
Haitian girl said that American took our riches, Haiti don't nee

(2018-02-04 23:46:12) 下一個

Haitian girl said that American took our riches, Haiti don't need US's help

YouTube: 'We don't need the US. They took our riches': Young Haitian girl hailed a Hero

'We don't need the US. They took our riches': Young Haitian girl hailed a hero after cutting takedown of American relief effort

'They say that Haiti is a place, that every time the US occupied it, they took a piece of our land'
By Lucy Pasha-Robinson @lucypasha Jan 4, 2018 


A Haitian schoolgirl has been hailed the nation's “next President” after footage of her criticising America’s aid legacy attracted an outpouring of praise online.

    Image result for 'We don't need the US. They took our riches': Young Haitian girl hailed a hero after cutting takedown of American relief effort

The child, who has not been identified, told American TV host Conan O’Brien that Haiti did not need the help of America who “took our riches”.

“They say that Haiti is a place, that every time the US occupied it, they took a piece of our land. They took our riches,” she said. 

O’Brien was speaking with a group of schoolchildren as part of his upcoming “Conan Without Borders” TBS special based in Haiti — more than eight years after an earthquake ravaged the Caribbean nation. 

But when he asked the children, “Maybe Americans need to help Haiti put things back, is that right?”, the young girl replied: “No! It’s not true we don’t need the help of the US. They’re going to come here and take our stuff.”

O’Brien promised he would not take anything, but the girl is heard replying: “He’s not going to take our stuff anymore, but he still owes us our land back.”

The TV host hailed the girl as Haiti’s “next President”, adding: “She is not wrong that America in history has not been good to Haiti, but there’s still a chance for America to be better to Haiti.”

Her remarks garnered almost universal praise on social media.

The video was first brought to light on Twitter by user Nerissa Nefeteri, who said: "This little girl is my president."

Nova Artemis responded, saying: "She seems to know more about history and foreign relations than most adults in the US."

Another user, Nabeel Zazaian, said: "She understands the effects of imperialism by the white man. She’s my hero."

The footage was revealed just weeks after Donald Trump reportedly referred to the nation as one of a handful of “s******* countries”.

Several attendees at an Oval Office meeting on immigration earlier in the month said the US President wondered aloud why the country took in immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador, and African countries, asking: “Why are we having all these people from s***hole countries come here?”

The White House did not initially deny the report, but after a bipartisan backlash – in which many accused the President of being racist – Mr Trump fired back, denying the remarks.

“The language used by me at the DACA meeting was tough, but this was not the language used,” he tweeted.


2 minutes ago

It takes a bright little girl to remind Trump that Haiti is NOT a $hi* hole. Trump is a disgrace to his country.

1 hour ago
Ed Zuiderwijk
It's always somebody else who did it. Never it is the incompetence, nepotism and corruption of your own 'leaders'.
Haiti has received hundreds of millions in aid after hurricanes and earth quakes, but nothing to show for it. That's because it sits in unnumbered bank accounts in far away countries.

58 minutes ago
far away countries like UK, US, Cayman islands, Switzerland, enriching the people of those countries. This is done by those countries actively helping the loot be moved there.

44 minutes ago
Where do you think that "hundreds of millions in aid" is today? Western "aid" has been more effective at stealing from the poorest than the bayonet ever was.

1 hour ago


The west – and particularly the US – have a long history of rigging polls, supporting military coups, channeling funds and spreading political propaganda in other countries.


2 hours ago
Prompt Critical
Silly young cow - Haiti has never HAD anything worth having or stealing!

2 hours ago
Har Davids
Read a bit about Haiti's history, you might learn something.

2 hours ago
Repulsive ignorant imbecile ..

2 hours ago
you are indeed

2 hours ago
Just to be clear, without European colonisation, not only would slavery be ubiquitous, no-one would think it were wrong.

3 hours ago
International aid - taxing the poor of the first world and giving the proceeds to the rich of the third world.

12 minutes ago

global citizen
America robbed and pillaged all its colonies and neighboring countries, and then provided token help in return with great publicity via its media proxies. Finally, the Haitians, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans and Filipinos have discovered this fact to their costs. The poor refugees from Diego Garcia chucked out from their home island by the Americans and now living in squalor in various slums abroad is a prime example.

