

(2007-11-16 07:15:52) 下一個

元音ar, er, or.


(一)發音規則。首先記住這三個帶r的兩字母複合音(digraph)發出的是一個音(one sound),它們不是混合音(blend),如st


ar: The girl has avery bad sore throat. The doctor makes her say ah.

 Action: Open mouth wide andsay ah, as if at the doctors.

 如果你曾經嗓子疼看醫生,醫生讓你張大嘴說“啊”,你會說,那就它了。不過別把這音和音a 搞混了,典型地例子:park,pack。不過如果你馬馬虎虎地把它們搞混了,應該也沒啥大問題。

er: Inky is makingsome gingerbread people. She mixes up all the ingredients with a mixer –erererer.

 Action: Roll hands over eachother like a mixer and say erererer.

 這個描述有點兒迷糊。常做飯,而且得是常做西餐的人估計明白上麵在說啥。不過我感覺這音基本就是漢語拚音裏的“呃”。這個音也容易和音 u 搞混。比如:bug,berg.

or: Action: Puthands on head as if ears on a donkey and say eeyore, eeyore.

 你要是在鄉下長大,估計你發這音應該沒問題,因為驢叫你肯定應該聽過。:-)這個音容易和音 o, oa 混淆。如fork, float, flock.



ar :

ar(art, car, park, bar), a(father), er(sergeant), ear(heart), ua(guard), aa(bazaar), au(aunt), al(calm)

拚寫 ar,  er: grammar.


 er:  er 在單詞中有四種常用拚法:er,ir, ur, ear

  •  er: er(her, fern, herd, jerk enter winter roller ginger faster), or(worst worm work world worse worth), ur(fur hurt burn burp curl surf churn turn, nurse), ir(sir sir fir bird girl dirt skirt shirt thirst), yr(myrtle), our(journey colour harbour), ear(earn learn heard earth, pearl), err(err), eur(amateur), yrrh(myrrh), ar(collar dollar grammar), oeu(hors d'oeuvre), olo(colonel), uer(Guernsey), re(metre, centre).


 or: or 在單詞中有三種常用拚法:or, oor, au, aw

  •  or: or(or, fork, storm, corn, horse, short sport pork horn), oor(poor, door, floor), au(pause, august, autumn), aw(paw, prawn, straw), ore(snore, explore, more, core), oar(roar), war(ward).
  • 拚寫 or,  oo: worsted

  • 拚寫 or,  er: worst



 ear: ear/eer/ere (fear, cheer, mere, here, hear, tear())

 air: air/are/ear/eir/ere/er/ar/aire/aa/aer/ayr(lair, stairs, hair, pair, spare, stare, bare, ware, hare, tear(撕), bear, pear, wear, their, heir, there, where, stationery, stationary, millionaire,Aaron, aerial, Ayr)

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