

(2007-11-16 08:55:00) 下一個

元音a, e, i, o, u, oo 以及它們相應的長音 ai, ee, ie, oa, ue, OO. 


第一對:a ai

a: Wiggle fingers above elbow as if ants crawling on you and say a a a 

ai: Cup hand over ear and ai

a 這個音有點怪。書上解釋是當你發現有螞蟻在你胳膊上爬時,你感到吃驚發出的聲音。這個音特別容易和短音e,u和音ar混,特別是音ar,我感覺ar帶個尾音,而a短而沒有尾音,總之很難區分。典型的例子是貓cat。英國人發音“卡(4)特”而中國人往往發“卡愛特”,這可能是受美式英語的影響。發這個音要盡量張大嘴。
練習1 你能區分park, pack, peck,和puck嗎?
練習2 bad, bed, bud

e ee

 e: Pretend to tap an egg on the side of a pan and crack it into the pan, say eh, eh, eh.

ee: Put hands on head as if ears on a donkey and say eeyore,eeyore.

e 看到這個音我就想起漢語拚音的“厄”,真是根深蒂固。感覺這個音發“愛”。但是我們發“愛”的時候口型從大到小有變化,而e 這個音在發的時候口型沒有變化,短促無尾音。

練習1 bed, bad, bide.
練習2 tree, train

i ie

 i: Pretend to be amouse wriggling fingers at the end of nose and squeak i i i 

ie: Stand to attention and salute, saying ie ie

兒子給我發短音i 的時候,聽起來就是短促的“衣衣衣”。

o oa

o: Pretend to turn the light switch on and off and say o o o

oa: Bring hand over mouth as if something is wrong and say oa,oa, oa

練習 fork, boat, fog

u  ue

u: Pretend to be putting up an umbrella and saying u u u

ue: Point to people around you and say you you you

短音u 很不好發。介於“啊”與“厄”之間。很短。沒辦法我都把它簡化為短“厄”,蒙混過關,蒙不過去再說。比方說mushroom。我說“馬舒木”,英國人說不對,我又說“摸舒木”說好點,總之他發那音我整不出來。

練習 bath, birth, bus.

oo OO

oo, OO: Move head back and forth as if the cuckoo in a cuckoo clock, saying u, oo;u, oo (littile and longer oo)

練習 floor, flower, flour

(二)聲音與拚寫。(我寫音a, 表示是發音為a,後麵括弧裏的黑體字母表示這些字母組合可以發音a)

音a: a(hand), ai(plaid), al(salmon),au(laugh), i(meringue)

 音ai: a(paper), a_e(rate), ay(pay), ai(rain), ai_e(cocaine), aig(arraign), aigh(straight), ao(gaol), au(gauge), e(café), e_e(crepe), ea(steak), ei(veil), ei_e(beige), eig(reign), eigh(eight), ee(matinee), eh(eh), et(ballet), ey(obey), ez(chez), er(dossier), ae(reggae), eg(thegn)

 音e: e(met), ea(weather), a(many), ae(aesthetic), ai(said), ay(says), ea_e(cleanse), ei(heifer), eo(jeopardy), ie(friend), ieu(lieutenant), ur(bury), ue(guess), oe(foetid)

音ee: e(be), ea(beach), ee(bee), e_e(cede), ae(Caesar), ei(deceit), i_e(machine), ie(field), eo(people), oe(amoeba), ie_e(hygiene), ay(quay), ey(key), i(ski), y(city), oi(chamois), ue(Portuguese)

音i: i(bit), y(myth), ui(build), e(pretty), ee(been), ie(sieve), o(women), u(busy), a(damage), ei(counterfeit), ei(sovereign), ia(carriage), ea(mileage), i_e(medicine), ai(bargain), ey(Ceylon), oe(oedema)

 音ie: i_e(fine), i(Christ), y(try), igh(high), ie(tie), ei(eidos), eigh(height), uy(buy), ai(aisle), ey(geyser), ye(dye), eye(eye), y_e(type), ae(maestro), ais(aisle), is(isle), ig(sign), ic(indict), ay(tayra), ui(guide)

 音o: o(lock), a(watch), eau(bureaucracy), ach(yacht), au(sausage), ou(cough)

音oa: o(so), o_e(bone), oa(boat), ow(know), ou(soul), oe(foe), oo(brooch), eau(beau), oh(oh), ew(sew), au(mauve), aoh(pharaoh), ough(furlough), eo(yeoman)

音u: u(sun), o(son), o_e(come), oe(does), ou(touch), oo(flood), wo(twopennce)

音ue: u(music), u_e(use), eu(feud), ue(cue), iew(view), eau(beautiful), ieu(adieu), ueue(queue), ui(nuisance), ewe(ewe), ew(few)

音oo: oo(look), u(full), o(wolf), oo_e(gooseberry), or(worsted), ou(courier), oul(should)

音OO: oo(tool), u(luminous), o(who), u_e(flute), ou(soup), ew(jewel), ue(true), o_e(lose), ui(fruit), eu(maneuver), oe(canoe), ough(through), wo(two), ioux(Sioux), oup(coup), w(cwm).



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wsq 回複 悄悄話 辛苦辛苦,非常非常感謝,對發音我是滿腦子漿糊,搞不明白。