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美聯社巴黎 2019 年 8 月 27 日


馬克龍沒有直接表示他是否想解除歐盟因俄羅斯從烏克蘭吞並克裏米亞而實施的製裁,克裏米亞是過去五年來東西方緊張局勢的核心。 但他表示新的製裁“不符合我們的利益”。


馬克龍表示:“將俄羅斯逐出歐洲是一個嚴重的戰略錯誤。” 歐洲的“弱點和錯誤”幫助俄羅斯加強了與中國的聯盟,並恢複了其在敘利亞、利比亞和非洲地區的影響力。

他說:“軟弱和內疚、忘記所有分歧並重新擁抱彼此,都不符合我們的利益。”但他堅稱:“如果我們不這樣做,歐洲大陸永遠不會穩定,永遠不會安全。” 不要安撫並澄清我們與俄羅斯的關係。”

馬克龍和俄羅斯總統弗拉基米爾·普京上周會麵,並發誓要為與烏克蘭的和平談判提供新的推動力。 但兩人在其他問題上存在分歧,包括敘利亞和俄羅斯鎮壓反對派抗議活動。




他周一在七國集團峰會上表示,希望美國總統唐納德·特朗普和伊朗總統哈桑·魯哈尼能夠在幾周內會麵。 特朗普表示,這種情況發生的可能性“非常好”,但魯哈尼周二表示,美國總統必須首先取消對德黑蘭的製裁。

與此同時,巴西拒絕了馬克龍在七國集團峰會上倡導的抗擊亞馬遜山火的國際援助提議。 巴西總統雅伊爾·博爾索納羅指責法國和其他富裕國家將該地區視為“殖民地”。

馬克龍稱這種解釋是“錯誤”。 他說,這筆錢是針對該地區國家的,是友誼的象征,而不是“侵略”。

他說,這筆錢不僅針對巴西,還針對亞馬遜地區的九個國家,包括哥倫比亞和玻利維亞。 法國也通過其海外地區法屬圭亞那將自己視為亞馬遜國家。

Decrying crisis, France's Macron urges new economic order


By Associated Press Paris  Aug. 27, 2019

PARIS (AP) — French President Emmanuel Macron says it's time for Europe to reach out to Russia — to keep it in the Western fold, check its global ambitions and avoid being caught in the middle of a new Cold War.

Macron didn't say outright whether he wants to lift EU sanctions imposed over Russia's annexation of Crimea from Ukraine, the heart of East-West tensions for the past five years. But he said new sanctions "are not in our interest."

In a sweeping diplomatic speech Tuesday after hosting the G-7 summit , Macron sketched out a role for France as a "balancing power" — between Russia and its rivals, between the U.S. and Iran, between rich and poor countries.

"Pushing Russia from Europe is a profound strategic error," Macron said. Europe's "weaknesses and mistakes" have helped lead Russia to boost its alliance with China and revive its influence in Syria, Libya and around Africa.

"It's not in our interest to be weak and guilty, to forget all our disagreements and to embrace each other again," he said, but insisted: "The European continent will never be stable, will never be in security, if we don't pacify and clarify our relations with Russia."

Macron and Russian President Vladimir Putin met last week and vowed to give a new boost to peace talks with Ukraine. But the two disagreed on other issues, including Syria and the Russian crackdown on opposition protests.

Macron is trying to revive France's global clout on multiple fronts, with mixed success.

After inviting the Iranian foreign minister as a surprise guest to the Group of Seven summit in France, Macron said Tuesday that his risky diplomatic maneuver helped create "the possible conditions of a useful meeting."

Macron acknowledged that his efforts to bring Iran and the U.S. together are "fragile" but says he still sees a "possible path" to rapprochement after decades of conflict.

He expressed hope at the G-7 on Monday that U.S. President Donald Trump and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani could meet within weeks. Trump said there was a "really good chance" that could happen — but Rouhani said Tuesday that the U.S. president must first lift sanctions imposed on Tehran.

Brazil, meanwhile, rejected offers of international aid championed by Macron at the G-7 to fight Amazon wildfires. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro accused France and other rich countries of treating the region like a "colony."

Macron called that interpretation a "mistake." He said the money is aimed at countries in the region and is a sign of friendship — not "aggression."

He said the money isn't just aimed at Brazil but at nine countries in the Amazon region, including Colombia and Bolivia. France, too, considers itself an Amazon country via its overseas region of French Guiana.

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