如山 (熱門博主)
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Short Sale過程與案例2分析(1)-在美國經營房地產的體會之七

(2009-06-25 13:38:05) 下一個

Short Sale過程與案例2分析(1




(如山注:以下的分析是基於我所熟悉的發生於Lien理論、使用Deed of Trust的州。可能不適用於其它不同州)

在我貼出“Foreclose  Short Sale 中各Lender 的利 益影響與互動-體會之五”的這幾天來,我收到幾個網友關於Short Sale的詢問。有些準備做,有些正在做,也有些剛做完。其實他們的情況非常相似。有幾個案子在網友的信任下,我卷入比較深。為了讓更多人,也讓他們當事人更明白一點(盡管已經完成Closing),我將這幾個編成一個案例來分析。也讓那些在之前的交流方法中裏未能更深入說明的我的判斷理由和分析在這裏過一遍。不過請讀者或當事人不要對號入座。因為我所深入接觸的這幾個,有高度的相似性,連具體金額都相當接近。

Short Sale案例2

(跟我在《Foreclose  Short Sale 中各Lender 的利 益影響與互動》的案例相似,但情況有所不同,所以設計了這個案例)

一個房子市場價格值60。業主欠1st position Lender 70萬(這裏請留意跟第一個案例的不同點:業主欠1st Lender的款已經超過市場價格),2nd position lender 20萬,總共欠款90萬。業主委托Listing agent list 50萬,也就是做Short sale,必須要1st & 2nd 同意才可以成交。Listing agent commission 5% 也就是$500,000(listing price)*5%=$25,000 Listing agentdual agent)。交易稅和Closing fee $10,000

Short Sale如何發生

Short Sale的發生是在原業主(借款人)無力(或者不願意)付還每月貸款,而所欠銀行(Lender,可能是一個,也可能是多個)總額高於市場價格,因此無法在正常市場賣出時。在這個案例2中,假如將房子放到市場,就必須能賣93.5萬原業主才不用補錢賣出(總欠款90+Agent Commission 2.5+Closing cost 1 =93.5萬)。在這種情況下,原業主想避免Foreclosure,從而令他的Credit不至於太壞,就隻要用低於總欠款的價格出售。既然是低於總欠款,就要銀行(所有借款的銀行)同意才能釋放抵押權(Release liens)。另外一條請讀者注意,這種狀況下的Title是在原業主手上,是首先要原業主肯才可以簽買賣合同,並非銀行同意就可以。買家不是在跟對方銀行簽合同。不要將其與REO混一塊(這是壇上常常看到的錯誤概念)。Short Sale的“Short”就是“Short”的錢不夠還銀行原來的欠款。


在案例2的情況下,對原業主來說,隻要保住沒有Foreclosure記錄就是最高目標。所以能賣出就成,賣高點和低點沒分別,隻要銀行這關能夠通過就成。對Listing agent來說,能賣出是最高目標,因為隻有賣出才有Commission收。但是,如何確定Listing價呢?與市場價相當時,對買家沒有太大吸引力,一樣要等銀行批(反正都是賣出的錢不夠還貸款)。開低價當然可以吸引買家,但是在銀行那裏就增加了通過的困難。Listing agent根據他與有關銀行(Lender)大交道的經驗,確定案例2的情況下Listing 50萬。為什麽是50為?因為市場價格60萬,50萬就是市場價的約83%。因為對銀行來說,在目前的市場環境下最高隻能在拍賣上賣到市場的70%(我們這裏甚至有些全新房子的拍賣都隻是賣70%左右),所以這個價銀行應該能接受的機會很大。

