越式砂鍋鯰魚煲 - Vietnamese Braised Catfish in Clay Pot
多謝”多吉” 那天的貼, 讓我做成了一直想學的菜, 我是照原方子做的,
Here is a copy:
Ca Kho To Vietnamese Braised Fish Steak in Clay Pot
用料Ingredients: (記著要用砂鍋,下麵的中文說明是我的改良版實戰菜譜,其餘的英文成份要照做)
1 lb salmon steaks (連骨帶皮三文魚中段,我每次做兩塊,約1.6磅)
4 tbs fish sauce(代用品:馬來冬蔭功海鮮醬,大一點的中國超市裏都會有專門的東南亞isle)
3 tbs 紅糖 brown sugar
2 tbs minced shallots
2 tbs minced garlic
1 tbs black pepper
3 green onions, sliced 1 inches long
3 tbs caramel sauce(代用品:Thailand Palm sugar)
1 can of young coconut juice(代用品:Coconut Toast Spread,3 tbs 3小勺)
1 Thai chili,thinly sliced, optional(代用品:老幹媽辣醬,1小勺)
3 tbs 植物油,無色烹飪酒1杯,恒順香醋1小勺
Clean the fish steaks, rinse well and pat dry. Marinade with fish sauce, sugar, pepper, garlic, and shallots for about 1/2-1 hr.
In pot, heat about 1 tbs of cooking oil on medium high and add the marinade fish. Allow to sear and brown for about 2-3 min before searing opposite side for another few minutes. Add the caramel sauce and just enough coconut juice to the level of the fish steaks. Cover and turn to med low heat and allow to simmer for about 25 min (longer if you want it really soft), checking a few times to make sure that it's not reduced too much. Add more coconut juice or caramel sauce if needed. The fish will eventually caramelize and brown, as will the sauce which will be a thick gooey consistency. Taste sauce and make final adjustments with fish sauce or sugar. Turn off heat and add additional fresh cracked pepper, green onions, and optional chili pepper.
那我就不多說啦, 上圖吧, 隻是提醒一下, 我的魚是2.5LB大, 用了同樣量的調味料, 我想如果用1LB的魚可能會太鹹和太甜. 看你們口味如何再調整.


那個焦糖漿可用這 美國的molasses代替, 它略帶甜味, 亞洲的”coco caramel syrup” 略帶酸味, 而且更帶焦味, 幾乎是smoky flavor.