
Why Xi's lifting of term limits is a good thing

(2018-04-03 05:25:25) 下一個

Why Xi's lifting of term limits is a good thing

By Eric X. Li April 2 at 1:14 PM


A woman selects a souvenir necklace with a portrait of Chinese President Xi Jinping at a stall in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China. Feb. 26, 2018. (Thomas Peter/Reuters)
Eric X. Li is a Shanghai venture capitalist and a trustee and chairman of the advisory committee of Fudan University’s China Institute.


SHANGHAI — Western media and the Chinese chattering classes have been in an uproar since China’s National People’s Congress approved constitutional changes that included lifting the two-term presidential limit. China approves “president for life,” proclaimedWestern media.

But this misinterprets the nature of the development. And the world appears to be overlooking consequential political reforms taking place in China that will impact our collective future for the better.

The presidential term limit has no bearing on how long a top Chinese leader can stay in power and lifting it by no means allows anyone to rule for life. In fact, the position of real power — the general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee — has never had term limits. The most recent draft of China’s constitution, written in 1982, set the presidency as a symbolic head of state, with no actual power. Although the two offices happened to have been occupied by the same person for more than 25 years since Jiang Zemin, the institutional mechanics of the offices are rather separate.

Formally unifying these two positions at the very top will transform the entire Chinese governance structure by institutionally fusing the party and the state. This reform is good for China simply because the party has developed into the most competent national political institution in the world today.

As to the issue of lifetime rule, the party does have institutional mechanisms, both mandatory and customary, that govern officials’ retirement. In fact, the party constitution specifically states that no position has lifetime tenure. This system has been developed over decades and covers the many tiers of the party’s organizational structure, from the Politburo to ministerial and provincial positions. Within this framework, it is possible for Xi to lead the country for longer than his recent predecessors. But not for life.

Age limits have varied over time and differ based on position. The custom for most senior leaders in recent years has been to retire at the age of 68, which is often extended to complete a term. Exceptions have been made for the position of general secretary (one served, successfully, through his late 70’s). But still, it’s always finite.

However, eliminating the presidential term limit is still significant. It is part and parcel of highly consequential and, in my view, constructive political reforms. These reforms were set in motion at the 18th party congress held in 2012 and were a particular focus at the third plenum in 2013. I wrote then that the fusing of party and state would be the most far-reaching political transformation in Chinese governance. The completion of the current constitutional reform is the culmination of that process.

Since the founding of the People’s Republic in 1949, the leadership of the party has been central to China’s political DNA. However, institutionally the system has gone through significant growing pains. At first, China adopted the Soviet system that separated, at least on the institutional level, the party and government. The top organs — the party central committee, the National People’s Congress and the state council were parallel. But in reality, the party led everything. This produced significant conflicts that some have blamed as partially responsible for the disastrous Cultural Revolution.

When former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping began his reforms over 40 years ago, he pushed a policy of administrative separation between party and government. But that was due to the particular circumstances of post-Cultural Revolution China. At the time, many senior leaders who were purged by Mao Zedong were rehabilitated and returned to their previous positions.

The party was just emerging from a period of upheaval, and those officials all came from the era of the centrally planned economy. China needed market economics. Deng’s policy unleashed younger and more forward-looking governing forces to execute the reform agenda. But more importantly, he also focused great energy on rebuilding the party institution.

In the following decades, the party has developed into one of the most elaborate and effective governing institutions in the world and, I would argue, in history. It is responsible for achieving what’s known as the greatest improvement in standard of living for the largest number of people in the shortest amount of time.

The party has now stepped forward to the front and center of Chinese governance. This constitutional reform further enshrines the party’s political centrality by extending the wording of party leadership from the preamble to the body of the constitution. At the governing level, the reform creates a super agency, the National Supervisory Commission, to combat corruption. It is an extension of the party’s Central Disciplinary and Inspection Commission and will further institutionalize the tremendous anti-corruption drive executed by the party commission over the past five years.

It is in this context that the removal of a presidential term limit is so significant. While the party’s leadership has always been politically paramount, the administrative separation of party and government has produced institutional contradictions and confusion. As China increasingly becomes a major power in the world, the office of the president has assumed greater importance, especially in China’s interactions with the rest of the world.

