
Where do you go when you are lonely?

新奧爾良之行(New Orleans) 

(2007-08-16 01:28:25) 下一個


Mansions like this one are popular in upscale district, it might be over 100 years old.
Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler live in a similiar one when they goes to New Orleans
for their honeymoon.

Performers in Blues Club

Notorious and famous Bourbon Street in the French Quarter

Street car is fun to ride for sightseeing in Summer, reminding me of the same car in China.

Abandoned House after Hurrican Katrina

Another one in New Orleans, most of asylum are not back to their houses yet.
This town is full of deserted houses and wild dogs.

Leadbelly: Where did you sleep last night?

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閱讀 ()評論 (4)
人生有夢 回複 悄悄話 是的,New Orleans is a city with history. The downtown area is recovering now, but the low-income district is not.尤其是黑人即中的地方,還是真正海水決口的地方。(不是電視上的地方)喔阿到裏向走了一圈,十窩九空,一片荒涼。連幫正富不紫助重建,保險又不cover.麽有錢,要重建,難!遊客是他們最大的收錄,這是為啥道理遊客所到之處向新的一樣,像downtown area, french quarter。Anyway,it will never be the same as before.
木蘭木蘭 回複 悄悄話 謝謝阿明分享, 一切看上去好新啊!

記得05年夏天在一個聚會上偶遇一原籍紐奧令的同事, 談起來, 他說:在他心中最喜歡的美國城市有四個: 芝加哥, 三藩, 扭腰和新奧爾良, 而現在就隻剩下三個了. 木蘭問: 重建呢...? 那哥們兒把頭搖得跟波浪鼓似的, 傷感地說: It won't be the same, and never will....
