


(2015-06-28 12:31:46) 下一個

閨蜜天雲的追思會在今日上午10點,昨晚輕舟一家就已提前來到雪城,今天一早到教堂,見到天雲的親人們,擁抱問候,雖然有傷悲,但更多的還是平安。教堂大 屏幕上放映著天雲的圖片,秀麗的她離我們那麽近,親切的笑容,溫柔的眼神,都那麽熟悉,她的確離我們不遠,在天堂,她沒有病痛,她微笑依然,美麗依舊!

追思會的綱要正麵左邊是天雲的圖片,青春洋溢,戴著太陽鏡,紅白T恤,胸前掛著十字架項鏈,隨意自然,笑意吟吟,想來是夏天外出的圖片吧。?右邊是 Frances 和 Kathleen Coelho 的詩歌,英文原文如下,我附上中文翻譯:

God saw you getting tired  上帝看你累了

And a cure was not to be  治愈已經不再可能

So he put His arms around you  於是他摟著你的肩膀

And whispered "Come to me." 耳語道:“跟我來。”


With tearful eyes we watched you  淚眼迷離中我們看著你

As you slowly slipped away   你慢慢地溜走

And though we loved you dearly  盡管我們愛你至深

We couldn't make you stay  我們無法挽留你


Your golden heart stopped beating  你金子般的心不再跳動

Your tired hands put to rest   你勞累的手也因此歇息

God broke our hearts to prove to us 上帝讓我們心碎?的同時,也向我們證明

He only takes the best?  他隻把最好的帶走


今天的追思會是我們一家去過的最感人至深的追思會。大約有幾百名來賓,許多來自外地。天雲和飆的長子昊軒為全體祈禱,並自彈自唱了 "Heaven's Song" (天堂之歌),相信在天堂的天雲聽到這首激情歌曲,也會為兒子而感到驕傲的。 輕舟也很榮幸地與大家分享了與天雲的友情:我們近15年的友誼,是知己,更是主內姊妹;她和輕舟彼此祈禱,互相鼓勵。她對海外留學生的大愛和榜樣一直激勵 著輕舟,她的人生見證帶領著無數海外學子(我的分享見文末)。天雲在雪城的好友許紅的分享相當感動,許紅讓許多曾經在雪城大學如今在世界各地的年輕人分享 他們的心聲,大屏幕上他們分享了對“天雲阿姨”的感激:對她的溫柔又堅持的愛和督促,和她體貼和細心照顧海外學子的來自神的大愛而感動。雖然很不舍,但心 裏有安慰,將來到天家,還會和天雲阿姨再見。當地的華人團契唱了天雲和飆最喜歡的歌曲,也是天雲臨終前常聽的歌曲"Echo of Valleys 《山穀回聲》", 詞曲都那麽深情;還有 經典的 “Thine be the Glory" 《你是榮耀》。而教堂牧師 Doug Bullock 的 感言,卻是相當深刻感人、耐人尋味。他引用了幾年前天雲回應一位中國大學生的電郵,信裏天雲鼓勵肯定學生是 serious thinker (嚴肅的思考者)。學生問她,如何證明上帝是愛。天雲回答:”在我得癌症的過程中,先生無微不至的愛,教堂主內的愛,還有許許多多我不認識的主內弟兄姊妹 的愛,這些都是上帝愛的見證。。。上帝也很愛你。”最後全體一起起身合唱“Amazing Grace" 《奇異恩典》,那麽莊嚴,那麽美好。神的恩典夠用,這樣的追思會讓人釋放心情,思念天雲的同時,還將目光放遠。人生雖然苦短,可是主內蒙福的人生值得慶 祝。緬懷閨蜜的同時,心靈卻為她生命的飽滿,她來自神的愛和智慧,以及她的人生見證鼓勵著眾多海外學子而感動。本來心裏很擔心她的先生、孩子、姐姐和公 婆,但看的出來,有神的恩手托著,他們都有來自神的平安。

回程的路上,瓢潑大雨,但心內很平靜,耳邊傑明放著Petro的那首歌 "Be of Good Cheer" ,這首歌詞來自約翰福音16:33 的經文:“我把這些事告訴你們,是要使你們在我裏麵有平安。在世上你們有患難,但你們放心,我已經勝了這世界(These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33) 歌曲唱到了輕舟的心裏,世上終究有患難,但神已經勝了世界,無論境遇怎樣,在神裏卻有平安。想著想著,又重溫了和閨蜜的諸多瞬間,揮之不去的音容笑貌和美好回憶。同時,在心底,再為飆和家人們的平安和神的保守獻上禱告。


?Job19:25-26  For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been thus destroyed, yet in my flesh I shall see God.