Bringing the presidency’s institutional mechanics in line with the office of party general secretary, and for them to be occupied by the same person, will create a more efficient and coherent governing structure and more transparency and predictability in China’s dealings with the world. It lifts the veil of pretense that, somehow, the party and state governance are not one, which is untrue and wholly unnecessary and counterproductive at this stage of China’s development. It signals the maturing of the Chinese political system that shows the world clearly how decisions are made and who is in charge.

The current Chinese system is a good combination of principle and flexibility. The principle of no lifetime tenure, combined with collective leadership and retirement rules, prevent unchecked rule for life by the wrong person. But a degree of flexibility in the retirement mechanism allows the right leader to govern longer. Xi will retire someday. But as long as he continues to lead successfully, that day will be a long way off.

I dare say that Xi has done more for China in five years than Bill Clinton, George Bush and Barack Obama combined did for the United States in 25 years. On the watches of those three American leaders, with slow and incompetent reforms and major catastrophes such as the Iraq War and the financial crisis, the U.S. managed to squander what was arguably the greatest advantage any nation ever had in history at the end of the Cold War and is now mired in dysfunction and losing its leadership position in the world. Meanwhile, opinion surveys, such as this one by the Harvard Kennedy School, show Xi consistently receiving the highest domestic approval ratings of any world leader.

It would be a mistake to judge that Xi is putting himself above the party and the nation. On the contrary, a major theme of his governing philosophy has been the centrality of the party as an institution. And in today’s China, both society and the party are much more robust and pluralistic than the time when Deng came to power.

The feedback mechanisms and channels available to China’s leaders to effectively respond to the needs of society are much more abundant today. It was popular discontent with pollution that spurred Xi’s administration into action and achieved, in just three years, the extraordinary improvement in air quality that took London and Los Angeles decades to accomplish — and the latter went through major deindustrialization, while China remains a growing industrial power.

Xi is now beginning his second term. No one knows for sure how long he will serve. But with his impressivelife track record, it is understandable that there are genuine sentiments for him to lead China for a long time. Sadly, liberal democracy in its current state seems incapable of producing a leader half as good.

This was produced by The WorldPost, a partnership of theBerggruen Institute and The Washington Post.


I don't really have a problem with this. It's such transparently idiotic propaganda that it needs no refutation.
It's interesting how many commenters writing from what are presumably democratic countries want to silence views such as those of Mr Li and at the same time to lambast the WaPo for giving a platform to people from which to express those sorts of views in the first place. I don't know what the WaPo's chief motivation is in giving Mr Li a voice in this case but the decision to do so is a perfectly acceptable one for any liberal newspaper to take, as far as I'm concerned.

None of this means I agree with the views Mr Li expresses about China's recent constitutional changes. I don't think much of them at all, in fact, not least because some of the most pivotal parts of Mr Li's thesis are in fact merely examples of circular reasoning, e.g. "This reform is good for China simply because the party has developed into the most competent national political institution in the world today". Who says it has? Ah, right, you do. And what yardsticks are you using to measure competence? If allowing meaningful rule of law to operate in the country is one of the yardsticks then I see shameful incompetence.

I said at the beginning how appropriate I felt it was for views such as Mr Li's to be heard in the world's media. Perhaps Mr Li for his part could repay the compliment and persuade his own government to allow unorthodox as well as orthodox political viewpoints to be regularly expressed in China's domestic media; the former are currently conspicuous by their absence. Seeing more of them, or any at all for that matter, in Chinese newspapers, really would be a "good thing". If you're in need of suggestions, how about Xinhua letting Liu Xia write an opinion piece on Charter '08, with the charter itself published alongside? This alone might help Mr Li and many others start to see how "mired in dysfunction", not to mention corruption and injustice, his supposedly "robust and pluralistic" party and society really are.
Literally no one wants to silence Li, so you're either lying or woefully ignorant.
If Xi believes he can eradicate corruptions without press freedom, he is naive.
Turns out that state-sponsored propaganda, aggressive censorship of the media, and crackdowns on dissent all do wonders for a ruling party's stability and popularity. Who knew?

