FlyingSpagtiMonster2012-02-22 10:59:30回複悄悄話
In China, we are free to discuss the old enemies of the regime. In US, Nazis and Commies are 100% evil. Who are brain-washed?
hotpepper2012-02-22 05:39:08回複悄悄話
Mao and Hitler were the same from historic perspective, both seeked absolute power. Mao was even worse as he targeted his own people.
megchen2012-02-21 20:27:28回複悄悄話 George Orwell is my favorite English writer besides Oscar Wilde.
His work is marked by keen intelligence and wit, a profound awareness of social injustice…(wiki)
Allow me use his two quotes to match your post. Thanks for sharing!
If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting.
Harry S Truman
33rd president of US (1884 - 1972)"
造出很多名詞,是西方文明的特點,就一本"聖經"就有分出那麽多教派,"舊約"太血腥,就有"新約"出世,猶太教後, 有基督教的天主教,天主教分出東正教,1000 年的宗教 迫害(公元476年 -- 1453年)後分出了新教(現在大多美國人信奉的,也是很多中國人查經的教派), 二戰時, 本質是基督教的德國人迫害猶太教的猶太人, 又造出了"法西斯主義".
這很象自然界的"壁虎斷尾求生"的現象, 致命部分自己砍掉,保住本命-- 基督教的排他和一神.
將來還會為"同性戀"等聖經所不允許的行為再來一次次 ""壁虎斷尾求生"嗎?
教皇千年後的道歉是來了,被滅絕的印加人, 殘存的印地安人, 那無數絕望的黑奴的眼睛,早已經隨風而去,反正人人有罪性,讓上帝去最後審判吧, 況且死去的隻是異教徒.
我不能被說服,我卻可以被搞糊塗, 反正無妨,腳已經踏在西方土地,先享受它體麵發達的物質生活吧.
當今世界上有一個金太陽。幾十年前有一個永遠不落的毛太陽。TMD, 這個世界上到底有幾個太陽!這兩個太陽先搞個清楚。
德國猶太人一定不是德國人,不是德國的own people,對吧?現在地球上某個國家四處侵略殺人,一定殺的不是地球人,這些被殺的人一定不是我們地球人的own people,是吧?
, --
George Orwell is my favorite English writer besides Oscar Wilde.
His work is marked by keen intelligence and wit, a profound awareness of social injustice…(wiki)
Allow me use his two quotes to match your post. Thanks for sharing!
If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting.
George Orwell