
加拿大設新研中心 疫苗和治療藥物生產,

(2023-03-07 17:11:41) 下一個


發布:2023年03月07日 16:03來源:加拿大創新、科學和經濟發展部

Government of Canada establishes a new research hub at the University of Ottawa to accelerate Canada’s vaccine and therapeutics production


3月6日,庫務委員會主席莫娜·福爾蒂(Mona Fortier)閣下介紹聯邦政府投資200萬元,用於創建“加拿大大流行病預防中心”(Canadian Pandemic Preparedness Hub)。這項支持是創新、科學和工業部長商鵬飛(François-Philippe Champagne)閣下和衛生部長杜克洛(Jean-Yves Duclos)閣下於 3 月 2 日宣布的 1000 萬元投資的一部分,這筆投資用於創建五個研究中心,是加拿大生物醫學研究基金(CBRF)和生物科學研究基礎設施基金(BRIF)整合競爭第一階段的一部分。 


這項投資將有助於加強加拿大生命科學行業的複原力,支持加拿大領先的創新技術研究,守護我們的安全並促進我們的經濟。 福爾蒂部長探訪渥太華大學,宣布創立加拿大大流行病預防中心。


創新、科學和工業部長商鵬飛(François-Philippe Champagne)閣下: 


衛生部長讓-伊夫思·杜克洛(Jean-Yves Duclos)閣下: 



庫務委員會主席莫娜·福爾蒂(Mona Fortier)閣下: 

“為了加速生命科學的發現並確保加拿大人的健康得到徹底保護,我們必須開展合作並利用多個行業的專業知識。像這樣位於國家首都地區的多學科研究中心,由渥太華大學和麥克馬斯特大學共同領導,將促進學術界、工業界和社區之間的合作,從而加強加拿大的人才管道,確保人民和社區的福祉。 ” 

渥太華大學科研及創新副校長西爾萬·沙邦諾(Sylvain Charbonneau): 



  • 五個研究中心的詳細情況: 
  • CBRF 大草原中心:在依托在防範疫情大流行方麵取得的卓越成就,保護加拿大。由阿爾伯塔大學領導。加快潛在大流行病原體的疫苗、抗病毒藥物和診斷對策的開發和商業化。 
  • 加拿大的免疫工程和生物製造中心:應對大流行病的免疫工程。 由不列顛哥倫比亞大學領導。幫助開發下一代基於免疫的治療手段以應對打流行病,這些療法可以使用生物製造領域的最新創新在國內生產。 
  • 加拿大東部防備中心(ECaPH)。由蒙特利爾大學領導。提高加拿大生物製造和生命科學行業的敏捷性、連通性和增長,以確保加拿大為未來的大流行病和公共衛生危機做好準備。 
  • 加拿大大流行病預防中心 (CP2H):由渥太華大學和麥克馬斯特大學領導。 促進研究和生物製造創新,幫助加拿大在未來大流行之前生產疫苗、治療手段和診斷方法。 
  • 加拿大傳染病健康情報與創新中心 (HI3):由多倫多大學領導。 推進“個性化和精準醫療”的概念,以影響疫苗、治療手段和其他公共衛生幹預措施的開發。 
  • 研究中心是研究和研究培訓參與者的聯盟,由符合條件的高等教育或醫療研究機構作為中心支柱來協調牽頭。這些中心必須具有多學科性質,並擁有跨多個行業的合作夥伴,致力於實現共同目標,以推進大流行病的準備和應對舉措。 
  • 研究中心的選擇以及通過整合CBRF-BRIF 提供的資金將推進加拿大政府的生物製造和生命科學戰略,加強加拿大生物製造和生命科學生態係統的研究能力來。 
  • 這些新的泛加拿大研究中心是通過兩步競爭性審查過程篩選出的,這一過程評估中心的提案與戰略的科學價值和戰略一致性。 
  • 該戰略包括多項基礎性投資,以幫助營造加拿大的人才管道和研究係統,以及促進加拿大生命科學公司的發展。投資包括: 
  • 加拿大生物醫學研究基金(CBRF):2.5 億加元用於創建支持高風險、應用研究、培訓和人才發展合作項目的計劃。由加拿大社會科學與人文研究委員會 (SSHRC) 代表三個聯邦研究資助機構管理:SSHRC、加拿大衛生研究院 (CIHR) 和加拿大自然科學與工程研究委員會 (NSERC)。 
  • 生物科學研究基礎設施基金(BRIF):5 億元用於支持大專院校和附屬研究醫院的生物科學基礎設施需求。該基金由加拿大創新基金會管理。 
  • 在過去兩年中,聯邦政府已向33 個生物製造、疫苗和治療項目投入了超過18 億元。 


Government of Canada establishes a new research hub at the University of Ottawa to accelerate Canada’s vaccine and therapeutics production


  • News release

    This research hub will further strengthen Canada’s biomanufacturing and life sciences sector while protecting Canadians against future health threats

    March 6, 2023 – Ottawa, Ontario

    The Government of Canada’s main priority continues to be protecting the health and safety of Canadians. Throughout the pandemic, the quick and decisive actions taken by the government meant that Canada was able to scale up domestic biomanufacturing capacity, which had been in decline for over 40 years. The government is rebuilding a strong and competitive biomanufacturing and life sciences sector brick by brick. This includes strengthening the foundations of the life sciences ecosystem through the research and talent of Canada’s world-class post-secondary institutions and research hospitals, as well as fostering increased collaboration with innovative companies.