How can WaPo claim that "democracy dies in darkness" while eating up garbage like this?
Because this is the future: No more fake political parties.
Washington Post needs to explain its association with the Berggruen Institute. They work for China you know. When I plunk down my money for a subscription I do not expect to be fed Chinese propaganda served up by the free press and China's paid middlemen.
Was that supposed to make any sense at all?
I think the Post needs to take a close look at whether it is being used as a tool in China's soft power strategy in the US. It's fine to hear the Chinese side but since almost any op-ed or sponsored pages material coming from China is generated or cleared by government authorities, it is not appropriate in a free press. Are you doing this for money? For quid pro quo? In exchange for something you need in China? You need to bend over backward to make sure you are not distributing Chinese gov't propaganda.
WaPo, please stop publishing this kind of propaganda article, which would damage your reputation.
Eric Li is just a another Chinese American who wants to make money during this economic boom in China and enjoys his freedom in the United States. By doing these kind of disgusting speeches and articles, he proved his loyalty to the authoritarian regime of the Communist Party so that his joint adventure with the Chinese elite families can make lots of money through the "guanxi"(connections) of those high ranking party officials.

To learn more, seehttps://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%9D%8E%E4%B8%96%E9%BB%98
(In Chinese)
Right now, Americans are in no position to lecture anyone about "good governance".
Neither is China.
There increasingly more governments welcome China.
There's nothing more abhorrent to us western liberal democrats than a one party system governing in perpetuity.

But I for one, agree whole-heartedly with Mr Li.

There are two truly outstanding world leaders today. Mrs Merkel and Mr Xi. As for the rest...and you know who particular, well, what else can be said!

And as for the state of "democracy" in America - what a joke!

So long as Mr Xi maintains statesmanship, guides China into stability and economic growth, the world is a better place. And this is exactly what he is doing.
And what, the world wants some "unknown" to take his place right now? Kidding right?

And what would we give to have Obama back right now?
For me, I'm throwing in one right arm, two teeth and two grand children.
Berggruen Institute shows up in Communist China's Cyberspace Admin Office's news. It says Communist China works with this institute to influence people overseas and spread Communist China's "positive energy".
This is an open endorsement of dictatorship of 1.4 billion fellow human beings. When people ask why I criticize the Communist China influence at the Washington Post, I will remind them on this column. "Democracy Dies" at the Washington Post.
This is retarded article. Are Chinese this retarded to accept dictatorship. China joins North korea
Yes, they are.
Wait ... what? The axiom "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" has been constantly proven throughout human history. Really, what gives. Is Amazon looking to expand in China?
Right, lifting term limits doesn't matter, the Cultural Revolution occurred because the Communist Party was not sufficiently integrated with the government (!), and Li has the environmental trains running on time.
Next up: Stalin, the Wonder Years.
The NYT already did that series a few months ago.
Call 9-1-1! This article indicates that Eric Li got his tongue stuck up Emperor Xi's derrière! Robert Reich had the same problem way back in 2011 and he still isn't cured.
AmazonWaPo shills for the ChiComs.

Get used to it.
When reading the WaPo, it is always important to remember that the newspaper doesn't intend the slogan "Democracy Dies in Darkness" as a warning, but rather as a Mission Statement.
One Mueller has taken to heart.
So, a paper which has chosen the tagline "Democracy dies in darkness" willingly publishes what is effectively a slavish love letter to a communist authoritarian and sees nothing wrong with it. And you wonder why people think much of the MSM is fake news.
It is good to see what they are thinking over there. We need to know that. China is an ever strengthening dictatorship, and we need to get our seriously screwed up government functioning again to counter it. Thank you, WaPo.
The Bezos Blog (aka Washington Post) posting unadulterated Communist Party propaganda. Wow.
The Washington Post never saw a dictator it didn't love.
That was written as though he knew president Xi was going to read it.
More like Xi expected him to write it.

The ChiComs have been kidnapping people from foreign nations and taking them back for punishment.

So this guy pretty much had to write it I bet.
According to the CIA World Factbook the per capita gross domestic product in China is $16,600. In Taiwan it is $49,888.


The gini index of a country is a measure of economic inequality. The higher the index is, the greater the inequality.

The gini indes for china is 46.5. For the United States it is 45.0. For Taiwan it is 33.6.


