糖豆同學刻苦學琴。可能感動了老師,同意讓他混在一群將要出去參加全國比賽的牛娃堆裏,在暑假裏繼續上課。並且讓他去“家裏”上課,說是“I want him to play on STEINWAY!” 嗬嗬嗬,那待遇,我是認為很優厚了。問題是:老師這麽一搞,把小人的“胃口”吊起來了!
一天早上,小糖豆剛睜開眼睛。迷糊著問,“where is my NEW PIANO?” 我 !他繼續,“my new GRAND PIANO!”我還是,不得不徹底推醒他:“做夢吧!”
之後,他會很不經意地談起些鋼琴的區別。但懂事的他並沒有提出買新鋼琴的話。有天睡前聊天,被問及他到底聽得出家裏鋼琴和老師鋼琴的區別時,他認真地點頭。而且具體解釋道:“My piano keys at the tremble side that is 'light', the rest are 'dark'; but teacher's piano is opposite: the base part is 'light' but the tremble side is 'dark'. But the 'light' and 'dark' has different meanings!"
我是第一次聽到這種說法,懷疑之下,問他到底想說什麽。他深思了一會兒說道:“teacher‘s high notes has ’more‘ to it。Just like you put more chocolate powder in my milk!It is dark and more chocolaty! But my piano is like you only put a little bit of chocolate powder in my milk。 So it is light and doesn't taste that much chocolate!”(老師的STEINWAY高音區就像是放了很多巧克力粉在我的牛奶裏,顏色dark,味道濃。但我們自己的(雅馬哈立式)鋼琴高音區就象牛奶裏少放了巧克力粉,顏色light,味道淡。)我覺得他解釋得挺象回兒事兒的。
在問及低音區的區別。糖豆這次“長考”,含糊其辭地說:“my piano is ’dark‘ as if at night can't see clearly。 But teacher’s piano is ‘light’ as if it is in daylight, everything is still clear!”(我的琴的低音區好像在dark的晚上,什麽都看不清楚了。但老師的琴低音區好像還在有(light)光的白天,很清楚)。
我摟他入懷,問他:“那你的心告訴你什麽?”他答:“Both are good ENOUGH for my heart!They both make me happy!”。。。。。。。。。。“BUT,My EAR likes STEINWAY better。”(我的心不在意是哪個鋼琴,彈琴就讓我高興。不過,我的耳朵更喜歡STEINWAY而已!)