    Today, the Honourable Mona Fortier, President of the Treasury Board, highlighted an investment of $2 million to create the Canadian Pandemic Preparedness Hub. This support is part of a $10 million investment announced by the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, and the Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Health, on March 2 for the creation of five research hubs as part of Stage 1 of the integrated Canada Biomedical Research Fund (CBRF) and Biosciences Research Infrastructure Fund (BRIF) competition.

    The Canadian Pandemic Preparedness Hub is being led by the University of Ottawa and McMaster University. It will catalyze research and biomanufacturing innovations to help Canada produce vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics ahead of future pandemics. This multidisciplinary research hub will accelerate research and development of next-generation vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics, while supporting training and development to expand the pipeline of skilled talent. It will also accelerate the translation of promising research into commercially viable products and processes.

    This investment will help strengthen the resilience of Canada’s life sciences sector by supporting leading Canadian research in innovative technologies that keep us safe and boost our economy.


    “To continue to protect Canadians and to build a resilient biomanufacturing ecosystem, our government is taking every action possible to be equipped with the best tools. We’re proud to foster the research needed to produce cutting-edge discoveries and products in our very own labs, which will help us build a stronger, more robust life sciences sector that responds to the needs of Canadians for decades to come.”
    – The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry

    “The health and safety of everyone in Canada is a top priority for our government. To modernize and advance work in the areas of vaccines and therapeutics, we must continue to invest in health research—that is what these hubs will help us achieve. Together, with experts, provinces and territories, and other partners, we will keep strengthening our preparedness for possible future pandemics.”
    – The Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Health

    “To accelerate life sciences discoveries and make sure that the health of Canadians is thoroughly protected, we must collaborate and leverage the expertise of multiple sectors. Multidisciplinary research hubs like this one in the National Capital Region, co-led by the University of Ottawa and McMaster University, will foster collaboration between academia, industry and the community to strengthen Canada’s talent pipeline and ensure the well-being of people and communities.”
    – The Honourable Mona Fortier, President of the Treasury Board

    “We are very eager to actively contribute to this groundbreaking national effort to grow a strong and competitive biomanufacturing and life sciences sector. The ultimate goal is to make Canada a global leader in emerging vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics, enhancing the national capacity to prevent and respond to future pandemics.” 
    – Sylvain Charbonneau, vice-president, Research and Innovation at the University of Ottawa

    Quick facts

  • Details on the five research hubs:

    • The CBRF PRAIRIE Hub: Protecting Canada by Building on Excellence in Pandemic Preparedness. Led by the University of Alberta. Accelerating the development and commercialization of vaccine, antiviral and diagnostic countermeasures for potential pandemic pathogens.
    • Canada’s Immuno-Engineering and Biomanufacturing Hub: Engineering Immunity for Pandemic Response. Led by the University of British Columbia. Helping develop next-generation immune-based therapeutics in response to pandemics that can be manufactured domestically using the latest innovations in biomanufacturing.
    • Eastern Canada Preparedness Hub (ECaPH). Led by the Université de Montréal. Increasing the agility, connectivity and growth of the biomanufacturing and life sciences sector to ensure that Canada is prepared for future pandemics and public health crises.
    • Canadian Pandemic Preparedness Hub (CP2H)Led by the University of Ottawa and McMaster University). Catalyzing research and biomanufacturing innovations to help Canada produce vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics ahead of future pandemics.
    • Canadian Hub for Health Intelligence & Innovation in Infectious Diseases (HI3)Led by the University of Toronto. Advancing the concept of ‘personalized and precise medicine’ to influence the development of vaccines, therapeutics and other public health interventions.
  • A research hub is a coalition of research and research-training actors, coordinated by an eligible post-secondary or health research institution that serves as an anchor for the hub. Hubs must be multidisciplinary in nature and have partners across a variety of sectors working towards common objectives to advance pandemic readiness and response initiatives.

  • The selection of the research hubs and the funding available through the integrated CBRF-BRIF will advance the Government of Canada’s Biomanufacturing and Life Sciences Strategy by strengthening the research capacity of Canada’s biomanufacturing and life sciences ecosystem.

  • These new pan-Canadian research hubs were selected through a two-step competitive review process that assessed the scientific merit and strategic alignment of the hub proposals with the strategy.

  • The strategy includes multiple foundational investments to help build Canada’s talent pipeline and research systems, as well as foster the growth of Canada’s life sciences firms. Investments include the:

    • Canada Biomedical Research Fund: $250 million to create a program to support high-risk, applied research, training and talent development partnership projects. Administered by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) on behalf of the three federal research funding agencies: SSHRC, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
    • Biosciences Research Infrastructure Fund: $500 million to support the biosciences infrastructure needs of postsecondary institutions and affiliated research hospitals. This fund is administered by the Canada Foundation for Innovation.
  • Over the last two years, the federal government has committed more than $1.8 billion to 33 projects in biomanufacturing, vaccines and therapeutics.

  • Associated links


    Monica Granados
    Press Secretary
    Office of the President
    Treasury Board of Canada

    Laurie Bouchard
    Senior Manager, Communications
    Office of the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry

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    Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada

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