New England Clam Chowder - 今晚女兒和輕舟一起做的“新英格蘭蛤蜊濃湯”
傍晚開車帶孩子們學鋼琴回來,心裏想著晚上要做一道新英格蘭蛤蜊濃湯(New England Clam Chowder)。上周五在附近的Perkins餐館吃飯,全家人都喜歡晚餐前的蛤蜊濃湯,那晚霏和輕舟就約好這個周末一塊兒做濃湯。先生的家族來自波士頓,我第一次去他的波士頓伯伯、伯母家時,伯母就專門做了這道濃湯請我們。奶油香濃的湯裏有軟糯的土豆、熟爛的胡蘿卜、芹菜、洋蔥,更有海味十足、韌性口感的蛤蜊。。。。。。周末餐廚是輕舟和霏在一起享受廚藝的好時光,很珍惜!半個多鍾頭,熱乎乎的濃湯就做好了,味道很棒呢!!
用料:3(6.5 ounce) cans minced clams
3 罐 (6.5盎司的)碎蛤蜊1 cup minced onion
1 杯碎洋蔥1 cup diced celery
1 杯芹菜(切成塊狀)2 cups cubed potatoes
兩杯土豆(切成立方塊狀) 1 cup diced carrots
1 杯胡蘿卜(切成塊狀)3/4 cup butter
四分之三杯奶油3/4 cup all-purpose flour
四分之三杯麵粉1 quart half-and-half cream
一誇脫(相當於四杯)對半奶油2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
兩湯匙紅酒醋11/2 teaspoons sea salt
一又二分之一茶匙海鹽1 teaspoon ground black pepper
一茶匙黑胡椒粉Directions 做法:
Drain juice from clams into a large skillet over the onions, celery, potatoes and carrots. Add water to cover, and cook over medium heat until tender.將蛤蜊罐頭裏的蛤蜊汁倒入一個大鍋裏,在鍋裏加洋蔥、芹菜、土豆和胡蘿卜。添加水到鍋裏,直到水覆蓋鍋裏的蔬菜。中火煮到蔬菜軟熟。Meanwhile, in a large, heavy saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat. Whisk in flour until smooth. Whisk in cream and stir constantly until thick and smooth. Stir in vegetables and clam juice. Heat through, but do not boil.同時,在另一個大鍋裏,中火將奶油溶化。加麵粉拌勻,然後再加對半奶油,並不停攪拌,直至濃厚、光滑。最後加入蔬菜和蛤蜊汁。熱透,但不要煮開。Stir in clams just before serving. stir in vinegar, and season with salt and pepper.起鍋前加蛤蜊,紅酒醋,海鹽和黑胡椒。