49 minutes ago

Voice of Treason
She would make a great president so put her in now. Her vision, like that of Mugabe would free her people from having to choose different types of food to eat or types of job to do. Love the fact that twitter users sitting there with their flat whites or lattes back her plan to cut aid to her own people. It's a giggle for them but sadly will starve other humans,
42 minutes ago
Mugabe has achieved a considerable amount during his presidency. for example starvation, 95% unemployment, and inflation of 1 million per cent/day. Mugabe has made me a trillionaire. I have 100 trillion Zimbabwe dollars at home, albeit they are completely worthless.
10 minutes ago
Yes and Hitler did wonders for the German economy but look at what he did. But then you wouldn't use him as an example to judge all white people on would you.
You do sound like a Russian
1 hour ago
The West needs to stop foreign aid altogether in any shape or form. We give these people billions a year and they clearly hate us for it. Let them get on with it by themselves; they can trade with each other, help each other out and develop at their own pace......................and we can spend the billions, the technology, the medicines etc on our own poor and elderly. I am tired of being asked for handouts by these people who then turn around and insult us. F... them.
1 hour ago
Haiti has been a basket case since they booted out the French. It was made worse by the Duvaliers Papa Doc and his son Basket head
2 hours ago
Haiti has been in a downward spiral since the rebellion against the French
3 hours ago
Left wing rubbish. Let the third world get the money off there so called leaders. Trillion plus missing a year. Africa a fine example. 
4 hours ago
What has the white man given compared to what he has taken, infinitely less.
3 hours ago
Actually you are not looking at history. Medicines worldwide, mobile phones, computers, democracy, x-rays, TV, Radios, Airplanes, advance engineering, respect of women as equals to name a few.

Lets remember Africa was tribal, much of Asia religious and status based, as was the middle east and all areas which strongly believed in slavery, wars, weapons, witch doctors and violent religions some which still exist today. 

Even today they have violent internal conflicts and some of the highest abuse rates of women in the world. 

Much more than he has taken, sorry but that is a fact.
2 hours ago
Democracy when they supported dictatorships from around the world?
15 minutes ago
So the white man did all these things for none whites instead of himself.
And where did he get much of the raw materials from to build them and did he pay a fair price for them, not. 
Did he return all the lands he took in colonial times back to the people from which they were taken, no. 
Lets remember the white man knew little of Africa before he started colonising it for his own benefit.
But whatever it was like before he left it one hell of a mess.

The Slime
Hahaha your a funny racist, the cure to small pocks alone is worth more than the white man ever took. But they just keeps on giving. yes they were great  Conquerors, but would you honestly want to leave in a world without there achievements!?
2 hours ago
Small picks. Good grief!
26 minutes ago
I love it when the illiterate lecture us. 
15 minutes ago
Like non-whites never had empires, colonies, slave-owners, wars etc.

5 hours ago
True Irish History
No other country has given Haiti more aid than the USA.

4 hours ago
Yeah - exploit their wealth and send them aid . . . think about it.

Remind me what that wealth was.  Vast mineral reserves?  Fertile land?  An educated populace?  
37 minutes ago
There is no wealth! Can't you work that out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
2 hours ago
And no country has overturned democratic decisions by the people of Haiti than the US.
38 minutes ago
Why let the truth get in the way of a good story!
5 hours ago
Another user, Nabeel Zazaian, said: "She understands the effects of imperialism by the white man. She’s my hero."

Yet like most countries in the developing world they all want to move to the west and they all want to demand the west changes it culture to meet their personal culture rather than become part of the western country they move to. They also want us to rip down historical monuments but are happy to take money from the same foundations for education and development.

How is their attitude any different. They want to take it is a human attribute. 

Someone once told his students to write down all the good things humans have done for the world. Truth is there inst anything as its not in our nature.
6 hours ago
Yep the white man brought medicine, technology, education, infrastructure, institution a legal system.. in fact pretty much every the world has today. Of course no one wants to admit it, because everyone likes to pretend that the white man was bad and every other culture doesn't have a history of war, enslavement, conquest, masscre and were living in total harmony.