《聖經》約伯記 19: 25-26 寫道:我知道我的救贖主活著,最後他必在地上興起我的皮肉遭受毀壞以後,這事就要發生,我必在肉體以外得見神?

Our days on earth are numbered. Our life is short, fragile, fleeting and as a Chinese idiom says, “Life fleets like a white pony’s shadow across a crevice”. However, if we are in the Lord, we have the everlasting life in him.As John 11:25 says: I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies.

 我們在世上的日子屈指可數,我們的人生短暫,脆弱,飛逝,正如中國的諺語所言,人生如白駒過隙。然而,若我們在主裏,我們因著主而得永生。如約翰福音1115節所言: 耶穌說:我就是複活和生命;信我的人,雖然死了,也要活著。

Today we gather here to celebrate Tianyun‘s life. We are saddened to lose her, yet we are comforted to know she is surely with the Lord. We miss her in so many ways. Tianyun was a dedicated wife and a loving mother. She and Biao have three wonderful boys and their family is such a blessing to the community.  They have opened their home for years to welcome and serve overseas students. 


Tianyun has been my close friend for almost 15 years. She was not only a friend of mine, but also a sister in the Lord; she was not just a friend to my family in the U.S., but also a dear friend to my family in China. Our two families had so many memories and nice pictures together. We hiked mountains,visited waterfalls, celebrated our children’s birthdays, and babysat for each other. We cooked and baked together, and we were each others listeners and we shared life’s joy and sorrows, ups and downs. Even after my family and I moved from Syracuse NY to Harrisburg PA nine years ago, we were still in frequent touch.  We visited each other, and above all, we always prayed and encouraged each other.  Many times talented Tianyun appeared in my articles,from travel journals, sharing recipes of east and west, celebrating Aaron's high school graduation, to her insights and wisdom in raising children, and building strong relationship with the Lord. 

 天雲和我是很親近的朋友,我們有將近15年的友情。她不僅是我的朋友,更是我的 主內姊妹;她不僅是我美國家庭的朋友,也是我中國家庭的摯友。我們兩家有很多美好的回憶和圖片。我們一起爬山,賞瀑布,慶祝孩子們的生日,互相幫助看孩 子。我們在一起烹飪、焙烤;我們彼此傾聽,分享生命曆程的喜與悲。盡管九年前我們全家從紐約雪城搬到賓州哈城,我們仍然常聯係。我們彼此往來,最值得一提 的還是,我們常常互禱,彼此鼓勵。充滿才氣的天雲出現在我的許多文章裏:遊記,分享中西食譜,慶祝艾倫的高中畢業,還有她對養育孩子,加強和主的關係的智 慧和見識。

Two years ago when our family visited Syracuse in June, we attended Tianyun and Biao's weekly Bible Study. We had a great time meeting many Syracuse University Chinese students. Tianyun cooked authentic dishes for them, then all the students circled around to sing worship songs, and studied the Bible together. I still vividly remember the youth and joy of the students, and how radiant and beautiful Tianyun looked. Students called her Auntie Tianyun.  Her generosity and loving heart, and her spirit in the Lord have impacted so many international students who are thousands of miles away from home. We always admired her courage and strong faith in the Lord. Her example has been and will continue to be an inspiration to us and many others.

 兩年前,當我們全家在六月到雪城時,參加了陳飆和天雲的每周家庭查經。我們很開心認識了許多在雪城大學讀書的中國留學生。天雲做了許多地道的美食招待學生們,然後大家圍在一起唱讚美歌,查經。 如 今,那些朝氣蓬勃、充滿喜樂的學生、和容光煥發、美麗秀雅的天雲依然曆曆在目。學生們都親切地叫她天雲阿姨。她的慷慨大方,她的愛心,以及她的靈命,都已 然影響了眾多遠離家園的海外學子。我們總是欽佩天雲在主裏的勇氣和信心。她的榜樣一直是,也將繼續激勵鼓舞著我們和許許多多海外學子的人生旅途。

Below is my poem to Tianyun 


Tianyun --

Tian is heaven; Yun is clouds

You return to heaven abound

With beautiful clouds around





Your loving heart and dedication

Your generosity and hospitality

Your life is an amazing testimony

Of your humble response to the calling





We are honored to be here

Celebrating your life so dear

In heaven we will meet

Together we will cheer





Tianyun, we miss you.  See you later, Tianyun!

天雲,我們愛你,想你! 再相會,天雲!



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