
Quora討論 西方對中國文明的最大禮物

(2023-01-10 22:21:58) 下一個


今濤拍案 |2023-01-10  





China (the Qing Dynasty) is different from many countries (regions) that were also invaded by Western colonialism at that time. China itself is an extremely mature political body, with stable cultural continuity and identity, with extremely large territory and population, and has the economic strength at the forefront of the world.


Taken apart, the Ming and Qing dynasties were the peak of the development of feudal autocracy. It has to be admitted that the autocratic monarchy, especially China's autocratic monarchy with extremely powerful centralized power, is indeed the most efficient social organization of agricultural society.


In the agricultural society, its advantages obviously outweigh its disadvantages, making China maintain a vast territory and a huge population for a long time, and at the same time, it has also produced brilliant culture and technology. As a result, it has become one of the major civilizations in the world, and also a regional setter and arbiter of international relations. The four words "heaven and kingdom" reflect the great advantages of politics, economy, culture and even military power over surrounding regions and countries.



After the emergence of Western colonial aggression, all aspects of China were broken down, and then our martyrs took a full 100 years to restore the unity and stability of the imperial era. In this light, the cost and sacrifice of the Chinese nation are unprecedented. In the 100 years since 1840, our country has faced the reality and crisis of being divided, annexed, colonized and exterminated several times. The resulting social unrest, the loss of wealth, the reduction of territory, the massive reduction of population, and all the losses are even more incalculable.

而當西方殖民侵略出現後,中國的方方麵麵都被蠻橫打破,而後我們的先烈用了整整一百年時間,才恢複到帝製時代的統一、穩定局麵。光這一點,中華民族付出的代價和犧牲都是前所未有的巨大。 1840後的這一百年間,我們國家數次麵臨被分割,被侵吞,被殖民,被亡國滅種的現實和危機。 由此產生出的整個社會的動蕩,財富的流失,疆域的縮小,人口的大量減少,所有的損失加起來更 是難以估量。

The New China in 1949 was not richer than it was in 1840. The 100 years and a lot of wealth were stolen and stolen by Westerners and Japanese! At the time of Western colonial aggression, we were different from many regions and countries. For example, South Asia, India, Middle East Arabia, the Ottoman Empire, the South American Maya and the Inca, and so on. These countries and regions are full of ethnic contradictions, cultural fragmentation, strange languages, religious conflicts, and some have not even produced mature civilizations.

1949年的新中國,其實並不比1840年的時候富裕,這一百年的時光以及大量財富就那麽被西方人,日本人搶走了,偷走了! 西方殖民侵略之時,我們同很多地區和國家都不一樣。比如南亞印度、中東阿拉伯、奧斯曼帝國 、南美瑪雅與印加等等。這些國家和地區,本身就民族矛盾重重、文化分崩離析、語言千奇百怪、宗教衝突不斷、有一些甚至都還沒有產生成熟的文明。

Therefore, India has become a unified country with the help of colonialists, and is still complacent until now; A large number of nationalities in the Ottoman Empire applauded the colonists for accelerating the disintegration of the country; The Middle East region lingers between resistance and compromise, and is ambiguous; Native Americans in South America and North America had no chance to speak, so they were wiped out by the colonists.


Only China is different. We have a very long and unbroken cultural heritage. Cultural heritage and cultural identity complement each other, which together constitute the cultural character of this land, and is the only cultural exporter in the region, forming a strong national self-confidence.

唯獨中國不同。 我們有著非常悠久而且未曾斷絕的文化傳承。文化傳承和文化認同相輔相成,共同組成了這片土地的文化性格,而且是區域內唯一的文化輸出國,形成了強大的民族自信。


With this as the support, we are constantly fighting the invaders ideologically, culturally and militarily. Because the glory of the past does not allow us to bow! The dangers of the colonial aggression of the West are too numerous to record. For example, cultural aggression, the colonial invaders rely on their discourse power. It has greatly confused the thinking of the Chinese people, hit the confidence of the Chinese people, and trampled on the wisdom crystallization of language, writing, literature, faith, religion and so on in this land. It has poisoned the thinking of generations after generations, and even now it has not been able to eliminate these cultural malignant tumors.