In fact the current inhabitants displaced the original inhabitants of the Island around 600AD. Haiti has been independent since 1804 bar a small 19 year occupation by the US (because Haiti was indebted to American banks) when the Americans arrived there was about 3 miles of usable roads three years later about 470 miles of usable roads.  Of course in the 200 years the Haitians have been independent from the Spanish/French they have basically squabbled, fought, killed each other, had corrupt dictatorships, military coups... nothing of which has anything to do with white imperialism. Nor exactly does it make any sense to say American still owes you for land as it doesn't have any. However whenever trouble flares up Haitians emigrate to American.

Moronic article in an increasingly moronic digital rag.
6 hours ago
aaahhh, the white man's burden...
6 hours ago
It's not my burden pal it's just delusions and lies that don't help those that believe it.  Haiti's problems are of it's own making coupled with being in a place prone to natural disasters and nothing to do with White Imperialism. 

Facing up to the truth though is a lot harder than being able to blame "the white man". It's an responsibility get out of jail free card.

6 hours ago
You might want to remember the massive debt that Haitians were forced to pay to France post-independence:

"But the independent republic of Haiti that eventually emerged in 1804 was never an equal among the brotherhood of Western nations. To the north, the United States, a nation of slaveowners, regarded Haiti, a nation of free blacks, with unvarnished horror and boycotted its merchants.
Meanwhile, France, the spurned former colonial ruler, fumed at its losses. In 1825, with a French flotilla threatening invasion, Haiti was compelled to pay a king's ransom of 150 million gold francs — estimated to be ten times the country's annual revenues — in indemnities to compensate French settlers and slaveowners for their lost plantations. The sum would be later reduced to 90 million gold francs, but that was little consolation: Haiti, in effect, was forced to pay reparations for its freedom."
5 hours ago
Happened worldwide and at that time was how the world works. 

Even today countries occupy land by force which does not belong to them ask Mr Putin. 

Just different methods at different times in history and demanding people apologize for things that happen hundreds of years ago is pathetic.

Demanding apologize for things in living memory does make sense.
4 hours ago
Thinkandthough - why don't you actually do some thinking?

To whom did Crimea belong when we fought the Crimean war 165 years ago?

Nikita Khrushchev, a Ukrainian, "gave" Crimea to the Ukraine when he was Soviet leader.  The people of Crimea voted to return to Mother Russia and did so.

Respecting the outcome of a democratic referendum - that would be a novelty for our Remoaner elite.
4 hours ago
i use to read about  Papa Doc  the leader  he was a bad ass,,,
4 hours ago
Spot on
4 hours ago
Watch  Leyla Mccalla  a folk  singer  from haiti  on yutube..jus saying
8 hours ago
The biggest robbers of Haitian wealth were the home grown Papa Doc Duvallier brood aided by the notorious Ton ton Macoute.
4 hours ago
oh tks i  was  trying to remember that bad ass crowd.  but the most beautiful folk singer from there and is on youtube  by the name LALYA MCCALLA..Hope u look..
21 minutes ago
global citizen
Yep...two of the biggest American and French proxies that helped robbed Haiti of its wealth which was then forwarded to their sponsors.
8 hours ago
Another stupid click bait article.

At least explain how the USA 'took advantage' of Haiti..

Haiti actually had a racist purge of its own, killing white people.
7 hours ago
People 'down ticking' my comment but not one challenging what I said. Pitiful.
9 hours ago
PLEASE DONATE more to Haitian relief charity, it already paid for Chelsea Clinton's $3 million Wedding and her lifestyle for the last 10 years.. Please give generously!!
8 hours ago
Your attack on the Clintons shows ignorance, and  Unlike the orange crook in the WH, the Clintons pay taxes, and RELEASE THEIR TAX RETURNS EVERY YEAR.
They had plenty of their hard earned money to pay for their daughters wedding:

"Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and former President Bill Clinton released tax data Friday showing they earned $109 million over the last eight years, an ascent into the uppermost tier of American taxpayers that seemed unimaginable in 2001, when they left the White House with little money and facing millions in legal bills.

The bulk of their wealth has come from speaking and book-writing, which together account for almost $92 million, including a $15 million advance — larger than previously thought — from Mr. Clinton’s 2004 autobiography, “My Life.” The former president’s vigorous lecture schedule, where his speeches command upwards of $250,000, brought in almost $52 million."

You must change your source of information.

