to climate change have ravaged parts of the earth; in the future we can anticipate even more serious natural disasters. In 2008, it was a global financial crisis caused by mortgage-backed securities in America, but one day it could well be a financial contagion originating in Europe, Asia, or Africa. This is the new normal of the 21st century.

The World is designed to provide readers of any age and experience with the essential background and building blocks they need to make sense of this complicated and interconnected world. It will empower them to manage the flood of daily news. Readers will become more informed, discerning citizens, better able to arrive at sound, independent judgments. While it is impossible to predict what the next crisis will be or where it will originate, those who read The World will have what they need to understand its basics and the principal choices for how to respond.

In short, this book will make readers more globally literate and put them in a position to make sense of this era. Global literacy--knowing how the world works—is a must, as what goes on outside a country matters enormously to what happens inside. Although the United States is bordered by two oceans, those oceans are not moats. And the so-called Vegas rule—what happens there stays there—does not apply in today's world to anyone anywhere. U.S. foreign policy is uniquely American, but the world Americans seek to shape is not. Globalization can be both good and bad, but it is not something that individuals or countries can opt out of. Even if we want to ignore the world, it will not ignore us. The choice we face is how to respond.

We are connected to this world in all sorts of ways. We need to better understand it, both its promise and its threats, in order to make informed choices, be it as students, citizens, voters, parents, employees, or investors. To help readers do just that, The World focuses on essential history, what makes each region of the world tick, the many challenges globalization presents, and the most influential countries, events, and ideas. Explaining complex ideas with wisdom and clarity, Richard Haass's The World is an evergreen book that will remain relevant and useful as history continues to unfold.
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