Remembrance of the Past at Red Cliff
The great river runs east, Waves washed away those ever, Who had made history all together.
In the west sits the ancient fortress
That people talk about is
Three Kingdoms, Youth Zhou, Red Cliff.
Scrambled rocks thrust into the sky,
Startling waves beat the shore in defy,
Splash in thousand heaps like snow white.
The picturesque country,
At a time humans of mark so many
Go far back to his time,Little Qiao was at his bridal night,
His heroic bearing glowed just right.
Swinging a plume fan and wearing black silk scarf,
He talked and smiled,
Masts and oars burned into ash and smoking down died.
In the Old Haunt my divine tour,
I banter myself as an emotion lord.
For hoary hair crept too early on sides afore.
A life is like a dream,
Pour a goblet of wine on the river's moon gleams.
【念奴嬌】赤壁懷古 蘇軾
亂石穿空,驚濤拍岸, 卷起千堆雪。