7 hours ago
It is alleged that the Clinton Foundation stole the money, and that the foundation paid for the wedding. 
7 hours ago
Rusty, spreading conspiracy theories again, with no credible source.  
6 hours ago
Too bad the guy that was going to court to testify against the Clintons Hati corruption ended up ?b?e?i?n?g? ?m?u?r?d?e?r?e?d? committing suicide same week as the trial .........
6 hours ago
Kamzar6 muslim./

5 hours ago
True Irish History
The Clinton's may have paid their taxes but broke a lot more rules than they kept - that is for sure!
4 hours ago
u got a lot of  dn thumbs..as u say  she showed her taxs..

9 hours ago
What a typical news story of our current era.  The distant past, always front and center.  And a child who has no clue about the nearly BILLION in U.S. taxpayer dollars that have been GIVEN to Haiti just since the 2010 earthquake ALONE... becomes a hero to a Twitter always ready to light the torches against whitey.   

So make her President, pull all international aid, put up a gofundme and let's see how Haiti does run by Twitter historians, the "Anti-Imperialism" movement of the 21st century and with a rotating roster of #blacklivesmatter volunteers as vice president.

What Twitter always seem to forget is that for every inspirational child savant who can be turned into a retweet-able video meme, there are a hundred children who are literally starving or dying of disease... and who WILL die without that "Imperialist" aid that Twitter so scorns and mocks (as they sip their lattes in London, New York and Paris.)  

But hey - that's the power of social media, right?
8 hours ago
Hang on, you've forgotten the $500 Million donated by the generous philanthropic American public to the American Red Cross - Who have, of course, pocketed the money for themselves! LOL! 
That little girl was spot on!
6 hours ago
you really have no idea what lethal price USAID extracts from locals every time it "grants aid", do you? keep living the American Illusion, you're truly on the way out.
5 hours ago
well, tell us then, don't just mouth unverifiable words
9 hours ago
Trump and his hyper-prejudiced allies cannot stop the truth, it won’t go away, whatever the short-term benefits of his horrible attitudes. This child says it for what it is. She says what the history books will say after the bloviating dies away. 
8 hours ago
Voice of Treason
Yep stop the aid now! We are with you!
6 hours ago
You are a bit of a puzzle. Is your native language English. The grammar in your reply is incorrect. Maybe Russian, a fellow traveler. I don’t know.
4 hours ago
Robson - are you a native English speaker?  If yes, why don't you know how to spell traveller?
3 hours ago
HarryGnome  Hate to break your insular bubble, but in American English - you know, the version that is spoken and written throughout most of the world - it is "traveler".  
9 hours ago
“The language used by me at the DACA meeting was tough, but this was not the language used,”
Ah bull shYt it wasn't!
9 hours ago
Smart girl. We need more fearless young women like her in this world (and like Ahed Tamimi).

The history of Haiti is one of incredible courage and tenacity against shameless exploitation and vindictive treatment, first by France and now the US and Canada. The so called Clinton Foundation's alleged 'humanitarian investments' are behind a lot of the current thievery, to which this girl is no doubt referring.
8 hours ago
Enlighten us? Don't miss out the racist cleansing of white people.
5 hours ago
how much did Russia give -- nothing!
5 hours ago
I keep seeing words of exploitation and vindictive treatment and theft of land but have not seen any fact about how this country was ripped off. Or evidence to back it up. 

Look forward to becoming more knowledgeable without having to search the net for a change.
10 hours ago
yup blame the "white man" worked wonders for development so far.
9 hours ago
nothing she said isn't true. Try a little factual history.  
8 hours ago
Outline how it is true?

Don't miss out to racist cleansing of white people, that Haiti went through.
8 hours ago
Voice of Treason
Can you point out the land the Americans have taken? What will you do to fill the gap that the US not giving aid will leave?
8 hours ago
The "white man" has been responsible for many of the ills in the world.
7 hours ago
Let's play a game. You name the ills and benefits of the 'white man' and we'll do you same for all other skin colours.

