  • 博客訪問:

俄國詩人普希金 三首詩

(2009-05-06 09:33:36) 下一個

The Burned Letter (1825)

Farewell, Letter of Love! Farewell: it’s her desire.
How long did I delay! How long refused, in ire,
I to destroy the single joy of mine!...
Enough! The time has come. Burn, scripts of love divine.
I’m ready; nothing else can call for my sad soul…
Now the greedy flame is touching its form whole…
A minute!… it is flamed and blazing – smoke, light,
With my bitter laments, is flying of my sight.
And now the ring’s stamp forfeited its form previous –
It’s boiling – the seal wax… O, Providence of Heavens!
That’s all! The letter’s leaves are twisted, now black;
On their light ashes their well known track
Is whitening… My heart is squeezed. Oh, dear ashes,
In my sad destiny, my poor consolations,
Forever lie on breast, so fully, fully wracked…

The Cloud (1835)

The last one of clouds of scattered a tempest,
Just single you’re flying in azure, the prettiest,
Just single you’re bringing the sorrowful shade,
Just single you’re saddening day that is glad.

In nearest past, you were storming skies, mighty,
And were quite enwind by the powerful lightning,
And you were the womb for divine thunders birth,
And quenching with rain the insatiable earth.

Enough, now vanish! Your time is not endless -
The earth is refreshed and away gone the tempest;
And now the wind, fondling leaves of the trees,
With pleasure is driving you out the sky bliss.

If by life you were deceived

If by life you were deceived,
Don't be dismal, don't be wild!
In the day of grief, be mild .
Merry days will come, believe.
Heart is living in tomorrow;
Present is dejected here;
In a moment, passes sorrow;
That which passes will be dear.

假如生活欺騙了你 (李唐 譯)


亞曆山大 · 謝爾蓋耶維奇 · 普希金, 1799 年 6 月 6 日 / 俄曆 5 月 26 日出生於莫斯科, 1837 年 1 月 29 日逝世於聖彼得堡,是俄國著名的文學家、偉大的詩人、小說家,及現代俄國文學的創始人。 19 世紀 俄國 浪漫主義文學主要代表,同時也是現實主義文學的奠基人,現代標準俄語的創始人,被譽為 “ 俄國文學之父 ” 、 “ 俄國詩歌的太陽 ” 。他諸體皆擅,創立了俄國民族文學和文學語言,在詩歌、小說、戲劇乃至童話等文學各個領域都給 俄羅斯 文學提供了典範 。

普希金出生在一個家道中落的貴族地主家庭,一生傾向革命,與黑暗專製進行不屈不撓的鬥爭,他的思想與詩作,引起沙皇俄國統治者的不滿和仇恨,他曾兩度被流放,始終不肯屈服,最終在沙皇政府的陰謀策劃下與人決鬥而死,年僅 38 歲。

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