


(2014-02-11 08:20:39) 下一個

三個月前,K班第一次家會,校突然出(我不知情,是班主任安排的)。狠狠地糖豆爹娘打了針雞!至於如何表咱家糖豆同學的?此省略80…… 最後握手道候,校道:“Who knows, he may be the one solving the mystery of 'Dark Matter'!"  我?也有心靈感哈,咋知道糖豆前一天才Dark Matter”speech呢!


那是去年11月份的一天, 第一次糖豆提起Dark Energy,他非常淡定地回答“And there is something called Dark Matter我就好奇了。糖豆媽我自己才的盲。他從哪裏得來的消息?!就聽糖豆繼續說 “You can find them because light going near them will bend!”   “Otherwise, the light will travel in the straight line if there is nothing there!”  糖豆是從Particle Zoo(一個iPad App)裏看來的:“I know that when I was 4小朋友的確有好性。前一子當我read book,象發現新大般地告他:“Wow There are six different kind of Quarks起笑“Yeah!  Up, down, bottom, top, charming and strange Quarks”! 他可是有將近一年沒有去玩app了哈!


於好奇,當天晚上我是去搜出了app。找到了那個“Dark Matter”。看介非常短,隻寫了這東東neither emits light; nor absorbs light”哪裏就提到Light bends when near it YouTubeclip裏的確是個意思)。趁著小豬泡澡高興呢,我似乎灰常不經意地問他:“how do you know ‘light can bend around Dark Matter’他嘻嘻哈哈地,但簡單明了地解釋道: “Matter has mass.  Mass has gravity.  Gravity makes light bend.”


兩天之後,從學校將糖豆接回家的路上,他突感想 " THEY say ‘Dark Matter’ and ‘Dark Energy’ are two different things.  But I think they're the same!"  5娃居然科學家的繼續"They Dark Energy and Dark Mattermight be the same stuff doing opposite things.  The ‘(Dark) Matter’ pulls the matters together, the ‘(Dark) Energy is pushing space (no matter) apart!"  糖豆爸此的價是無知者無畏啊!  ,我在廚房一晚餐,一iMac “The Dark Universe” 盲片。突然聽到一句 "some theory puts these two together, called 'Dark Fluid'."  哈!不管人科學家的是否和我家K娃一個概念。先將糖豆爸來洗,然後暴打一個毛栗子!叫你糖豆無知



去年夏天,糖豆問為什麽水是H2O, not O2H。當時我這個理科盲和他繞啊繞的,搞得一頭霧水。(http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/62002/201309/2760.html)由此,糖豆再次pick up了化學元素表。他這次主要是想學electron shell。第一次看見diagram,他小手指著electron cloud說道:“Oh!  This (electron) has magnetic energy!” 候,他沒有接觸EM呢。天得他從哪裏聽來的!


聽了“Quantum Leap”,小子不學好,哈哈大笑道:“Electron pooped out Photon, like lost energy, so electron goes down a shell level.  But when electron eat a Photon, it gains energy, so it goes up a shell level!”  (是的,糖豆同學還處馬東西都和PoopPeepee扯上關係的tender age。)


當我告Photons don’t have mass, they are not considered as matters.”,他的第一反是:“Then how about x-ray?” 小同學還沒有學ElectronMagnetic Spectrum 的知識呢 咋就將visibleinvisiblelight歸類了呢。他怎麽想出這個問題的,他聳聳肩:“It just popped into my brain


一周後,終於讓糖豆看了EM的掃盲片。裏麵提及了Frequencywavelength等等,正好和他自學的Trig function中的graphing關聯起來。當時一看見最簡單的那種sine function’s graphamplitude, frequencyphase的關係。小朋友立馬說increasing frequency will affect the period—— It decreases the period.” 然後“The higher the frequency, the more dangerous that EM wave is!  Such as Gamma Ray.” 在真的知道了什麽理物理學家必要有好的數學功底,或必要有一個數學超的老婆(看Einstein有感!嗬嗬嗬)


是去年底的候。我他:哪個 particle responsible for the Electromagnetic Force?”  也沒抬:“Electron”!但,上,他將注意力從iPad上移開了,燦爛的笑,眼睛亮亮地正自己:“Oh!  Not electron!  It is photon!”  得啊!我從物理5前才批來的知啊,原本想抖一抖的…… 不久,提起CERN發現Higgs Boson 我問他知不知道什麽是Higgs Boson,他樂:“Yeah!  That Boson is giving Higgs Field!”  說實話,我真想知道他是如何搞清楚 “Field” “Particles”“force”的關係的。


昨晚,糖豆在看“Who was Einstein”。裏麵提起EinsteinTeen候就表了第一篇學術論文:推翻了Scientists認為Space裏有Ether的理Einstein認為“Empty Space is Empty”。他我:“Is that true我真不敢瞎,隻能是個unknown吧。Einstein也有那個代的limitationtechnology一直在展的……”沒等我完呢,他笑著“YeahOtherwise it would be ‘Einstein Boson’ Not ‘Higgs Boson’了!Higgs Boson可能fillSpace,它的FieldMatters Mass。)至於Mass Weight的關係,糖豆同學在“小候”已搞得很清楚了。




















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