Not sure 'whitey' will come out worst in this pros and cons game.
5 hours ago
Arabs did the most, regarding slavery
10 hours ago
On War, by U.S General Smedley Butler (1933)
I spent thirty-three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country's most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.
I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all the members of the military profession, I never had a thought of my own until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service.
I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.
During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.
11 hours ago
If it weren't for the kids speaking French the scene could have been from any American inner-city ghetto.
11 hours ago
And, so what?
11 hours ago
Pavel Gromnic
Whenever I read about the piling up of wealth which so many pursue, I remember the story "How much land does a man need".  You get it all but you lose everything. That's what the Russians and the Americans are doing. It's very
depressing to consider what they have lost and how difficult their pursuit makes it for the great majority. It's a cancer on the world.
11 hours ago
Primary school children being educated to perpetuate such hissy contempt and indignance towards the 'man' probably accounts for Haiti's excellent humans rights record, robust economy and general good vibes.
11 hours ago
Translated as: 

"How dare they speak out and acknowledge what is happening to their country. They should know their place."

Am i right Mr Numbnuts??

10 hours ago
MSM lies
Anyone who's spent more than 5 mins in Haiti would empathise with Trump's description. What a dump.
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10 hours ago
but why though?

11 hours ago
Maybe it's high time America gave Hawaii back to its indigenous people also? And, the UK could follow suite with Diego Garcia. 
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11 hours ago
EU Being Serious?
And the EU with the UK. 
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11 hours ago

10 hours ago
hahaha hahaha keep on blaming the EU...

10 hours ago
EU Being Serious?
I haven't blamed them for anything. I congratulate them on how the empire was formed without having to kill many people. 

11 hours ago
EU Being Serious?
What must've been said to that little girl in order for her to look at a white man that she has never met before and say that he has taken land from her.

What must've also been said to the people who found it funny. 

12 hours ago
The us a thriving country who would know look at Iraqi.

12 hours ago
The Slime
So  Haiti doesn't need our hand outs anymore then?? Ungrateful swine!!! This is why you should only send aid to allied country's! 
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12 hours ago
Well, you certainly have the right user name, but why don't you learn some history, it might prevent you sounding so laughably ignorant.
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11 hours ago
Agreed and well said. Couldn't have put it better myself. 

12 hours ago

12 hours ago
They probably have a better grasp of written English than you do. Ignorant swine!

9 hours ago
Listen Slime. Your fellow capitalist slimeballs are extracting all the minerals and metals out of Haiti and their super-exploited workers are making all the cheap clothing for the USA, Matalan, Primark et el. Then like the slave masters of old you toss them some crumbs from the white man's table and expect them to be grateful?

May you meet the ghosts of Toussaint and Dessalines on your way back home some dark night soon.

12 hours ago
How about when the poor poor Haitian slaughtered all the whites in 1804? Their own stupidity, violence and lazyness is the reason why their island is, and will always be a sh*thole.
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12 hours ago
Al Loomis
that is the usual action of slaves who have rebelled and won their freedom. the whites deserved it.
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12 hours ago
There is nothing in this world quite as sick and perverted as the self hating white left.

11 hours ago
Richard Brady

12 hours ago
They didn't kill all white people, just slave owners who wouldn't allow them to be free and the foreign European armies who went to enslave them once more. In fact they were inspired by the ideals of the French Revolution and wished to work with those like the Girondists to create a society free of oppression. But tell me, are you just ignorant of history or a plain old idiot racist?
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9 hours ago
The Haitian revolutionaries worked with the Jacobins actually. In the end the remaining whites were massacred, by order of Dessalines. It may have been 'cruel', but given what they'd been through during the British, Spanish and especially Napoleon's genocidal campaigns (all well documented for committing unspeakable barbarities), it was the only way to prevent some white colonial power from trying to re-enslave the population.

11 hours ago
Ignorant ja****s.  If you'd been chained up to work 12 hour days for guys who whipped you regularly, fed you s**t, ra*ed your women and took your kids away, I think you'd want to dispose of them, painfully.  I know I would. Do you really have a problem with that?  Are you also aware that after the Americans invaded Haiti, uninvited, in the early 20th century, they left in the mid 1940s, but insisted that Haiti pay them for all the infrastructure they built.  To pay them the Haitians had to cut down most of their forests.  The American impact on Haiti has been even worse than its impact on Iraq and for no good reason.  Did Haiti EVER present a threat to the US?  People like you need to use the brain that God gave you to check the facts and consult your conscience before you write such cr*p.

11 hours ago
You mean the Colonists?

13 hours ago
In thought it was Papa Doc and Baby Doc Duvalier that took Haiti's s "riches".
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13 hours ago
Mac Foon
Supported all the way by the US.
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11 hours ago
Indeed, the US were happily supporting those gangsters who stole everything they could from their people while attacking the Cubans who were building schools and hospitals instead.

