再做台式鹵肉 –
真的很下飯的菜, 自從跟小.蝌蚪學做了一次以後, 做了好多次了, 不過我不用看菜譜了, 那當然就會是有點瞎搞了, 而且每次做都不同, 每次都做一大鍋, 可以送鄰居, 剩的也會更好吃,拌麵, 拌飯,帶便當,很好.
-加入香菇丁, 蝦米炒香,
-加入薑蒜末,洋蔥丁, 盡量炒香炒幹爽,
-加入3TB 油蔥酥 和3TB油蒜酥, 炒香,
-加入帶皮的豬腿肉丁, 這次沒用五花肉, 怕太肥, 炒幹,
-加米酒, 生抽,老抽, 冰糖, 白胡椒, 自做的鹵包, 一點五香粉, 水煮蛋, 水, 多點湯汁.
- 燜燒1.5小時, 肉酥軟關火後再燜個15粉鍾, 肉酥軟, 加點胡椒,麻油就好了.
自做的鹵包: 桂皮, 八角, 幹辣椒, 沙薑, 丁香, 草果拍破, 裝在茶葉袋裏.

用石頭沙鍋燜了幾鍋飯,把鹵肉蓋在飯上, 好吃.

再給大家介紹 個好吃的白米飯, short grain rice, 做粥, 做壽司非常棒,
I bought them from our Korean market. For brown rice, I would soak them first, then just add one inch of water. I cooked the rice on stove top. It takes about 15 min to cook, then I turn off the stove, let it sit for another 10 min.
Where to buy 石頭沙鍋? how to use it ? Can you tell the percentage of brown rice/water ? Did you cook on range top? How long it take to make rice ready? Thank you.