
TNEGI//ETNI (熱門博主)
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我國最早的國慶閱兵是中華民國國慶閱兵,19111010日辛亥革命爆發,推翻了清朝政府,建立了中華民國,1010日便成為國慶日,每年都要組織慶祝活動。19121010日上午,北平舉行了閱兵儀式,袁世凱派段祺瑞進行了閱兵,袁世凱穿著軍服就登上了檢閱台,曆時一個多小時。後來19131914年也都舉行了閱兵。1915年袁世凱忙於複辟,因此沒有閱兵,1916年恢複閱兵。            (引用截止於此)

美國在其獨立日、老兵日以及總統就職典禮日都會有軍事力量的代表參與紀念或慶典遊行,但這類遊行都不是嚴格意義上的閱兵,因為通常都會包含民間團體參與其中。很難在美國看到像俄羅斯和中國那樣的閱兵式。生活在首都華盛頓一帶的我有幸觀摩過兩次獨立日遊行和小布什總統的第二任就職慶典儀式,其中的美軍方陣都是隊形不整自由散漫地走過大街,即使有武器展示,也都是些身著18-19世紀古軍裝的軍人操持著老式火槍和火炮。武器雖然落後,但對於看慣了現代兵器的人來說,還是很難得的養眼機會。另一次在美國親臨軍事力量的遊行是2005年秋在馬裏蘭州的首府Annapolis小鎮上看到的Navy Academy的海軍學員們身著便裝列隊上街,但無人手中持有武器。當隊伍走上大街上時,學員們都是歡呼雀躍、手舞足蹈,隊形那個淩亂得啊,不是人可以對軍人隊伍作出想象的。不過,在2010年俄羅斯邀請下,一隊美軍整齊地走過紅場,領頭的將領後麵是三位棋手,左邊是士兵舉著國旗,右邊那個舉著軍旗,而中間一個舉的像是一個用各種顏色的布條製作的拖地的拖把樣的東西。這裏找到了一個非國家級行為的美軍閱兵式的視頻,列在本文最後。
在觀看俄羅斯的閱兵式之前,請允許我簡單介紹一下其中幾個最關鍵的音樂。這些音樂中除了中國人普遍熟悉的《喀秋莎》(Katyusha)外,還有首先奏響的《神聖的戰爭》(The Sacred War)。這是在閱兵司令官向全體官兵發出向國旗致敬的指令後響起的第一個音樂。它是一首非常著名的戰爭進行曲。在總統致詞結束後響起的是前蘇聯國歌的旋律。它也是現在俄羅斯國歌的旋律,但已對原蘇聯國歌的歌詞作了修改。最後一個音樂作品是《一個斯拉夫女人的告別》(Farewell of a Slavianka)。這也是一首非常有名的俄國軍樂,據說是十月革命後國內戰爭年代紅軍從原創於白軍那裏偷過來的,後來就成了紅軍的軍樂了(待考證)。

Nazi Parade of Paramilitary Formations – 1934(Part 1/2)


Hitler in Color





      Dear veterans, comrades, soldiers and sailors, sergeants and starshinas, comrade officers, generals, and admirals, I congratulate you on the holiday of victory, a day of valor for our glorious notion and people who defended our motherland, and liberated the world from Nazism.

      As the years go by, we realize more and more, what the war generation has accomplished its strength and courage, and self-denial. You dear veterans have set a high moral standard for us. You gave us the model of being faithful to your motherland. It is our debt that we remember this and to preserve the peace which you have won for us. You didn't spare yourselves on your way to victory. Losing your friends and loved ones, you fought for every town, every village, you have defeated the Nazis, and did not allow them to destroy the world, and you achieved the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

      In modern Russia, we have a very special attitude for the events of those years. Our grandchildren, great grandchildren, honor the memory of their ancestors, and have no doubt that our children and grandchildren will preserve the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Now we see a new generation strengthening friendship with other peoples that celebrate this day with us. And I would like to congratulate sincerely, the veterans in all countries. The day of victory is a common holiday, a great day for us all. Citizens of Russia, we are proud of the people who came out of the war, and were able to rebuild the country from ruin in a short time. We were the first to restore out infrastructure and agriculture. We were the first to go into outer space, and achieve great results in science, education, and culture. Today, Russia is firmly dependent on the principle of peaceful cooperation. We are promoting the indivisibility of security, and making our contribution to general efforts to support global stability.

      Our armed forces are effective in peacekeeping operations around world. The Russian Army and Navy are defending the people of Russian. Our Soldiers and Officers and their comrades today will march on the Red Square. Many among them have been awarded for their courage and valorous performance. The state will continue to do everything it can to provide for our servicemen of the armed forces. To supply with modern arms and techniques, and you will see some of it in victory parade today.

      Dear veterans, we celebrate the most sacred holiday. We thank all of you, because you have given us freedom. You knew what you were fighting for, what your comrades paid with their lives for. We can never abandon or forget about. This is the freedom and dignity of our motherland and peace for our country. These things are dear to us all. This is what makes us a united and strong nation.

      Happy holiday to you! Happy day of the great victory! Glory to the victorious people!





      Dear veterans, comrades, soldiers and sailors, sergeants and starshinas, petty of officers and warrant offices, Comrade Officers, generals, and admirals, I congratulate you on the jubilee of the great victory! This is a holiday of triumph and glory of our peoples. This is a day of memory, triumph and sorrow that unites all the citizens of Russia today.

      67 years ago Nazism was vanquished. A terrible and cynical force, we cannot forget how it emerged, grew stronger and became insolent in the face of the whole world, how those barbarians planned the destruction of whole nations, and deciding the future of states and continents.

      We need to openly acknowledge that aggressive intentions of Fascist Germany did not receive a collective response properly. Nations were divided and suspicious of each other. The ideological confrontation prevented them from stopping World War II at the very beginning. And mankind had to pay an immense price for that. Yet eventually what happened was the prevailing of the determination to come together over evil with the forces of the Anti-Hitler Coalition. They stood together and we pay tribute to those countries that made an important contribution to the victory over this cruel enemy. We all should remember how the war started and analyze the reasons learn the lessons of this war, they are still relevant today. I'd like to stress today that strictly following international law, respecting sovereignty and free choice of every nation is one of the basic guarantees that the tragedy of this war will never happen again.

      Russia is consistently pursuing the policy of strengthening international security, and we have the moral right to insist on our position, because it was our country that suffered the most from Nazism. It offered heroic resistance and went through extreme trials. We determined the outcome of that war! We defeated the enemy and brought liberation to the nations of the whole world. This victory serves as an example for younger generation. They should remember that they have inherited this victory and freedom.

       Our dear veterans, you went through this war marching together as a single brotherhood. You experienced trials, tribulations, and suffering that seam unbearable. Yet you did not succumb to the enemy. You really achieved this victory, you were inspired by the glorious traditions of Russia Army, the genuine values that became evident during the severe trials of wartime. You have demonstrated that one can prevail not only through the force of weapons, but through great faith and inner strength.

      The Great Patriotic War has become history now, but your courage, your devotion to defending your motherland will never be forgotten. It will be a standard of patriotic duty for children and grandchildren. Today, they are also looking at the Banner of Victory, and they will march past Red Square. This will be a symbol of their great respect to those who gave this day to us. To those who remain on the battle fields and will never be able to celebrate this sacred day together with us. We will always remember what you have done, this means we have a future and we will do all we need to make sure that our future is peaceful and secure. Glory to our victorious peoples! Congratulations on this day of great victory! Glory to Russia!




8th & I honors Sgt. Dakota Meyer with parade


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