12 hours ago
Al Loomis
the usa marine corp got there first, and looted the place on behalf of american banks.

13 hours ago
Haiti has been a penniless sh**hole since 1 January 1804.
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13 hours ago
Can you name a single "penniless sh**hole" that wasn't made that way because it wasn't pillaged by a more powerful country?
I would point out that in America the extermination of the indigenous people continues apace, something you will no doubt be proud of.
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13 hours ago
The "extermination of the indigenous peoples"

I think you need to get a grip

11 hours ago
Bob Cratchit
Ireland. I mean not a "penniless sh**hole" but a country which has survived its colonialisation and prospered to a degree.

13 hours ago
Harry N
First of all, I take my hat off to a little girl who has more courage than Ryan and Pence and all the hypocite WH staffers, for standing up to Trump.

Second, if you look at the US debt overall, it is one of the poorest countries on Earth (so by Trump's definition a s******* in its own right). It's only because the US can conjure up the sort of government-backed guarantees as security against its borrowings. That is how Trump presumes to be wealthy - living on borrowed money is not smart or a sign of success. Given enough crafty lawyers and money launderers anyone could be s*** wealthy.
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12 hours ago
Alot of Nasty Yankees on the comment section here.

11 hours ago
@Robert .. More amusing is all the moralising coming from the pious British, who's very country was built upon theft, exploitation and murder. 

10 hours ago
MSM lies
Spot on Rusty. None of the virtue signallers here, would donate even a penny of their dole payments if they had to spend a day there.

13 hours ago
Viva La Vida
The language Trump used in the DACA meeting was not tough but crap as usual and full of vulgarity; he seems not to be capable of mastering diplomacy and impartiality. He has the me, me, me first mentality which is equal to first month enfant's attitude, which is OK for a baby but obviously not for a grown up person who is the president of the US. the country has become a laughing stock because of him.  i guess it deserves its curent president.

13 hours ago
"Clinton cash documentary"

tells you all you need to know...
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13 hours ago
Wait until the Mueller investigation is over and we find out about all the money laundering and collusion with the Russians that Chump and his family are even now still involved in.

Can't wait to watch a Swat team frog march him and his brood handcuffed out of the White House. Lol!

13 hours ago
Steve Davidson
Eff off, troll. 
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11 hours ago
Sounds plausible to me.

13 hours ago
Great, now we just need an article to go with your comment!

12 hours ago
Harry N
Not relevant to the current disaster and spectre caused by Trump and his Redumblingans.

13 hours ago
The most interesting thing is that he had no answer for her. Just trying to make her sound like a precocious child instead.

14 hours ago
Mike the American
This young lady's time would be better spent exploring the $100 Billion dollars donated to the Clinton Foundation for Haiti that disappeared. Far, far more than the US government gives. When I first read about it, I thought that the $100 Billion figure must be some exaggeration. After further reading, I found out that it is quite true. How much went into Hillary's failed campaign? How much just got stolen? I don't know, but I do know that $100 Billion would be enough to lift up Haiti considerably. The money was donated by kind Americans hoping to improve the lives of Haitians. The Clintons need to be held accountable. Finally. 
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14 hours ago
 $100 billion?  Bollox!  A tip. If you're going to try and discredit someone don't overegg the custard.
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13 hours ago
Egbut Nobacon
Raptor......I believe it's called fake news.

13 hours ago
Bollox I said and bollox I mean.

14 hours ago
I read about this too. The Clinton’s, for whom I have the very lowest opinion, did not steal the fund. There was too much public scrutiny for that. But they gave less than 10% to Haiti, so in this respect, they did rob the Haitians. The rest went to other UN aid programs. I think it was a combination of incompetence and indifference. Having grabbed the kudos, they couldn’t care less about doing a good job. Typical Clintons!
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13 hours ago
Egbut Nobacon
Only the Russians obsess with someone who has long been lost in the rear view mirror. She's history... Why not talk about Putin's billions on  Russian salary.

11 hours ago
That sounds like a pretty good summary.  More that 90% went to non Haitian organisations, like the UN and the US Army.  Her indifference to outcomes and the shovelling of large sums out the door, because it would have meant real work to get involved at the grass roots, seems to be the reason why the Clintons aren't welcome in Cite Soleil.  

