
海外存知己,天涯若比鄰. 我們的共同愛好讓我們聚在一起,讓我們以食為慶吧!
suezi-q (熱門博主)
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烤麵包屑蓋三文魚晚餐-Bread Crumb Roasted Salmon Dinner

(2009-03-02 07:50:22) 下一個


烤麵包屑蓋三文魚晚餐-Bread Crumb Roasted Salmon Dinner,

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從院裏採了一些東西來調味, 三文魚冷水洗過,用紙巾擦幹水份, 放入刷了黃油的烤盤, 魚的兩麵都刷上溶化的黃油, 撒海鹽和胡椒, 把魚蓋上調過味的麵包屑,

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調過味的麵包屑做法 -混合以下材料就是了:

6大勺黃油,溶化, melted butter
2 杯白麵包屑, panko bread crumb.
2 檸檬, 皮屑和汁,zest and juice from two lemon,
2 TB 迷迭香切碎, fresh rosemary minced,
2 粒大蒜壓成泥, garlic minced,
1 TB 幹辣椒碎, hot pepper flakes

烤箱預熱450F, 烤 12-15 分種, 看魚厚度, 就好了, 千萬不要烤久了.

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撒一點油拌蔥花, 進烤箱再烤一分種, 更香.
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烤培根裹蘆筍, side dish- roasted asparagus wrapped with bacon

蘆筍把硬的部位掰斷不要, 尾端裹上半條培根, 淋橄欖油, 撒鹽和胡椒粉, 甜辣椒粉(paprika), 進400F烤箱烤 15分鍾, 中間翻一麵. 出來後, 撒一些檸檬皮屑.

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烤小土豆: side dish- roasted fingerling potatoes

小土豆用鹽水泡一小時, 用冷水煮10分鍾, 擦幹, 淋橄欖油, 撒鹽, 胡椒粉, 小茴香籽(略碾碎), 綜合辣椒粉 (chili powder), 進400F烤箱烤15分種, 出來後,撒甜辣椒粉 (paprika), 好了,

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甜點: 烤芒果酥 - roasted mango with dried cranberry, rolled oats & pecan topping

6 個芒果(2LB), 去皮切丁, 灑上檸檬汁, 進摸過黃油烤盤, 鋪上用鮮桔汁煮軟的紅枚, 倒入麥片, 糖, 胡桃堅果碎混合物, 黃油, 進 400F 烤箱, 烤30-35 分鍾,  表麵金黃, 果汁冒泡.

Crisp topping:

6 Tb melted butter, 黃油
½ cup rolled oats, coarsely grinded, 麥片,略打碎,
¼ c sugar,糖,
¼ c flour,麵粉,
Pinch of salt,鹽,
1 cup胡桃堅果, pecan nuts, coarsely chopped,
1 cup dried cranberry, soaked and cooked in fresh orange juice, 紅枚(?)


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