再來兩款麵包 - Panettone & Kaiser Rolls
July 4th 周末做了好幾個 Panettone 麵包 送人, 孩子們還給它們剪了星星來點綴,
方子來於Peter Reinhart “The Bread Baker’s Apprentice”:

一份是做兩個麵包的, 我做了兩份的量, 用了五個烤盤,
上次做sourdough 麵包養的酵種 (barm), 一直在用, 每次用掉一點就再加麵粉和水, 接著養這個麵種, 放冰箱裏, 不會壞的, 很有活性, 算是一勞永益吧:

如果想看我做的sourdough和Barm, 貼:
To make "barm":
day 1, mix 1 cup of dark rye flour with 1/2 cup of pineapple juice for 24 hours in room temp.
day 2, add 1/2 cup of bread flour and 1/4 cup of pineapple juice mix well and for 24 hours in room temp.
day 3, discard 1/2 of the dough, then, add 1 cup of bread four and 1/2 cup of water, for 24 hours.
day 4, ready to use the starter, if not active enough, you can discard half of the starter, then add 1 cup of bread flour and 1/2 c water wait for 12 hours or more to see if the starter has bubbles.
This is to make the "seed culture", to make the "barm", you will need to mix:
3 1/2 c bread flour,
2 cup of water,
1 cup of the seed culture.
It seems like a lot of work, but each day it only takes about 5 min to work on it. Then after this, each time you use some of the starter, just add the equal amount of flour and water to feed the starter, you will have this forever. You can use this to make Chinese steamed bun, to make pizza dough, add to your pancake batter...endless possibilities.
The flavor is much better than quick yeast dough bread. The longer you keep, the better flavor it will develop.
也是在頭一天做好 ”wild-yeast sponge”, 把方子裏做”wild-yeast sponge”的料拌勻, 我用了”dough whisk” 來活麵, 都不用手或機器, 蓋上保鮮膜, 在室溫過約4小時, 麵糊起泡泡了, 就放進冰箱過夜.
同時也把”Fruit Blend”的料也拌好, 蓋上保鮮膜, 在室溫過夜. 我用了cranberry and raisin.
第二天, 把wild-yeast sponge 取出冰箱, 在室溫裏放1 小時, 再跟麵團的材料(黃油先不放)一起用mixer 用paddle blade攪拌勻, 2-3分種, 停下來, 讓麵團醒 20分鍾, 再加黃油和果幹, 再接著拌勻, 換dough hook攪麵直到”起膜”, “pass the windowpane test”, 大約10-15分鍾. 這當中可加麵粉或水來調整麵團的軟硬度, 加入杏仁堅果almond nuts.
把麵團放摸了油的盤裏, 噴點油在麵團上, 用食品朔料袋蓋好, 放室溫裏 2 小時, 麵團發成1.5倍大,
拿出來放在灑了麵粉的案板上, 分開做成你要的型, 這次我做了三個大圓包, 兩個小點的有花模的, 在烤盤裏發麵, 用食品朔料袋蓋好, 發酵, 2 小時, 發成將2倍大,
烤箱預熱325F, 把烤盤放在倒數第二的低架上, 烤35-40分鍾, 如上麵開始太黃, 蓋張鋁泊紙, 內部溫度達185F就可取出烤箱, 取出烤盤, 放烤架上冷卻2小時最佳.
完全冷卻後可用鋁泊紙包好, 在室內保留2星期.


太好吃了, 又做了一次:

怎麽說呢, 一切勞動都值得的.
也做了 Kaiser Rolls 凱撒麵包
這是川辣妹子的 Kaiser Rolls 凱撒麵包貼:
她有很詳細的做法, 我們是一個老師教的,我就不重複了,

那個Diastatic malt powder 是最左麵那包:

我用了我的老麵糊酵種 (barm) 來代替 ”Pate Fermentee”,
給熊貓媳婦看”起膜”的片片, 我是用一隻手撐開一小塊麵團, 麵團可以撐開成一透明麵皮而不會斷開, 就算麵團揉夠時間了, 就是”起膜”, “pass windowpane test”,


家裏沒有綠生菜, 三明治用了火腿, 甜洋蔥, 番茄, provolone cheese and Mayo:

這個麵包有咬勁, 但又很柔軟, 味道也非常好吃, 又做了一個非常滿意的麵包.
還用麵包機發麵, 用了白麵包的方子來做這個型狀的麵包,

去玩了幾天 white water river rafting 回來, 除了LG是在急流時掉下船外, 女兒是自己在靜水時跳下去的玩的, 我好不容易拍張照, 還忘了換白光.
1,做barm隻用1杯 seed culture,剩下的就扔掉嗎?
seed culture(the seed culture也就是the starer嗎?),因為我從圖片上看你養的酵種好像稀稀的。
thank you very much! I'll try it.
day 1, mix 1 cup of dark rye flour with 1/2 cup of juice for 24 hours in room temp.
day 2, add 1/2 cup of bread flour and 1/4 cup of juice mix well and for 24 hours in room temp.
day 3, discard 1/2 of the dough, then, add 1 cup of bread four and 1/2 cup of water, for 24 hours.
day 4, ready to use the starter, if not active enough, you can discard half of the starter, then add 1 cup of bread flour and 1/2 c water wait for 12 hours or more to see if the starter has bubbles.
This is to make the "seed culture", to make the "barm", you will need to mix:
3 1/2 c bread flour,
2 cup of water,
1 cup of the seed culture.
It seems like a lot of work, but each day it only takes about 5 min to work on it. Then after this, each time you use some of the starter, just add the equal amount of flour and water to feed the starter, you will have this forever. You can use this to make Chinese steamed bun too.
The flavor is much better than quick yeast dough bread.