13 hours ago
Such an assertion really needs something in the way of corroboration.

13 hours ago
Is there no limit to human gullibility? 100 Billion? Crazy. Plus, like everything else the Clintons have been involved in, their foundation has been investigated exhaustively, and found to be well-run and honest. Maybe if all the money spent by the GOP investigating the Clintons over the past 25 years or so was donated to Haiti instead it might help. But then again, the USA gives away nothing without expecting a lot more in return, with the possible exception of Israel.

9 hours ago
Did you miss Jeff Sessions' evidence to the Committee that there was no evidence against Clinton? Not even enough to start an investigation? Despite prodding from the Republicans? Is Jeff Sessions a secret Clinton mole?


14 hours ago
Well she certainly seems to have a finger on the populist tribal nationalism of current politics. "We don't need to work together, our neighbours are our enemies". Isn't sending aid at least doing something even if it doesn't make up for historical abuse of the country? And then O’Brien seems to suggest she try to become POTUS despite knowing that she is ineligible. 

Seems to me like she's just parroting stuff she hears at home and is now being used as a poster girl by those who have resentful views. 
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13 hours ago
Of course you are right, except that O’Brien suggested she be president of Haiti, not the US. Almost as patronizing, but not quite. US indifference and hostility to Haiti is quite a unique thing. The US hate the Cubans too, but have always reserved a special antipathy towards Haiti. Even in the dark days when they were supporting the murderous dictator Duvalier, they would not accept Haitian refugees and had a policy of deported them back. The US deposed Aristide, the democratically elected president and for decades exploited the haitians ruthlessly. Paul Farmer, in his excellent history of Haiti, even argues that the US brought AIDS to the island, not as a plan, you understand, but certainly AIDS was used as a means of discriminating against Haitians. The US also invaded Haiti in 1915 and stayed twenty years, committing atrocities that are certainly not talked about in US school rooms, but perhaps the little girl heard her parents reminiscing about the good old days.
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13 hours ago
Egbut Nobacon
A bit of revisionist history going on here. It is perplexing that Russians will discuss the USA's shortcomings but not their own...lets start with the Katyn Forest. 

13 hours ago
Were I russian, I would be just as entitled to discuss, not just the shortcomings, but the crimes of the US. You see, it’s not who says a thing that is important. It is the accuracy of what is said. Since you say my history is revisionist, I invite you to find an error in it. Good attemp at shifting the focus to the Katyn Forest, irrelevent for this article, however, but another mark of a person without integrity.

12 hours ago
"She want's to be president of the United States of America!" "OK ask her if she can start doing it now"

13 hours ago
Steve Davidson
Out of the mouths of children and drunkards comes the truth. And then we get to a troll like you. And your utter bullshît. 

14 hours ago
At last, maybe the truth will get through to the American public who are largely ignorant of corporate America’s exploitation of countries in the americas such Haiti and Cuba to name but two, achieved by the us government installing compliant dictatorships. All in the name of keeping out communism. And trump has the gall to describe these countries as s**th***s, but is too thick to understand the reasons why they are impoverished. 

14 hours ago
In which case, perhaps America should cancel any aid both now and in the future, is seems that the aid is offensive.
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14 hours ago
Nigel. See above and research some history yourself to understand why aid is needed in the first place. Start with papa doc and how and why America kept him in power. The little girl is right to distrust America. 
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13 hours ago
I believe Haiti should run itself without the help from anyone, nobody should interfere. I support the comments of the little girl. Likewise the UK should not be sending any of our money abroad, it should go the homeless and NHS in this country. I

14 hours ago
Nigel, honey, do you not realise that when the US government sends aid, it also imposes upon the people they are sent to help? Sending aid to impoverished areas should not require something in return. The UK & the US both have long histories of imperialism, attempting to change societies in order to make them into their own image.
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13 hours ago
I was not born at that time, I am not responsible, however, I do not want our money sent abroad in aid. Haiti can create all of its wealth by itself, without the USA and the UK interfering in any way, shape or form, including financial help.

14 hours ago
A little girl who speaks more sense than Trump ever has.
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13 hours ago
nothing to do with Trump, watch the Clinton cash documentary. 
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13 hours ago
Steve Davidson
Like I said. Eff off, troll. 

More about: Haiti shithole countries Donald Trump haiti earthquake

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