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Footprints in the Sand 沙灘上的腳印

      author: Mary Stevenson?; 輕舟拙譯

One night I dreamed a dream.  某晚我做了一個夢。

I was walking along the beach with my Lord. 我和我的主在沙灘上漫步。

Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life. 黑蒙蒙的夜空閃現我生命的諸多圖景

For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand, 每個圖景,我注意到沙灘裏有兩行腳印

one belonging to me and one to my Lord. 一行是我的,一行是我主的。

When the last scene of my life shot before me 當生命的最後圖景在我麵前展現時

I looked back at the footprints in the sand  我回首看沙灘上的腳印

and to my surprise,  我驚異地發現

I noticed that many times along the path of my life  生命道路的許多時光

there was only one set of footprints.  沙灘上隻有一行腳印

I realized that this was at the lowest 我意識到這是我生命最低潮時期

and saddest times of my life. 也是最傷心的時光

This always bothered me  這困擾著我

and I questioned the Lord about my dilemma. 我詢問主,我的困惑

"Lord, you told me when I decided to follow You, “主啊,你說當我決定跟隨你,

You would walk and talk with me all the way.  你能時刻跟隨著我陪伴我。

But I'm aware that during the most troublesome 但我意識到在我最困難時

times of my life there is only one set of footprints. 沙灘上隻有一行腳印

I just don't understand why, when I needed You most, 我不明白為什麽,當我最需要你的時候

You leave me." 你離我而去。

He whispered, "My precious child, 主輕聲道:”我的寶貝孩子,

I love you and will never leave you 我愛你,從未離開過你。

never, ever, during your trials and testings. 在你被試探,最困難的時期,從來,也從未離開你。

When you saw only one set of footprints 你看到的那行腳印

it was then that I carried you."? 是我背著你前行的腳印。”


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