


(2014-01-05 21:19:03) 下一個

電台裏聽來的問題:“How does Santa manage to send gifts to all the kids in one night?” 糖豆很肯定地說:“Because Santa has MAGIC (這沒啥稀奇的)! He can behave like (Quantum)Particles! He can be everywhere at the same time。Just like Bohr found out!” 關於“How do Reindeers fly?”糖豆咯咯笑:“No!They can't fly!That‘s just fable!Santa uses Quantum Entanglement to teletransport!” 糖豆還給自己的“理論”找了些依據。他聖誕夜興奮地有些睡不著!whisper著對我說:“You know why kids have to sleep when Santa comes over?”我也whisper: “why?”他開心地說:“Because he can't let you see him!Just like electrons can be everywhere until you measure them!If you measured it,you changed it and fixed it!Santa can't be fixed in one house。 He has to go everywhere tonight!” 我想想他說的,好像蠻有道理的嘛。(別砸哈!對於非理科生的糖豆媽來說,糖豆這兩把刷子夠科幻小說級別的了!)

發散性思維!Everything is possible!糖豆敢想敢說。

1. 一貫的,糖豆不願意和Mall裏的Santa合影。他說: "He is just a hired helper!"
2. 今年,糖豆問:“Who is Santa!Really?” 我隻知道Saint Nicolas生前樂善好施,被封了Saint。糖豆pause幾秒鍾後感慨道:“Santa now sees Aurora (北極光)every night!He must be happy all the time! If I could see Aurora every night,I would want to share my happiness (Gifts) with all other kids too!” 
3. 今年,糖豆問:“What is Christmas!Really?”我答:“Jesus’ birthday!”糖豆大驚呼:“What??Then it has nothing to do with Santa!”  (是不是有點兒‘憤青’的苗子啊!)
4. 今年,糖豆很想“表現”好。給Santa寫信時,據稱他還和Santa嘮家常,按他的話說:“I just write something like ‘we had the first snow’ that sort of things!”問他為什麽,他答:“Because Santa has feelings too! He might want to chat with people。But most of them just want to get gifts from him!”(最大優點兒就在這裏了:心好嘴甜)
5. 聖誕夜,糖豆想飛去North Pole:“It is JUST 4000 miles!”我問:“You want to see Santa?”他搖頭笑:“No!Santa won't be there!I want to give Santa a surprise when he returns!A gift for him!” (糖豆媽看到“前途一篇光明”,糖豆貌似知道“感恩”。)
6. 糖豆問Santa要的兩個禮物是:Hexbugs(不要set,隻要bug)和 Perplexus Twist (隻差這一個球了。他玩這成精,居然總結了不少‘深奧’物理出來。有空來818!)禮物到手後,小人發現:“made in China”和“Made in USA”字樣。先問:“Elfs hand make toys?”我不點頭也不搖頭!他說:“Santa must have ordered from those toy factories!Since the factories already have what I want, no point to ask Elfs to make by hand again!”我鬆口氣!
7. 糖豆問爸媽要的禮物居然是(我太佩服他了):“All the music composed by Mozart and Beethoven!”還有Costco看見的那本超大超厚的Art Museum Collection!當時糖豆為他的鋼琴老師選了這做禮物。(反響很好,老師激動地給我個hug,說是在歐洲學音樂的同時也學的art!難怪他們師徒倆那麽投緣呢!)

對了,小子不相信Santa真知道每個孩子表現好壞。“Santa is not a stalker!” 他認為都是家長去“打小報告”的!他覺得不能問Santa要得太多,顯得greedy就不好了。(反正爹媽還要給聖誕禮物呢。。。)糖豆灰常同情Christmas生日的小朋友,他問我認識幾個?然後說:“Their parents might not buy birthday gifts for them because they think ‘the kid can get gift from Santa anyway on that day’!”

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