Chicago's air quality index is the worst in the U.S. as Canadian wildfire smoke lingers
By NBC News
煙霾又來!威脅全美8000萬人 這城市空氣全球最差
根據世界空氣質量指數(World Air Quality Index)對全球城市進行的空氣質量排名,周二,芝加哥的空氣質量達到全球最差的水平(芝加哥本地時間6月28日淩晨2點,排名已降至第二位)。
據悉,在周二中午之前,芝加哥的空氣質量就已經進入了“非常不健康”的水平範圍。空氣汙染物PM2.5是造成芝加哥地區空氣不佳的主要因素。 根據政府空氣質量網站AirNow的數據,芝加哥空氣質量指數在上午11點30分達到了209(超過200則被認為空氣是“非常不健康”的),下午1點,這一指數已攀升至228,指數在下午4點左右達到258左右的峰值。
西北醫學院(Northwestern medicine)肺科和重症監護醫學副主任拉維·卡爾漢(Ravi Kalhan)稱,指數為20,相當於一個人每天抽一根煙,今天,芝加哥的該項指數持續接近200,這相當於一個人一天抽半包煙。卡爾漢還稱,這種高強度的野火煙霧通常隻持續幾天,但如果公眾長期處於低空氣質量中,這將對他們的心肺健康會構成“長期風險”。
芝加哥公共衛生部專員艾莉森·阿瓦迪(Allison Arwady)說,(空氣質量)達到這樣的水平在芝加哥地區是不常見的。她建議,患有慢性肺病和心髒病的人應該呆在室內,任何長時間在戶外的人都應該考慮戴N95或KN95口罩,居民也應該考慮關閉窗戶,在室內使用空氣淨化器。 與此同時,受空氣情況影響,芝加哥地區的多項室外活動被取消,或轉移到室內。 據悉,芝加哥公園區(Chicago Park District)取消了周二晚上的Movies in the Park活動。園區還表示,他們正在努力“將夏令營在內的項目盡可能轉移到室內”。
此外,周二早些時候,埃文斯頓(Evanston)的官員宣布,由於空氣質量太差,他們將關閉海灘。埃文斯頓周二晚上的星光音樂會也已經取消。美國國家氣象局表示,空氣質量警報將至少持續到周三晚上,尚且無法確定,空氣質量會有多差。聯邦官員稱,預計周三的空氣質量指數仍將處於“不健康”水平,但是否會達到周二的“非常不健康”水平仍有待觀察。 在空氣質量方麵,即將到來的風暴係統可能會有助於緩解目前的情況。據風暴預測中心稱,該風暴係統可能會在周四下午到晚上到達芝加哥地區。 周四,芝加哥大部分地區麵臨“輕微”惡劣天氣的風險,但好消息是,該係統可能會將最大的煙霧排出,當風暴在周五早上離開後,芝加哥地區的空氣質量可能會有所改善。目前對周四的空氣質量預報顯示,周四的空氣質量水平為“中等”,比周二和周三有所改善。但政府敦促居民減少暴露在煙霧中的時間,如果要呆在戶外,盡量選擇不那麽劇烈的活動,因為活動越劇烈,越容易吸入大量煙霧。
周二,芝加哥市長布蘭登·約翰遜(Brandon Johnson)發表了一份關於芝加哥“不健康”空氣質量的聲明。 聲明稱:由於芝加哥地區彌漫加拿大野火煙霧,美國環境保護局將空氣質量指數歸類為“不健康”,城市正在仔細監測並采取預防措施。所有人應避免劇烈的戶外活動,縮短戶外活動時間,將體育活動轉移到室內或重新安排時間,尤其是兒童、青少年、老年人、患有心髒病或肺病的人以及孕婦。約翰遜還稱,芝加哥人應考慮戴上口罩。
Live updates: Chicago's air quality index is the worst in the U.S. as Canadian wildfire smoke lingers
By NBC News
Millions of people across the United States woke up to severe weather, with parts of the country smothered by smoke from Canadian wildfires, while others are dealing with stifling heat and severe storms.