With a democratic government Taiwan, has a higher standard of living than China, and a more equitable distribution of wealth and income.

Nevertheless, Taiwan demonstrates what China can become. I expect China to achieve world hegemony by the end of this century, if not sooner. My hope is that by then China will have adopted a democratic government, found a non coercive way to control population growth, and cleaned up pollution.
I expected the argument to be absurd. Imagine my surprise that it was exactly that. WaPo should be ashamed to allow this drivel as if it were reasonable.
Since, at least, 2015 this has been going on in China:

The mass round-up of dissidents, real and imagined, is well underway.

The gruesome parade of “sinners” mouthing carefully crafted self-denunciations is back.

The even harsher treatment of minority groups within the mainland, notably Uyghurs and Tibetans, continues apace.

Overshadowing all this is a mass purge within the party itself under the guise of an anticorruption campaign.

And then there’s the personality cult being fostered around Xi Jinping himself, something no leader since Mao has dared emulate.

Now Xi has fully embraced being Mao 2.0 and WaPo celebrates another dictator for life in an openly totalitarian regime where human life counts for nothing.

Shame. Shame. Shame.
Pure Chinese propaganda. WaPo kowtowing to their future masters, I guess.

How would the Washington Post feel about an editorial praising Donald Trump becoming President-for-life? LOL.
Yes, it's the manifest destiny of the ChiCom Party to unite the peoples of the earth under its benevolent and efficient rule!

Don't even try to fight Destiny!
Benevolent only if you're male. If you're female? Prepare being victim of the Holocaust of little girls that has been running rampant in China and has led to a completely unhealthy demographic, where, in the younger generations, men massively outnumber women, which, in some areas, has pushed sex crime through the roof.
"will transform the entire Chinese governance structure by institutionally fusing the party and the state. This reform is good for China "

No it isn't. What happens when China inevitably gets a Trump type leader?
A Trump type leader?

Xi is factually much worse than Trump. He's a few steps up from Mini Adolf Kim in North Korea.

Xi paints himself as Mao 2.0. That's right, Mao, the world champion of mass murder. Xi is already on the way to rolling out his own version of the festival of murder that was the so called cultural revolution. The purges are already under way.
Xi seems completely rational and measured. He isn't acting impulsively or out of emotion, other than the nationalism and racial superiority. China is having its Manifest Destiny time. I'm not defending Xi, but you can't compare him to Trump.
Good lord, the stupid is strong in this one.

Morons like you is one of many reasons why Trump got elected.... well that plus he was running against the most incompetent, corrupt candidate in the history of our Republic.
Well hate to break it to you, but I didn't vote for Trump.

And other than your insults of me, I have no idea what you are trying to say.
Jesus man. You are defending him...100%.

At long last, sir, have you no decency?
I'm not defending anyone. I'm simply saying he's not an irrational actor.
Glad I saw this article. It gave me a fascinating insight into how the Chinese think. While I disagree with most of the points made, I am happy for the education. So, thank you, WaPo.
You mean happy for the indoctrination.
I too like being offered the opportunity to read/hear/perhaps understand the "other" side. That doesn't mean I agree. Thanks WaPo.
There are always useful idiots out there, willing to throw their fellow humans to the crocodile on they hope that they, themselves, will be eaten last.

Wear your cravenness with pride.
"I dare say that Xi has done more for China in five years than Bill Clinton, George Bush and Barack Obama combined did for the United States in 25 years."

Make that "done more TO China" and I'll gladly agree. As for the rest of this puff piece, I hope Xi and his regime never realize just how inept its defenders are in rationalizing the Chinese Communist Party's horrific record.
It's not fair including Barack Obama in that comparison. He move the United States backward.

If you don't care about freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of religion, and the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, Xi is a great guy.
Based on your last statement, Trump must be a great guy too for many Americans. I would guess those Trump Americans haven't read/studied the Constitution of the United States of America nor understand it.
Amazing! An attempt to justify a dictatorship.
The Left always wants to rule as a dictatorship. They feel it's justified because they have "The Truth."

Or, as our own Dear Leader said, they are "on the right side of history."
Is the author part of or benefiting from the ruling class?
Well, if Xi really wants to fully embrace Mao, then the author of this "piece" would be purged in China.

