烤小羊排晚飯 - Bread crumb crusted rack of lamb
一年裏最忙的日子熬過啦, 給大家帶個菜問好.
院裏採的香草料, 拌勻以下
1杯麵包屑, panko bread crumbs,
1 TB 歐芹碎, fresh flat-leaf parsley
3 TB 薄荷葉碎, fresh mint
1 TB 迷迭香碎, fresh rosemary
1/2TB 百裏香, fresh thyme
3 TB 橄欖油, olive oil
羊小排, 去掉多餘的肥肉, 隻留薄薄的一點, 灑鹽,胡椒, 進熱鑄鐵鍋, 把肉麵煎金黃,
抹上一層芥末醬 (Dijon mustard), 再把麵包屑裹上肉麵, 壓壓緊,
進烤箱, 烤(roast)約20-25分鍾, 肉內溫度達130F, 取出, 鬆蓋錫紙, 歇約10分鍾, 就可切開裝盤了.
燒開水加入quinoa, (水和quinoa =2:1), 關火, 燜10分鍾,
另一小鍋用橄欖油炒軟洋蔥, 黃橙甜椒, 加鹽, 胡椒, 蔓越莓幹, 倒入煮好的quinoa, 加歐芹碎拌勻, 拌灑炒香的鬆子.
Strawberry and blueberry mousse
1包無味的吉利粉, 7g gelatin powder, 加1/2杯冷水, 加熱, 溶化粉後, 倒入blender, 加2 杯草莓, 2杯藍莓, 1罐煉乳, 一個檸檬的汁, 打成糊, 裝小碗, 進冰箱, 幾個小時後就凝固了.
I eat almost everyday Quinoa now, more nutrition and less worried to gain weight. Thanks! Your families must be so appreciate to have your home made food everyday!