

(2005-03-13 17:50:30) 下一個
在美國國會圖書館《中國麵對艾滋----戰略與決策》 新書首發式上的發言 國際中國文化出版社社長 趙曉明 尊敬的李館長華偉博士,尊敬的翁會長永凱博士,各位來賓,新聞界的朋友們: 《中國麵對艾滋-------戰略與決策》一書是由中國中央黨校社會發展研究所和美國愛心基金會共同編著完成,並由美國愛心基金會資助出版。國際中國文化出版社作為本書的出版者深感榮幸。 《中國麵對艾滋-------戰略與決策》這樣的著作對於我們來說極為重要。今天,麵對全球化的挑戰,艾滋病已引起勤於思考和有責任心人士的普遍關注。這意味著我們不可能再從個人、地區、甚至國家範圍來定義我們的利益-------我們的未來同時取決於全球範圍內的共同合作。 基於我們的共識,國際中國文化出版社、美國愛心基金會有理由為將來在中國預防艾滋教育領域更多的合作而感到驕傲。我們的共同目標是為贏得和平、健康、正義和繁榮而努力。為此我們期望著再一次與你們攜手為完成這一係列議程的任務和精神以及促進這一進程而一起工作。 這是為了留給我們的後代一個有保障的未來。也是幫助中國社會實現在2015年之前製止和扭轉艾滋病蔓延趨勢的承諾。 我們知道中國社會已經麵臨艾滋病的嚴峻挑戰,今天的中國事實上正處於艾滋病禍害爆發的邊緣;我們也知道中國政府深為關注這一挑戰,正需要向全體人民傳遞對抗艾滋的決心和信心;我們同時更知道在中國傳播這一信息是一項極具艱巨的任務。 在今天我們的會議結束後,愛心基金會將會把首次印刷出版的5000冊圖書,全部捐贈給中國大學和公共圖書館,同時作為中國省部級高級領導幹部的培訓教材。這一舉動已受到中國政府、非政府組織、社會研究及醫學預防機構的重視和支持。我們預祝他們的遠見和努力獲得成功。 我們可以期待,未來中國在發展經濟、創造財富的同時,也將在製止艾滋病,保障人民健康的領域裏取得更大的成就,而受到國際社會的廣泛尊重。 謝謝大家。 Director Dr. Lee, Dr. Weng, guests and friends of the media: As a result of a joint effort between the Institute of Social Development Research at Chinese Central Party School and the AiXin Foundation in the United States and with financial support from the Aixin Foundation, Aids in China --- Strategy and Policy has been completed and published. The International Publishing House for China’s Culture is greatly honored to be the publisher of this book. The release of this book Aids in China is of great significance. Today, as a global challenge, the HIV/AIDs threat has aroused universal attention from all concerned people. This means that our interests can no longer be defined in term of individuals, regions or nations. Our future depends on cooperation at a global level. Based on our shared beliefs, the International Publishing House for China’s Culture and the Aixin foundation are proud of our partnership in this endeavor and in our future cooperation in the area of HIV/AIDS education. Our common goal is to strive for the achievment of peace, health, justice and prosperity. We are looking forward to working together again with the Aixin Foundation to fulfill these goals, and to ensure their implementation. Our efforts are necessary to safeguard the future for our coming generations, and to help Chinese society in fulfilling its promise to contain and control the spread of AIDS by the year 2015. We all know that China is facing a serious threat from HIV/ AIDS. In fact, China today is on the verge of an explosive aids epidemic. We understand that the Chinese government has focused its attention on the HIV/AIDS challenge and needs to convey to the Chinese people its determination and confidence in preventing and controlling this deadly disease. We are also fully aware how arduous a task it is to spread the awareness of aids prevention in China. After today’s ceremony, the AiXin Foundation will donate all 5000 copies of its first edition to universities and public libraries in China and these books will also serve as training materials for government officials of all levels. This action has received great attention and support from the Chinese government, non-government organizations and social research and preventive medicine institutes and groups. We wish them great success in their efforts and vision. We expect that in the future China will not only advance its economic development and prosperity, but will also make significant progress in the area of preventing aids and ensuring public health. We also expect that China’s efforts in these areas will win it the respect of the international community. Xiaoming Zhao International Publishing House For China's Culture
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