Educated people was not what Mao wanted in the masses. I doubt Xi wants it either. So the author should be glad he doesn't live in China.
Why is the Post giving this red communist space to spew his twisted view of what the horrors of Red China are.
I hope Americans who find China's system of government repulsive vote out Donald Trump and the Republicans.

Trump is a dictator in diapers and the Republican party is looking for one party rule with its gerrymandering, both electoral and judicial.

Where do you get your #FakeNews?
Oh yeah, probably right here.
Why is the Post publishing this drivel? The Post would never publish a similar piece on Vladimir Putin, though I'm sure there are many people in Russia who would supply one. Does the Post (or Amazon) feel it needs to prove to the powers that be in China that it is being "fair" to China--"being fair" by publishing whatever it is the Chinese government wants to have published? The Post's editorials frequently point out the numerous human rights violations that occur in that state. "Fairness" does not involve the publication of propaganda.
Good thing? If you say so, Mr. X. Li.

Somehow I have a feeling that your children and grandchildren all have British, Swiss or Canadian passports.
Despite of Xi being such a great leader and all this being such a good thing.
Correct me if I am wrong.
The word you’re looking for here is dictatorship. There are benefits stemming from this form of government, especially compared to the messiness of democracy. However, in the U.S. the individual is protected by the government and has “inalienable rights” which the Chinese people do not have. Moreover, the government is accountable to the people. So yes, call out and enjoy those things you appreciate about dictatorship. You can do that in this country because of our First Amendment.
As someone who has worked in Shanghai, breathed its noxious aor, avoided its tap water and reckless electric scooters, and spent hours trying to breach its Great Firewall, it does strike me as more than a little disingenuous for this piece to be littered with references to the 'party'......don't kid yourself, it's the 'Party'--actually it's the 'PARTY'...fasten your seat belts folks, we are in a war, and our only advantage right now is China's arrogant overconfidence......
An emerging view shared by many thoughtful observers.
This “coup” by Xi is a sign of stress in the system. The Communist Party Oligarchs are worried about the growing aspirations of China’s increasingly wealthy and educated Middle Class. It is worried about the growing frustration of millions of lower class individuals finding it increasingly difficult to rise to the middle class as economic growth slows.
The increase in “security” via monitoring of social media, confrontation of police forces with dissident opinion, networks of informers, is reminiscent of the latter stages of Soviet Union repression of dissidents in the Eastern Block.
The difference is that the Soviet Union was broke, but China is not, yet, but it has its economic challenges.
The concern is that Oligarchies when stressed fall back on “National Security Threats” to unify the populace. The educated Chinese have deep memories of Western Imperialism domination in the 18th/19th Centuries and deep pride in their national bootstrap accomplishments since WWll. Thus, an appeal to national security can stir deep anger about the past mistreatment by the West.
These are challenging times for the US/Sino relationship, and the ability of our present Administration to deal with these nuances is questionable.
Very worrisome.
Between the Washington Post, the Economist, and the Guardian, I am seeing some really interesting takes on China and North Korea. America, especially the Right, likes to take a simplistic view of other countries and culture, always assuming that American power is absolute, and American strategy is sound.
That didn’t work well with the Shah of Iran, it didn’t work well with Viet Nam, it isn’t working well in Iraq or Afghanistan.
China has a history over 3500 years compared to USA 250 years. Sun Tzu wrote in 500BC, when Ancient Rome was just getting going.
I would not write off these guys too easily.
Iran was far better off with the Shah than they are with an ayatollah.
You act like Mossadegh would have fared differently against the mullah's. He wouldn't have.
Unification of party and state is an interesting point missed in the Western commentary on this.

However, it is not without precedent, and that a bad one. Germany's worst excesses tried to do that, and so did the Italian Fascist party. There are good reasons to prevent one political party from becoming the state.
You act like the American left thinks dictatorial rule by communists is a BAD thing....
Really!! ?? Dictatorship and censorship is healthy for a nation. Enjoy drinking the Kool-Aid, which by the way is probably using polluted Chinese water
I am sure that the good professor drinks the imported bottled water, just like all the Chinese leadership applauding the greatness their dictator-for-life.

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