San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi has defended the release of Sanchez from jail and the city's law requiring it to ignore ICE detainer requests. The sheriff said ICE could have obtained a warrant or court order to keep Sanchez in custody.
“”ICE knew where he was,' Mirkarimi said Monday. He said he will continue to ignore ICE detainer requests and that federal officials can easily obtain court orders to keep deportation suspects in custody.
比如這“危險的非法移民”,如果不巧被你關在屋裏了,難道ICE也可以要求你把他detain 24 hours?大概不會,因為大家都知道你沒這義務。ICE明明可以通過法律途徑做到他們要做的,但就是不做,卻指望本地警察替他們擔責任,盡義務?
我完全支持ICE去抓人遣返人或者ICE去要求法院給court order扣人。ICE自己不做,怪別人不幫忙?您幹脆怪老百姓沒幫您形成居委會情報網好不好?