煎牛排晚餐 –
用了Costco買的Bone in rib eye steak
迷迭香(rosemary), 百裏香(thyme), 蒜(不用剝皮), 鍾爛, 跟橄欖油, 鹽, 胡椒一起把牛排抹勻醃幾個小時,
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用厚鐵鍋拚命燒熱, 我是在外麵爐上燒的, 放入牛排(切掉外圍的肥肉, 取下香料,怕燒焦), 兩麵各煎4-5分鍾, 肉內溫度達118F就取出, 鬆蓋錫紙保溫和歇息, 鐵鍋加黃油把香料炒香待會兒澆在牛排上,
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另做了個Blue cheese compound butter:
用Blue cheese, butter, brandy活在一起, 卷成圓筒型, 放冰箱冷藏, 用時切塊, 放在牛排上, 還有用在烤土豆上:
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烤土豆, Baked potatoes:
Poke some holes with a fork, drizzle with olive oil, and bake in 375F oven for 1 hour.
Serve with blue cheese compound butter and chopped parsley.
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炒蔬菜, Sautéed veggies:
Sugar snap peas, red bell pepper and sweet purple onion sautéed with extra virgin olive oil and seasoned with salt and black pepper.
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他們實在等不下去啦, 開吃!
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Lemon meringue tart
很容易, 很好吃的甜點, 本來隻是做 Tart, 可是多出來的蛋白就幹脆打成了meringue再烤一下, 沒想到是特別好吃.
American Test Kitchen 的Lemon Tart的方子:
Meringue is from Williams-Sonoma’s Baking Essential Lemon Meringue Pie.
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用food processor 打勻, 捏成團, 進冰箱 1小時, 杆平放在Tart pan 裏, Blind bake at 375F for 20 minutes 金黃,
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蛋黃,蛋, 糖拌勻, 倒入檸檬屑和檸檬汁, 放爐上用中小火加熱煮成糊糊, 趁熱過瀝, 倒入撻殼盤裏, 375F烤15分種, 取出, 略冷卻, 這時蛋白料打發, 倒在撻上, 進烤箱, 350F烤10分鍾, 金黃.
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兒子在跟我搶啊, 我拍都來不及拍完就給他吃完啦, 還說, “this really hits the spot.”
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