Around 87 million people are at risk for poor air quality as smoke from the Canadian wildfires spreads, with Detroit, Chicago and Minneapolis among the top four cities with the worst air quality in the world, according to the tracking service
Meanwhile, around 69 million people face heat alerts, which expanded to include not only the South and Southeast, but also the Midwest and California.
Severe storms capable of large hail are also anticipated across parts of Minnesota and Wisconsin, with Minneapolis being the largest metro area at risk.
The recent severe weather has prompted major disruptions, including sweeping flight cancellations and delays.
Antonio Planas
A Washington, D.C., nonprofit is urging sensitive groups to avoid outdoor activities Thursday.
The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments recommended in a tweet that certain susceptible groups should avoid “long or intense outdoor activities” and consider rescheduling those activities or moving them indoors.
The group also advised healthy people to limit outside activities.
Antonio Planas
A health advisory was issued for Thursday in New York because air quality is predicted to reach unhealthy levels, state officials said.
The advisory is in effect from 12 a.m. to 11:59 p.m., state officials said.
Air levels are expected to deteriorate for the western and central regions of the state, along with eastern Lake Ontario and the Adirondacks, according to a joint statement from state Department of Environmental Conservation Basil Seggos and State Department of Health Commissioner Dr. James McDonald.
The advisory warns everyone may begin to experience health effects, but members of sensitive groups may face more serious effects.
Individuals with heart or breathing problems, the elderly and children, may be more susceptible to exposure.
Health officials also recommend minimizing exposure both indoors and outdoors where fine particle concentrations may be higher.
Associated Press
In Chicago, Mayor Brandon Johnson urged young people, older adults and residents with health issues to spend more time indoors and pledged “swift action to ensure that vulnerable individuals have the resources they need to protect themselves and their families.”
Minnesota issued a record 23rd air quality alert for the year through late Wednesday night, as smoky skies obscured the skylines of Minneapolis and St. Paul. Michigan, Wisconsin and Indiana were among other states issuing air quality alerts, and cities including Louisville also advised people to limit prolonged or intense outdoor activity.
Associated Press
DETROIT — Smoky air from Canada’s wildfires shrouded broad swaths of the U.S. from Minnesota to Pennsylvania and Kentucky on Wednesday, prompting warnings to stay inside and exacerbating health risks for people already suffering from industrial pollution.
The impacts are particularly hard on poor and minority communities that are more likely to live near polluting plants and have higher rates of asthma. Detroit, a mostly Black city with a poverty rate of about 30%, had the worst air quality in the U.S. on Wednesday, leading the Environmental Protection Agency to warn that “everyone should stay indoors.”
“The more breaths you’re taking, you’re inhaling, literally, a fire, camp smoke, into your lungs,” said Darren Riley, who was diagnosed with asthma in 2018, a few years after arriving in Detroit.
“Many communities face this way too often,” said Riley, who is Black. “And while this wildfire smoke allows, unfortunately, many people to feel this burden, this is a burden that far too long communities have faced day in and day out.”
The Environmental Protection Agency’s site showed Detroit in the “hazardous” range. Chicago, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Ohio; and Pittsburgh all have “very unhealthy” air. A wider circle of unhealthy air spread into St. Louis and Louisville, Kentucky.
In the U.S., the smoke is exacerbating air quality issues for poor and Black communities that already are more likely to live near polluting plants, and in rental housing with mold and other triggers.
Detroit’s southwest side is home to a number of sprawling refineries and manufacturing plants. It is one of the poorest parts of a mostly Black city, which has an overall poverty rate of about 30%.
There have been almost 400 emergency room visits in North Carolina for heat-related illnesses through mid-June, officials said as they continue to urge residents to take the proper precautions.
Public health officials with the state's Department of Health and Human Services advised North Carolinians to stay wary of signs of heat-related illness including fatigue, weakness, fainting, vomiting and muscle cramps. Anyone experiencing those symptoms is told to drink water, move to a cool place and seek medical attention.
Health officials also said that the state's heat report shows that through June 17, there have been 361 ER visits for heat-related illnesses. Cooling assistance is available for people who are eligible, the health department said.
A dramatic time-lapse released yesterday by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration showed how much extreme heat has intensified over Mexico and the central and southern U.S. since the beginning of May.