
China must have own model of development not as that of the US

(2018-04-17 12:00:19) 下一個

US-China trade war will affect global security: PM

China must have own model of development: PM

China Correspondent APR 13, 2018, 5:00 AM SGT


SHANGHAI • As China becomes stronger, with bigger global ambitions and aspirations, the world is watching it closely to see what sort of country a modern China would be, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said yesterday.

But how it will eventually turn out for the world to see hinges on the way it reacts to and deals with crises and opportunities, and how it cooperates and deals with conflicts with other countries, added PM Lee.

Meanwhile, China's unique circumstances require it to come up with its own model for giving its people a stable and peaceful life over the years, he noted. It has to feel its way forward "because there is no precedent in the world for 1.3 billion people to live stably and peacefully, in a way which can be sustained, from one generation of leaders and population to the next generation", he said.

The Prime Minister highlighted the challenge facing China at DBS Asian Insights Conference's Leadership Dialogue. Moderator Robin Hu, head of Temasek's sustainability and stewardship group, had asked whether there was a universal standard of development or political system for countries.

PM Lee pointed to China's imperial history to show the hurdles it has to overcome to build a model of development and political system that, like Singapore's, is different from that of the West.

Ancient China had a huangdi (or emperor), and dynasties would be in power for a few hundred years before "the system breaks down and you start a new dynasty". "But that doesn't work any more, so you have to find your own way forward, and that is what they are trying to do. I do not underestimate the difficulty of the challenge," he said.

There is no universal system, and every country has its own difficulties, he added, citing the polarising situation in the United States where there are deep divisions, and in Europe, where populist sentiment is against immigration and openness.

The US, however, expects China to become more like America, PM Lee said. If it does not, the Americans worry whether the Chinese will become unfriendly and non-cooperative.

But, he added: "Why should China become more like America?... The Chinese don't expect America to become more like China, so there is not a symmetry in this expectation."

Mr Lee hoped this would change as more Chinese study and travel abroad, and with more exchanges between academics and leaders of both countries.

He noted Chinese President Xi Jinping envi-sioning China to be a "great modern socialist country" by 2050.

The Chinese term for great power, qiang guo, can also be translated in English to "great country", which the Prime Minister said was a gen-tler interpretation.

China has signalled that it intends to be a country that would defend its interests, accommodate the interests of others, and be a constructive player in the global economy.

But how it will eventually turn out, said PM Lee, will be seen only through how it reacts and deals with crises and opportunities, and cooperates and deals with conflicts with other countries.

"Then you will know what sort of China will it be and how it will work out in the 21st century," he said.

US-China trade war will affect global security: PM

By Danson Cheong China Correspondent In Shanghai


Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Thursday that the "awkwardness and the sourness in the relationship" between China and the United States would make it very difficult for all the countries in Asia trying very hard to stay friends with both.

He says region must be prepared for uncertainty as soured ties will hit cooperation on key issues

The greater danger from a US-China trade war is not just in higher tariffs or damage to trade, but the souring of Sino-American ties more broadly, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said yesterday.

Singapore and the region have to be prepared for this possibility, he added, saying that it "would make it very difficult for all the countries in Asia who are trying very hard to become friends with both, or stay friends with both".

Speaking to Singapore reporters at the end of his five-day visit to China, PM Lee said the numerical impact of such a conflict in terms of trade volume, tariffs, trade diversion and investment projects that become aborted can be estimated and "probably is not enormous".

But the region would be affected "in terms of the impact on the overall bilateral relationship between China and America, the difficulty they will have cooperating in many different areas where the world depends on them cooperating, and the awkwardness and the sourness in the relationship".

A trade war will have an impact on Singapore and global security, he said. "We can't quantify the impact on us, we know that it means we are in for a more uncertain time. It means we have to be prepared psychologically."

He added: "We have had 50 years of peace; the next 50 years, we pray, will be peaceful."

PM Lee had stressed the importance of openness and multilateralism - as opposed to unilateral actions - in his meetings with Chinese leaders this week.

At the DBS Asian Insights Conference in Shanghai yesterday, he said a trade war could damage trust between the US and China as well as their cooperation on global issues such as climate change, extremist terrorism and North Korea - thereby affecting global security.

The fact that some of China's manufacturing might move to South-east Asia in the event of a Sino-American trade dispute is "consolation crumbs that do not make good the loss to all of us", he said.

The US has threatened to impose tariffs on Chinese imports, and China has responded with a list of US imports it plans to impose tariffs on, roiling global markets and stoking fears of a trade war. PM Lee said while the Americans have taken certain unilateral moves, the Chinese have responded in a cautious and very carefully considered manner.

He later told Singapore media that Chinese leaders are "trying their best to think through how this can be resolved, trying to protect their position because it is not possible for any country to be in this situation and not have any response whatsoever".

"They have to respond. But at the same time, they do not want to escalate and they hope that something can be worked out which will diffuse the issues," he said.

Asked about the role Singapore could play, PM Lee said Singapore was not a bridge between the two powers, who have their own links and "do not lack for contact". But what both sides need to do is to establish trust and have a direct, candid discussion on their concerns and problems, he added. "Those are things which have to happen between the participants themselves. Singapore has no role in this, what we can do is express our views. Where it is helpful, we can tell how things are as we see them, and we hope that our perceptions will be taken as being given in good faith and will be found to be helpful."

On Singapore-China ties, he said: "Our relations are in good order. Cooperation is progressing well and we have reaffirmed what we are doing and committed ourselves to taking our relationship forward."

"There is a meeting of minds over what we can do together bilaterally," he added. "With the Chinese announcement that they will continue to open up and liberalise decisively, I hope that there will be further opportunities for our entities and our companies."


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李顯龍:中國必須有自己發展模式 不必變得像美國

2018年04月16日 21:34 參考消息

















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