以此為支撐,不斷在與侵略者作思想上,文化上,軍事上的鬥爭。因為過去的榮光不允許我們低頭! 西方的殖民侵略的危害之多,簡直罄竹難書 。比如,文化侵略,殖民侵略者憑借掌握的話語權。 極大地混亂了中國人的思維,打擊了國人的自信心,踐踏了這片土地上的語言、文字、文學、信仰、宗教等等智慧結晶。戕害了一代又一代人的思維,甚至直到如今都未能清除掉這些文化毒瘤。

Another example is the shrinking of China's modern territory and border disputes. Let's see how much trouble they have caused today's China. These are the legacy of the scourge of Western colonialism. In the Qing Dynasty of 1840, GDP still accounted for one third of the world; In 1949, the share of GDP in the world was negligible. Such a huge gap cannot be simply summed up by the rise of capitalism and the fall of feudal autocracy. There is also unfair and cruel plunder and oppression under the laws of colonialism.

再比如,中國近代疆域的縮小,邊界爭端,看看它們給今天的中國造成了多麽大的麻煩。這都是西方殖民主義的禍害遺留。 1840的清朝,GDP還占世界三分之一;1949的新中國,GDP占世界份額可以忽略不計。如此巨大的差距,絕不能單純用資本主義興起,封建專製落後來概括總結。這裏麵還有殖民主義法則下不公平的殘忍的掠奪和壓榨。

The western colonial aggression caused more pain to modern China than its appendage, that is, the benefits brought by modernization to the Chinese people. That is why we hate and condemn the history of Western colonialism and consider our modern history as a history of humiliation.


China has always been a rich and handsome country. Suddenly, it was beaten, robbed, stolen, and turned into a poor man. Of course, it felt humiliated more. The sentence "lagging behind will be beaten" is certainly correct, but it is not the truth, because it is an argument derived from abandoning the jungle law of human nature. "Why should we fall behind and be beaten"?! This is the thinking of human nature.

中國一直是高富帥,突然就被人揍了、搶了、偷了,還變成窮光蛋,當然覺得屈辱更多。 “落後就要挨打”這句話當然有正確性,但它不是真理,因為這句話是拋棄了人性的叢林法則演繹出來的論調。 “憑什麽落後就該挨打”?!這才是對人性的思考。


Modern history is a history of humiliation, a history of blood and tears, and a history of struggle of the Chinese people. It allows us to see clearly the "five facial imperfections" under the mask of civilization in the western world, and also lets us re-examine our own advantages and disadvantages.


Looking back on the history of modern China, China really tasted the benefits of modernization. It was precisely after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 and the Chinese people took the lead. It is not the time when the western colonists used strong boats and sharp guns to make great strides in China.




The so-called greatest gift given by the West to Chinese civilization is not a gift, because it is not a gift, but a naked invasion.


But... ironically, this is a gift, not only from the "West", but also from "nature" or "destiny".


Chinese civilization has successfully lasted for such a long time, and the Chinese people have become complacent. They let the industrial revolution pass by them, and they thought they were "all in heaven".


The Opium War, the War of Japanese Aggression against China, the Allied Forces of Eight and other unequal treaties have completely humiliated the modern Chinese government and the Chinese people.


However, it is ironic that these traumatic experiences have lifted China out of its doldrums and brought it back to life. As of 2017, China has the seven fastest supercomputers in the world, and some aspects of its aerospace technology are even more advanced than the United States.


Napoleon Bonaparte warned: "China is a sleeping giant. Let her sleep, because when she wakes up, she will shake the world."


Thank you for your wake-up call.





External impetus


China has been standing at the top of the world for a long time and is usually lonely. Surrounded by mountains, deserts and oceans, China has always been a relatively isolated system. It is not that there is no interaction with the outside world; In fact, there are many contacts among Mongols, Romans, Parthians, Japanese, Koreans, etc. However, in addition to Buddhism, nomadic invasion or trade, the external influence is relatively small.



The problem brought by this is stagnation. China has become a cyclical and stable country, easy to unify and difficult to split. From governance to roads and dams, the system used by the State of Qin to maintain national unity is still in use. Confucius' thought is deeply rooted in Chinese society, and people generally have the virtue of respect and hard work.