Listing Agent Dual Agent的產生

由以上分析得知,Listing agent的能力很關鍵。我所知道和認識的Agent中,大約不到5%AgentBroker)有能力和願意做Short saleListing。為何?第一,Agent(或所屬的Broker)必須知道如何與銀行溝通,有些甚至是長期與某些銀行(Lender)有交道,比如List他們的REO或者其它原因與他們有長期業務關係。這樣比較容易知道減多少他們可以接受,甚至預先得到一些口頭的承諾,這樣能夠通過的可能性增大,也就是成功的機會增大。第二,最後能否成功還不知道,有很多Agent可能忙活半天,最後銀行通不過(特別是牽涉到2個以上Lender的時候)。所以Short sale的困難性和不確定性令很多AgentBroker)止步。另外,由於這種交易的不確定性和牽涉到一定的知識麵,也有很多Agent也不願意做buyer agent。還有,因為能否成功,很大情度看Listing agent 的能力和努力。在整個交易的互動中,Listing agent是主動的,而原業主是被動的。Listing agent叫他們簽什麽文件,跟哪一個買家簽(假設有多個Offer進來)多半原業主都照辦。因為前麵已經說過,賣高賣低原業主都收不回錢。這個時候,Listing agent就很容易引導原業主與沒有agentbuyer agent)的買家簽。因為這樣Listing agent 能夠多拿CommissionSelling & Buyer agent commission都拿)。所以多數Short sale都是買家沒有Agent的能夠拿到。換句話說,Short sale多數情況都是Dual agent。我最近深入的三個在不同州的Short sale交易都是Dual agent

這就是short saleListing Agent Dual Agent的產生過程。

Short Sale整個過程多長和成功率多大

時間:由正常時間(一個多月)到半年以上,全看你本地的房地產市場、Lender的情況與Listing agent的努力和能力等等而定。我看到Pending(也就是等銀行批準)的時間超過半年的不少。

成功率:也是要看Listing 價格與總欠款額、全看你本地的房地產市場、Lender的情況與Listing agent的努力和能力等等而定。我看到、聽到過不少已經Pending的,最後還是去Foreclosure拍賣。


附:《Foreclose 與 Short Sale 中各Lender 的利 益影響與互動 》







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閱讀 ()評論 (7)
如山 回複 悄悄話 回複pj223625的評論:
Thanks for your reading my posts. The following are my answers to your questions.

1. Where could I find foreclosure agent?
---------Go to auction place and normally they are there or ask around.

Does foreclosure agent have special certification or just regular realtor with experience?
-------No special certification and just regular realtor with experience

2. Where can I find auction notice? Directly from lender or foreclosure agent knows?
-------Your county (web or office). Lenders require to public the note. So same web or newspaper should have also. Foreclosure agents should know.

In additin, I also have following questions:
1. Do owners get any benefits when lenders agree for short sale before the hosues are slod (such as pay less or get low interest rate)?
--------Please read my posts on Short Sale section.

2. I saw a short sale (short sale contingent) but it was just posted 1 day. How come?
---------Some thing change or they decide not to do short sale

3 Normallly, How many offers do list agents send to lenders for approval?
-----------It depends. Hard to say.
pj223625 回複 悄悄話 Hi 如山
Thank you very much for your articles which are very useful to us. I would like to hear your answers to previous questions:
1. Where could I find foreclosure agent? Does foreclosure agent have special certification or just regular realtor with experience?
2. Where can I find auction notice? Directly from lender or foreclosure agent knows?

In additin, I also have following questions:
1. Do owners get any benefits when lenders agree for short sale before the hosues are slod (such as pay less or get low interest rate)?
2. I saw a short sale (short sale contingent) but it was just posted 1 day. How come?
3 Normallly, How many offers do list agents send to lenders for approval?

Many Thanks
如山 回複 悄悄話 I'm so sorry that I could not see this post until today since it didn't show up the new comments on the front pager because my block’s problem. I think you don't need the answer anymore. If you do want my reply, please let me know. I’ll check it later.
chinrapfan 回複 悄悄話 I have several questions that I need to consult expert:

1. Where could I find foreclosure agent? Does foreclosure agent have special certification or just regular realtor with experience?
2. Where can I find auction notice? Directly from lender or foreclosure agent knows?

lhurbert 回複 悄悄話 約了下星期inspection, seller agent要求我們現在就告訴她inspector的名字和電話,說什麽要make sure his reputation.我們不肯給,怕他們竄通.現在seller agent又說inspection的時候她要到場.我們認為在沒有最後決定是否要這個房子前,不想和seller or her agent見麵.其實還是怕他們有小動作 .但我的agent說我們沒有權利不讓她來. 我不知道有碰到過這個問題,請指點一下.多謝!!