The turbulence caused by Western colonialism has given China unprecedented stimulus. Previously, this stimulus came from serious external threats, such as Mongolia or Xiongnu, or internal chaos, such as the Three Kingdoms. Does China have innovation in a stable period? Of course, from gunpowder to paper, to writing to steel, China's invention has a great influence. But these inventions are often buried or used passively.



By the Song Dynasty, China had already had the economic foundation for industrialization. But it failed because there was no motivation. There is no incentive to improve the stable social life that can operate for a long time. When the disaster came, the peasants revolted and set up a new emperor; But destiny did not give up its rule over China.


When the Qing Dynasty did not innovate during the Meiji Restoration as the Japanese did, the feudal rule collapsed. As a result, a long series of disasters and wars began, eventually leading China out of the late Middle Ages and into modern times.


The West provides threats, incentives, tools and opportunities. For hundreds of years, their threats, arrogance and goodwill have affected China today. But between threats and opportunities, China has found itself pushed into today's state. The influence of the West is very strong. The threat of opium, the threat of foreign powers, the threat of the Japanese army invading China, and the threat of survival between the two major powers in the world during the cold war all stimulated this country.






In recent decades, in the face of the development gap, the concept of modern country and modern economy, concrete roads, electric power, advanced sewage treatment system, modern medical care and other technologies have been gradually introduced, and the Chinese government and people are doing better and better every year, supporting its huge economy and bringing prosperity.





After thousands of years of stable stagnation, the existence of the West has promoted China's innovation and progress. China's huge world economy, which creates wealth through endless exports, and the complex but delicate balance of the world situation of the United States as a faltering superpower, have pushed China to an unprecedented height.


China is not perfect, far from it, and the response to the West has also enabled both sides to achieve a win-win situation. But in the end, the conflict between Eastern and Western cultures has led to the formation of some amazing things; Improve the lives of 1.3 billion people at the rate of several centuries in decades.










The greatest gift from the West to China is also the gift from the West to the rest of the world. The scientific, industrial and technological revolution and innovation in the West have pushed the world to adopt them as never before, and thus develop and grow. Yes, Chinese, Islamic and Indian civilizations have contributed to the evolution of the way of thinking that paved the way for the scientific revolution, but scientific and technological innovation took place in the West, so its tremendous impact has changed the history and direction of the West, paved the way for its leading position, and become a "model" for other regions of the world, including China.


Today, the Chinese, Indians and some Muslims all want to prove their contribution to modern society, but the Prometheus gift left by the West to the rest of the world, the scientific thinking set, is produced by accident, which cannot be denied in any case.


University system, peer-reviewed scientific papers, patent rights, technology transfer and manufacturing transfer are also ways for the West to benefit the world.


With the opening of the new air route, America was discovered, and the crops brought from the new continent brought a population explosion, and also brought the gospel to the local cuisine. Tomatoes, peppers, corn, peanuts and potatoes have made indelible contributions to Chinese cuisine. The greater contribution of the globalized world will ultimately benefit China.





Therefore, after the contact with Europe, the most important impact on China may be the crops of the new world, which made China's population surge from 100 million to 400 million between 1700 and 1800. It led to a lot of chaos, but also laid the foundation for China's modernization after 1900.






The May 4th Movement is the greatest revolution in China's modern history.






Science and democracy.





Chinese nationalists call for abandoning traditional values and selectively adopting the Western "Mr. Science" (Chinese: Mr. Sai; Pinyin: s á i xi sheng) and "Mr. Democracy" (Chinese: Mr. De; Pinyin: d é xi sheng) to strengthen the new country. These traditional and anti-traditional views and programs have always affected China's politics and culture.

中國民族主義者呼籲摒棄傳統價值觀,選擇性地采納西方的“科學先生”(中文:賽先生; 拚音:sái xi生)和“民主先生”(中文:德先生; 拚音:déxi生)以加強新國家。這些打破傳統和反傳統的觀點和方案一直影響著中國的政治和文化。





Nationalism, scientific thought, Darwinism, and enterprising spirit.


Evolution is the greatest influence of the West on China.


China's previous world outlook was static.


Now, no Chinese believe that the world is stable.


The sense of competition is deeply rooted.


If you come to China, you will find that the Chinese people have made great efforts for their dreams.


Parents never let their children lose at the starting line.


The child must be the first, or you will be laughed at.


In China, you can feel competition every day.


This is the biggest gift from the West to China.





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